Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told - full 6 hour documentary

I'm interested in Hitler as a historical figure, and fighter against Marxism.. but in the broader picture (this is a sidebar, but..) I've never understood the fascination/glorification of Hitler by some American racialists.

Hitler left his White nation in shambles.. he constructed a society that repressed the civil rights of his citizens. To me, men like Washington went much further in elevating the prospects of White Western ppl.. freedom to express ourselves, acquire & retain our wealth, live free, etc.. I'm not saying people have to choose between the Founding Fathers and Hitler.. but the ongoing romance some American racialists have w/Hitler seems stupid to me.

Help me understand what Hitler did to improve our quality of life, or is his cult just about giving the modern multicultural world a middle finger (?) :clap2:
The film is not pro-Hitler, but it shows some of the historical context of Hitler's Germany and the Germans' epic struggle against the ancient evil that now swamps us here too, as opposed to the politically correct kosher version of history which is all we are supposed to know about here in the west.

I just got up to the Hitler's Jewish soldiers part - but they left out too much. Emil Maurice, Jewish, was not just Hitler's personal friend and driver, he was also holder of NSDAP card #2 and the the founder of the SS! And thousands of Jews served in the Waffen SS too! They were non-Talmudic Karaite Jews. Many many more Jews fought FOR Hitler, many in the very highest positions, like Hitler's personal vegetarian chef and the head of the Luftwaffe and Hitler's own chosen successor, Heydrich!!! Also, Werner Goldberg was not just a Jewish Wehrmacht soldier, he was the Wehrmacht Soldier Of The Year for 1938!

Emil Maurice, Jewish. Holder of NSDAP card #2 and founder of the SS.

Everything they teach you is a lie!!!

Werner Goldberg, Jewish. Ideal German Soldier poster boy for 1938.

Everything they teach you is a lie!
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The most interesting thing to me about that film was the fact that when the Jews held prominent positions of power in the theater, and other entertainment venues their works almost always revolved around moral decadence, SPECIFICALLY sexual decadence. In 1931, over 60 PERCENT of German films were made by Jews, and 82 PERCENT of the scripts were written by Jews( This, despite the fact that they made up less than one percent of the German population. Almost all their works promoted sexual promiscuity, infidelity, adultery, sodomy, and homosexuality(sound familiar? It should!) They were also at the head of the porn industry(and still are). It's interesting to note btw, that when the Germans invaded Poland they promoted pornography for the Polish population, because they were aware of the horrendous effects it had on a population. The US and Israel have done the same thing recently with Palestine and Iraq.

ABC, CBS, NBC, People Magazine, Cosmopolitan Magazine(I could go on and on), are all owned by Jews today, and most importantly, all promote the same things that were once promoted in Germany by the Jews. Amazing how history repeats itself.
I'm interested in Hitler as a historical figure, and fighter against Marxism.. but in the broader picture (this is a sidebar, but..) I've never understood the fascination/glorification of Hitler by some American racialists.

Hitler left his White nation in shambles.. he constructed a society that repressed the civil rights of his citizens. To me, men like Washington went much further in elevating the prospects of White Western ppl.. freedom to express ourselves, acquire & retain our wealth, live free, etc.. I'm not saying people have to choose between the Founding Fathers and Hitler.. but the ongoing romance some American racialists have w/Hitler seems stupid to me.

Help me understand what Hitler did to improve our quality of life, or is his cult just about giving the modern multicultural world a middle finger (?) :clap2:

from a white point of view, the most important thing about hitler is the law he made about citizenship and the way he defined a nation

in the nuremberg laws, there was a part that defined who was a german citizen and it was this:

  1. A Reich citizen is a subject of the State who is of German or related blood, who proves by his conduct that he is willing and fit faithfully to serve the German people and Reich.
  2. Reich citizenship is acquired through the granting of a Reich Citizenship Certificate.
  3. The Reich citizen is the sole bearer of full political rights in accordance with the Law.

jews (and all the other non-whites) were not accepted as citizens
this is exaclty what we need right now
these nuremberg laws were the only ones to be european in the modern world
see here to see how race/nation/citizenship was defined in european-europe:
"gens" is the european word to say "race" ("race" is a scientific word)
The film is not pro-Hitler, but it shows some of the historical context of Hitler's Germany and the Germans' epic struggle against the ancient evil that now swamps us here too, as opposed to the politically correct kosher version of history which is all we are supposed to know about here in the west.

I just got up to the Hitler's Jewish soldiers part - but they left out too much. Emil Maurice, Jewish, was not just Hitler's personal friend and driver, he was also holder of NSDAP card #2 and the the founder of the SS! And thousands of Jews served in the Waffen SS too! They were non-Talmudic Karaite Jews. Many many more Jews fought FOR Hitler, many in the very highest positions, like Hitler's personal vegetarian chef and the head of the Luftwaffe and Hitler's own chosen successor, Heydrich!!! Also, Werner Goldberg was not just a Jewish Wehrmacht soldier, he was the Wehrmacht Soldier Of The Year for 1938!

none of them were jewish according to national socialist laws from what i can see
heydrich was not jewish at all
none of them were jewish according to national socialist laws from what i can see
heydrich was not jewish at all

They were mostly all Jewish according to Jewish law, and many were pure jews like the thousands of Karaites who fought in the Waffen SS. No less than Himmler said that Heydrich was Jewish, and Canaris said he had proof of his Jewishness.
I don't like Adolf Hitler.

