Adolf Hitler - The Greatest Story Never Told - full 6 hour documentary

Who was the poster who cracked that classic line of Zeus carrying little Adolf Hitler pictures in his wallet over 2 years ago? Funny stuff.
The only one who gets away with disrespecting people HERE is YOU and your circle jerk buddies. You type **** from the comfort of the Internet and then act offended when you're called on it. You're not a WHITE man; you're a PUSSY.

Thanks for the lovely commentary. How gracious of you to not actually post anything at CF for months...unless you happen to feel like insulting Werewolf (or someone else) or refuting his posts by holding down the 26[SUP]th[/SUP] letter of the alphabet on your keyboard for a few seconds.
I agree with dwid that there is no good reason to lock or delete this thread, unless it devolves further into a name-calling fiasco. So if you distinguished gentlemen, werewolf and Menelik, would cease, desist, and stick to the topic, we all might learn something here. It's notable.
The problem is that several posters are in the middle of 95 percent of the insulting and flaming. The idea is to have a civil and respectful back and forth on topics, but certain posters automatically go into attack mode whenever a member they don't like posts in the same thread.

Some passionate give and take is natural on occasion, but the few who automatically attack and counter-attack others need to clean up their act. White men who are role models keep their head and wits about them no matter how difficult the circumstances; doing so on a discussion forum is not the least bit difficult, it is the anonymity provided that is taken advantage of by some to the detriment of the site and its mission.
if we can't have an honest discussion on this then we should lock the whole damn board. Talk about it on other sites? like where? stormfront where they still hold backwards views on things like Whites being inferior athletes? my time spent browsing on there, many of the posters didn't come off as bright.

This is a community, but we don't have to be like minded in every aspect. The only thing is that we support White athletes, but I would hope it would eventually go deeper than that. I don't really see any Adolph worship on here. If you are worried about "new" posters then you better delete anything EVER said that was negative about a non White person because thats all I hear from those who criticize this site like "all they do is put down blacks" when its rarely done, we might have a thread poking fun of how fat some NFL players are but get real. Then if we get rid of those topics, where does it end?
I also agree with dwid. I WAS finding the discussion on this thread interesting before it became a flame war.

Also, I know this site is primarily about football or sports in general but the thing I always found interesting was all the vast political, historic, economic and social topics that came up in the Happy Hour section. After all, the caste system is cultural Marxism and social engineering so to understand it in its full context, one must explore societal issue beyond sports. A community, as Dwid said, is accurate and this one has some of the brightest I've ever encountered on the internet. We should be civilized enough to have enlighten discussions on ANY subject, no matter how taboo.
White men who are role models keep their head and wits about them no matter how difficult the circumstances; doing so on a discussion forum is not the least bit difficult, it is the anonymity provided that is taken advantage of by some to the detriment of the site and its mission.
I wish I waited a few more minutes to comment. The above is spot on.
You're a ******.


Speaking of literally flaming posters. Here we have Phall(whats with the Freudian name? weird) projecting again with his typical insult. Weak. Yeah, I have not forgot about your projection towards me months ago. So I now wait for further weak nonsensical insults from you.
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The problem is that several posters are in the middle of 95 percent of the insulting and flaming. The idea is to have a civil and respectful back and forth on topics, but certain posters automatically go into attack mode whenever a member they don't like posts in the same thread.

Some passionate give and take is natural on occasion, but the few who automatically attack and counter-attack others need to clean up their act. White men who are role models keep their head and wits about them no matter how difficult the circumstances; doing so on a discussion forum is not the least bit difficult, it is the anonymity provided that is taken advantage of by some to the detriment of the site and its mission.

If you're talking about me in your coy commentary, no sorry pal im not going to be polite to your pet and protected out and out trolls like black jewish prince menelik and his girlfriend phal who come around just to disrupt the threads, and some of them here are too dense to even perceive what's going on.

Some very intelligent and astute people here, but also jerks and protected trolls.

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It’s telling that I have far more in common with a painter that was born in Austria (some 97 years before my own birth) than I do with the vast majority of Western whites. I am fully cognizant of why many in the “pro-white†movement want to distance themselves from the man, but personally, I find his life to be one of the most fascinating and inspirational of any man in the history of the world. From humble beginnings, to his astute social observations as a young man in an increasingly-Marxist European nation, to surviving WWI in one of the most dangerous occupations for a soldier of the time, to being jailed for inciting a riot, to penning his manifesto whilst imprisoned, to his rise to power on the wings of charisma, acumen, boldness, and fortitude.

