Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told - full 6 hour documentary

WW, I do not believe Degrelle was a Jew. He was a hell of combat solider and officer. I believe he was French living in Denmark. I could be wrong. But what a glorious and exciting life he lived.

Hey have you guys heard that France is turning hard right. I am glad some White people are finally getting it and giving the middle finger to the multi cults and you know who.

ofcourse he was not jewish :smile: he was belgian
that's not what werewolf was saying, well, i hope so
he just lived in denmark spain ect after the war to avoid being condemned for his help to hitler
+1 great post. I appreciate the idea of giving the middle finger to the PC crowd but Hitler hated Slavs for God's sake. He had NO White racial conscience--NONE. He was pro-Germanic, that's it. Pretty weak resume for a White racialist. All you White racialist's that are not German would have been like a piece of sh*t to him.

I think it's also silly to point out a few jews that Hitler liked, like his cook, or his valet, or some old friend with distant jewish blood and try to make the case: "see Hitler didn't hate jews". It just means he was a hypocrite when it came to his personal feelings, just like the dictatorial douche bag he was.

Just the fact that his name is a lightning rod for the bad name given to the pro-White movement is enough to avoid these kinds of discussions on this forum. It's almost trolling to start this type of discussion which is sure to make people click away from the site after seeing it.

hitler was right in most of the things he said
he hated france, and he was rigtht, france was garbage, already using their blacks to fight against the german people
talk about racial conciousness
russia was and still is one of the most racially diverse countries in europe, with many different non-white populations
and to top things, they are the origin of most "european" jews, and the root of communism
he was right to say what he said about russia
Well hitler wrote books and gave speeches. Instead of guessing whether or not he hated all Slavs we could refer to his own original source words. And was he speaking of Slavic culture, politics, ethnicity, or Slavic race mixing?

Ive always heard that he wanted everyone to be blond haired and blue eyed yet their is no direct evidence of that. Particularly since he wasn't himself. Sounds like more anti German war propaganda. Or should I call the Germans Huns as we did in America at that time?
Gentlemen, Try reading "Hitler's Table Talk." Pretty good stuff, although somewhat repetitive. All off the cuff remarks after supper to close associates. He was a 19th century thinker for the most part. Not modern at all.

Just the fact that his name is a lightning rod for the bad name given to the pro-White movement is enough to avoid these kinds of discussions on this forum. It's almost trolling to start this type of discussion which is sure to make people click away from the site after seeing it.
I agree, it's not good for this site.
WW, I do not believe Degrelle was a Jew. He was a hell of combat solider and officer. I believe he was French living in Denmark. I could be wrong. But what a glorious and exciting life he lived.

Nobody said Leon Degrelle was Jewish. He was a French speaking Walloon and he became the leader of the Wallonian Division in the SS. What I did say was that he related in his book, Campaign In Russia, how he was surprised to encounter a group of his comrades celebrating a Jewish holiday around a camp fire in Russia on the eastern front. Those were the Karaite Jews from the Crimea.

And just as Hitler didn't want to "kill all the jews", turn 6 million of them into bars of soap and lampshades, and all the other Hollywood bull****, he didn't "hate Slavs" either. Tens of thousands of Jews were on Hitlers side, but tens of MILLIONS of Slavic people were too. First of all Slavic is a language group not a race. ENTIRE Slavic nations were allied with Hitler. Bulgaria and Croatia and Romania, the latter being a semi-slavic language country. Prussia in Germany was completely mixed up ethnically, Baltic, Germanic, Russian, and Polish. The famous Otto Skorzeny was Polish background. And a part of Germany itself spoke a Slavic language, Sorbia. In addition MILLIONS of anti-communist Russians and other Slavic language speakers fought with Hitler against communism. Hitler tried to recruit Poland as an ally before the war, tried to get Poland into the Anti-Commintern Pact, but Poland, goaded on by Britain and France, wouldn't hear of it...and they forget to tell you that it was Poland that was occupying German territory before the war, not the other way around, and brutally at that.

