Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told - full 6 hour documentary

Jaxvid: "I also personally feel that it was brought up by someone who I have accused in the past of being inflammatory"

Thanks. I take that as a good compliment.

Jaxvid: "You can see for yourself the problems this subject has created between members."

The only ones causing problems are your pet protected trolls like Menelik the Black Jewish Prince and his sidekick Phal, and those who don't know the first thing about the subject and never even watched any of the film in question preferring to obtain their historical knowledge from their tv sets. Like you. Otherwise I don't see how discussion of "inflammatory" - "taboo" - subjects like this are unproductive. People need to realize that the whole tyranny is built upon lies, and it is just a house of cards and once the cards start falling so does the whole rotten structure - and people need to realize that discrimination against white athletes is just a tiny aspect of it all and not the problem in and of itself.

Rudolf Hess, The Prisoner Of Peace, whose great "crime" was trying to avoid world war, was most likely murdered - strangled - by a negro american prison guard. He was an inside eyewitness to history, but they kept him silent for all those years. They were afraid of what he had to say, especially that it was Churchill and Roosevelt and the Jews and that wanted world war, not Hitler, and it was the Allies that committed by far the worst war crimes not Hitler. But like it says in the title of the film, the victors write the history books...and they also provide the judges and the ex post facto law writers and the torturers and the executioners.
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Carcharias - Hitler's fondest dream was to ally the Reich with the kindred British Empire ...but they told the British people that Hitler wanted to enslave them and kill them and take over the world!
Hitler's War and the War Path by David Irving.

How do you know that because all the other sources say he tried to negotiate a peace treaty with England (on his own), and wanted to speak with the royal family but he was captured and never allowed audience with them. I guess you have magical glasses that allow you to see the past exactly as it unfolded. And what "war crime" did he ever commit? He was charged with "crimes against humanity" too. What a load of rubbish.

Hess was 93-years-old when he died. His family, lawyer and the prison guard he struck up a friendship with all believe that he was murdered.
No he wrote a letter to his wife telling of his misguided dream. The charge of crimes against humanity is an overcharge and that is probably the reason why he never got a death sentence because the prosecutors knew the charge was flimsy at best. He never was involved in the final solution as he was already captured by the time the Nazi leadership came up with this idea. The only reason he stayed in prison for 45 years was because of the Soviets who wanted to punish the last surviving leader of the Nazi regime.
I don't know too much about it, but it wouldn't be too hard to forge a letter. I don't see why someone would decide to write a letter to his wife stating such things.

btw, has anyone actually watch the ENTIRE video yet? its interesting but really long and with other things in the way its been hard to get through it, I have managed to watch 2 hours so far.
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Hess ran out of gas, and parachuted down. The person he wanted to contact was the commander of 14th group, the area he flew in. Could there have been a conspiracy? Germany was about to open the second front against the Soviet Union. Was Hess tricked to fly to Britain or was there a real chance to make Britain leave the war? I wish I knew. Hess was the least guilty of the Nazi war criminals. He could not be charged with many of the war crimes because he was imprisoned in Britain. If Hess was murdered, the question I have is why wait all those years. It would have been easier to kill him years ago. Rudolph Hess is a mystery.
Werewolf said:
They were afraid of what he had to say, especially that it was Churchill and Roosevelt and the Jews and that wanted world war, not Hitler, and it was the Allies that committed by far the worst war crimes not Hitler. But like it says in the title of the film, the victors write the history books...and they also provide the judges and the ex post facto law writers and the torturers and the executioners.

Yes, and if anyone wants to read up on this particular subject, there are plenty of books detailing the ghastly, sadistic, animalistic, torturous hell that German citizens (and soldiers alike) endured at the hands of the Allies during and after WWII. One candid text on this vexatious topic is Tom Goodrich’s “Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany.” Goodrich isn’t some Neo-Nazi, but a respected historical author…


I can assure you, if you read but a few pages of the book (which has factual evidence for all its grisly claims), you’ll never think of the Jewish Allies and the Sent-From-Satan “Red Army” as anything but insidious murderers, rapists, torturers, thieves, and looters of Europe.

Here is but one of the many “Death Camps for Germans” instituted by the repulsive, malevolent, megalomaniacal “Swedish Jew” (which is what they called him at West Point), Dwight Eisenhower…


I wonder how many of those poor souls in that photo actually survived? After all, more Germans died AFTER WWII that during the war itself.

