Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told - full 6 hour documentary

Boxing Specialist was no doubt using Zionist as a synonym for Jew as that has become a common error.

Hitler's support for Zionism is covered in the movie. The interests of the Zionists and the Germans converged. Both wanted the alien and disloyal Jews out of Germany (and again note that many tens of thousands of people of Jewish background were totally loyal, including many of the highest ranking leaders).

Germany's original plan was to give them a homeland in Madagascar. That plan was actually originally invented in Poland. They could have been as happy as pigs in **** on Madagascar with schwartzes waiting on them hand and foot*, but no they didn't want to go to Madagascar they wanted to go to Palestine, besides the western powers wouldn't let them go to Madagascar which was a French colony. Hitler was sending them to Palestine (shown in the movie) and they were allowed to bring all their wealth with them too, but Hitler was also very sympathetic to the Palestinians and he wasn't going to allow them to steal them blind, which of course they eventually did. But then the Allies refused to let any more Jews go to Palestine either. Palestine was controlled by the British.

Was Hitler pro-zionist? In Hitler's Germany it was legal to fly only two types of flags, the German flag of course...but also the Devil's Foot or Star of David flag over Zionist centers!

* Madagascar is actually predominantly mixed race, Negro and Asian, and they speak a Polynesian-related language. It's a very interesting large island. Africa is not a synonym for Negro.
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eugenism has always been the norm in europe:


But here the Judeo-Christian zealots insist that suffering people must suffer for as long as they can keep them breathing so as to extract every last sheckel and ounce of suffering from them, and mercy killing is declared murder. How much kinder they are to pets! Some states, though, like Oregon, have become somewhat more compassionate.
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Been watching the beginning of the film as I have time, day or so at a time, because my schedule is such. It is very informative and captivating so far.

I have wondered for years, after waking up in 2002 after learning the truth of 911 bit by bit, and then the last few years, about the lies of WW2 and our country's idiocy and fighting AGAIN now for the jewish snakes best interests and not our own.

It is interesting to just look at who is "good" in the jew-controlled mass-media's eyes and who is "bad". If you are a logical, pro-White, fact-appreciating, truth-seeking person wanting unbiased findings then you are a hater, a bigot, a racist, a homophobe, and a "holocaust denier". This is all buttressed and primed by the schools from day one, and even before that by a child's earliest exposure and indoctrination from jewish-controlled television. What a sham our entire educational system is from top to bottom, from K through 12, and then the Satanic Seminaries known as colloges and universities squeeze out every last bit of logic, reason, and any bit of free-thinking our people have left in them. It is truly a top to bottom, multi-tentacled, brain-washing agenda perpetrated on us by the most evil people on the face of the Earth.

Most people seemingly don't even want to know these things, much less have the will to fight them as a necessary means of survival. Everything we are told by those in control, in the big picture of current world events, and from history pertaining to these vital issues is skewed or outright lied about for the advantagiousness of these godless haters of humanity. As Werewolf and others said on here, as was in Germany at that time, now in the ussa, the jewish control of the media, the banks, and the educational system is total for all intents and purposes, and I will say for the record it is basically our demise, and ultimately, our death if it is not overturned. This is not hyperbole, this is fact, and fact that most will not even deal with, much less accept and resolve to fight against.
Good post, Beyond.

"Most people seemingly don't even want to know these things, much less have the will to fight them as a necessary means of survival..."

Too true
Perhaps one of the reasons Hitler was sympathetic to some jews was because he might have been part jewish himself?

Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father. Alois' mother worked in the home of a wealthy Jew and there is some chance a son in that household got the woman (i.e., Hitler's grandmother) pregnant.

Also some not very convincing DNA evidence;
Perhaps one of the reasons Hitler was sympathetic to some jews was because he might have been part jewish himself?

Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father. Alois' mother worked in the home of a wealthy Jew and there is some chance a son in that household got the woman (i.e., Hitler's grandmother) pregnant.

Also some not very convincing DNA evidence;

"The story of Adolf Hitler could be the most twisted in all of history. Add one more twist.Responsible for the slaughter of millions of Jews and a hero only to self-avowed racists, DNA tests apparently show that the Nazi dictator may have had Jewish and African ancestry..."