Naturally, I wish that WWII had never occurred in the first place and all white nations involved had made peace with another. Whites would probably have settled Africa, the Middle East, and maybe even Asia. Instead, our race is on life support for the reasons we discuss each day at CF.

More lethal than the odious Bolshevik Triumvirate of Stalin, Kaganovich, and Molotov? I'm sure you’ve heard of the “Holodomor,†a true planned genocide in which 20 million (a highly conservative figure) Ukrainian whites were massacred by the USSR / Red Army (via their traditional rape-torture-kill procedure) and intentional mass-starvation. Of course, there weren’t dozens of “pity museums†erected in every western nation for this tragedy…nor are there entire high school history classes devoted to the topic…nor are there millions upon millions of “lucky survivors†playing shuffleboard in retirement homes in New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Jersey, Florida, and Tel Aviv.

Yes, unfortunately, he did seem to harbor resentment towards Czechs, Serbs, Poles, and Russians living in Austria/Germany. He used the word “Slavization†(in a negative manner) countless times throughout “Mein Kampf†when describing their growing influence in a nation in which they should be assimilating. Some random examples from Mein Kampf…

But, as you know, that sort of national resentment worked both when Germans/Austrians/Swiss peoples immigrated to Slavic nations.

Today, in a profoundly anti-white world, the precious few pro-white individuals that exist seem to view whites hailing from different nations much differently. I’m German, but I’d fully embrace whites from around the globe (the Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia/New Zealand, Middle East, Caribbean, etc) so long as they felt the same about me.
Yes little is known or mentioned that Stalin was responsible for more deaths than Hitler. Even less is known that Mao is the biggest mass murderer in world history and Genghis Khan would be if you took a statistical extrapolation of the worlds population from 800 years ago.
if we can't have an honest discussion on this then we should lock the whole damn board. Talk about it on other sites? like where? stormfront where they still hold backwards views on things like Whites being inferior athletes? my time spent browsing on there, many of the posters didn't come off as bright.

This is a community, but we don't have to be like minded in every aspect. The only thing is that we support White athletes, but I would hope it would eventually go deeper than that. I don't really see any Adolph worship on here. If you are worried about "new" posters then you better delete anything EVER said that was negative about a non White person because thats all I hear from those who criticize this site like "all they do is put down blacks" when its rarely done, we might have a thread poking fun of how fat some NFL players are but get real. Then if we get rid of those topics, where does it end?
That site has the most anal debates on if a guy is 1/64th non White is he going to pollute the White gene pool.
Off-topic of my personal deification of The Great Uncle Adolf:

One Small Step for Marine, One Giant Leap to Nowhere

This is the best article on Alternative Right (or really anywhere) that I've read in awhile. Many provocative and unique ideas expressed, including:

The idea is that France's Front National party is not really "national" in the way that "national socialist" was used. Nationality formerly implied ethnicity, as well as character, temperament, and stereotype. Nowadays, a nation is just the territory you were born in or happen to be living at for any particular period of time. The Front National party is anti-immigration, which just coincidentally happens to be mostly stupid, useless Africans and Arabs. Does opposing (additional) massive black influx connote a pro-White position?


the black guy is from my city

the FN is the bare minimum: they are against immigration and they want france to get out of the european union
after these 2 things are done, we will have a lot of things to do to make france look like france again, but we have to do the first step before, and the first step is the FN
it might not work though, because the racial situation in france is much worse than what most people imagine
...the racial situation in france is much worse than what most people imagine

Since we're going off on tangents, this 1995 movie showing the negro and north african invasion and trashing of France made a big impression on me:

"La Haine"

I also read Camp of the Saints (Le Camp des saints). Jean Raspail saw it all coming.

Immigration invasion + high birthrates of the most inferior + "democracy" = disaster.

"That site has the most anal debates on if a guy is 1/64th non White is he going to pollute the White gene pool."

I'm pretty sure Stormfront is a honey trap.

And since this is a Hitler thread, or was before the trolls piled on, there was a PBS show a few years ago that showed films of Paris during the German occupation. It was like a golden age. All sorts of culture was flourishing, theater, cabaret, movies...One of the greatest, if not the greatest, movie ever made was made in occupied Paris, L'Enfants du Paradis.
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It’s telling that I have far more in common with a painter that was born in Austria (some 97 years before my own birth) than I do with the vast majority of Western whites. I am fully cognizant of why many in the “pro-white” movement want to distance themselves from the man, but personally, I find his life to be one of the most fascinating and inspirational of any man in the history of the world. From humble beginnings, to his astute social observations as a young man in an increasingly-Marxist European nation, to surviving WWI in one of the most dangerous occupations for a soldier of the time, to being jailed for inciting a riot, to penning his manifesto whilst imprisoned, to his rise to power on the wings of charisma, acumen, boldness, and fortitude.

