2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

Up here in my part of bush league California all we had were a group of the usual peacenick grandmother types holding signs downtown. They show up whenever something protestable happens. The local "news" station interviewed a couple of them and the did the usual clucking about how bad violence is. It was all so 60's normal.

Then this morning a couple of antifa types torched a university police cruiser on the sly. There was no demonstration going on. It was just cold calculated arson. Complete with a waiting getaway vehicle rear plate removed. But there were witnesses who gave descriptions of the firebugs and their vehicle.

My guess is they're either headed down to San Francisco or up to maybe Seattle or Portland.
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They are all just trying to "outLeft" each other. "Who can be the the most obnoxious and illogical twit Communist?" Virtue signaling to the max when they are the biggest babies on the face of the Earth.
You better believe it, supposedly there was marching in Beverly Hills and taunts to the effect of you're next were repeatedly yelled by the mob. While I don't advocate mob rule a taste of mob rule for these virtue signalers could wake these Hanoi Jane types up....
The underlying theme of these past 50 years of blacks in America is to blame whitey for everything. When all of these colored talking heads are on the air it's constantly blaming white people as a whole. Blacks few themselves as innocent victims - it's quite an amazing collective mentality that has been ingrained into them. They have no self-awareness to realize that their situation is their fault - I really do not think they are able to comprehend it. The concessions made over the past 50 years to this one group and the tax money spent/wasted on them is insanity - they aren't grateful, appreciative or even aware. The pure anti-white virtiol being spewed uncontested by the media has really gone into over drive - the race war is getting turned up a notch.
Riots just starting in my city. 2020 has been a helluva year lol.
The underlying theme of these past 50 years of blacks in America is to blame whitey for everything. When all of these colored talking heads are on the air it's constantly blaming white people as a whole. Blacks few themselves as innocent victims - it's quite an amazing collective mentality that has been ingrained into them. They have no self-awareness to realize that their situation is their fault - I really do not think they are able to comprehend it. The concessions made over the past 50 years to this one group and the tax money spent/wasted on them is insanity - they aren't grateful, appreciative or even aware. The pure anti-white virtiol being spewed uncontested by the media has really gone into over drive - the race war is getting turned up a notch.
Amen x 1,000.
On the scene films of rioters attempting to kill a white store owner and destroy the city of Dallas.

After the beating of the man in Dallas, the saddest moment I have seen yet was the middle aged woman dragged by her hair and beaten with wooden boards by 4 hooligans while her husband was jousting with another low life with a wooden plank. Thank god those a holes didn't try and sexually assault her, If it was my wife I might have gone postal and looked to hunt down them if they were caught by the police.

In certain cities the US is on the brink of Detroit in 67' and that was anhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1967_Detroit_riot all but undeclared race riot that lasted for 5 days until the army restored order to the city.
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Ambrose:Blacks are doing lots of looting, but the burning of bookstores, dealerships, manufacturing plants, civic buildings, etc. is those White Antifa scumbag Communists. Even the Blacks are trying to stop those psycho-commies from destroying America. The real heavy damaged is being caused by White Communist plants. This thing has really gotten out of hand. Trump declared Anitfa a terrorist organization. The Deep State lunatics have become desperate to destroy America to get control of it.

They've done that before. And he's going to do what about it? He always talks big and does nothing - except when he has orders from Tel Aviv and then he jumps. The way to stop rioters and arsonists is to give them one single warning and then open fire with real ammo, a la "Zulu". But at best they'll parade the national guard with unloaded weapons, or shoot them with PAINT GUN PELLETS like they've been doing on occasion - or maybe they can arm the police with assault squirt guns so they don't hurt a bit or hair or wool on their precious heads (note the Minnesota [sic] government warned the rioters to get out of the area after they torched a police station because gas lines might explode and God forbid any of them got hurt!)...


