2024 Outdoor season

Examples of asians running fast can be a nice way to help tear down the caste system in sprinting, but that’s about where the alliance with them stops. They are not our friends, and they do not think of us as equals. Like stated above, they are unified, proud and unapologetic about saying their people come first. Make no mistake, there will never be mass immigration to places like Korea or China from anywhere. It’s no surprise to me that they are out performing whites in athletics right now.
Asians are homogenous and they don't get attacked from inside their own country plus they have racial pride and want to be at the top, so they train and help those with talent

If only we had a system like that in the West

You took the words right out of my mouth. I've been shouting this from the roof tops for years but no one listens. This is 100 percent true!
You took the words right out of my mouth. I've been shouting this from the roof tops for years but no one listens. This is 100 percent true!
Its so hilarious how the narrative has changed from "oh blacks have longer legs so there faster" and now it's "Asians have shorter legs so there faster" and noone questions the contradiction in these statements
The white female sprinters continue to impress for the last few decades and even all the way back to the really old days of track. It's the mens
events and especially the sprints like in sports that have been attacked the most. REPLACEMENT in SPORTS and in LIFE. All about bringing
about worldwide communism through the back door.

White Men must become strong again and show the way by leading like in the past. Is it too late? I never try to think that way but let's just say
that the odds are not on our side with so few numbers in sports due to racial stereotyping against whites & especially white males!!!
Make no mistake, there will never be mass immigration to places like Korea or China from anywhere.
Have you seen what's happening in Japan lately? Immigration is way up, alongside gay pride, all pushed by the Jew Rahm Emanuel, former Obama staffer and Chicago mayor, who is US ambassador there.

As for South Korea, they have the lowest birth rate in the world, something like 0.7, largely because of wacky feminism and other degeneracy imported by the West. Can't be long till they start coming under pressure from their globalist occupiers to open the borders.

The globohomo jewish American system won't stop. The only way to get away from its goals of mass turd world immigration, ***/tranny degeneracy, and hard-core man-hating feminism is to break away from Washington and join China/Russia.
Have you seen what's happening in Japan lately? Immigration is way up, alongside gay pride, all pushed by the Jew Rahm Emanuel, former Obama staffer and Chicago mayor, who is US ambassador there.

As for South Korea, they have the lowest birth rate in the world, something like 0.7, largely because of wacky feminism and other degeneracy imported by the West. Can't be long till they start coming under pressure from their globalist occupiers to open the borders.

The globohomo jewish American system won't stop. The only way to get away from its goals of mass turd world immigration, ***/tranny degeneracy, and hard-core man-hating feminism is to break away from Washington and join China/Russia.
Great post. Globohomo is the cancer Amerika 2.0 is pushing across the world via its Talmudic overlords pulling the strings.
Great post. Globohomo is the cancer Amerika 2.0 is pushing across the world via its Talmudic overlords pulling the strings.
Yup. If you're complaining about mass replacement 3rd world immigration, globohomo, antiwhitery, wokery, fagg0ts/trannies everywhere grooming your kids, lunatic feminism and family courts, two-tier justice, etc, but you aren't naming the Jew, you're going nowhere.
Have you seen what's happening in Japan lately? Immigration is way up, alongside gay pride, all pushed by the Jew Rahm Emanuel, former Obama staffer and Chicago mayor, who is US ambassador there.

As for South Korea, they have the lowest birth rate in the world, something like 0.7, largely because of wacky feminism and other degeneracy imported by the West. Can't be long till they start coming under pressure from their globalist occupiers to open the borders.

The globohomo jewish American system won't stop. The only way to get away from its goals of mass turd world immigration, ***/tranny degeneracy, and hard-core man-hating feminism is to break away from Washington and join China/Russia.
Maybe South Korea will cave to immigration but they are attempting to stave it off at least and buying some time. China will never allow it on a mass scale. I would never want want to align with China and Russia. America had it right at one point and the goal has always been to get back to that, but that's not going to happen with amount of immigration that has occurred. The reality is that you can point fingers and blame whoever you want but the ride is coming to an end. The damage has been done.
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Some good news at the end of the summer track season. We need it as it's been a down year for the most part for many of the men
and women that we root for outside of a few that still were the cream of the crop.

23 Year Old German Sprinter SImon Wulff ran a 10.06 +0.7 on August 30th! He ran another wind legal 10.15 earlier in the same meet.
So combine that with another German Sprinter Yannick Wolf who an a 10.08 wind legal earlier this summer. Two german sprinters to
watch for the future!

