2017 NFL Week 3

I was just watching the local Pittsburgh news, and the Steelers were the focus of the first five minutes. One of the teleprompter readers introduced a report as "Villanueva apologizes for his role Sunday," but when they cut to Villenueva he said that he didn't want to create the impression that his teammates weren't behind him; he wasn't "apologizing" for standing outside the tunnel for the anthem.

Then they cut to Big Ben, who made the ludicrous claim that the team was following Villanueva out of the tunnel, but they "were blocked by fans." Sure, a bunch of Steelers fans were permitted into the tunnel at Chicago's Soldier Field and then decided to block the players from leaving the tunnel. Totally believable. Ben said that after being blocked by fans, the anthem started and so they just stayed where they were until it was over. Sounds like a ridiculous attempt at damage control, but the fact that he's attempting damage control means he's aware of the backlash.

Oh, and the lead story was about some volunteer fire chief using a racial slur on Facebook to describe Mike Tomlin. Because we all know that in this most peculiar "White supremacist" country, the worst non-violent crime a person can commit is to use a racial slur against blacks.
Big Ben the new pretzel. Come on man. Aren't you a successful White athlete HOF bound and will millions in the bank!
You are on the inside there Don but from the outside for people like me the Steelers are quickly becoming a jumbled mess ( along with the rest of the league). There are still lingering questions about the "black power" movement inside the Steelers reinforced by that horrible Antonio Brown incident last year prior to the Pats playoff game. I don't think Tomlin is a flat out racist but he could very well be using it as a tool to motivate the team. Not good. For the life of me if I had a warrior soldier on my team who laid down his life for me and the country like Villanueva, who by the way in an instant became a true AMERICAN HERO, I could not live with myself by hiding in a locker room or doing anything other than standing at attention for the National Anthem. How on earth can players not stand with him? The reason is simple. Too many black athletes don't understand the reasons they are where they are---which is the TOP OF THE HEEP. And of course for many black athletes their hatred of white people is one of their main motivating forces that has carried them to the NFL. Everything else to them is secondary. You hear these black ******** say their protest isn't about people in the military. So why did the Steelers play middle finger to the flag while they had an actual soldier on their team?
Not defending Smith, be he might not know that Trump condemned all sides. If he just gets his info from the MSM like most players, he absolutely doesn't know since our unbiased journalists so faithfully give us unabridged information....NOT. It just shows that Smith is an ignoramus, not necessarily a cuck.
Alex Smith has an IQ of 140 based on his Wonderlic score.
Back to the Beckham dog pee thing; I cannot for the life of me imagine what would make this piece of garbage "celebrate" a TD that way. Nor can I understand how HE is not the lead story today and us hearing the details of his suspension from the League until further notice.

Oh wait...the coddled, innocent, can do no wrong, member of the magical ones.

Back to the Beckham dog pee thing; I cannot for the life of me imagine what would make this piece of garbage "celebrate" a TD that way. Nor can I understand how HE is not the lead story today and us hearing the details of his suspension from the League until further notice.

Oh wait...the coddled, innocent, can do no wrong, member of the magical ones.

Here's his explanation
“I don’t know … I was in the end zone, I scored a touchdown — I’m a dog, so I acted like a dog.

Truly ridiculous of him to compare himself to a dog. Dogs are noble, honorable animals.
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Big Ben the new pretzel. Come on man. Aren't you a successful White athlete HOF bound and will millions in the bank!
Now Villanueva is backtracking! Wow. He says he "accidentally walked out ahead of his team. " BS. Its really up to us the American people to shut down this anti-white leftist organization.
Now Villanueva is backtracking! Wow. He says he "accidentally walked out ahead of his team. " BS. Its really up to us the American people to shut down this anti-white leftist organization.
Not only is he a coward but he's an idiot as well. He had the support of at least 63 million people. He was set for life. He could have used this whole thing to catapult himself into conservative rock stardom.He could have been a leader on the national stage. It wouldn't have mattered if he got blackballed from the NFL for life. That would have made him even more popular (and probably wealthier with less CTE). It would spur serious protests and a real boycott of the NFL. One that would leave a real dent in their bottom line because White people actually have money. He could have made a real difference in the world. I guess to him it was more important to curry favor with a bunch of low IQ thugs who hate people with his complexion.
Not only is he a coward but he's an idiot as well. He had the support of at least 63 million people. He was set for life. He could have used this whole thing to catapult himself into conservative rock stardom.He could have been a leader on the national stage. It wouldn't have mattered if he got blackballed from the NFL for life. That would have made him even more popular (and probably wealthier with less CTE). It would spur serious protests and a real boycott of the NFL. One that would leave a real dent in their bottom line because White people actually have money. He could have made a real difference in the world. I guess to him it was more important to curry favor with a bunch of low IQ thugs who hate people with his complexion.

