2017 NFL Week 3

Despite any naysayers here, I'm listening on the radio and I admire the effort I'm hearing about Carson Palmer. He's doing his best with the talent around him...
I've barely watched a second since I watched the end of karma catching up to the Steelers.....I haven't seen anywhere about the Steeler who ran out into the field with a bandana around his face like antifa/blm......That really was a tipping point for me....
Arizona's all-White line started off well, but pass protection broke down. Dallas has been able to have their way rushing three linemen, which makes it tough for Palmer to find open receivers when he has such a short time to throw.
What a brain less idiot. He optimizes what's wrong with both the NFL and alot of society both in the US and to a lesser extent the increasing problems here in the UK.

Urinating like a dog....i struggle for words.

I assume you meant epitomizes? Haha im not sure how to spell that myself ;) but of course you are right. The NFL has gradually morphed into a playground for low IQ low character types that no longer make any attempt at pretense of respectability.
Alex Smith has an IQ of 140 based on his Wonderlic score.
Ignorance has nothing to do with intelligence. It's a matter of where you get your information from.
A few words about the game last night. I am still not sold on Prescott. Slightly less lumbering than Cam Newton he lacks the quickness of mind and movement you like to see in a potential championship QB. When I see Carson Wentz I see an exciting young talent. Prescott is a by the numbers dullard and while he did make a few key rollout passes last night I just don't trust him in the big spots come playoff time. And that offense is way too vanilla. Unlike last year Beasley rarely sees a pass. They did incorporate Switzer a few times on offense and lo and behold I missed the one time they ran a play for him--never fails you change the station for one second and you miss the one thing you waited all night to see. I suspect you will see Switzer start to play a bigger role as Dallas will need to diversify their current too obvious game plan. They need to pass more often to keep the defenses honest.
Gruden was his excellent self last night. After the opening ceremony which featured a Dallas group kneel before they stood for the Anthem when it all finished Gruden said "God Bless America." A far cry from Collinsworth demanding a retraction from Trump or Bob Costas a man entirely enamored with his own thoughts as he appeases black power.
Gruden with laser like precision called stud LB Sean Lee the heart and soul of the Cowboys. He loves Switzer and followed him at NC and pointed out the quickness of Beasley. His partner also spoke of Beasley's dazzling ability to change direction. S Jeff Heath was nicked up for a moment but returned. He has adapted well to being a starter. Good player. I like this Cowboys team but they have some work to do especially on offense. Their D saved them last night. Switzer handles both PR and KR duties.
This whole taking a moment kneeling etc. for "unity" is a complete joke to me but that said I have to give at least some credit to Jerry Jones for not having that type of stuff play out during the Anthem.
Ignorance has nothing to do with intelligence. It's a matter of where you get your information from.

It's probably safe to say most of the starting white qb's in the league are cucked. Not one of them is willing to call out their black teammates bs about "inequality" so we shouldn't expect anything spectacular from them.
I assume you meant epitomizes? Haha im not sure how to spell that myself ;) but of course you are right. The NFL has gradually morphed into a playground for low IQ low character types that no longer make any attempt at pretense of respectability.

Yes thank you couldn't spell at all lol. Yes spot on Chris.
Interesting onforgraphic I came across. Surprisingly, the “best” teams were the rams panthers and niners who each only had 1 player try any funny business

Interesting onforgraphic I came across. Surprisingly, the “best” teams were the rams panthers and niners who each only had 1 player try any funny business

Wow, look at those Broncos. Pathetic. I hope it backfires on them. Very disappointed in Elway.
And the Patriots tied for second most kneelers. Puts the lie again to the notion that there are any "relatively White friendly" teams in this militantly anti-White league.
Interesting onforgraphic I came across. Surprisingly, the “best” teams were the rams panthers and niners who each only had 1 player try any funny business

Talk about fly in the ointment. Julius Peppers spoiled it all for the Panthers. Wouldn't it have been nice if at least one team did the right thing. The Panthers would have probably picked up many fans on the way---duh didn't any of these teams think about that angle? But no Peppers had to spoil it all by hiding in the locker room.
And the Patriots tied for second most kneelers. Puts the lie again to the notion that there are any "relatively White friendly" teams in this militantly anti-White league.


I saw that graphic and was floored by the magnitude of numbers and my heart sank even knowing the current state of affairs. I almost swore out loud when I saw the Patriots numbers. Totally made me sick. I'm dumbfounded I suppose.

I knew I had turned a corner last night when I was hoping the Cardinals would beat my lifelong Cowboys team. I literally was bummed that they won. I have not felt this way ever for multiple and obvious reasons. Seeing on nfl.com what they did all kneeling pre-Anthem and then seeing they all locked arms during the Anthem was the final straw. I have turned a corner and I don't even respect anybody. Not even that Stealer Offensive Lineman because he totally backtracked, apologized, wussied out, whatever you want to call it. I'm in a sad state today and have a lot going on beyond sports. This crap doesn't help.