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Here is the translation of the article above about Simon Wulff.

Simon Wulff said goodbye faster than ever

Simon Wulff (TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen) celebrated a successful farewell to athletics. Before he will be pushing Olympic champion Francesco Friedrich's bobsleigh in the ice track instead of on the tartan track, he put on the sprint spikes again and ran the 100 meters in his home country. And this is impressive: he stormed into the final with the fastest lead time (10.15 seconds), only to have to admit defeat to Kanda's relay Olympic champion Jerome Blake. And all in 10.06 seconds! As the winner, Blake set a new meeting record in 10.01 seconds.
Vance Nilsson ran a nice 49.26 to win the U20, 400 meter hurdles in Lima just ahead of two other white kids.
Here is the translation of the article above about Simon Wulff.

Simon Wulff said goodbye faster than ever

Simon Wulff (TSV Bayer 04 Leverkusen) celebrated a successful farewell to athletics. Before he will be pushing Olympic champion Francesco Friedrich's bobsleigh in the ice track instead of on the tartan track, he put on the sprint spikes again and ran the 100 meters in his home country. And this is impressive: he stormed into the final with the fastest lead time (10.15 seconds), only to have to admit defeat to Kanda's relay Olympic champion Jerome Blake. And all in 10.06 seconds! As the winner, Blake set a new meeting record in 10.01 seconds.
That’s a bummer. He runs 10.06 and is moving to a different sport. I wonder if bobsledding pays well in Germany if you are good enough to be Olympic level. Shows you how little track and field matters to whites that someone with potentially sub 10 speed will just simply leave the sport for a sport that is quite frankly pretty niche. There might be a huge following for bobsledding but I’ve never seen or heard of it.
That’s a bummer. He runs 10.06 and is moving to a different sport. I wonder if bobsledding pays well in Germany if you are good enough to be Olympic level. Shows you how little track and field matters to whites that someone with potentially sub 10 speed will just simply leave the sport for a sport that is quite frankly pretty niche. There might be a huge following for bobsledding but I’ve never seen or heard of it.

I don't see why he couldn't do both. Hopefully todays race will make him rethink his options. Incredible time with very little wind!
Maybe South Korea will cave to immigration but they are attempting to stave it off at least and buying some time. China will never allow it on a mass scale. I would never want want to align with China and Russia. America had it right at one point and the goal has always been to get back to that, but that's not going to happen with amount of immigration that has occurred. The reality is that you can point fingers and blame whoever you want but the ride is coming to an end. The damage has been done.
S.Korea and Japan have no option, nor does any country under US hegemony. They will submit to Globohomo (fagg0try, trannies, feminism, mass immigration, and soon "hate speech" laws for anyone who criticises it). Look at the pressure and sanctions being put on Hungary now for resisting the EU forcing in illegals.

If you look at the Jewish role in all of this, from the NAACP (most of the leaders and funders werent black but Jewish such as MLKs speechwriter and handler Stanley Levison), feminism (Steinem, Abzug and many others), Hollywood and the media, the ADL and SPLC, Wall Street Jews like Larry Fink denying banking services to dissidents, etc, it is quite evident who is behind the disaster that has befallen America in the last 75 years.

China/Russia, by contrast, just want to do business. Why do you think they've taken over most of Africa? Because the Africans are sick of westerners trying to force the woke agenda. China keeps its domestic population under control but doesn't care what happens in other countries, as long as they trade fairly.

Anyway, I appreciate the mods allowing discussion of politics here.
Some good news at the end of the summer track season. We need it as it's been a down year for the most part for many of the men
and women that we root for outside of a few that still were the cream of the crop.

23 Year Old German Sprinter SImon Wulff ran a 10.06 +0.7 on August 30th! He ran another wind legal 10.15 earlier in the same meet.
So combine that with another German Sprinter Yannick Wolf who an a 10.08 wind legal earlier this summer. Two german sprinters to
watch for the future!

Good results on the track and the ballot box for Germany, with AfD making big breakthroughs this week.
S.Korea and Japan have no option, nor does any country under US hegemony. They will submit to Globohomo (fagg0try, trannies, feminism, mass immigration, and soon "hate speech" laws for anyone who criticises it). Look at the pressure and sanctions being put on Hungary now for resisting the EU forcing in illegals.

