2020 Riots in Minneapolis and Other American Cities

So far it looks like Minneapolis's young communist mayor and the state's communist governor are allowing law enforcement to do their job and enforce the curfew. . .
"that only they are to blame for"
Sir, I have to respectfully disagree on that. blacks are not responsible for their inability to make it in the society. Their inability lies in their low IQ. But even beyond IQ is their inability for the most part to see things through. Many times, they start a project but seldom see it though to the end. They just walk away and leave everything undone. same with a job. They're alright for a period of time and then they just come apart and can't keep it up and start with the absenteeism, and or habitual lateness, etc. They're just unable to make it in an advanced technological society. They were alright up until the late 18th-early 20th centuries and then things started speeding up and they fell more and more behind. They're just not cut out for here and the government is having a harder and harder time keeping up the illusion that they're able citizens.
I agree with that. I should have included the IQ issue in my post.
From what I can gleam watching Fox News there's very little going on tonight as far as rioting and violence anywhere, surprising for a Saturday night. Good to see, maybe law enforcement is finally being allowed to gently yet forcefully do what needs to be done.
More trickery from our masters. Here is another camera view angle that shows the people that were witnessing the crime were photoshoped. It also has come out that the cop and the victim knew each other
good and used to work together. Can you say another possible false flag to incite racial violence everywhere including with planned violent protests everywhere.

https://twitter.com/search?q=george floyd alternative angle&src=typed_query
Ok, got it. That is hilarious! And you are correct that's the way these thugs should be treated.
I am really glad I don't have Twitter! Looking at the lefties post on there especially all the ones from Seattle is beyond pathetic and depressing. These stupid idiotic leftist thugs think all this is wonderful. They truly do not have anything in common with logical, rational, reasonable-minded people. It's all emotion, it's all "Let's stand together with James Floyd" and destroy cities all over America and shut down traffic. The women are the most repulsive of all, by far!
I also saw that a little young girl maybe about 10 or 11 caught some tear gas or mace in the eyes in the Seattle protest, and I can't help but wonder why any adult would bring their kid to a possible riot and place she could be harmed or even killed?!
this smells of a hoax, the cop and Floyd got paid to act this whole thing out, nobody has seen the body since that day, these guys will be sipping cocktails on an island somewhere and laughing all the way to the bank. I do wonder what would be the reaction of the lowlife liberals if this came out as a set up and they are rioting for NOTHING
35 cities with protests/riots, all Democrat run? Conspiracy or coincidence?

A Bolshevik Revolution or else?!
It's Reginald Denny all over again......

PS I will post a crowding funding link for this victim if he survives this or even for his funeral. God bless this man and his family!

PS 2 not that it matters but it appears to be a White man not a Mexican or other ethnic person who was beaten. I suspect if it was fellow Black defending his business or home the crowd would have backed off or he wouldn't have gotten field goal attempts on his skull similar to Denny back in 92'https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/11749709/man-machete-allegedly-protect-neighborhood-beaten-dallas/
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I feel awful for that business owner who was doing nothing but protecting his livliehood. Of course it is being swept under the rug. It sounds like Trump will be designating ANTIFA as a terror organization - let's see if that does anything...especially tracing the money back to everyone who funds it.
Stay safe my american brothers... stick together, Help each other, support your white brothers and sisters. With i could Help from here in europe.
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