2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

Despite being controlled by the Jewish Media Tucker Carlson is absolutely killing it. So much so that Im waiting for him to turn heal like in WWE. There is no way he has this much freedom without setting up a gigantic lie in the future. But for now its awesome.
Despite being controlled by the Jewish Media Tucker Carlson is absolutely killing it. So much so that Im waiting for him to turn heal like in WWE. There is no way he has this much freedom without setting up a gigantic lie in the future. But for now its awesome.

Carlson is a consistent and principled populist, or civic nationalist if you prefer. He's a genuine patriot and maybe the closest thing the "deplorable" half of this country has to a leader right now. But Trump is the President, he has to step up considerably and do so quickly or else this country may well be doomed, and faster than anyone imagined possible just a few months ago when the Covid-1984 attempt at a high-tech medical dictatorship came into play.
It really is just like the Clone Wars in Star Wars. The cops and the rioters who are fighting one another in the streets both ultimately answer to the same master - (((you know who))), and just like in the Clone Wars, the troops on both sides are completely unaware of who the true master is. The "Palpatine" of our time, just like the one in the movies, has orchestrated this whole conflict, controlling both sides, to further his own ends.

To the simple-minded, the cops are the "bad guys" just like those bad guy Separatists - violent, aggressive, toxically masculine, etc. But luckily, we have the "good guys" - the rioters/clone troopers - swooping in to save us! And just like the clones eventually turned on the Jedi, the Antifas will turn on the "Jedi" of our time - the well-meaning people who are genuinely concerned about a police state/police violence and sympathize with the protestors, not realizing that the Antifas don't give a damn about George Floyd or anyone else, but simply want to destroy our Republic.

Also, President Trump bears a striking similarity to Chancellor Finis Valorum, a flawed but honest politician who wanted to do the right thing but grossly underestimated the strength of his enemies and failed to realize the depths of their conspiracies until it was too late.
Female police officer in Dallas was separated from her comrades and was dragged by her hair for blocks, yes blocks, and savagely beaten and is in the hospital fighting for her life.

In St Louis 4 officers were shot and are in the hospital and will likely live but who knows the lifelong damage this will cause to their bodies and souls.

The race relations in this nation are at an all-time low that I never thought I would ever see in my 50 + years here. I think the damage is irreparable now. There is no hope except to totally separate forever or at least a few hundred years. We are too different and blacks are just collectively too savage for civilized societies with us. We have bent over backwards cater to everything they want and it is never ever ever going to be enough.
I was looking for the story I saw from one of the first nights of the rioting. A white girl was kidnapped rapped and murdered by at least 3 black suspects. Witnesses saw a car pullup and 3 black men jumped out and grabbed the screaming girl and force her in the car. Later she was found dead. It's either been erased from the internet or I'm having mental problems. Any help?
I was looking for the story I saw from one of the first nights of the rioting. A white girl was kidnapped rapped and murdered by at least 3 black suspects. Witnesses saw a car pullup and 3 black men jumped out and grabbed the screaming girl and force her in the car. Later she was found dead. It's either been erased from the internet or I'm having mental problems. Any help?
Kaptain, it is posted on the Stormfront website.
National Justice Exclusive: Brooklyn Based "Antifa" Network Helping Organize Violence Across the Country


As American cities burn and people are murdered in the street with impunity by groups protesting the death of George Floyd, very little reporting has been done on who exactly is responsible beyond tweets from Donald Trump about the mobs being led by “Antifa” (Anti-Fascist) — an umbrella term anarchist organizations use as propaganda when trying to win liberal support for paramilitary attacks they conduct on nationalist protesters and Trump supporters.
The mainstream media has played its role in intentionally obfuscating who exactly the groups inciting the rioting and killing are by claiming “antifa” is not a group, which is a malicious half-truth. Law enforcement sources, Andy Ngo, and Fox News have identified two organizations as playing an active role in the carnage: The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement and The Base.
These two groups are interlinked, and currently encouraging and organizing the violence in the New York City area.

Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement and The Base
The Base, whose Facebook page is now explicitly telling people to commit acts of violence, is an above ground “organizational space” located at 1286 Myrtle Ave in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
According to reporting in a Brooklyn publication from 2013, the “anarchist collective” is run by Elysa Lozano, an assistant professor at LaGuardia Community College who wears her violent extremist views on her sleeve, and Khalid Robinson, a man who according to an interview on an anarchist podcast is the organizer of the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement in New York City.
Robinson, pictured above with Lozano, can be seen wearing an “antifa” t-shirt sold as part of a fundraiser for the “Tinley Park 5,” a group of anarchists who were arrested for brutally injuring 10 people in a premeditated hammer attack in the Illinois suburb of Tinley Park in 2012.
According to Robinson’s interview on the “Solecast,” he helped start The Base as “a place for anarchists to meet.”
It is unknown how much criminal activity is planned at this venue, but it is a bug light for left-wing extremists from across the country and abroad. The group uses images of explosions as its logo, and has close ties to the Kurdish terrorist militia in Syria, the YPG, which has provided many American anarchists with military training undoubtedly being used in the riots as we speak.
The front is also an operating space for groups like the NYC Anarchist Black Cross, which is composed of “antifa” members and used as an above ground way to raise money and write prisoners letters.
A photograph obtained by open source intelligence shows masked “antifa” members the media claims don’t exist posing in front of The Base.

As for Khalid Robinson’s Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement, they do not hide what they are about. As Fox News’ Lara Logan has reported, they believe in engaging in racial violence against white people and random police officers in the name of overthrowing “white supremacy.”
The group has two flags, one featuring a red AK-47 on a black banner, and another showing a red star with the acronym “RAM.”
An image of masked RAM members posing with shotguns, AK-47s, machetes and an “antifa” flag was obtained by National Justice.

This group has been operating for years, spreading violent propaganda with the help of social media companies, all while the FBI devotes all of
ericgtr12, post: 28529707, member: 951469:
This is my main issue with anyone who is suddenly saying "decent black people are outraged by the looting" while never saying a word about it beforehand. If at any point that person came out in strong denial of the murder of George Floyd then they have a leg to stand on. Otherwise they're truly a part of the problem.

its resources to chasing around imaginary “white supremacist terrorists.”
The extent of their terrorist activities is unknown, but they have been very active in the George Floyd riots — calling it a “black liberation revolt” — and have chaptersacross the country.

Related “Antifa” Extremists In Brooklyn
Christian Erazo is another important figure in organizing anarchist violence in New York City.
Erazo, pictured above on the far right in the red and green bandana filming a video announcing plans to disrupt public transportation, was profiled for his activities by National Justice last January for his part in planning the J31 subway riots. In spite of this reporting, the NYPD and the FBI took no action either against the people who planned this chaos, or the Synagogue who allowed them to host their planning sessions.

