Get ready for the faggiest Olympics ever in protest of Russia's ban on homosexual propaganda towards children. The US of Gay is already prepping it's athletes to be as queer friendly as possible. Undoubtedly the US contingent will be eager to put on a show that they know will get them the overwhelmingly positive coverage from a homo-obsessed media. There will be plenty of rainbow flag waving and same sex affection at every opportunity and they will be saluted for their "bravery" by an adoring pro-gay media.
Expect plenty of boorish behavior, look forward to lots of "coming out" as the assault on traditional values continues on unabated. Especially with the high percentage of queers in women's sports, like ice hockey, and male figure skaters, this will be a good time for them to try and win sponsorships from the many homosupportive businesses in the Great Multicultural Empire. Since the Winter Olympics generally only includes nice White post-Christian nations they don't have to worry angry homophobic Muslims and Africans threatening to chop their **** heads off. It will still be ugly.
Expect plenty of boorish behavior, look forward to lots of "coming out" as the assault on traditional values continues on unabated. Especially with the high percentage of queers in women's sports, like ice hockey, and male figure skaters, this will be a good time for them to try and win sponsorships from the many homosupportive businesses in the Great Multicultural Empire. Since the Winter Olympics generally only includes nice White post-Christian nations they don't have to worry angry homophobic Muslims and Africans threatening to chop their **** heads off. It will still be ugly.