Rant over. Thanks.
Talk about fly in the ointment. Julius Peppers spoiled it all for the Panthers. Wouldn't it have been nice if at least one team did the right thing. The Panthers would have probably picked up many fans on the way---duh didn't any of these teams think about that angle? But no Peppers had to spoil it all by hiding in the locker room.
At least by Peppers hiding in the locker room, the fans weren't subjected to a fully visual kneeldown or raised fist. Most probably didn't even notice him stumbling out of the locker room after the anthem. They thought that he was late 'cuz he was taking a dump.
Aside from a scrub RB (#38 - Brandon Bolden), it appears that all of the "kneeling" scum on the Patriots were black defensive players...

Alex Smith has an IQ of 140 based on his Wonderlic score.
I don't think Wonderlic correlates like that, as it's a general knowledge test that can be studied and trained for. Even IQ tests there's evidence that the Chinese and others study grind for them and improve their scores. So past a certain point it's not indicative of actual intelligence. Alex Smith comes off as just a buffoon to me, not even "Intellectual Yet Idiot," just a know-nothing meathead.
Week 3 was all about the National Anthem and Trump. An example of no matter how popular or financially successful, black men are still deeply sensitive and insecure.

Why do black men demonstrate so much false pride, while crying over every perceived slight or insult? If you watch the NFL, particularly during the highly rated Sunday Night game, you will see the World Vision Well Water commercial. Wherein, you're told the story of young African girls walking miles to carry buckets of dirty water to their village. The White missionaries come to the village and tap a well, as dozens of dirty black children rejoice in the spray of fresh water... African villages still in the Stone Age, black children everywhere yet not a black man to be found. Every black male watching that commercial should rightfully cringe inside, wondering how his life would be without the gift of White technology and progress. No amount of accolades for throwing a ball through a hoop can ever erase the truth.
The antics of black men in general don't hold my attention for very long. I have met wonderful accomplished black men individually, but start adding them up and it becomes negative quickly, they seem to celebrate their pathologies as virtues, evolutionary dead ends or humanity's death.

Back to football, one of the last team's to capture any attention from me the Packers are playing the Bears tonight in GB. Someone should tell that doofus Rogers to butt out of politics, the BLM is as about as close to a real terrorist organization as we have in this failing country.
Week 3 was all about the National Anthem and Trump. An example of no matter how popular or financially successful, black men are still deeply sensitive and insecure.

Why do black men demonstrate so much false pride, while crying over every perceived slight or insult? If you watch the NFL, particularly during the highly rated Sunday Night game, you will see the World Vision Well Water commercial. Wherein, you're told the story of young African girls walking miles to carry buckets of dirty water to their village. The White missionaries come to the village and tap a well, as dozens of dirty black children rejoice in the spray of fresh water... African villages still in the Stone Age, black children everywhere yet not a black man to be found. Every black male watching that commercial should rightfully cringe inside, wondering how his life would be without the gift of White technology and progress. No amount of accolades for throwing a ball through a hoop can ever erase the truth.

One of the things you don't hear about is that in many cases, after the pumps are installed, the pumps are stolen and sold for metal for pennies. This happens frequently.
Week 3 was all about the National Anthem and Trump. An example of no matter how popular or financially successful, black men are still deeply sensitive and insecure.

Why do black men demonstrate so much false pride, while crying over every perceived slight or insult? If you watch the NFL, particularly during the highly rated Sunday Night game, you will see the World Vision Well Water commercial. Wherein, you're told the story of young African girls walking miles to carry buckets of dirty water to their village. The White missionaries come to the village and tap a well, as dozens of dirty black children rejoice in the spray of fresh water... African villages still in the Stone Age, black children everywhere yet not a black man to be found. Every black male watching that commercial should rightfully cringe inside, wondering how his life would be without the gift of White technology and progress. No amount of accolades for throwing a ball through a hoop can ever erase the truth.
It's because they are all heading north to invade Europe, with nary a black woman nor black child to be found.
Here's an interesting article about CF's favorite team Seattle Seahawks and their handling of the protest last week (hiding in the locker room like a bunch of rats):


The money quote:

"Though not naming names, Tobin said he had spoken with a few teammates who shared his point of view. He added that they’d thought about walking out for the anthem before concluding it would be a bad look.

There were five or six guys, but we were all white,” said Tobin, adding that his family wasn’t too happy about him staying inside. “We’d be sending a message, but we’d be sending the wrong message to our teammates.”

I do not envy the life of a white NFL player in Pete's plantation where a mob of black supremacist radical scum run the asylum. In fact, if you're a white free agent, why would you want to sign there? If you're one of the 55-60 white players who get drafted every year, just pray Seattle does not pick you.
I knew it! I knew there were some White players who secretly didn't want to be a part of that clown show.

I don't really blame Tobin and his teammates for backing down and staying inside. Seattle is such a rabidly liberal, hyper-partisan city that they would have gotten no support from the fans if they had come out for the anthem.
Just goes to show you this country has never been more divided.

Thanks Barry O.
I do not envy the life of a white NFL player in Pete's plantation where a mob of black supremacist radical scum run the asylum. In fact, if you're a white free agent, why would you want to sign there? If you're one of the 55-60 white players who get drafted every year, just pray Seattle does not pick you.

Just look at how Tomlin was treated Villanova. And that is just one angry black man. The Blackhawks would be hell if they pulled that off.
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