Assault squirt gun
The officer and the black drug addict knew each other! Who was supposed to have taken the videos anyway - or were the CNN cameras set up before the action started and someone there yelling "Take one!", like those dancing Israelis on the New Jersey rooftop who had their camera equipment all set up before the 911 action started, or CNN cameras all set up before the FBI made their "surprise" pre-dawn raid on Roger Stone's house?

(Fried) chickens coming home to roost.

Zero sympathy for anyone with far-left political views who gets targeted by those rioters. They've encouraged violence against "The Man" all their lives from behind their computer screens. Those in those gated communities who look a little too much like "The Man" are now discovering that it's a little too late to call off the war dogs.
Someone who went by the name of "Question Diversity" in the American Renaissance comment section had an insightful point about rioting: Contrary to popular belief, rioting is an expression of power, not powerlessness. In the old days, when Whites still had power, race riots were actually done by White people (typically after a particularly heinous anti-white crime committed by blacks). Ever since the 1960s, however, when the racial dynamic of power shifted, blacks have held a monopoly on race rioting, because they're the ones in power now. The idea that dindus are po', oppressed, and helpless is a joke.
Gentlemen, I stand with the White police officer. I don't give a rat's butt about the worthless life of a black jerk trying to pass a phony $20 bill. Always stand with the White guy. There is no right and wrong anymore. There's only White and black. Think first of your race now. The time for talking is pretty much over.
I found this the strangest thing yet a sworn officer of the law stripped himself of his equipment and weapons and walked among the protesters like Jesus among the lepers, I don't know if he has gone off the deep end or is touched.....
I found this the strangest thing yet a sworn officer of the law stripped himself of his equipment and weapons and walked among the protesters like Jesus among the lepers, I don't know if he has gone off the deep end or is touched.....

Nothing more than a particularly lame and obnoxious case of virtue signaling. He wants to be known among the dindus as one of the "good goys." Of course, it won't work. It never does. If this fool ever finds himself in a shi'ite hits fan situation, the dindus won't remember this, and if they do, they won't care.

A dindu mugged Rosa Parks even after learning who she was. If they'll do that to one of their own saints, what will they do to some pathetic virtue signaling cop?
For students of history, the story of how Belisarius and Narses dealt with the Nika riots in Constantinople in AD 532 is a good read. Narses, a eunuch, had far more balls than the governor of Minnesota.
Where Have You Gone, Donald Trump? A Nation Turns Its Yearning Eyes to You


Earlier (July 2016): America Demands Law & Order: Trump Has Thumbs On Evil Party’s Windpipe (If RATS Don’t Stab Him In The Back)

President Donald Trump ran on a Law And Order platform in 2016 but he’s currently presiding over the most widespread civil disorder of this generation. The obvious reality: these riots are simply an excuse for blacks to loot without fear of punishment. Without an immediate policy of ruthless coercion directed and executed by the federal government, most Americans will correctly assume that Trump is unwilling or incapable of defending their lives and property. If so, his re-election campaign is probably finished—and America along with it.

It’s hard to overstate the extent of the violence, with riots, arson and looting in Scottsdale, Dallas, New York, Ferguson, St. Louis, Richmond and countless other cities [Live Updates, George Floyd Protests Continue, by Tony Lee, Breitbart, May 30, 2020]. In Minneapolis, where the riots began, Mayor Jacob Frey blamed riots on “white supremacists,” an insane conspiracy theory which went completely unchecked by Twitter’s “fact checkers.” Twitter itself, showing utter contempt for President Trump’s executive order alleging political bias, changed its profile to show solidarity with Black Lives Matter [Twitter changed its profile to honor Black Lives Matter amid George Floyd protests, by Ellen Cranley, Business Insider, May 31, 2020].

President Trump had previously tweeted that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” (a tweet censored by Twitter). However, while Minneapolis police were unable to prevent their own precinct headquarters from being burned down, they did have the time to arrest a man for allegedly shooting looters near his business [Looter shot dead by pawn shop owner,’ during George Floyd riots, by James Hockaday, Metro, May 28, 2020]. Unless President Trump demands pardons for all those who will be in a similar situation, such anarcho-tyranny will continue.

