Boling is not contesting the 200, but I see John Rutledge is on the list.
It's sad but that is what these so called coach's have done to one of the most elite talents that we have seen in many, many decades!
I wonder if he was trained in a different manner than others? Fair questions to ask. On thing is for sure. He was over raced in all 4 years
of college and his first year as a pro has been no different. Way too many races for even a teenager let along a 24 year old. He is running
on tired and dead legs.
If Boling ever reads this go back to what made you famous. ONLY RUN THE 100 and 200 METERS from here on out until you retire. Switch
to a different coach who only trains 100 and 200 meters sprinter. Carl Lewis is an obvious choice but there are many others. Dan Phaff comes to mind and he has coached almost 50 olympians! There are many others but change coach's and give up the 400 forever!
Good luck to John Rutledge even though he has a better chance of winning the powerball lottery than getting out of the rounds.