2010 NCAA Tournament

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Thanks Reb, great article. Maybe John should have told the ref, "Hey Ref, tell that coach to stop calling me White Boy, ask him how he would like it if I called him black boy". It would have stopped.
Colonel_Reb said:
A Yahoo Sports article by Jason King, brings up race in this year's tourney. Looks like both Zach Hahn and Jon Scheyer have some learning to do. According to this article, 6 Whites started in the 1998 Utah-Kentucky final.


Duke, Butler defy racial stereotypes
I also note that there is no comments section after this article. Yahoo has locked it down.
bigunreal said:
Btw, did you catch a few of the physiques on the magnificant Michigan State affletes? One of them, Draymond or something, was as tubby as a snaller NFL sumo. Another one, a bench player, was outright fat. I guess this will be the next trend- fat and obese affletes hogging up the court to the delight of the all white student crowd. And, as in the NFL, none of them will be white.

Tubby's name is Draymond Green. I also noticed his amorphous, unathletic body flopping down the court. I suppose MSU, like the NFL, couldn't possibly find a non-obese, in-shape black athlete for which to heave their dirty money and dirty scholarships.

The System's talent pool must be razor thin"¦especially with the phenomenally lethargic nature of blacks, and particularly ones who are spoiled rotten by undeserved fame and fortune.

Once Casey Hampton / Vince Wilfork / Gilbert Brown / Grady Jackson types begin rumbling down the hardwood, DWF-nation may finally emerge from their willing psychological enslavement. Na, absolutely anyone or anything is entirely tolerable, as long as its deoxyribonucleic acid contains a single drop of Africana.

I like Butler, but I hope Duke makes the Professional White Loathers in the media and in DWF-nation p1ss in their little panties tonight. ESPN and the like must be writhing in agony (alongside an injured black player who stubbed his toe) about this "lose-lose situation."Â￾ Bring on the pain.
I had to tell my sons to turn away when Huggins was doing his man love thing with the afrolete. Huggins is the poster boy for DWC (drunk white coaches).

Do you think Huggins and the other loosing teams are asking themselves, "How could we have lost? Didn't we have enough athleticism?"
So happy to see my favorite basketball team since the Mid-80's(Duke) get to the championship game. However, CF'ers if Duke doesn't win tonight against the less talented and injured Butler team, Duke will go down as the biggest choke artists since Georgetown lost to Villanova or worst. I am not saying that's fair but that would be the constant refrain from the media if Duke loses. I am not worried about it though, I predict a double digit victory for Duke. Butler has held every team in the tournament under 60 points, I will be suprised if Duke doesn't score 70 or more tonight. Edited by: guest301
By the way, whiteathlete33, congratulations on your 5000 post. I wasn't online yesterday and missed your 5000th post.
Saw it flashed on screen last night...Butler F-Matt Howard suffered a mild concussion in the MSU game...and it will be a game-time decision for him to play...WOW...I sure hope he gets to play tonight!
There will plenty of athleticism on display in tonight's Duke/Butler game!! Enjoy the game yall!
Colonel_Reb said:
A Yahoo Sports article by Jason King, brings up race in this year's tourney. Looks like both Zach Hahn and Jon Scheyer have some learning to do. According to this article, 6 Whites started in the 1998 Utah-Kentucky final.


Duke, Butler defy racial stereotypes

We're seeing more articles like this concerning basketball and football, but what they leave out is identifying the source of the negative stereotyping of White athletes. Why do almost all Whites have negative opinions of White athleticism? The media is to blame in great part, the same media that ruthlessly punishes anyone who writes or says anything negative about blacks (or any other non-Whites) as a group. But at least the internet is allowing not only for sites likeCF that are raising the consciousness of many, but also for more individual writers to point out the negative stereotypes that exist. Progress is being made. . .
Green led his team to two Class A (large school) state championships and was runner-up to Brad Redford in the Mr. Basketball voting, so he was worthy of a scholarship.
FootballDad said:
Colonel_Reb said:
A Yahoo Sports article by Jason King, brings up race in this year's tourney. Looks like both Zach Hahn and Jon Scheyer have some learning to do. According to this article, 6 Whites started in the 1998 Utah-Kentucky final.


Duke, Butler defy racial stereotypes
<div></div>I also note that there is no comments section after this article. Yahoo has locked it down.

Yeah, it looks like you can only send a comment to King. I don't think they opened this one up for below the article comments at all.
Colonel_Reb said:
A Yahoo Sports article by Jason King, brings up race in this year's tourney. Looks like both Zach Hahn and Jon Scheyer have some learning to do. According to this article, 6 Whites started in the 1998 Utah-Kentucky final. http://rivals.yahoo.com/ncaa/basketball/news?slug=jn-race040410Duke, Butler defy racial stereotypes
So glad this got written; it's still on Yahoo's front page. I wish he would have gone further and at least mentioned Budinger's excellent vertical. Nevertheless, great article.