I read the book several years ago and still remember a few lovely “bedtime stories” that emerged from these genocidal camps and are delineated in excruciating detail. The crushing of German testicles, the forced eating of feces, ceaseless rape of German female prisoners, the gouging of eyes, countless atrocities involving children, the dismemberment of pregnant German women whilst still alive, etc.

White Nationalist, W.L. Pierce, alluded to the issue in the novel “The Turner Diaries” when he wrote…

During the torture sessions the two FBI agents who were always present as spectators sometimes turned a bit pale-and when Rubin had his two Black assistants thrust a long, blunt rod up into my rectum, so that I was screaming and wriggling like a skewered pig, one looked as if he were going to be sick-but they never raised an objection. I guess it was much the same after World War II, when American officers of German descent calmly watched Jewish torturers work over their racial brothers who had been in the German army and likewise saw nothing amiss when Negro G.I.'s raped and brutalized German girls. Is it that they have been so brainwashed by the Jews that they hate their own race, or is it that they are just insensitive bastards who will do whatever they're told as long as they keep drawing their salaries?
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I also disagree that Hitler was any kind of "white-nationalist". As the evidence shows and has even been mentioned here. Anyone who thinks that acting to ensure the killing of millions of Slavs, Poles, Brits, French, Americans (of every White nationality) and many others, while forming an alliance with an Asian power (Japan) is also a white nationalist, has a different definition of the word then me.

I do appreciate your using his name and image to thumb your nose at people unsympathetic to the plight of White people. (or to try and educate them--as you mentioned). Sometimes shock therapy can be useful. And if you are being honest, you are one ballsy guy especially if you are an educator, to broach that kind of subject matter.

Yah, it took years of learning the correct skill of argument and when and where to use it and with whom. We get yearly politically correct books by administration that we are supposed to read usually full of white privilege garbage. It's insane and most experienced teachers know it. The starry eyed young idealist often buy it hook line and sinker - and then they meet me.

Back to Hitler. He absolutely was a white nationalist. His writings and speeches are proof enough. Not calling him a white nationalist because he fought against Jew-controlled Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin's Bolsheviks doesn't make sense. It would be like us criticizing Bob Costas and all the white talking heads in the brainwashed media and then saying we not fighting for the white cause because we oppose the brainwashed white people in the media and elsewhere?

War came to Hitler because he was a white nationalist. It was planned and manipulated by those who oppose white nationalism. Hitler attacked first after numerous provocations because it was his only chance. War was coming to him just like it would if Iceland today declared to be a white nationalist country. Or if we declared to be a white nationalist country.

Just look at how much war with Germany was talked about before the actual start of the war - just like we are talking about attacking Syria now and before that Iraq and etc. For heaven's sake, 90% of the people in America and Britain were still against any war in 1938. Roosevelt was re-elected on an anti-war stance. Chamberlin returned a hero from the Munich Pact. Soon he would abdicate to the unelected incredibly pro-war Churchill.

So what was the big pre-war complaint? That Hitler along with the leaders of the world worked out a peace deal that basically gave German land back to Germany? Was it that Austria agreed to join Germany? I fail to see any aggression at this point and yet anti-German war propaganda was worldwide in the media.

Hitler did not want to fight Britain as he considered them racial brothers. That was clear when he let the British army escape at Dunkirk. Both sides say the other were the aggressor as in every war. Who's telling the truth? Well who was telling the truth about the Katyn Forest Massacre? Who was fighting Jewish communism worldwide before the war with anti-comintern pacts? Was it Roosevelt, Churchill, or Hitler?

I could go on and on, but that is exhausting. The main point being that ANY country including our own would be in some type of world war if we suddenly turned white nationalist. We would be attacked by white countries who were still under foreign control. That is why there is not a single white nationalist country in all of the world today. Most Asian countries are basically Asian nationalists, most African countries are African nationalists, Israel is definitely Jewish nationalists, several Muslim countries are Muslim nationalists. Not one white nationalist country.
...If Hess was murdered, the question I have is why wait all those years. It would have been easier to kill him years ago. Rudolph Hess is a mystery.

Because they got tired of paying all that money to keep that entire prison open just for one poor old and enfeebled victim, and make sure he never got a single word to the outside or revealed any secrets, and there was an ever growing movement of decent people to have him freed.
Re Thrashen's post above. What the victorious Allies did to the vanquished in Germany and eastern Europe is sickening beyond belief. More young German soldiers - average age 17 - were deliberately murdered in Eisenhower's Death Camps than died on the entire western front during the war. And unfortunately those people, like the countless tens of millions who were murdered in the Judeo-Bolshevik gulags, were not able to, like the Jewish"victims" of the Holohoax, come back from getting turned into bars of soap and lampshades to sit on their fat tukhases in Miami beach and West Hollywood collecting Reparation$$$ and every form of welfare known to man - and that is because they were really dead.