"It's almost trolling to start this type of's not good for this site."

All I did was post a link to a new film that isn't even pro-Hitler but attempts to give a more balanced and objective look at a vital part of history - and they become almost hysterical, and of course they wouldn't sully their brains by watching it. They'll get their history from their tv sets.

The whole putrid occupational government is based on a house of cards of devils lies, all their endless wars, all started by lies. Then their propaganda machine was demonizing Germany. Now it's Islam.
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Corporal Shicklegrueber was IMHO an unmitigated disaster for the White race.
+1 great post. I appreciate the idea of giving the middle finger to the PC crowd but Hitler hated Slavs for God's sake. He had NO White racial conscience--NONE. He was pro-Germanic, that's it. Pretty weak resume for a White racialist. All you White racialist's that are not German would have been like a piece of sh*t to him.

I think it's also silly to point out a few jews that Hitler liked, like his cook, or his valet, or some old friend with distant jewish blood and try to make the case: "see Hitler didn't hate jews". It just means he was a hypocrite when it came to his personal feelings, just like the dictatorial douche bag he was.

Just the fact that his name is a lightning rod for the bad name given to the pro-White movement is enough to avoid these kinds of discussions on this forum. It's almost trolling to start this type of discussion which is sure to make people click away from the site after seeing it.

Actually I might even agree with some of the things that Jaxvid and Cacharias said. I wish that Hitler's propaganda had been more pro-white instead of pro-German, and he did manage to change the millions and millions of Russians and other eastern Europeans who welcomed him as a savior from Judeo-Bolshevism into bitter enemies by his brutality. And, at least in retrospect, wouldn't it have been better if he just strengthened the Germany he had before trying to reclaim the Germanic diaspora and parts of Germany that had been stolen? One poster in the comments section on the place that published this film made some interesting comments. He said that Hitler actually saved the Jews by transporting them - on railways that would have been vital to the war effort - from inner cities to the labor camps in the countryside (now dubbed "death camps") after which the Allies smashed the German cities to rubble. And the lack of supply lines to the advancing German armies, the fact that, at least in retrospect, he could have quickly won the war by capturing the oil fields in teh Caucasus instead of heading to Moscow like Napoleon, the way he let the British escape at Dunkirk. So I'm open to debate on the subject. I just don't like lies.

The worst thing of all though was his sneak attack on Russia that turned out so disastrously - except the question is whether he did it at the 11th hour just before Stalin was planning to do the same thing to Germany.
That's why I say a thread about Hitler isn't good for this site.

It's gives ammo to our enemies, like Mr Menelik Goldstein.

I don't even know you you ass kissing sycophant.
My gosh a forbidden topic on a white racialist website? That's when you know you are still losing. The hitler and holocaust topic is such a lightning rod because it strikes the root. IMO unless your willing to talk about truth in history than you will always lose the battles on smaller issues like a lack of white rbs. The enemy will forever be able to shut you up by calling you a nazi. Nearly all americans could care less about whites in football, but tell them the holocaust is fake and they'll have a cow. But they will engage and that is important. Knowing the truth about ww2 goes a lot further than sports.

Controversial? Who cares?
Just the fact that this type of post puts members against each other should be evidence enough that it would really be bad for new posters or visitors. It's not about the controversy, we have enough of that with our core subject matter. Why go into areas better covered by other sites?
As far as I can tell, though, the only people complaining about this thread are people who never even looked at the film that it is about.