His life story is almost super-natural.

Naturally, I wish that WWII had never occurred in the first place and all white nations involved had made peace with another. Whites would probably have settled Africa, the Middle East, and maybe even Asia. Instead, our race is on life support for the reasons we discuss each day at CF.

Britain would still have her empire. There would be approx. zero negroes in Europe. Africa would still be colonial and the great animal parks would be flourishing and the African blacks too would be far better off. Communism would have been eradicated. Space exploration and science and civilization and art would be infinitely advanced. Our cities here too would be wonderful with no third world invasion and black crime plagues, and American blacks too would be far better off in their own segregated communities and schools, as they were the most rapidly advancing ethnic group in the country prior to integration. Even Jews would be far better off, living off the fat of the land in Madagascar with schwartze servants on every side.

Yes, unfortunately, he did seem to harbor resentment towards Czechs, Serbs, Poles, and Russians living in Austria/Germany. He used the word “Slavization” (in a negative manner) countless times throughout “Mein Kampf” when describing their growing influence in a nation in which they should be assimilating. Some random examples from Mein Kampf…

But, as you know, that sort of national resentment worked both when Germans/Austrians/Swiss peoples immigrated to Slavic nations.

Today, in a profoundly anti-white world, the precious few pro-white individuals that exist seem to view whites hailing from different nations much differently. I’m German, but I’d fully embrace whites from around the globe (the Americas, Europe, Africa, Australia/New Zealand, Middle East, Caribbean, etc) so long as they felt the same about me.

But see my comments above about Slavs. Also, in the Hitler comments on Slavs that you quoted he was complaining about the disenfranchising of Germans by Czechs in their own country, Austria.

I'm afraid that we white people will continue to fight amongst ourselves - and our enemies will exploit that trait - until we're almost all gone.
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The only one who gets away with disrespecting people HERE is YOU and your circle jerk buddies. You type **** from the comfort of the Internet and then act offended when you're called on it. You're not a WHITE man; you're a PUSSY.

When have you ever posted in a sport related topic? You rarely post here except to troll and to disrupt conversations that you don't like such as anything at all slightly against Israel or Jews. Even your name is a troll. Get bent.
When have you ever posted in a sport related topic? You rarely post here except to troll and to disrupt conversations that you don't like such as anything at all slightly against Israel or Jews. Even your name is a troll. Get bent.

Have I said ANYTHING derogatory to you? Eat a dick and die bitch.
Just the fact that this type of post puts members against each other should be evidence enough that it would really be bad for new posters or visitors. It's not about the controversy, we have enough of that with our core subject matter. Why go into areas better covered by other sites?

But why not here? I don't go to many other sites like stormfront. it's too big and infiltrated. When I talk to people at work about racial issues (trust worthy work friends or other friends) I often start with the holocaust and or Hitler. I don't start with the shafting of Toby Gerhart - it just doesn't go anywhere. The holocaust on the other hand gets people thinking, arguing, and challenges all their media-parroted sacred cows. I've change liberals minds and perspectives with this approach. I don't see why it would be a problem on this site. Hitler remains the only white-nationalist in the last 100 years who actually did something or at least gave a real effort fighting the hellhounds of the whole Jew-controlled world.
Have I said ANYTHING derogatory to you? Eat a dick and die bitch.

I received the following (unsolicited) PM from Menelick last night, presumably as a result of my truthful comments towards him earlier in this thread...

Menelik said:
Dude I don't give a good goddamn what you think. Who the hell are you? One of wolf****s circle jerk buddys? How and when I post is none of your mother****ing business. Go find one of the ass kissers that live here to play with, I'm not interested.

My response…

Thrashen said:
Thanks for the charming words; your incessant cursing and homoerotic-themed insults are quite impressive. From the manner in which you conduct yourself online, it’s difficult to fathom that you’re a teacher that is old enough to be my dad. If you truly “didn’t give a goddamn” about me in any way, then why even bother sending such an imbecilic PM?