Next you can google up how he was a gay cowardly house painter with only one ball and chewed on rugs and used only soap made from jewish fat in his bubble baths and had his house decorated with lamps made out of jewish skin and planned, once he took over the world, to change the Christian cross into a swastika - the latter is what pres. Roosevelt said in a speech just two weeks before Pearl Harbor - he said he was holding the secret proof of that in his hand.
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"The story of Adolf Hitler could be the most twisted in all of history. Add one more twist.Responsible for the slaughter of millions of Jews and a hero only to self-avowed racists, DNA tests apparently show that the Nazi dictator may have had Jewish and African ancestry..."

Next you can google up how he was a gay cowardly house painter with only one ball and chewed on rugs and used only soap made from jewish fat in his bubble baths and had his house decorated with lamps made out of jewish skin and planned, once he took over the world, to change the Christian cross into a swastika - the latter is what pres. Roosevelt said in a speech just two weeks before Pearl Harbor - he said he was holding the secret proof of that in his hand.

I could also google up the stuff you post. What makes it more reliable? Is your view that if you post it, it must be right, and if someone else posts it then it's crazy stuff??

The fact that Hitlers grandmother had his father as a bastard child and worked in a jew household in an era when the hired help sometimes provided extra "service" to the employers is accepted as truth even by his most ardent supporters. Couldn't this possibility have SOME effect on the guy? No? None? Why not? I know it doesn't fit your scheme but aren't you asking people to think outside the box?
Perhaps one of the reasons Hitler was sympathetic to some jews was because he might have been part jewish himself?

Hitler's father, Alois, was registered as an illegitimate child with no father. Alois' mother worked in the home of a wealthy Jew and there is some chance a son in that household got the woman (i.e., Hitler's grandmother) pregnant.

Also some not very convincing DNA evidence;

the conclusion of the study quoted in that article was "hitler had no jewish blood":

a friend also told me that there were no jews where hitler's family came from
the only true thing is that one of his ancestors is unknown
do you have a reliable source where it is said that hitler's ancestors worked for a wealthy jewish family?

moreover, the fact that they compare ahminedjad to hitler shows that they write from a jewish point of view
they have nothing in common
I could also google up the stuff you post. What makes it more reliable? Is your view that if you post it, it must be right, and if someone else posts it then it's crazy stuff??

The fact that Hitlers grandmother had his father as a bastard child bla bla bla

"The rumor that Adolf Hitler was the grandson of a Rothschild seems to have been hatched in the mind of a crypto-Jewish propagandist working in the United States’ first unified intelligence agency, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). Not long after, a former high Nazi official, waiting for his execution, “confessed” to discovering a “Jewish grandfather” in Hitler’s background. These fabrications have been thoroughly debunked, and the true story of Hitler’s family background is told below..."’s-“jewish-grandfather”

Nor is this thread about who may or may not have had some Jewish ancestry. As you've already been shown, tens of thousands of loyal Jews fought for the Reich. This thread is about a new movie that exposes the lies about Adolf Hitler and the so-called Good War - and everything else.

This place is like Stormfront. They just want you to talk about how much you hate negroes. Of course you hate negroes. Anybody with common sense and real life experience hates negroes, including jews (who use them as their street muscle to f up the goyim), and even decent negroes hate negroes. Only the lowest of the low - Slick Willy Clinton or the Obamamama or something - like Negroes.

But if you want to discuss deeper problems, like why negroes are even a problem in the first place, no they don't like that.
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Next you can google up how he was a gay cowardly house painter with only one ball and chewed on rugs and used only soap made from jewish fat in his bubble baths and had his house decorated with lamps made out of jewish skin and planned, once he took over the world, to change the Christian cross into a swastika - the latter is what pres. Roosevelt said in a speech just two weeks before Pearl Harbor - he said he was holding the secret proof of that in his hand.

Come on, Werewolf, you left out so many layers in the vast cavalcade of “Hitler Lies”…

You know, like his niece, who he allegedly had a sexual relationship with and kept locked in a cage, causing her to commit suicide at age 23. Or how he had hepatitis. And was a drug addict who purposely had himself injected with testosterone and bull semen to increase his libido. And he invented “blow-up dolls” for use by German soldiers. Or how he enjoyed being defecated and urinated upon during sexual encounters. And that his first girlfriend was Jewish, she broke his heart, and he was so obsessed with her that he almost murdered her and then committed suicide. Oh, and he was an Occultist, too.

It’s perfectly fine to invent damning lies about a historical figure that every single person, of every single race, creed, religion, nationality, age, and gender has been taught to mechanically loathe whilst the real villains of WWII are remembered as glittering, valiant protagonists who “saved” the planet from a great Nazi malady, set free the sufferers of the Holohoax, and ushered-in this beautiful anti-white, anti-male, racially-diverse, globalist, Zionist, Communist, Cultural Marxist, ***/fem supremacist, totalitarian planet of ours.