There have already been deaths, few of which attracted much attendance from the Narrative-promoting Main Stream Media. These include:

There were also countless beatings, including of a man holding an American flag in Portland and another who tried to help him, a man who allegedly tried to defend his business with a sword, and people at a shop in broad daylight.

It is useless to try to find all the examples, they are incalculable, as is the number of businesses destroyed or the amount of property damage.

President Trump said Sunday morning the government would declare Antifa a terrorist organization. Attorney General William Barr said violence “instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly” [Attorney General William P. Barr’s Statement on Riots and Domestic Terrorism, Department of Justice, May 31, 2020].

We’ll know that this is serious if these Leftist networks, which raise money and operate openly, are arrested using the RICO statutes and other prosecutorial tools.

I have my doubts…but also my hopes.

It is truly amazing is that Leftists have decided to believe that the rioting is being carried out by whites, or at least is directed by whites. Leftists, not just in Minnesota, think “white supremacists” are to blame [Tim Walz Blames Riots On ‘Outsiders,’ Cartels And White Supremacists–Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Joy Reid Join in, by Virginia Kruta, Daily Caller, May 30, 2020]. Others think the police are instigating the violence with undercover officers [St. Paul police rebut social media theory that officer instigated Minneapolis unrest, by John Shipley, Pioneer Press, May 29, 2020].

It’s important to note that Leftists actually believe this. They believed in the Russia Hoax, didn’t they?

Meanwhile, President Trump and conservatives’ focus on white “Antifa” or George Soros makes a similar mistake [Right-Wing Conspiracists Pull From Old Playbook: Blame George Soros For Riots, by Sergei Klebnikov, Forbes, May 30, 2020]. Much of this violence is simply blacks robbing and looting because they can, not because there is any political end beyond a vague fury at police and whites generally.

President Trump has avoided addressing the nation, reportedly because First Son-In-Law Jared Kushner thinks it will make things worse [LA appeals for National Guard as looting spreads, by Ella Torres, William Mansell, and Christina Carrega, ABC News, May 31, 2020]. But, as with his handling of the coronavirus, Trump is suffering politically not because he is being too forceful, but because he is being too weak.

Trump called George Floyd’s family, but the family is condemning him for it, not praising his compassion [George Floyd’s brother says Trump ‘kept pushing me off’ during call, by Martin Pengelly, The Guardian, May 31, 2020]. He now heavily trails Joe Biden in the polls and is once again falling into his signature trap: saying tough things that infuriate Leftists without backing up his words with action that rallies the Right [Advantage Biden, with risks; Trump disapproval grows: POLL, by Gary Langer, ABC News, May 31, 2020].

During the Los Angeles Riots, even President George H.W. Bush eventually sent in the Marines and then addressed the nation, simultaneously displaying leadership and paternal concern for the American people [Bush Wins Points for Speech on L.A. Riots, by Linda Feldmann, The Christian Science Monitor, May 4, 1992].

President Trump thus far is limited to vague tweets about “STRENGTH!’ without much tangible proof of it.

Even worse, in the case of this “STRENGTH” tweet, Twitter once again instantly suspended the account of the person President Trump quote-tweeted.

The company knows the White House won’t do anything. This situation is becoming increasingly humiliating not just for the president, but for his supporters.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump seemed to have remarkable luck, with extraordinary events breaking in his favor. In the run-up to this election, he hasn’t had great luck, but he has had a series of crises that any competent nationalist politician could have easily exploited:

  • He had a foreign pandemic and huge public support for enacting at least a temporary immigration moratorium or more creative economic populist policies. Instead, he disastrously tried to downplay the pandemic to try to appease the stock market in the short term.
  • He has Twitter revealing its bias to the entire world, giving him a sure-fire rationale for protecting the free speech of his supporters. This would dramatically ease his task of fighting the Main Stream Media/ Democrat cartel during the re-election campaign. However, the president has done nothing substantive, once again coming off as weak and feckless and leaving his supporters isolated.
  • Now, he has nationwide riots and videos of businesses being burned to the ground, all being essentially cheered on by his MSM/Dem opponents. America is begging for a crackdown. Instead, President Trump is blaming Democratic state and local elected officials rather than taking action himself.
President Trump simply can’t afford any more mistakes. America is burning. The nationalist that voters thought they were electing in 2016 needs to act.

