2010 NFL Draft

I see paralels to the 2001 Draft:

Sam Bradford is Mike Vick (#1 Pick) and Jimmy Clausen is Drew Brees (2nd Rounder, but the ONE with the Super Bowl ring)...

The Chargers taking Ryan Matthews makes little sense. Why would they pick him that high? The guy couldn't even stay healthy through his college career and now he is going to be an every down back. Yeah right! What a joke. The Chargers not only blew it but they moved up in the draft for this! Lol.

They will be sorry they didn't take Toby a few years from now.Edited by: white lightning
By my count, we had 27 blacks, 3 whites, and 2 Islanders taken in the first round. I have never seen anything like this. How can even the drunkest of DWFs not at least wonder about this sort of anomally? Today's first round was clearly a black day (pun intended) from the CF perspective.

Also, is it me, or did I spot an unusally high number of mudshark sightings during all the various celebrations that we saw?
white lightning said:
The Chargers taking Ryan Matthews makes little sense. Why would they pick him that high? The guy couldn't even stay healthy through his college career and now he is going to be an every down back. Yeah right! What a joke. The Chargers not only blew it but they moved up in the draft for this! Lol.

They will be sorry they didn't take Toby a few years from now.
He wasn't even thinking that he would be drafted in the first round as he didn't attend the event. It goes to show you that teams will reach for a Black tailback(I'm assuming he is Mulatto). That hasn't happened for a White tailback since Vardell and that has constantly been discussed since Gerhart has emerged as a prominent prospect. If you were to site the prominent Black busts at qb when Russell was picked people would have been outraged. Edited by: white is right
foobar75 I consider mudsharks worse than DWFs and the anti social affelet. Let them be with the negros. In the end they will be shunned and hopefully broke and living in a f'd trailer park. Most are gold diggers and a few attracted to the affelets. Man, if I had a daughter who went that route she would get nothing but a tongue lashing that would never end.
Never underestimate how anti-white the NFL can be.
Clausen figures to go in the second round to one of several possible teams that need quarterbacks. If Gerhart isn'tone of the next twoRBs taken we'll know this is going to be a nightmare draft. Gerhart and the Gang ofSix at WR -- Shipley, Decker, White, Cooper, McGaha and Meier -- are all "sure things," proven commodities, consistent, productive and very talented, more sure things thanjust about anyone taken in the first round. Kevin Jurovich and Ryan Wolfe could be added to them but they probably won't be drafted, and it won't surprise me if Meier and McGaha also aren't.

Last year the two players touted pre-draft as "sure things" were LB Aaron Curry and WR Brian Robiskie and they were both flops as rookies. Robiskie was inactive most of the season even though the Browns were desperate for help at receiver. I agree with Borussia that upwards of 2/3 of the players selected today will be either busts or notable underachievers, though with o-linemen they can suck and still be venerated All Pros in the bizarro world of the NFL and the media. Even d-linemen are easily hyped as better than they are. When DE Brandon Graham was taken by the Eagles, Tom Jackson and Gruden were breathlessly calling him a "freak" athlete, comparing him favorably to Javon Kearse, the same Javon Kearse who has sucked for the better part of a decade but who is still in the league living off the hype from his first couple of seasons.Edited by: Don Wassall
I'm so bummed about Tebow going to Denver. Now they will ruin the careers of Brady Quinn and Tim Tebow. My only hope is that there is some kind of trade coming up tommorow that we don't know about. It's possible that New England or another team could still try to aquire his rights. I sure hope so. If not, Tebow is screwed. Worst draft ever so far!
Man, I thought Tebow would be in the 2nd round and Toby towards the end of the 1st. I hope Tebow refuses any other postion.

Tmrw, I guess Toby "should" go near the top of the 2nd round. This whole draft is disgusting. What makes it so, is the fawning of the eternal DWF. These losers are probably if there lucky making 50 grand, yet spending almost half of their income on NFL tickets and madatory beer consumption at the games or in their pathetic livingrooms on Sunday. F'ing losers. I would understand if the league was fair to their fellow whites, but as we all know its not. DWFs, NFL GMs and mudsharks I hold most in contempt.
foobar75 said:
Also, is it me, or did I spot an unusally high number of mudshark sightings during all the various celebrations that we saw?
Nope, it's not you. That's all part of the game plan of the PTB. Through aggressive affirmative action policies, promote these affeletes as the "alpha men" in society, enabled, of course, by their jock-sniffing White lackeys in the caste media while these same jock-sniffers denigrate, degrade and do everything they can to emasculate true alpha men like Tebow, just like Mel Kiper did during the draft. Unfortunately, many of the White women can't see through this and buy into the bullsh*t the caste media is pushing, because they want to be with the media-contrived "alpha men".

What these "mudshark" women don't know is that they are only getting the "sloppy seconds" because the on-their-knees, jock-sniffing White caste-lackeys like Kiper and McShay already had first dibs.
I'm still just shaking my head over the way Kiper was ripping Tebow when Denver drafted him. He would never, ever do that to a black player. None of them would, it's always "whitey" who's openly mocked, critized, and blamed. Any praise of white players is always subdued and guarded, with the usual caste terminology thrown in.

When it's time to discuss black players, the superhuman adjectives start to fly, and I kid you not, sometimes I feel like these "experts" are getting some sort of sexual gratification the way they drool and fawn over their precious affletes. It's truly sickening stuff.

As for the mudsharks on display, each and every one of them was disgusting from what I could see, and thus, truly living up to their names. So all I can say is they all deserve each other.
I've noted in previous drafts how completely segregated the groups surrounding the big-name players usually were -- in such sharp contrast to the commercials thatare always multi-racial (except when they are all black, which is always acceptable)--but this year was different, more of an ebony and ivory look, with white females more in evidence, and more white males too, though they often looked like agents and wannabe agents.

