2014 World Cup Finals - Part Two

4-5 goals is pushing it a bit,but yes,they would've scored two atleast then,hadn't it been for Ochoa.

But still,you must remember that Mexico more than held their own against Brazil.Nobody begrudged Mexico for their point.

Agreed. I’m certainly not attempting to give Brazil credit where it isn’t due. They have been far from dominant, but like Germany, they've managed to avoid defeat in a tournament that has been full of surprises, late victories in extra time, penalty shoot-outs, and bizarre upsets.

When they eliminated Colombia a few days ago, Colomiba were the “hottest” team in the tournament. Prior to Rodriquez’s PK in the 80[SUP]th[/SUP] minute, Brazil was winning 2-0.
brazil is much better than france for example
they had to face much better teams than the ones germany faced too
but it doesn't change the fact that brazil has looked way inferior to any decent team that they have faced
they looked inferior to croatia, to mexico, to chile, and to colombia
now they are without their best ofensive player
it would be a very big disapointment if germany can't win this game
How many people would prefer Argentina to get through rather than Holland? Holland has a lot of Negroes on their subs' bench.

Argentina has no Negroes but a few Mestizo types.

difficult question
will i root for:
-the team that contains 0 blacks, the best player in the world and maybe the best player in history, who also happens to be white, a white striker, 9 white starters and 2 mestizos,
-or the team that has as many blacks in its roster as france, and that we didn't plan on rooting for until we saw that they didn't start an half black team?
This World Cup (and - significantly - I'm not exclusively referring to the finals tournament...) has been an all-round disaster in terms of race, regardless of whichever nation will eventually win the trophy. Not one of the sixteen teams that made it to the second round was 100% White. Apart from Greece - with their one mestizo Jose Holebas - the European teams in the last sixteen were markedly non-White (as our regulars know, I don't count Albanians or any other Muslims as White - if anyone doesn't like it, I recommend getting up off your blinkered, US-oriented, "but, but, but...David Duke said" arse, actually boarding a plane and visiting a Muslim area of any big city in the UK, France, the Netherlands, Belgium, et cetera...). By "markedly" I mean habitually starting at least three non-Whites (France, England, Switzerland, Belgium, Germany) or starting two or three Negroes then bringing on more in the second half from a largely black bench (the current version of the ever-Negro friendly Netherlands).

The fact that all of the blackest and most Muslim-ridden teams from Europe qualified for the finals is quite cataclysmic in itself as this only reinforces the media message of the value of non-White - particularly black - players. France, England, Holland, Belgium, Switzerland, Portugal and Germany all field non-Whites in practically every game. Bosnia might as well be Turkey. What's more, Croatia have their pair of naturalised Brazilians, while Italy have the egregiously overexposed Balotelli.

Let's not beat about the proverbial bush: the European nations with all-White teams failed to deliver the goods again and allowed such heavily non-White sides to qualify for the finals and represent Europe on the world stage. The all-White teams like Poland, Ukraine, Serbia, Slovenia, Montenegro, Romania, and Hungary all finished behind sides full of Negroes and Muslims and therefore didn't do our "cause" any favours. Such a state of affairs isn't good enough and bodes ill for the future, no matter how much people wish to sugarcoat it with endless videos and graphs. The stark reality is this: if all-White or minimally (strictly one or two players) non-White teams continuously succumb to significantly (three or four players) or mostly non-White teams at both club and international level the overall trend of ever-increasing numbers of blacks and Arabs in the sport will never be reversed.

Football is a team game and if spectators see teams with more blacks and Arabs routinely beating teams with less (or no) blacks and Arabs then it's no surprise they'll naturally begin to assume that a sizeable non-White presence in the lineup is a beneficial thing. That's how the public interpret what they see and - in the end - it's exceedingly difficult to argue against such conclusions because sporting ability is viewed solely through the prism of success.

Now before all manner of accusations erupt like stinking puss from a whopping great arse boil, the statements and sentiments in the preceding paragraphs are not "defeatist", "treasonous", or ****ing "Jewish". They simply reflect the truth and anyone who cannot or does not want to see it must be quite deficient in the brains department.

Interesting, but I disagree. Football teams are getting darker for the same reasons movies, TV-shows, the police force, even governments all over the "Western World" are getting darker. Because the powers that be are creating a reality where the common man gets used to a multi-culti society. Football is the most watched sport in the world and as such has a huge propaganda potential which is not missed by our semitic elites.