If he doesn’t, he can’t be surprised if Leftists simply become more emboldened, and if demoralized patriots stay away from the polls.

This is President Trump’s one last chance not to let his voters down. If he blows it, I think the 2020 campaign will be irredeemable–and unlike Republicans, Democrats will have no problem in using government power to crush their political enemiesonce they are in the White House again.

James Kirkpatrick [Email him |Tweet him @VDAREJamesK] is a Beltway veteran and a refugee from Conservatism Inc. His latest book is Conservatism Inc.: The Battle for the American Right. Read VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow‘s Preface here.

(Republished from VDare by permission of author or representative)

Where Have You Gone, Donald Trump? A Nation Turns Its Yearning Eyes to You


Earlier (July 2016): America Demands Law & Order: Trump Has Thumbs On Evil Party’s Windpipe (If RATS Don’t Stab Him In The Back)

President Donald Trump ran on a Law And Order platform in 2016 but he’s currently presiding over the most widespread civil disorder of this generation. The obvious reality: these riots are simply an excuse for blacks to loot without fear of punishment. Without an immediate policy of ruthless coercion directed and executed by the federal government, most Americans will correctly assume that Trump is unwilling or incapable of defending their lives and property. If so, his re-election campaign is probably finished—and America along with it.

It’s hard to overstate the extent of the violence, with riots, arson and looting in Scottsdale, Dallas, New York, Ferguson, St. Louis, Richmond and countless other cities [Live Updates, George Floyd Protests Continue, by Tony Lee, Breitbart, May 30, 2020]. In Minneapolis, where the riots began, Mayor Jacob Frey blamed riots on “white supremacists,” an insane conspiracy theory which went completely unchecked by Twitter’s “fact checkers.” Twitter itself, showing utter contempt for President Trump’s executive order alleging political bias, changed its profile to show solidarity with Black Lives Matter [Twitter changed its profile to honor Black Lives Matter amid George Floyd protests, by Ellen Cranley, Business Insider, May 31, 2020].

President Trump had previously tweeted that “when the looting starts, the shooting starts” (a tweet censored by Twitter). However, while Minneapolis police were unable to prevent their own precinct headquarters from being burned down, they did have the time to arrest a man for allegedly shooting looters near his business [Looter shot dead by pawn shop owner,’ during George Floyd riots, by James Hockaday, Metro, May 28, 2020]. Unless President Trump demands pardons for all those who will be in a similar situation, such anarcho-tyranny will continue.

There have already been deaths, few of which attracted much attendance from the Narrative-promoting Main Stream Media. These include:

There were also countless beatings, including of a man holding an American flag in Portland and another who tried to help him, a man who allegedly tried to defend his business with a sword, and people at a shop in broad daylight.

It is useless to try to find all the examples, they are incalculable, as is the number of businesses destroyed or the amount of property damage.

President Trump said Sunday morning the government would declare Antifa a terrorist organization. Attorney General William Barr said violence “instigated and carried out by Antifa and other similar groups in connection with the rioting is domestic terrorism and will be treated accordingly” [Attorney General William P. Barr’s Statement on Riots and Domestic Terrorism, Department of Justice, May 31, 2020].

We’ll know that this is serious if these Leftist networks, which raise money and operate openly, are arrested using the RICO statutes and other prosecutorial tools.

I have my doubts…but also my hopes.

It is truly amazing is that Leftists have decided to believe that the rioting is being carried out by whites, or at least is directed by whites. Leftists, not just in Minnesota, think “white supremacists” are to blame [Tim Walz Blames Riots On ‘Outsiders,’ Cartels And White Supremacists–Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Joy Reid Join in, by Virginia Kruta, Daily Caller, May 30, 2020]. Others think the police are instigating the violence with undercover officers [St. Paul police rebut social media theory that officer instigated Minneapolis unrest, by John Shipley, Pioneer Press, May 29, 2020].