Erazo, the lead singer of punk band (A) Truth pictured above clutching the “antifa” flag, helps lead multiple violent anarchist projects, such as Brigada 71 (a left-wing soccer hooligan group associated with the New York Cosmos) and NYC Antifa. Brigada 71 spends a lot of time at the East River Bar, a popular hangout for left-wing soccer hooligans, on 97 South 6th Street in Brooklyn,
Both groups are also currently encouraging the violence on social media and are close to the owners of The Base, who let them use the venue for their activities. Meet up spots like The Base play an important role in providing fresh recruits due to its storefront visibility, which invites curious and bored hipsters and radicalizes them in the rapidly gentrifying neighborhood.
For years, Erazo used a warehouse on 258 Johnson Ave in East Williamsburg nicknamed “The Swamp” to host punk rock shows that would serve to recruit new anarchists. While Erazo and his friends did their best to keep the spot a secret, a Brooklyn hipster publication listed “The Swamp” as a cool place to see music as recently as 2015. Erazo is specifically named as its “founder.”
According to a source familiar with the anarchist community, when music wasn’t playing, the building had a gym and was used to conduct paramilitary training. While there doesn’t seem to be any more concerts happening at The Swamp, it is unknown if these anarchist groups are still utilizing the space for other activities.
The Real Reason Its Difficult to Prosecute “Antifa”
Many Americans have complained that neither the police nor the FBI appear interested in investigating or prosecuting anarchist paramilitary groups, even when they are leading the worst and most deadly riots in modern history.
This isn’t because it is hard to find out who these people are. It is due to state corruption and privilege. A large number of anarchists are the sons and daughters of politicians, bankers, judges, and other connected elite figures, thus immunizing from the consequences of their crimes.
Recently, New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio’s own daughter was arrested among the rioters in the city he governs. Vice presidential contender and Virginia Senator Tim Kaine’s son is another example. An “antifa” organizer was exposed by National Justice as the grandson of a judge and nephew of a Congressman who is also now a judge.
Ken Klippenstein, a digital blogger who is a fan of the anarchist groups dubbed “antifa,” was leaked documents by FBI agents about with details about an ongoing investigation into the activities of these violent extremists.
With virtually every institution in America expressing support for these terrorist groups, along with their connections to powerful officials, Donald Trump’s bluster about labeling them a terrorist group appears to be nothing but a gust of hot air.

(Republished from National Justice by permission of author or representative)

National Justice Exclusive: Brooklyn Based "Antifa" Network Helping Organize Violence Across the Country


As American cities burn and people are murdered in the street with impunity by groups protesting the death of George Floyd, very little reporting has been done on who exactly is responsible beyond tweets from Donald Trump about the mobs being led by “Antifa” (Anti-Fascist) — an umbrella term anarchist organizations use as propaganda when trying to win liberal support for paramilitary attacks they conduct on nationalist protesters and Trump supporters.
The mainstream media has played its role in intentionally obfuscating who exactly the groups inciting the rioting and killing are by claiming “antifa” is not a group, which is a malicious half-truth. Law enforcement sources, Andy Ngo, and Fox News have identified two organizations as playing an active role in the carnage: The Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement and The Base.
These two groups are interlinked, and currently encouraging and organizing the violence in the New York City area.

Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement and The Base
The Base, whose Facebook page is now explicitly telling people to commit acts of violence, is an above ground “organizational space” located at 1286 Myrtle Ave in Bushwick, Brooklyn.
According to reporting in a Brooklyn publication from 2013, the “anarchist collective” is run by Elysa Lozano, an assistant professor at LaGuardia Community College who wears her violent extremist views on her sleeve, and Khalid Robinson, a man who according to an interview on an anarchist podcast is the organizer of the Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement in New York City.
Robinson, pictured above with Lozano, can be seen wearing an “antifa” t-shirt sold as part of a fundraiser for the “Tinley Park 5,” a group of anarchists who were arrested for brutally injuring 10 people in a premeditated hammer attack in the Illinois suburb of Tinley Park in 2012.
According to Robinson’s interview on the “Solecast,” he helped start The Base as “a place for anarchists to meet.”
It is unknown how much criminal activity is planned at this venue, but it is a bug light for left-wing extremists from across the country and abroad. The group uses images of explosions as its logo, and has close ties to the Kurdish terrorist militia in Syria, the YPG, which has provided many American anarchists with military training undoubtedly being used in the riots as we speak.
The front is also an operating space for groups like the NYC Anarchist Black Cross, which is composed of “antifa” members and used as an above ground way to raise money and write prisoners letters.
A photograph obtained by open source intelligence shows masked “antifa” members the media claims don’t exist posing in front of The Base.

As for Khalid Robinson’s Revolutionary Abolitionist Movement, they do not hide what they are about. As Fox News’ Lara Logan has reported, they believe in engaging in racial violence against white people and random police officers in the name of overthrowing “white supremacy.”
The group has two flags, one featuring a red AK-47 on a black banner, and another showing a red star with the acronym “RAM.”
An image of masked RAM members posing with shotguns, AK-47s, machetes and an “antifa” flag was obtained by National Justice.