The teams with blacks win not because of Black players, but despite them, because most of these same teams have some of the best White players. Regarding the World Cup, it has promoted nothing but White players so far. Of the teams in the semifinals the most prominent players have been Messi, Higuain, De Maria for Argentina, Robben and Schneider for the Netherlands, Neuer, Kroos, Muller, Hummels for Germany, David Luiz for Brazil. Even heavily Black or marginally White teams have brought forward primarily White players - Griezmann and Valbuena for France, Hazard and De Bruyne for Belgium, James Rodriguez for Colombia. I cannot think of a single Black player who has proven his value here - can you?

I'm not sure how much You actually know about football (although You recent posts have provided a snapshot of the typical one-eyed Germany enthusiast the likes of which proliferate around any pro-White site...) but German teams have never been renowned for sportsmanship. In fact, German teams have traditionally had a reputation for the exact opposite. I've previously discussed that detestable prick Harald Schumacher's infamous "foul" on Patrick Battiston in the semi-final of the 1982 World Cup in addition to the flagrant fix between West Germany and Austria in their final group game of the same tournament. Jurgen Klinsmann (I'm sure You've heard of him...) holds the dubious distinction of being the most theatrical European diver I've ever seen and - believe me - I've seen plenty. Klinsmann's antics make that ugly, bald cheat Arjen "I've Been Shot" Robben appear almost Old Corinthian in comparison.

Germany was always a very physical/borderline dirty team not ovely preoccupied by "fair play" which is mostly an anglo-saxon invention (although more in theory than in practice - when it comes to winning important games no team is immune to a certain level of shenanigans). In addition, like all big teams that can pull strings in the referee association, they were favoured by the referees more often than not. Make a mistake against Germany, Italy or Brazil, and you probably won't go very far. Make big mistake(s) against lowly Croatia and you are still shortlisted to referee the world Cup final. In addition to that Germany did - over the years - produce many outstanding players and teams. They don't lack quality. They also have (or had) a "never-give-up" spirit more than any other team I've seen. It's a combination of these factors that makes them a tough team to beat. Starting from the late 90s with the introduction of numerous cameras and a more strict refereeing they could count less and less on the first factor and that's one of the reasons why they didn't win anything for almost 20 years.
It is also true that their fans tend to have some innate arrogance. It is very difficult to have an informed discussion about football with a German, more so than with any other White nationality. Their team is always "die beste mannschaft der welt", regardless of how they actually look on the field.
Sill an easy choice today and maybe one gets hurt or gets a yellow card. In any event, Germany will likely finish with 9 whites at least.
This should have been mentioned earlier but wasn't. Brazil's national anthem is so Third World sounding, especially when played right after Germany's.
Liking the red & black kit for Germany. Notice how enthusiastic all the Brazilians are for their anthem. Only 8 of the Germans are enthusiastic for theirs.
This should have been mentioned earlier but wasn't. Brazil's national anthem is so Third World sounding, especially when played right after Germany's.

It sounds like something you might hear at a circus or carnival. Completely appropriate for that country.

The non-Germans refusing to sing the national anthem sticks out like a sore thumb. No mention by the announcers on such an obvious form of disrespect.
Kloseeeeeeeee! How sweet it is!
Die Mannschaft!! Der rout ist on!
Truly shocking! Time for the mercy rule.
Hilarious. And Brazil have had 55% possession.:icon_lol: Finally, Brazil exposed.
Germany should have had a penalty.After half time Lowe should take off guys like Muller to preserve them for the final.
Wow - had a business call and thought the 5-0 was a typo. No more black teams left. Germany v Argentina or Holland will be a very white affair.
I knew Brazil was over-hyped but this result so far is unreal.
What a half of football by the Germans!!! Congratulations to one of my favorite players in Miroslav Klose for breaking the World Cup goal scoring record, and against Brazil by that!! This match has been great!
people will still talk about this game in 2 centuries
5-0 after less than 30 minutes, in brazil :icon_eek:
i have trouble to realise how incredible it is

and klose beat the record for most goals scored at the world cup, a perfect match for us

but really, i'm proud of witnessing an historical event like that

marcelo was totally exposed
germany attacked on his side all the time
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