I agree that the white women were nothing to look at. I think the black alpha male thing jumped the shark some years back -- too much awareness of the gross dysfunction of black males, their propensity for mistreating women, their high AIDS rate,theirhigh crimerateand other factors -- but the system will push it until its dying breath. The response is always the same -- ever greater doses of whatever caused the problem in the first place. The system will never voluntarily change from the top down; only widespread awarenessfollowed by relentlessbottom up pressure will bring down the Caste System and force the NFL and big-time college football to attempt to be color blind.
Well, if Josh McDaniels reads Castefootball, he just got even with all of us.

I'm going to be more positive though. One thing I have noticed is that Tim Tebow has been impressing people the last few weeks. Including Jon Gruden, whom he spent time with for ESPN.
Gruden has been supportive of Tebow since spending time with him and getting a chance to learn about all of Tim, not just his throwing motion.

I hope the Bronco's were just as impressed and do believe in Tim.

Time will tell but Tebow, in my opinion, is a serious stud who will not be denied. Good Luck Tim! Edited by: GWTJ
A GM could have really done well for himself by trading down. Amazing. I don't care much for football, but it does seem to be kind of the "canary in the cage". She's choking.
Highlander said:
Unfortunately, many of the White women can't see through this and buy into the bullsh*t the caste media is pushing, because they want to be with the media-contrived "alpha men".

It's mainly "White men" that immerse White women into the filthy world of negro worship.

Many women, when left to their own devices, aren't interested in sporting events at all. So, if they are interested in majority to all-black sporting events, It's usually because a White male somewhere (father, brother, boyfriend/husband) passed the batton of "team fandom" to them!

*Since they put this Draft on Primetime, it makes sense that they upped the miscegenation (according to you folks, as I refused to watch this blackfest). It also makes perfect sense that White athletes got the shaft. I will watch the later rounds of the Draft because they usually don't show the "family-lives" of those selected at that junction.*
The funny thing is, if every White athlete selected (in these 7-Rounds) had an ebony girlfriend and showed her off to the world via the media, the media wouldn't object. Does anyone here disagree about that?

No doubt that Tebow, Clausen, Colt, (and 1,000s and 1,000s of other dashing White athletes), could display themselves with an ebony girlfriend, and the Zionist media would be silent. Because, it's "celebrating diversity/multicult" and still "miscegenation" - period - which fits the MSMs White-extinction agenda quite perfectly. That's my 2-cents.
Guys honestly did you think the first round of the draft would be any different than years past? It's a negro love fest and over half these guys will turn out to be busts. The later rounds are always where our guys start to get a little better treatment and get noticed. It's just not "acceptable" to draft a white with your first pick and a lot of DWFS truely believe that. I'm usually a poster with a lot of optimism but every year the first roundis dismal to say the least.

As for Tebow going to the Broncos I enjoyed Mel Kipe's reaction. He spent the rest of the night with a salty look on his face and looked ready to either snap or cry on Gruden and Young at times when they spoke. He's suchan egomaniac!Going to Denver is definitely not ideal, but all we can do is hope that he gets a chance to play QB.

The second round will be a good one by my standards as long as Clausen, McCoy, Shipley, and Gerhart all go, we'll see...
white is right said:
white lightning said:
The Chargers taking Ryan Matthews makes little sense. Why would they pick him that high? The guy couldn't even stay healthy through his college career and now he is going to be an every down back. Yeah right! What a joke. The Chargers not only blew it but they moved up in the draft for this! Lol.

They will be sorry they didn't take Toby a few years from now.
He wasn't even thinking that he would be drafted in the first round as he didn't attend the event. It goes to show you that teams will reach for a Black tailback(I'm assuming he is Mulatto). That hasn't happened for a White tailback since Vardell and that has constantly been discussed since Gerhart has emerged as a prominent prospect. If you were to site the prominent Black busts at qb when Russell was picked people would have been outraged.
We've already gone through trying to figure out what race Ryan Mathews is on this Caste Football post topic.
From his recruiting photos and such, it's fairly obvious that he's not black or mulatto, but more along the lines of a Pacific Islander/Middle Easterner/White mix. He seems to have gotten darker the last year or so, so maybe he is a sun worshipper (easy to do in almost always sunny Fresno), or maybe he has an inkling about the caste system and "darkened" himself for self-promotion?
What McDaniels has done to the Broncos reminds me of the movie "Millers crossing".The similarities of the movie plot and what McDaniels is doing, along with his relationship with Belichick seem interestingly familiar.

I don't understand his motives, moves or trades, unless of course, they have been made to benefit New England and his mentor by weakening the AFC.Otherwise, he has made no sense at all.Selecting Tim Teebow and using him at any position other than quarterback will strengthen my case.Edited by: WHITE NOISE
I don't think Ryan Mathews "had to face" the Caste System. Watch the Chargers' treat him a 1,000 times better than they treated SEC Rusher Jacob Hester...
from what i've read so far, McDaniels does like Tebow at QB and wants to groom him to compete with Quinn in 2011 and use him in certain formation even this season. it shall remain to be seen, but Tim can definitely use a year of backing up and learning the NFL ropes. i just hope he will be given an ample opportunity!
Navarro Bowman
Golden Tate
Brandon Spikes
Arellious Benn

They will probably "have" to get selected before any White 'backer or wideout can be selected. Where's Juice Williams? Who wants to bet that he gets Drafted?
Did anyone see that segment on ESPN where they were ridiculing Colt McCoys southern accent, saying it was hard to understand? Do you think they would ever do that to a black quarterback with their ebonics spewing mumbo jumbo? More evidence of the caste system even among quarterbacksEdited by: Lance Alworth
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