This group has been operating for years, spreading violent propaganda with the help of social media companies, all while the FBI devotes all of
ericgtr12, post: 28529707, member: 951469:
This is my main issue with anyone who is suddenly saying "decent black people are outraged by the looting" while never saying a word about it beforehand. If at any point that person came out in strong denial of the murder of George Floyd then they have a leg to stand on. Otherwise they're truly a part of the problem.

its resources to chasing around imaginary “white supremacist terrorists.”
The extent of their terrorist activities is unknown, but they have been very active in the George Floyd riots — calling it a “black liberation revolt” — and have chaptersacross the country.

Related “Antifa” Extremists In Brooklyn
Christian Erazo is another important figure in organizing anarchist violence in New York City.
Erazo, pictured above on the far right in the red and green bandana filming a video announcing plans to disrupt public transportation, was profiled for his activities by National Justice last January for his part in planning the J31 subway riots. In spite of this reporting, the NYPD and the FBI took no action either against the people who planned this chaos, or the Synagogue who allowed them to host their planning sessions.

Erazo, the lead singer of punk band (A) Truth pictured above clutching the “antifa” flag, helps lead multiple violent anarchist projects, such as Brigada 71 (a left-wing soccer hooligan group associated with the New York Cosmos) and NYC Antifa. Brigada 71 spends a lot of time at the East River Bar, a popular hangout for left-wing soccer hooligans, on 97 South 6th Street in Brooklyn,
Both groups are also currently encouraging the violence on social media and are close to the owners of The Base, who let them use the venue for their activities. Meet up spots like The Base play an important role in providing fresh recruits due to its storefront visibility, which invites curious and bored hipsters and radicalizes them in the rapidly gentrifying neighborhood.
For years, Erazo used a warehouse on 258 Johnson Ave in East Williamsburg nicknamed “The Swamp” to host punk rock shows that would serve to recruit new anarchists. While Erazo and his friends did their best to keep the spot a secret, a Brooklyn hipster publication listed “The Swamp” as a cool place to see music as recently as 2015. Erazo is specifically named as its “founder.”
According to a source familiar with the anarchist community, when music wasn’t playing, the building had a gym and was used to conduct paramilitary training. While there doesn’t seem to be any more concerts happening at The Swamp, it is unknown if these anarchist groups are still utilizing the space for other activities.
The Real Reason Its Difficult to Prosecute “Antifa”
Many Americans have complained that neither the police nor the FBI appear interested in investigating or prosecuting anarchist paramilitary groups, even when they are leading the worst and most deadly riots in modern history.
This isn’t because it is hard to find out who these people are. It is due to state corruption and privilege. A large number of anarchists are the sons and daughters of politicians, bankers, judges, and other connected elite figures, thus immunizing from the consequences of their crimes.
Recently, New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio’s own daughter was arrested among the rioters in the city he governs. Vice presidential contender and Virginia Senator Tim Kaine’s son is another example. An “antifa” organizer was exposed by National Justice as the grandson of a judge and nephew of a Congressman who is also now a judge.
Ken Klippenstein, a digital blogger who is a fan of the anarchist groups dubbed “antifa,” was leaked documents by FBI agents about with details about an ongoing investigation into the activities of these violent extremists.
With virtually every institution in America expressing support for these terrorist groups, along with their connections to powerful officials, Donald Trump’s bluster about labeling them a terrorist group appears to be nothing but a gust of hot air.

(Republished from National Justice by permission of author or representative)

When I look at these pictures of "Whites" (likely Jews) in this antifa garb and so forth I feel sick with disgust. If this is all true and goes unabated then it's clear EVERY single politician in this nation is merely a bought and paid for political prostitute with Jewish dollars. These thugs should be destroyed in the most decisive and painful way. How are these terrorists allowed to OPENLY continue?!! If true and these Communist anarchist pukes continue we will be toast if we do nothing and the choices we have left are getting limited...
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When I look at these pictures of "Whites" (likely Jews) in this antifa garb and so forth I feel sick with disgust. If this is all true and goes unabated then it's clear EVERY single politician in this nation is merely a bought and paid for political prostitute with Jewish dollars. These thugs should be destroyed in the most decisive and painful way. How are these terrorists allowed to OPENLY continue?!! If true and these Communist anarchist pukes continue we will be toast if we do nothing and the choices we have left are getting limited...