It’s important to note that Leftists actually believe this. They believed in the Russia Hoax, didn’t they?

Meanwhile, President Trump and conservatives’ focus on white “Antifa” or George Soros makes a similar mistake [Right-Wing Conspiracists Pull From Old Playbook: Blame George Soros For Riots, by Sergei Klebnikov, Forbes, May 30, 2020]. Much of this violence is simply blacks robbing and looting because they can, not because there is any political end beyond a vague fury at police and whites generally.

President Trump has avoided addressing the nation, reportedly because First Son-In-Law Jared Kushner thinks it will make things worse [LA appeals for National Guard as looting spreads, by Ella Torres, William Mansell, and Christina Carrega, ABC News, May 31, 2020]. But, as with his handling of the coronavirus, Trump is suffering politically not because he is being too forceful, but because he is being too weak.

Trump called George Floyd’s family, but the family is condemning him for it, not praising his compassion [George Floyd’s brother says Trump ‘kept pushing me off’ during call, by Martin Pengelly, The Guardian, May 31, 2020]. He now heavily trails Joe Biden in the polls and is once again falling into his signature trap: saying tough things that infuriate Leftists without backing up his words with action that rallies the Right [Advantage Biden, with risks; Trump disapproval grows: POLL, by Gary Langer, ABC News, May 31, 2020].

During the Los Angeles Riots, even President George H.W. Bush eventually sent in the Marines and then addressed the nation, simultaneously displaying leadership and paternal concern for the American people [Bush Wins Points for Speech on L.A. Riots, by Linda Feldmann, The Christian Science Monitor, May 4, 1992].

President Trump thus far is limited to vague tweets about “STRENGTH!’ without much tangible proof of it.

Even worse, in the case of this “STRENGTH” tweet, Twitter once again instantly suspended the account of the person President Trump quote-tweeted.

The company knows the White House won’t do anything. This situation is becoming increasingly humiliating not just for the president, but for his supporters.

During the 2016 campaign, Trump seemed to have remarkable luck, with extraordinary events breaking in his favor. In the run-up to this election, he hasn’t had great luck, but he has had a series of crises that any competent nationalist politician could have easily exploited:

  • He had a foreign pandemic and huge public support for enacting at least a temporary immigration moratorium or more creative economic populist policies. Instead, he disastrously tried to downplay the pandemic to try to appease the stock market in the short term.
  • He has Twitter revealing its bias to the entire world, giving him a sure-fire rationale for protecting the free speech of his supporters. This would dramatically ease his task of fighting the Main Stream Media/ Democrat cartel during the re-election campaign. However, the president has done nothing substantive, once again coming off as weak and feckless and leaving his supporters isolated.
  • Now, he has nationwide riots and videos of businesses being burned to the ground, all being essentially cheered on by his MSM/Dem opponents. America is begging for a crackdown. Instead, President Trump is blaming Democratic state and local elected officials rather than taking action himself.
President Trump simply can’t afford any more mistakes. America is burning. The nationalist that voters thought they were electing in 2016 needs to act.

If he doesn’t, he can’t be surprised if Leftists simply become more emboldened, and if demoralized patriots stay away from the polls.

This is President Trump’s one last chance not to let his voters down. If he blows it, I think the 2020 campaign will be irredeemable–and unlike Republicans, Democrats will have no problem in using government power to crush their political enemiesonce they are in the White House again.

James Kirkpatrick [Email him |Tweet him @VDAREJamesK] is a Beltway veteran and a refugee from Conservatism Inc. His latest book is Conservatism Inc.: The Battle for the American Right. Read VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow‘s Preface here.

(Republished from VDare by permission of author or representative)

Stock market's up. The stock market likes this black and communist insurrection and do nothing president.
American Freedom News