He directly caused the death of a greater number of white people than any other leader in history. For example, his irrational decision to hold Stalingrad in winter led to the complete destruction of the best German army.

Europe would be stronger today if not for the damage Hitler did to our gene pool. Too many died in WW II, many of the bravest and best white men from the UK, Ukraine, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Russia, Belarus, France and other European countries.
They were mostly all Jewish according to Jewish law, and many were pure jews like the thousands of Karaites who fought in the Waffen SS. No less than Himmler said that Heydrich was Jewish, and Canaris said he had proof of his Jewishness.

Heydrich's step-father had Jewish ancestry, Heydrich himself did not. He held an important position and rivals tried to use his rumored Jewish ancestry as leverage.

Emil Maurice had quite distant Jewish ancestry on the paternal side, he was 1/8th Jewish. He had less Jewish ancestry than David Beckham.

Most of the SS and other Nazis rumored to have Jewish ancestry is just misinformation, myths and confusion.

There were a few high ranking officers in the Wehrmacht with Jewish ancestry though. Erhard Milch's father was Jewish for instance.

There would not have been any Jewish in the SS when Himmler came into power, you had to prove you were "Aryan" in order to join and trace your lineage quite far back. They could have joined the Waffen-SS though since they didn't really do any background checks for that and allowed foreign members.
Oh, it seems I was wrong. Heydrich did not have a Jewish stepfather. Heydrich's father's stepfather had a Jewish sounding surname and that led to confusion. However, Heydrich had zero Jewish ancestry, nor did even his father's stepfather.
I don't like Adolf Hitler.

He directly caused the death of a greater number of white people than any other leader in history. For example, his irrational decision to hold Stalingrad in winter led to the complete destruction of the best German army.

Europe would be stronger today if not for the damage Hitler did to our gene pool. Too many died in WW II, many of the bravest and best white men from the UK, Ukraine, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Russia, Belarus, France and other European countries.

I disagree with that opinion. If we were today to take back our country from Jewish control and reserve it for the white race as hitler did with Germany the hellhounds of all the Jew controlled nations would be released on us just as they were on Germany and hitler. How can one be blamed for such a noble cause thwarted only by those under the control of evil?
Old Scratch - or should I call you Your Infernal Majesty?

Who in the German leadership had Jewish ancestry and how much - it was controversial back then and it's still controversial now - but the point is that far from Hitler "trying to kill all the Jews" many in the highest positions of German leadership were of Jewish background themselves to one degree or another. What is not controversial is that tens of thousands of righteous Jews or part Jews fought for the Reich. The book, Hitler's Jewish Soldiers, referred to in the film (which I paused at that point but shall continue) refers to that. Hitler's personal vegetarian chef was a full Jew. Hitler angrily told Himmler to get off her case.

As for the Jews who served in the Waffen SS, yes the Karaite Jews from the Crimea who didn't, and still don't, follow the hateful Talmud, were declared honorary Aryans and they fought on the eastern front with the Waffen SS, the largest and greatest all volunteer army in the history of the world!

Hitler said that if he had a son he would like him to be just like General Leon Degrelle (much like the high chimp here said about Trayvon). I remember reading Degrelle's book and him writing about his surprise to come upon a group of his SS comrades celebrating a Jewish holiday around a fire in Russia in the snow! Ellie "the Weasel" Weisel wrote about that too on his website. Those were the Karaite Jews from the Crimea.
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I disagree with that opinion. If we were today to take back our country from Jewish control and reserve it for the white race as hitler did with Germany the hellhounds of all the Jew controlled nations would be released on us just as they were on Germany and hitler. How can one be blamed for such a noble cause thwarted only by those under the control of evil?

They fought so very hard and so long and so valiantly. It was the worst winter of the century in Russia. The Devil is very powerful here on Earth. My greatest regret is that the pact between Germany and the USSR didn't hold, judeo-bolshevism notwithstanding. The war between Germany and Russia was the greatest holocaust ever for the white race. There are more copies of Mein Kampf sold in Russia now than anyplace else.
Old Scratch - or should I call you Your Infernal Majesty?

I won't stop you, I quite like the sound of it.

I'm quite aware that Adolf Hitler wasn't hellbent on wickedly killing every Jew on Earth. He was apparently quite the sweetheart to everyone, at least to everyone that didn't give him reason not to be, and went out of his way to do small gestures of kindness. I refuse to read a biography about him that was written with malice aforethought.

Bad information and mere speculation shouldn't be taken as gospel, though. Heydrich was not a Jew, at least there is no tangible evidence that he was, the chattering of rival birds be damned.
"I disagree with a lot of Hitler's ideas, but I also think he had a lot of good ideas, too."