I didn't know about the book you mentioned. There is another one called An Eye For An Eye by John Sack, who is himself Jewish, about the Allied atrocities in post-war Europe.

There was a website that detailed all the maniacal charges they tortured the captured Germans into confessing including the original documents to prove it, but I forgot what it is. They tortured the Germans into confessing to their own atrocities, like the Allies' mass murder of the Polish aristocracy and officer class in the Katyn Forest. They tortured the Germans into confessing to killing more Jews than ever existed on Earth, billions of them, by the most bizarre methods that the torturers - jews dressed up in American army uniforms - could invent. And then they memory holed all of it. Until they invented the "Holocaust" in the 1970's.

A few principled people, like US Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas refused to participate and described the Nurenberg trials as a kangaroo court, which of course they were.
If you go to a library and read on microfilm the issues of the New York Times and the daily reports from 1939 to 1945, you'll find some surprises. They printed a lot of details and were much more honest about day-to-day events than some newspapers.


Interesting - I just received this by email today:

"September 2, 1939
Germany Invades Poland. Apart from the slanted headline, the NY Times gives fair Treatment To Hitler.
What's up with that?"

And the link - the Sep 2 1939 edition of the NY Times
Werewolf, it was even worse for German civilians living in the parts of Eastern Europe that were taken from Germany.

Even the women and children were mercilessly killed in East Prussia. All the towns and streets were given Russian names. The Soviets sunk a ship overloaded with 10,000 civilian refugees:

A Jewish writer John Sack from his book An Eye For An Eye about what was done by Jews to German civilians after the war (he writes about how they forced the German girls to sleep with diseased corpses):

"The women did, and they started to suffer nausea as the bodies, black as thestuff in a gutter, appeared. The faces were rotten, the flesh was glue, butthe guards--who had often seemed psychopathic, making a German woman drinkurine, drink blood and eat a man's excrement, inserting an oily five-mark billin a woman's vagina, putting a match to it--shouted at the women of Gruben,"Lie down with them!" "Make love with them!" and, with their rifles, pushed onthe backs of the women's heads until their eyes, noses and mouths were deep inthe Polish faces' slime. The women who clamped their lips couldn't scream, andthe women who screamed had to taste something vile. Spitting, retching, thewomen at last stood up, the wet tendrils still on their chins, fingers,clothes, the wet seeping into the fibers, the stink like a mist around them asthey marched back to Lamsdorf. There were no showers there, and the corpseshad all had typhus, apparently, and sixty-four women of Gruben died."
Werewolf, it was even worse for German civilians living in the parts of Eastern Europe that were taken from Germany.

Even the women and children were mercilessly killed in East Prussia. All the towns and streets were given Russian names. The Soviets sunk a ship overloaded with 10,000 civilian refugees:

And tortured and raped to death. Systematic rape of all little girls and women and elderly women. Actually ordered by the Jewish Bolshevik leaders. They instructed their soldiers to rape and be as brutal as possible. I read about how a decent front line Russian officer warned the German people to flee because the Mongols from eastern Russia were coming. East Prussia has now been disappeared. It is now called part of Poland. It was by far the most brutal and largest "ethnic cleansing" in history."

All the towns and streets were given Russian names. The Soviets sunk a ship overloaded with 10,000 civilian refugees:

Three ships, loaded with refugees from the Allied terror in East Prussia, mostly women and children, the Wilhelm Gustloff, the Goya, and the General von Steuben, sunk by Allied (Bolshevik) submarines. Approx. 20,000 people died, by far the largest maritime disaster in history.

And then there was Dresden, The Allies, this time the Americans and British, firebombed the most beautiful city in Europe, medieval Dresden, undefended and completely non-military. They firebombed the city and then they waited until all the fire fighters from the neighboring provinces came in - and then they attacked again so taht they could kill them too. They even strafed the badly burned refugees at the River Elbe. Their Mustangs even strafed the animals in the famous Dresden Zoo. This was after the war was almost ended. Even the USSR complained about it and called it an atrocity. It was the greatest massacre in European history. The famous American writer Kurt Vonnegut wrote about it in his book Slaughterhouse Five because he was there as a POW. POW's were housed there. The Americans and British killed their own POW's. It was a Christian holiday and the little children were dressed up in costumes. Also, Hiroshima and Nagasaki were known as the two Christian cities of Japan. Dresden was crammed to the rafters with refugees from the Allied terror in the east. No one knows how many people were murdered there, probably about 500,000. That was a real Holocaust!

