2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

Someone who went by the name of "Question Diversity" in the American Renaissance comment section had an insightful point about rioting: Contrary to popular belief, rioting is an expression of power, not powerlessness. In the old days, when Whites still had power, race riots were actually done by White people (typically after a particularly heinous anti-white crime committed by blacks). Ever since the 1960s, however, when the racial dynamic of power shifted, blacks have held a monopoly on race rioting, because they're the ones in power now. The idea that dindus are po', oppressed, and helpless is a joke.

But millions of black youth didn't join in the anti-black race riots back then, and civil insurrection and mass destruction was never tolerated. Has there been any time in history when the youth of any race were so brainwashed that they turned out en masse to demonstrate their hatred for their own people and tried to destroy their own country?
Trump tweeting about his poll numbers as the country burns to the ground is proof that politicians are puppets.
I know Trump claimed in a tweet he was going to declare Antifa a domestic terrorist organization. I've seen nothing reported that this has officially happened. Maybe he has but officially I haven't seen it. If he was going to do it, why put it off all day? He should have done it 3 1/2 years ago the day he was inaugurated. Nope. Nothing. All talk, all tweet, and nothing. As far as we know he is not even calling Governors or Mayors to get control of their cities. I would have destroyed these faggoty pukes long ago and kicked ass
on any wannabes or hangers on. What a wuss. I am pissed gentlemen. What's left of this nation? No rule of law?? What in the hell?
I know Trump claimed in a tweet he was going to declare Antifa a domestic terrorist organization. I've seen nothing reported that this has officially happened. Maybe he has but officially I haven't seen it. If he was going to do it, why put it off all day? He should have done it 3 1/2 years ago the day he was inaugurated. Nope. Nothing. All talk, all tweet, and nothing. As far as we know he is not even calling Governors or Mayors to get control of their cities. I would have destroyed these faggoty pukes long ago and kicked ass
on any wannabes or hangers on. What a wuss. I am pissed gentlemen. What's left of this nation? No rule of law?? What in the hell?

Propaganda arm of Antifa, the NY Times: "The unsubstantiated theory that antifa activists are responsible for the riots and looting was the biggest piece of protest misinformation..."


And the communist terrorist Antifa:


As always the prez talks big and does nothing.
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" How does one stop the insurrectionists when they have mainstream media openly promoting them,"

Then you either play the game by their rules and let them burn the whole country down, or you declare a national emergency and give the rioters one single warning and then shoot them down, and simultaneously arrest the mass media owners - there are only a few of them writing the scripts - all the media outlets get their scripts from the same source and spin the news exactly the same - and charge them with inciting riots and arson and murder and treason. Nationalize the media. Outlaw Antifa and BLM. Strength is respected not weakness. The Tsar of Russia tried to play nice with the communists.
The last 3 Tucker Carlson's were award-winning displays of mostly wisdom, good tact and unwavering strength. A solid A- to Tucker. Tucker is not always this firm as some here probably know. Steadfast Tucker giving eloquent speeches and poignant sound-bites, bravo. Tonight, he didn't give up ground.
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The last 3 Tucker Carlson's were award-winning displays of mostly wisdom, good tact and unwavering strength. A solid A- to Tucker. Tucker is not always this firm as some here probably know. Steadfast Tucker giving eloquent speeches and poignant sound-bites, bravo. Tonight, he didn't give up ground.

I agree, Carlson is almost must-watch TV, significantly better than Laura Ingraham and motormouth Sean Hannity. Other than those three, Fox News has very little left to offer, though Jesse Watters and Greg Gutfeld are pretty good on The Five. Just about everything else in the "mainstream" media is totally controlled by the enemies of the American People. Even Drudge has become a virulent pro-left anti-Trump site.
I feel awful for that business owner who was doing nothing but protecting his livliehood. Of course it is being swept under the rug. It sounds like Trump will be designating ANTIFA as a terror organization - let's see if that does anything...especially tracing the money back to everyone who funds it.

What the terrorist designation does is it will make some of these rich communists and Hollywood celebrities think twice before financing these street thugs. They will be subject to trial by tribunal and FISA court actions. They are essentially enemy combatants. This Antifa BS doesn't fly with normal every day Americans who work for a living. Most people are just trying to get by, raise kids, etc... without all the negative garbage the media churns out. The punk kids who join Antifa movements will also be subject to asset forfeiture laws. That sure won't make their parents happy. Once Trump starts doing this, Hollywood will drop these Antifa turds like a bad habit.
The bastions of Communism, i.e. all the MSM would never show that graph and if they did they'd say it's false and bring on a hired "expert" to lie further and explain there were White Supremacists falsifying statistics because "everyone knows just like LeBron James says that Black people can't even go out of their door without being hunted down to be killed by Whites every single second of every single day". "It's just a given so no one can argue with that". That's how easily they lie to everyone 24/7, as easily as you and I breathe.
Propaganda arm of Antifa, the NY Times: "The unsubstantiated theory that antifa activists are responsible for the riots and looting was the biggest piece of protest misinformation..."


And the communist terrorist Antifa:


As always the prez talks big and does nothing.
Absolutely. The NY Times is simply the newspaper headquarters for the Communist Party in the USSA. It's a 24/7 Communist Pravda publication run by Bolshevik bastards.
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At this point I don't think the US is worth saving anymore. With the increasing violence, riots and protests across the nation our government seems to be sitting around and letting it happen. The media is doing what they always do, highlighting all crime committed by white people towards people of color and ignoring everything else. Police officers are kneeling with protesters while their cities are being ravaged and burned and good honest people are being attacked and losing their businesses. This country is despicable and doesn't deserve normal hard working people like us.

If that cop doesn't get the chair, I'm sure he's going away for life. He better get in the right clique in prison or he's done for.
This about sums up the mentality of the morons who loot, note the moron who never heard of sh$#**&g where you eat....
Tucker last night. I agree with about 98% of this. He says some things those in the future will look back on as almost a lone voice in mainstream media. Without law enforcement immediately we are almost gone as a nation:
Has anyone in Conservative circles ever called out Jared Kushner as clearly as Tucker did in the above video I posted? I don't recall anyone having the stones to say what he did.
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