I don’t mean to break the rules about posting PM’s, but I’m of the opinion that all abusive PM’s should be posted.
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I don’t mean to break the rules about posting PM’s, but I’m of the opinion that all abusive PM’s should be posted.
Menelik has had a destructive effect on this website. He's clearly not pro-white and doesn't seem to have any interest in sports - he's just trying to antagonize and upset people.

His choice of the username Menelik reveals what he really is.
I understand the frustrations but is there a way to squash it on another thread?

what I want to know is how did such a small amount of jews gain such influentional power before WW2? You always hear about them playing the victim card now but they didn't have the incidents in ww2 to point to. According to the video it looks very similar to the situation now but like I said, doesn't look like they had the sympathy they do now, or I could be wrong.
so, anybody know where to find evidence to back up some of the stuff they are saying in this film, like Hitler and his party offering over a dozen peace treaties to Britain but Churchill refused?
I know Rudolf Hess flew in a plane and tried to negotiate the surrender of England. The crazed wing nut was shot down and captured. He later spent roughly 45 years in prison for war crimes and eventually committed suicide.
so, anybody know where to find evidence to back up some of the stuff they are saying in this film, like Hitler and his party offering over a dozen peace treaties to Britain but Churchill refused?
If you go to a library and read on microfilm the issues of the New York Times and the daily reports from 1939 to 1945, you'll find some surprises. They printed a lot of details and were much more honest about day-to-day events than some newspapers.

For example, the Canadian Globe newspaper had daily reports of the French defeating the Germans every day in late May and June 1940 with headlines such as "Huns In Retreat" in the days before they signed the armistice in June 1940. The New Your Times printed details about the actual battles, giving people a realistic and clear picture of what was actually happening.

Hitler pleaded with the Brits to sign an armistice in the summer of 1940, "Hitler Asks For Peace Treaty, Just Wants Former Colonies" was one of the headlines from the New York Times.

At the end of WW I, Germany's three African colonies were taken away, along with European territory such as the "Polish Corridor" where Germans had lived since the beginning of recorded history. The harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles caused poverty and resentment among the German people and led to the rise of Hitler.
But why not here? I don't go to many other sites like stormfront. it's too big and infiltrated. When I talk to people at work about racial issues (trust worthy work friends or other friends) I often start with the holocaust and or Hitler. I don't start with the shafting of Toby Gerhart - it just doesn't go anywhere. The holocaust on the other hand gets people thinking, arguing, and challenges all their media-parroted sacred cows. I've change liberals minds and perspectives with this approach. I don't see why it would be a problem on this site. Hitler remains the only white-nationalist in the last 100 years who actually did something or at least gave a real effort fighting the hellhounds of the whole Jew-controlled world.

You can see for yourself the problems this subject has created between members. I know that we don't have to all be best buds here but this kind of infighting is not good for the site or the members involved.

As far as the subject matter is considered there is no question that any discussion of Hitler is a cause of problems, I don't think the subject itself should be banned or censored, just avoided.

I also personally feel that it was brought up by someone who I have accused in the past of being inflammatory and that this was another example. That is just my opinion. Clearly I have not used any moderator functions to enforce my point of view.

I also disagree that Hitler was any kind of "white-nationalist". As the evidence shows and has even been mentioned here. Anyone who thinks that acting to ensure the killing of millions of Slavs, Poles, Brits, French, Americans (of every White nationality) and many others, while forming an alliance with an Asian power (Japan) is also a white nationalist, has a different definition of the word then me.

I do appreciate your using his name and image to thumb your nose at people unsympathetic to the plight of White people. (or to try and educate them--as you mentioned). Sometimes shock therapy can be useful. And if you are being honest, you are one ballsy guy especially if you are an educator, to broach that kind of subject matter.
so, anybody know where to find evidence to back up some of the stuff they are saying in this film, like Hitler and his party offering over a dozen peace treaties to Britain but Churchill refused?

Hitler's War and the War Path by David Irving.

I know Rudolf Hess flew in a plane and tried to negotiate the surrender of England. The crazed wing nut was shot down and captured. He later spent roughly 45 years in prison for war crimes and eventually committed suicide.

How do you know that because all the other sources say he tried to negotiate a peace treaty with England (on his own), and wanted to speak with the royal family but he was captured and never allowed audience with them. I guess you have magical glasses that allow you to see the past exactly as it unfolded. And what "war crime" did he ever commit? He was charged with "crimes against humanity" too. What a load of rubbish.

Hess was 93-years-old when he died. His family, lawyer and the prison guard he struck up a friendship with all believe that he was murdered.
American Freedom News