If you look at the Jewish role in all of this, from the NAACP (most of the leaders and funders werent black but Jewish such as MLKs speechwriter and handler Stanley Levison), feminism (Steinem, Abzug and many others), Hollywood and the media, the ADL and SPLC, Wall Street Jews like Larry Fink denying banking services to dissidents, etc, it is quite evident who is behind the disaster that has befallen America in the last 75 years.

Anyway, I appreciate the mods allowing discussion of politics here.
It's allowed within reason, but only in appropriate threads. Your posts in this thread are way off-topic. Since you're a newbie I left them be but remember to stay on topic from now on. And as I wrote to another poster the other day, you're hardly plowing new ground by writing about Jewish influence. Everyone who utilizes alternative media is familiar with what you wrote about whether they agree or disagree. If you're only here to bash Jews rather than supporting White athletes you won't be here long.
It's allowed within reason, but only in appropriate threads. Your posts in this thread are way off-topic. Since you're a newbie I left them be but remember to stay on topic from now on. And as I wrote to another poster the other day, you're hardly plowing new ground by writing about Jewish influence. Everyone who utilizes alternative media is familiar with what you wrote about whether they agree or disagree. If you're only here to bash Jews rather than supporting White athletes you won't be here long.
Thanks for some good common sense Don. I for one don't see anything positive in moaning about "the world order" on a forum where I just want to analyse/view results of gifted, hard working and passionate white athletes.

Talking of white athletes it was great to see Gina Luckenkemper improve her 7 year 100PB in Berlin yesterday with a 10.93 (+1.0). At 27 years old now she'll be at her best.
I love this lady's passion - her magnificent Euro win as she fell over the line a few years ago, and before that at the World relays in Bahamas as she cheered Rebekka Haase on for half the length of the straight after she'd handed her the baton. And they won it.
Sam Kendriks returned to the 6m+ club in the PV last night too
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Every year there are less and less of "gifted, hardworking, and passionate white athletes" to root for. They are even starting to get shot now.
just saw the replay of the women's U20 400m final and I have to say Proctor of Canada did quite well finishing 3rd in 52 flat PB.

Edit: Proctor was second not third in 51.98, well done! The winner was a Black girl from Chechia?
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Every year there are less and less of "gifted, hardworking, and passionate white athletes" to root for. They are even starting to get shot now.
This. I'm all for rooting for white athletes, but also looking at the underlying reasons why they (and we) are being Replaced.

I saw an interesting piece about the brilliant and beautiful Keely Hodgkinson, olympic 800m champion, comparing her to another British runner who won the same event 60 years ago in Tokyo. In the 1964 race, every single runner was white. In Hodgkinson's final, she was the only one.
This. I'm all for rooting for white athletes, but also looking at the underlying reasons why they (and we) are being Replaced.

I saw an interesting piece about the brilliant and beautiful Keely Hodgkinson, olympic 800m champion, comparing her to another British runner who won the same event 60 years ago in Tokyo. In the 1964 race, every single runner was white. In Hodgkinson's final, she was the only one.

There are countless reasons. If we take out religious, political, etc. , it gets down to whites being brainwashed the most about not having
children. The white race worldwide is down to about 8% as of the latest projections. Black, Latinos, Indians and Asians have far more babies per family The exception would be China with their limited policy and a few smaller poorer Asian Countries which are similar to the whites. Even Japan faces an aging population not being replaced. So the globalists have been successful with telling people we don't need childen to save the planet. It was a problem but now they plan to replace people with machines. Between 60 to 80 percent of jobs worldwide will replaced by 2030 by A.I., Drones and Robots. What a great future.

If you go back to the 1960's America was still over 90 percent white and I'm sure Europe was even higher than that. Those days are gone forever sadly.
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There are countless reasons. If we take out religious, political, etc. , it gets down to whites being brainwashed the most about not having
children. The white race worldwide is down to about 8% as of the latest projections. Black, Latinos, Indians and Asians have far more babies per family The exception would be China with their limited policy and a few smaller poorer Asian Countries which are similar to the whites. Even Japan faces an aging population not being replaced. So the globalists have been successful with telling people we don't need childen to save the planet. It was a problem but now they plan to replace people with machines. Between 60 to 80 percent of jobs worldwide will replaced by 2030 by A.I., Drones and Robots. What a great future.

If you go back to the 1960's America was still over 90 percent white and I'm sure Europe was even higher than that. Those days are gone forever sadly.
aren't "whites" having fewer babies because they cherish the dream of an "I can have it all" lifestyle they would rather chase than have kids who are perceived as a burden to hold them back.
That of course leaves a decent inheritance if there's only to be 1 or 2 heirs
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