Of course, one doesn’t need to fabricate wild mendacities about the odious Franklin Roosevelt (or “Rosenfeldt,” as his Dutch-Jew ancestor was named), as his commitment to malice to needs no embellishment…


CAPTION: If There is a Hell…

He was life-long millionaire who was born into a wealthy, highly-influential family. How influential? As a young boy, FDR’s father brought him to the White House to meet Grover Cleveland. Constant trips to Europe. Daddy bought him his own sailboat. Harvard educated despite being a bad student. Columbia Law. A Wall Street stockbroker in Jew York Sh-tty. A corporate lawyer. A Freemason. Married to a criminally-ugly, equally-Marxist, Negro-loving harpy and open lesbian, Eleanor Roosevelt…


CAPTION: Lesbian Lovers

Perhaps his horrid little wife could’ve been forced into arms of women as a result of FDR’s three (known) affairs outside their marriage?

Of course, despite only being in his early-30’s at the outbreak of WWI, FDR never actually served (unlike Hitler, who was dirt-poor and actually willing to risk his life for his Volk). Over the next two decades, FDR wormed his way into being POTUS, where he instituted one socialist law after another (particularly the New Deal and Executive Order 8802), hired hundreds of Jews to work in his administration, ruined the recovering economy, successfully angered Japan, Germany, and other European nations with his reckless warmongering, eventually transforming his “death machine” into a money-making stratagem.

This “man” wasn’t merely an evil politician…he invented the genre.
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Come on, Werewolf, you left out so many layers in the vast cavalcade of “Hitler Liesâ€￾…

You know, like his niece, who he allegedly had a sexual relationship with and...

Ha ha, you've got me there, brother. I plead guilty - but i think even you have left off a few thousand more perfectly horrid things they've invented for him. For instance, they now teach that Hitler - or Goebbels or Goering, or whatever name pops into their heads - ADVOCATED the "big lie technique"!

Thrashen's posts are always well thought out and well crafted and very excellent.
Speaking of how obsessed the American media is with how awesome FDR was. I was watching a documentary once on polio, literally half the documentary was about FDR. Not about the terrible disease that crippled millions of children, but about the dude who probably had the easiest time in history with polio. They talked about his polio resort too, though conveniently failed to mention that his resort was a financial disaster just like every other investment FDR ever made. Yeah that's the guy you want running your country during a depression, the guy who's never made an honest dime in his life.
Their "Good War"

Rape Of Germany After It Lost In 1945

German women were systematically raped, tortured, and murdered by the Allies, the Bolsheviks and the rest of them too - AFTER the war was over. MILLIONS of women. By far the largest and worst mass rape in history. They raped every woman they could get their hands on from little girls to the elderly. The Russian troops were actually exorted to do this by the USSR's Jewish propaganda minister Ehrenberg.
Hitler's greatest crime was that he printed his own money and showed the world how to rid itself from ashkenNAZI parasitic banking practices. Do an Internet Search for "Hitler's Economic Miracle." He also declared war on Freemasonry (you can find this speech on youtube) and other secret societies that have ruined the West.
Hitler's greatest crime was that he printed his own money and showed the world how to rid itself from ashkenNAZI parasitic banking practices. Do an Internet Search for "Hitler's Economic Miracle." He also declared war on Freemasonry (you can find this speech on youtube) and other secret societies that have ruined the West.

That is correct. He opted out of the international bankers' usury system, and while the USA and the rest of the world was mired in the deliberately made Great Depression Germany had recovered from the devastation of WW2 and the Versailles "Treaty" and its economy was booming.

Allowing "our" elected officials to be members of secret societies is crazy. Mussolini also outlawed that. In one of the USSA's earlier mock elections they had Baby Doc Bush running against John Kerry (nee Cohen). Both were members of teh Skull And Bones secret society whose members are sworn to immediately leave the room if any outsider should question them about it. Both of them would have had to leave the room in their mock debates if any reporter from our so-called free press had questioned them about it, but of course none of them ever did.

Mussolini also managed to crush the Mafia parasites on Sicily. He was the only one who was able to do that. There is a photo of all the top gangsters in a big cage looking forlorn. Then the American "liberators" came over there with Lucky Luciano and set them all free. More of their "good war".
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