He's not a conservative.
And your point is?
He's only 29. Not currently being a card carrying member of the GOP doesn't prevent him from becoming a conservative hero. Didn't he also do three tours in Afghanistan? On the outside at least he looks like he holds some mainstream conservative values.
Read the quotes posted on another thread about how he supports Kaepernick and how tough minorities have it in the U.S. He's a vet who did the right thing yesterday, but he's not a conservative, or alt-right supporter or anything close to that.
Read the quotes posted on another thread about how he supports Kaepernick and how tough minorities have it in the U.S. He's a vet who did the right thing yesterday, but he's not a conservative, or alt-right supporter or anything close to that.
I'm the one who posted those comments. If those comments are the only reason you're saying he's not a conservative then I'm not so sure about that. That's just mainstream cuckservatism to me. His words sound like something Paul Ryan would say . Lots of conservatives still hold ridiculous views on race and equality, I'd venture to say most of them do, but this would be a start in the right direction.
Tom Brady calls Trump's NFL comments "just divisive"

BOSTON -- New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady is at odds with President Trump on the issue of players protesting the national anthem, calling Mr. Trump's comments "just divisive."

Brady told Boston's WEEI-FM sports radio that he "certainly" disagrees with Mr. Trump's comment that NFL owners should fire any player who refuses to stand for the anthem.

"I just want to support my teammates. I am never one to say, 'Oh, that is wrong. That is right.' I do believe in what I believe in. I believe in bringing people together and respect and love and trust. Those are the values that my parents instilled in me. That is how I try and live every day," he said Monday.

Patriots locked arms with some teammates during the "Star Spangled Banner" on Sunday against the Texans while other players kneeled.

Brady has called Mr. Trump a "good friend" in the past and one of Mr. Trump's "Make America Great Again" hats was spotted in Brady's locker in 2015. Mr. Trump has often praised the quarterback on social media.

The kneeling movement began in 2016 when former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick refused to stand during the national anthem to protest racial injustice in the U.S. Kaepernick remains an unsigned free agent, and Brady recently voiced his support for Kaepernick.

"I've always watched him and admired him, the way that he's played he was a great young quarterback," Brady told CBS News' Norah O'Donnell. "He came to our stadium and beat us and took his team to the Super Bowl. He accomplished a lot in the pros as a player. And he's certainly qualified and I hope he gets a shot.

maybe they'll stop calling him a cheater now ?
I'm the one who posted those comments. If those comments are the only reason you're saying he's not a conservative then I'm not so sure about that. That's just mainstream cuckservatism to me. His words sound like something Paul Ryan would say . Lots of conservatives still hold ridiculous views on race and equality, I'd venture to say most of them do, but this would be a start in the right direction.

Again, if you're counting on White jocks to be your political leaders, you're going to be disappointed every time.
I don't care if Villanueva is backtracking. When it counted he stood alone and showed respect for America.
One thing people need to remember about any current players personal views is the years spent in front of total libtard professors in college. I'm sure there is some conservative players in the league but have learned not to say much after years spent around intolerant libtards and in a league ran by one.
Again, if you're counting on White jocks to be your political leaders, you're going to be disappointed every time.
After the events of the past 36 hours I believe you are 100% correct. These guys won't even stick their necks out for relatively safe and politically correct causes. Of course they'll never stick up for the more meaningful and risky causes. But I still believe they'd be the ideal candidates to become our political leaders
Sean Lee with 5 solo tackles already in the first half. Jeff Heath with 3 solos and 1 assist.

The Cardinals started an all-White offensive line tonight! I didn't think I'd live to see that. Going back decades they've always been among the teams with the most sumos on their line.
After the events of the past 36 hours I believe you are 100% correct. These guys won't even stick their necks out for relatively safe and politically correct causes. Of course they'll never stick up for the more meaningful and risky causes. But I still believe they'd be the ideal candidates to become our political leaders

Athletes are NOT equipped to be political leaders.
Athletes are NOT equipped to be political leaders.
What makes you say that? Many of them are very wealthy, intelligent, physically imposing, and millions of men look up to them. Today's athlete is yesterday's version of the tribal warrior
What makes you say that? Many of them are very wealthy, intelligent, physically imposing, and millions of men look up to them. Today's athlete is yesterday's version of the tribal warrior

After their careers are over, some athletes go into politics. But not while they're playing. It's a new career that takes training and experience like any career.

Look, yesterday was a great day. A political leader -- the President of the United States no less -- stuck it to the NFL, and the NFL and the media reacted just as we knew they would. The NFL is under attack like never before. The country is polarized more than ever on race. That's all to the good. And yet on Caste Football, a site that supports White athletes, there's still whining that supposedly secret alt-right White football players didn't launch a counter-movement. Are you that consumed with negativity?

That's the end of this topic. This is a Week 3 thread, not a thread about political fantasies. If you must continue your fantasy, take it to Happy Hour.
So how is the game going? Any hi-lights of our guys? besides Lee and Heath.
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