I have some thoughts on all of this. Firstly, there is a strong anti-"sportsball" within the Alt-Right that may be foreign to the folks who were red-pilled well before the Internet. Considering the obvious anti-white agenda of the NFL and other pro sports leagues, it has become very uncool to enjoy football if you are white and fashy. This prevents folks from even considering posting here as obviously we are all ardent football fans. They have conflated a love of the sport with the league's cucked agenda. We see the distinction but, understandably, they do not.
Secondly, this forum is a bit "old-school" as far as the Internet discourse goes. The discussion on race and the race-realist zeitgeist has moved over to Twitter and other platforms.
Finally, I think younger whites, even racially aware ones, consider themselves inferior and unworthy of participation in football. They (as do I) view NFL-style football as a sport intentionally catered to the few genetic traits which blacks hold the edge (straight-ahead speed and twitch muscle explosiveness).