Dresden 1945 - The Devil's Tinderbox
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DECEMBER 11, 1941 (4 Days after Pearl Harbor)

This is linked on today's WRH:

It was, of course, censored in the USSA at the time, just as Osama bin Ladin's post 911 speech was when he condemned the 911 attacks and said that they "violated the precepts of Islam" and said that he had nothing to do with them.
There are some things I like about Hitler; his definition of citizenship as being ethnic and heritage based, his racial awareness, his violent opposition to Zionism, and his vehement opposition to anything and everything left-wing. These are important ideas and I fully agree with all of them.

That being said there are some things I don't like about Hitler, much of what Carcharias says in this thread is bang-on. His ideas cost a lot of white lives and that is a knock on him. I also don't approve of what he did with handicap, and disabled people.

Ultimately, however, I think it would have been in the interest of white people had the Nazi's won the world war. White people today, would probably be in a much better place in Europe and North America had the Nazi's won. This war was an epic struggle between the right and the left, between whites and Zionists, and of course we all know what the outcome was.

I wonder if all the white soldiers from USA and UK would have still fought against Hitler if they knew in only 3 or 4 generations time they would essentially become racial minorities within their own country? So, they basically fought for a bunch of nonwhites to inherit everything they built and worked for up to that point.
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Yes, and if anyone wants to read up on this particular subject, there are plenty of books detailing the ghastly, sadistic, animalistic, torturous hell that German citizens (and soldiers alike) endured at the hands of the Allies during and after WWII. One candid text on this vexatious topic is Tom Goodrich’s “Hellstorm: The Death of Nazi Germany.†Goodrich isn’t some Neo-Nazi, but a respected historical author…


I can assure you, if you read but a few pages of the book (which has factual evidence for all its grisly claims), you’ll never think of the Jewish Allies and the Sent-From-Satan “Red Army†as anything but insidious murderers, rapists, torturers, thieves, and looters of Europe.

Here is but one of the many “Death Camps for Germans†instituted by the repulsive, malevolent, megalomaniacal “Swedish Jew†(which is what they called him at West Point), Dwight Eisenhower…


I wonder how many of those poor souls in that photo actually survived? After all, more Germans died AFTER WWII that during the war itself.

I read the book several years ago and still remember a few lovely “bedtime stories†that emerged from these genocidal camps and are delineated in excruciating detail. The crushing of German testicles, the forced eating of feces, ceaseless rape of German female prisoners, the gouging of eyes, countless atrocities involving children, the dismemberment of pregnant German women whilst still alive, etc.

White Nationalist, W.L. Pierce, alluded to the issue in the novel “The Turner Diaries†when he wrote…

Very insightful, and it's important that people are aware of the much less publicized, but just as bad Allied War Crimes in WW2.
I also don't approve of what he did with handicap, and disabled people.

The T4 euthanasia program is nothing more than what we see today in hospitals when doctors decide to pull feeding tubes. It was overblown propaganda that Hitler was euthanizing people when it wasn't much more than brain-dead bodies. The decree also came during wartime when precious hospital staff, space, and materials couldn't be wasted and wounded soldiers with no chance of a cognitive life would be coming. Heck euthanasia is argued about in America today almost as much as abortion. Here is the actual words from the decree:

Hitler's 1939 decree, increasing "the authority of certain physicians to be designated by name in such manner that persons who, according to human judgment, are incurable can, upon a most careful diagnosis of their condition of sickness, be accorded a mercy death." (From the records of the Nuremberg Trial's International Military Tribunal)

Had Hitler been killing everyone's aging grandpa, he would have never had the support he did from his people.
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Had Hitler been killing everyone's aging grandpa, he would have never had the support he did from his people.

Before the forces of evil ganged up to destroy the Reich - and Western civilization and the white race - in their "good war" Hitler was the most popular and beloved leader in history.

Let's see that gay chimp in Washington ride through huge crowds like that standing up in an open car!
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I also don't approve of what he did with handicap, and disabled people.

eugenism has always been the norm in europe:

cito necatus insignis ad deformitatem puer esto.

"difform newborns have to be killed"

from the law of the romans, the ones that are hypocritically said to be a big influence on modern occidental civilisations:

more information about it:
American Freedom News