This type of ambivalent comment, when made in the company of human seals trained to toot the horns of political correctness (ie, Jew propaganda), will result in a plethora of gasps and "how dare you" type comments, mostly by people so incredibly stupid that they cannot name ten American presidents off of the top of their heads, or even perform monkey-level math without taking out their precious smartphones to pull up the calculator.

Time changes things, there is an ebb and flow to all.

For the longest time, Napoleon Bonaparte was considered the devil incarnate in France, particularly after the restoration of their monarchy, but look at how the French love him now and hold him up like a God. Who knows what their view of him will be two hundred years after we are all dead.

Same with Julius Caesar, and to a lesser extent Ghengis Khan—hated, then admired, hated again, admired again...

George Armstrong Custer "used" to be a hero, now look at him 150 years later. Same with Columbus.

I think history hates Hitler right now because the generation who fought a war against him (or, for him) is still living, if only just. And, the whole White atonement and guilt dynamic is still running strong in many circles, though in some others it might be growing tiresome.

After a hundred years more, I believe history will be kinder to Hitler.

I don't know if it's fair or unfair, but it will happen. Goering, despite being a fat stupid dope-fiend retard in his later years, might have been on to something when he said one day they would have streets named after him. Maybe not him, but Hitler possibly.

Same holds true with Barrack Obama. Of course now, American puppets have to marionette the line that he's a pioneer or some sh*t because it's fashionable today, but history will later most likely note that he was garbage president right alongside the whole mulatto thing.

The Jews like to play victim even though they are the pubic-hair-headed, prematurely balding, tiny-dicked midgets behind the curtain running the show, and they like to play that the Holocaust was the worst thing, ever.

Certainly it was terrible, but hundreds of years from now kids might probably be told that Stalin was just as bad as Hitler, if not worse.

Many people know that now, but they learn it of their own volition because they are literary and inquisitive. Most cretins in public schools won't learn anything more than Zionist propaganda.
Well said, Giovani. I think the French people have always loved Napoleon though, but the British still have an irrational hatred of him to this day.
At the top of this thread is the Youtube, but here is where it comes from:

History is Written by the Victors: Adolf Hitler – The Greatest Story Never Told (Full Version)

It was linked on

"I think history hates Hitler right now because..."

The full title answers that question.

"I'm quite aware that Adolf Hitler wasn't hellbent on wickedly killing every Jew on Earth..."

I wasn't referring to you, YIM. But the fact that so many Jews fought FOR Hitler and served in the highest levels of his government is yet one more iron clad argument against the Holohoax shakedown racket.
I'm interested in Hitler as a historical figure, and fighter against Marxism.. but in the broader picture (this is a sidebar, but..) I've never understood the fascination/glorification of Hitler by some American racialists.

Hitler left his White nation in shambles.. he constructed a society that repressed the civil rights of his citizens. To me, men like Washington went much further in elevating the prospects of White Western ppl.. freedom to express ourselves, acquire & retain our wealth, live free, etc.. I'm not saying people have to choose between the Founding Fathers and Hitler.. but the ongoing romance some American racialists have w/Hitler seems stupid to me.

Help me understand what Hitler did to improve our quality of life, or is his cult just about giving the modern multicultural world a middle finger (?) :clap2:

+1 great post. I appreciate the idea of giving the middle finger to the PC crowd but Hitler hated Slavs for God's sake. He had NO White racial conscience--NONE. He was pro-Germanic, that's it. Pretty weak resume for a White racialist. All you White racialist's that are not German would have been like a piece of sh*t to him.

I think it's also silly to point out a few jews that Hitler liked, like his cook, or his valet, or some old friend with distant jewish blood and try to make the case: "see Hitler didn't hate jews". It just means he was a hypocrite when it came to his personal feelings, just like the dictatorial douche bag he was.

Just the fact that his name is a lightning rod for the bad name given to the pro-White movement is enough to avoid these kinds of discussions on this forum. It's almost trolling to start this type of discussion which is sure to make people click away from the site after seeing it.
Hey is CF becoming Stormfront? LOL J/K

There was an excellent series on the Military Channel called "Nazi Collaborators". In one episode there was one about Jews who fought for the Nazis/fatherland. All the ones mentioned in this thread were chronicled in that episode. The series was outstanding.
Old Scratch - or should I call you Your Infernal Majesty?

Hitler said that if he had a son he would like him to be just like General Leon Degrelle (much like the high chimp here said about Trayvon). I remember reading Degrelle's book and him writing about his surprise to come upon a group of his SS comrades celebrating a Jewish holiday around a fire in Russia in the snow! Ellie "the Weasel" Weisel wrote about that too on his website. Those were the Karaite Jews from the Crimea.

WW, I do not believe Degrelle was a Jew. He was a hell of combat solider and officer. I believe he was French living in Denmark. I could be wrong. But what a glorious and exciting life he lived.

Hey have you guys heard that France is turning hard right. I am glad some White people are finally getting it and giving the middle finger to the multi cults and you know who.
Werewolf, you have an unhealthy mind.

You'd rather believe conspiracies than factual stuff like Westside posted.
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