Yeah, the last paragraph...

But have no fear, Trump is twittering about his poll numbers, Barr is going to investigate "hate", and the FBI is hot on the case of "white supremacists" and "homophobia".

Beyond - One good clue that there might be a Talmudist in the Antifa woodplie is that they hold their meetings in a Brooklyn synagogue!
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Yes, WW. It is chaos supreme now orchestrated from the Synagogue of Satan, as told long ago. Nation wreckers since 30 A.D..
It's what they want.
This seems like a full on assault. Not sure how this is not going to end horribly. Best of luck fella’s.
At least they are destroying their own places. The suburbs are too well armed and don’t have enough sneakers to attract the clueless foot soldiers these radicals need to carry out their extremist agendas

I’m not much worried about it except it will greatly effect sports and other social activities although that’s largely off the table for now anyway.

they have virtually all of the media, most of government, and most of business on their side. It’s amazing how little common sense and decency is present among the elites.
I live in
At least they are destroying their own places. The suburbs are too well armed and don’t have enough sneakers to attract the clueless foot soldiers these radicals need to carry out their extremist agendas

I’m not much worried about it except it will greatly effect sports and other social activities although that’s largely off the table for now anyway.

they have virtually all of the media, most of government, and most of business on their side. It’s amazing how little common sense and decency is present among the elites.
I agree. There's a reason they burn down buildings downtown. They can do it without the fear of anyone killing them. If they enter neighborhoods, they will likely all be quickly killed. I know at least in my neighborhood a group of rioters wouldn't last long.
Military insurrection?

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper broke with President Trump on Wednesday and said that active-duty military troops should not be sent to control the wave of protests in American cities, at least for now. His words were at odds with his commander in chief, who on Monday threatened to do exactly that.

Mr. Esper’s comments reflected the turmoil within the military over Mr. Trump, who in seeking to put American troops on the streets alarmed top Pentagon officials fearful that the military would be seen as participating in a move toward martial law...


Also, I think it is likely that blacks in the military will refuse orders to shoot at black rioters and may instead shoot their own white officers, which they were already doing in the Vietnam war, "fragging".

The career criminal drug pusher Floyd died from drug OD and Coronavirus not strangulation!
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Military insurrection?

WASHINGTON — Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper broke with President Trump on Wednesday and said that active-duty military troops should not be sent to control the wave of protests in American cities, at least for now. His words were at odds with his commander in chief, who on Monday threatened to do exactly that.

Mr. Esper’s comments reflected the turmoil within the military over Mr. Trump, who in seeking to put American troops on the streets alarmed top Pentagon officials fearful that the military would be seen as participating in a move toward martial law...


Also, I think it is likely that blacks in the military will refuse orders to shoot at black rioters and may instead shoot their own white officers, which they were already doing in the Vietnam war, "fragging".

American troops can only be used to protect the streets of Isreal, it's in the Constitution I think.
Long time Sacramento Kings announcer Grant Napier resigns after tweeting “all lives matter.” He was set up by former King Demarcus Cousins who asked him his opinion on BLM. Napier responded “All lives matter.” Cousins replied “that’s what I thought” (aka “gotcha”.) And that’s the end of Napier, who not coincidentally was critical of Cousins during his time at Sacramento.
Long time Sacramento Kings announcer Grant Napier resigns after tweeting “all lives matter.” He was set up by former King Demarcus Cousins who asked him his opinion on BLM. Napier responded “All lives matter.” Cousins replied “that’s what I thought” (aka “gotcha”.) And that’s the end of Napier, who not coincidentally was critical of Cousins during his time at Sacramento.

Affletes definitely flexing their power. To be forced to resign over such a trivial thing as "All Lives Matter" . The Left truly has weaponized speech.
American Freedom News