2010 NFL Draft

Don Wassall said:
The Steelers take a black center, all but assuring themselves an all-sumo line by next season.  Colbert and Tomlin are relentless in their Rooney Rule fanaticism for an all-black starting lineup.
Pouncey will never start for the Steelers. Simply put, he and his brother are the most overrated players in all of college football (although it's a close race with Ingram).
Lets see..... The Steelers will have Justin Hartwig, Brett Keisel, and Aaron Smith. That'll be it for the Steelers for the 1st six games.
A great receiving TE in college, Chase Coffman, just got screwed by the Bengals when they took Gresham. Coffman is being basically given up on already because Cincy insisted last year that he be more of a blocking TE than what he should be, a receiving one.
Don Wassall said:
A great receiving TE in college, Chase Coffman, just got screwed by the Bengals when they took Gresham.  Coffman is being basically given up on already because Cincy insisted last year that he be more of a blocking TE than what he should be, a receiving one.

Yes, this pick ends any chance of Coffman getting significant playing time. As if it were not already obvious, the whole being inactive the entire last season and all. Hopefully, he'll be released or traded so he can begin his NFL career somewhere else.

*Baluga to the Packers. Solid pick for them.Edited by: Freethinker
It's about time: The Packers select Bryan Bulaga.
The "experts" want to make white tackles like Balugainto guards the same as they want to turn white WRs into TEs and RBs into FBs.
Don Wassall said:
The "experts" want to make white tackles like Balugainto guards the same as they want to turn white WRs into TEs and RBs into FBs.

No doubt about it, they definitely have an agenda. I think Bulaga is NFL ready and will probably be the best Rookie tackle this year, I know it's abold statement, but the guy is a warrior!
Tebow putting on a Broncos hat? That's not a good sign.
McDaniels will want to put him on special teams.
I hearTebow dazzled Eminem with his long snapping skills. Edited by: Don Wassall
Oh Crap! Not McDumbass. He'll ruin him. Josh will make sure Tim will be a fine replacement to Tony Scheffler.

Kiper sucks. He's ripping and destroying Tebow right now on ESPN.
Well since they traded Peyton, they need a new FB

I'm following this draft on ESPN.com live draft and they allow you to vote for a letter grade immediately after each pick. No surprise the drunk white nation gave Denver an F. I believe A was the the second highest so it seems like Tebow is a love/hate guy.
"Hopefully we can get Gerhart in the 2nd or 3rd round to compete with Tebow at fullback. They'd both be a heck of a lead blocker for Knowshown."


Josh McDaniels overheard in the War Room

I almost hope Tebow barely plays at QB his first year now. You take away all his weapons then throw him out there? Sucks.
It doesn't help with Tebow saying that he'll do whatever it takes to make the Broncos. I hate McDitz. He's already ruined 1 year of Hillis' and Schefler's careers.

Josh loves Tebow as a special teams gunner/ H-Back. After all, Hillis and Scheffler left, McDaniels thinks Tebow can replace them both.Edited by: Jack Lambert
I have never seen Mel Kiper so upset when Tebow was drafted. I seriously thought he was going to either blow a fuse or just drop dead right there because of extreme anger.

The Tebow pick to Broncos is horrible, what a sad day it's been so far.
Don Wassall said:
The "experts" want to make white tackles like Baluga into guards the same as they want to turn white WRs into TEs and RBs into FBs. 

Yep. The Caste machine is really revving up the anti-White agenda. I don't think it's even masquerading anymore.

Honestly, the scouts and other black worshipers are turning this 1st round into one huge afflete loving fest.
At this rate I will be mildly surprised if Toby is even taken in the 2nd round.
Broncos and McBlackie will ruin Tebow...forget his shot at QB.
They will try and make him Te or Jim Jensen slash type player.
If they even utilize him at all. I say decoy all the way.

One little bright spot: Buluga to Packers.
We can only hope Toby goes to a team who has displayed a semblance of fairness to white players.

Frankly, it doesn't look this year.
I have barely heard of half of these 1st round afflete stiffs.
2/3 will be total and utter busts.
Lets hope the second or third round makes up for the lack of white players taken in the first round.
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