Meanwhile I've gotten up to just before Pearl Harbor. I'm watching it in bits as it is six hours long. It presents the other side of the story, something you will never ever hear on the carefully controlled mass media or in their political correctness indoctrination schools.
Off-topic of my personal deification of The Great Uncle Adolf:

One Small Step for Marine, One Giant Leap to Nowhere

This is the best article on Alternative Right (or really anywhere) that I've read in awhile. Many provocative and unique ideas expressed, including:

  1. We rely on (liberal) national media from our country to know what's happening in other Western countries. In France, right-wing people I know look at America with envy because you have... Sarah Palin (!). Since many right-wingers merely invert the liberal worlview to define theirs, the fact that liberal journalists depict Palin as the new Eva Braun is enough for them to like her. As a Swiss friend of mine says, leftists would just need to state publicly how they hate excrement for righties to stuff their nose into a pile of turds at once.
  2. Relatedly, many in our circles believe that if a politician is hated by "the Left," who of course is our only enemy, “he must be doing something right.â€￾ By this idiotic standard, Dubya was doing something right when he made up the WMDs thing to justify his invasion of Iraq, right?

The idea is that France's Front National party is not really "national" in the way that "national socialist" was used. Nationality formerly implied ethnicity, as well as character, temperament, and stereotype. Nowadays, a nation is just the territory you were born in or happen to be living at for any particular period of time. The Front National party is anti-immigration, which just coincidentally happens to be mostly stupid, useless Africans and Arabs. Does opposing (additional) massive black influx connote a pro-White position?



Whoops, guess not! Anyway, a solid read, and now I will tap-dance my way out of this troll thread.
Off-topic of my personal deification of The Great Uncle Adolf...

Are you trying to say that you personally "deify" what you call "The Great Uncle Adolf", a-hole, or what? The rest of its post also looks like incoherent doubletalk, not to mention irrelevant and deliberately disruptive to the thread. It can't even express itself coherently. Fits right in with Black Jewish Prince and the Philly Fan and whatever else they've got running around loose on here.

The last I saw of this incoherent Phall troll was on the other Pub board joining in with Black Jewish Prince Menelik about what bad boys the Greek Golden Dawn Party was and how much they hated them.
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Are you trying to say that you personally "deify" what you call "The Great Uncle Adolf", a-hole, or what? The rest of its post also looks like incoherent doubletalk, not to mention irrelevant and deliberately disruptive to the thread. It can't even express itself coherently. Fits right in with Black Jewish Prince and the Philly Fan and whatever else they've got running around loose on here.

The last I saw of this incoherent Phall troll was on the other Pub board joining in with Black Jewish Prince Menelik about what bad boys the Greek Golden Dawn Party was and how much they hated them.

You're a ******.

You're a ******.


When you see **** like this trolling and trashing up the forums the only ones to blame are the moderators, because they wouldn't be around if they didn't want them to be around. Any twelve year old kid with internet access can trash any forum...if the moderators let him.
It’s telling that I have far more in common with a painter that was born in Austria (some 97 years before my own birth) than I do with the vast majority of Western whites. I am fully cognizant of why many in the “pro-white” movement want to distance themselves from the man, but personally, I find his life to be one of the most fascinating and inspirational of any man in the history of the world. From humble beginnings, to his astute social observations as a young man in an increasingly-Marxist European nation, to surviving WWI in one of the most dangerous occupations for a soldier of the time, to being jailed for inciting a riot, to penning his manifesto whilst imprisoned, to his rise to power on the wings of charisma, acumen, boldness, and fortitude.

Naturally, I wish that WWII had never occurred in the first place and all white nations involved had made peace with another. Whites would probably have settled Africa, the Middle East, and maybe even Asia. Instead, our race is on life support for the reasons we discuss each day at CF.

Carcharias said:
I don't like Adolf Hitler.

He directly caused the death of a greater number of white people than any other leader in history.

More lethal than the odious Bolshevik Triumvirate of Stalin, Kaganovich, and Molotov? I'm sure you’ve heard of the “Holodomor,” a true planned genocide in which 20 million (a highly conservative figure) Ukrainian whites were massacred by the USSR / Red Army (via their traditional rape-torture-kill procedure) and intentional mass-starvation. Of course, there weren’t dozens of “pity museums” erected in every western nation for this tragedy…nor are there entire high school history classes devoted to the topic…nor are there millions upon millions of “lucky survivors” playing shuffleboard in retirement homes in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Florida, and Tel Aviv.

Jaxvid said:
I appreciate the idea of giving the middle finger to the PC crowd but Hitler hated Slavs for God's sake. He had NO White racial conscience--NONE. He was pro-Germanic, that's it. Pretty weak resume for a White racialist. All you White racialist's that are not German would have been like a piece of sh*t to him.

Yes, unfortunately, he did seem to harbor resentment towards Czechs, Serbs, Poles, and Russians living in Austria/Germany. He used the word “Slavization” (in a negative manner) countless times throughout “Mein Kampf” when describing their growing influence in a nation in which they should be assimilating. Some random examples from Mein Kampf…

I was profoundly pleased that it should carry on the struggle for universal suffrage and the secret ballot. For even then my intelligence told me that this must help to weaken the Habsburg regime which I so hated. In the conviction that the Austrian Empire could never be preserved except by victimizing its Germans, but that even the price of a gradual Slavization of the German element by no means provided a guaranty of an empire really capable of survival, since the power of the Slavs to uphold the state must be estimated as exceedingly dubious, I welcomed every development which in my opinion would inevitably lead to the collapse of this impossible state which condemned ten million Germans to death. The more the linguistic Babel
corroded and disorganized parliament, the closer drew the inevitable hour of the disintegration of this Babylonian Empire, and with it the hour of freedom for my German-Austrian people. Only in this way could the Anschluss with the old mother country be restored.

As soon as the House of Habsburg had definitely made up its mind to reshape Austria into a Slavic state, it seized upon every means which seemed in any way suited to this tendency. Even religious institutions were, without the slightest qualms, harnessed to the service of the new state idea by this unscrupulous ruling house. The use of Czech pastorates and their spiritual shepherds was but one of the many means of attaining this goal, a general Slavization of Austria. The process took approximately the following form: Czech pastors were appointed to German communities; slowly but surely they began to set the interests of the Czech people above the interests of the churches, becoming germ-cells of the de-Germanization process.
But, as you know, that sort of national resentment worked both when Germans/Austrians/Swiss peoples immigrated to Slavic nations.

Today, in a profoundly anti-white world, the precious few pro-white individuals that exist seem to view whites hailing from different nations much differently. I’m German, but I’d fully embrace whites from around the globe (the Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia/New Zealand, Middle East, Caribbean, etc) so long as they felt the same about me.
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When you see **** like this trolling and trashing up the forums the only ones to blame are the moderators, because they wouldn't be around if they didn't want them to be around. Any twelve year old kid with internet access can trash any forum...if the moderators let him.

The only one who gets away with disrespecting people HERE is YOU and your circle jerk buddies. You type **** from the comfort of the Internet and then act offended when you're called on it. You're not a WHITE man; you're a PUSSY.
Thread goes from differing view points on a controversial figure and now its ending with members name calling. Please lock it up
I'm OK with deleting the thread if people feel that way.

I'm not as knowledgeable as some here concerning Adolf Hitler, so I will not comment directly about his life. Werewolf, I may not always agree and or understand you and some of your subject matter, but because you bring some interesting subjects to CF, I have started to do some research of my own, however, these were your words, so maybe like you and others have said, it may be time to delete/lock this thread.
if we can't have an honest discussion on this then we should lock the whole damn board. Talk about it on other sites? like where? stormfront where they still hold backwards views on things like Whites being inferior athletes? my time spent browsing on there, many of the posters didn't come off as bright.

This is a community, but we don't have to be like minded in every aspect. The only thing is that we support White athletes, but I would hope it would eventually go deeper than that. I don't really see any Adolph worship on here. If you are worried about "new" posters then you better delete anything EVER said that was negative about a non White person because thats all I hear from those who criticize this site like "all they do is put down blacks" when its rarely done, we might have a thread poking fun of how fat some NFL players are but get real. Then if we get rid of those topics, where does it end?
American Freedom News