The fat guy Draymond Green is an interesting case. Izzo initially didn't offer him a scholarship, but when someone else fell through at the last minute Izzo did. Nevertheless, Izzo made him lose about 40 lbs (yes, he was that fat in high school) before his freshmen year. Hard to argue with the choice, since he's been MSU's MVP since their starting PG went down. The other fat guy was actually Michigan's Mr. Basketball last year and won the class A state championship; Izzo has complained many times about him not dropping enough weight. Maybe he thought he could strike gold twice. If the 2nd fat guy doesn't work out, maybe the Sumo basketball players will be less prevalent. However, if it does, look for coaches looking for other fat black guys to tap their "unbelievable" hidden potential beneath layers of fat. I think Izzo got extremely lucky with Green.
Wow! Did our boys put on a show!! Hayward, Howard, Singler, Zoubek, Sheyer etc. Awesome!!!

Singlers got to be the player of the tournament. How enjoyable to watch basketball the way it's supposed to be played.
Wow! What a great game. Duke and Butler just proved the haters wrong tonight! Congrats to Duke!
Scheyer, Singler, Zoubek, Howard, and Hayward were great tonight. Our guys played great tonight.

Butler and Duke both have great talent bases, and if everyone comes back (sans Scheyer+Zoubek for Duke), they may just as well make it back next year. If Hayward and Howard come back for the Bulldogs, they'll have another great tourney next year.

Watching Hayward, Singler, and Scheyer is just amazing! The most enjoyable Basketball game I've watched for awhile.

Even the announcers said this was an all-time great game!Edited by: Jack Lambert
I couldn't agree more with Jack Lambert's post, it truly was a remarkable game with passing, shooting and great effort by every kid on the floor. Great to see Singler EARN the MVP award!
What agame, well called as always by Jim Nantz. That's the way I would have scripted it if I could. It'sgreat to see the sea of mostly white faces on the victory stand!
What a great game that was! Even the caste announcers are saying how great that was to watch.

Congrats to Duke for proving the haters wrong once again
It was bitter-sweet in the end. Ive been following Duke all year, was hoping beyond hope theyd win it all but you gotta LOVE "Air" Gordon!In the end our boys shined andone ofthe whitest teams in recent memory justwon the NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP!!!
One of the announcers said "Butler wants to win a championship for theMid-Majors that never had a chance"....I say "Duke won a championship for all the D1whiteplayers who were the victims of preconcieved notions, discrimination and black quarterbacks"
Don Wassall said:
What a game, well called as always by Jim Nantz.  That's the way I would have scripted it if I could.  It's great to see the sea of mostly white faces on the victory stand! 

I agree Don. No matter which way the game went tonight, we wouldn't have to be looking at Africa's National Team on the podium.

I'm sure most of my afflete loving friends were staring at the T.V. in shock at the number of plays made by our boys tonight.
I wonder if B.Hussein will cancel their visit to the White House. He'll probably engineer some crisis in Nigeria that demands his presence.

Watching ESPN's analysis of the game, Digger Phelps just said that teams should forget the black superstars and recruit 4 year white players instead. Of course, he spoke in code, but his meaning was clear. Then Hubert Davis disagreed and said Butler and Duke were only in the final because all the best black players leave college for the NBA after one year. It somehow skipped his notice that there were teams in the tournament this year that had those types of players on their roster.
This was an instant classic, and we obviously witnessed one of the best title games in memory. This is indeed what happens when you get two mostly white teams go out there and play the game the way it is supposed to be played, instead of some hideous inner city, thug-ball garbage that the mostly black teams play.

We were very fortunate to have gotten this match-up for everyone to see. Hopefully, it changed some DWF minds tonight about how good white players can be at the highest level in college basketball.
Great game, if Butler played anyone else in the tourney, I would have been cheering for them to win! Singler had 3 blocked shots tonight and was CLUTCH. Scheyer also had a nice block hustling down the court to pack the attempted dunk\lay up. Duke had the right combo this year. Unselfish skill players, and a trio of stars, but they all played as ONE. What a concept it is. Butler also played as a unit. I was very impressed by Howard down the stretch and man Mack has some range.
Oh what a night. Just like the song! Congrats to Duke and Butler. The game was so fun to watch. Back and forth. This is how the game should be played. Singler really brought his A Game tonight. Zoubek is a monster on the glass.

I have to admit that the move by Hayword late in the game to pull Butler within 1 point was incredible. He dribbled around his back and threw a great pass for an assist. He is so smooth with the basketball. Butler played great tonight.
I wanted Duke to win, but what if that last, halfcourt shot went in?

The game is already an all-time great, but d**m... If that buzzerbeater went in, thrown by another "white boy" -- what a moment that would have been.
This was by far one of the most enjoyable hoops game I've ever had the privilege to watch. It is right up there with the Northern Iowa vs Kansas upset. The announcers were fair and showered plenty of white players with deserved praise. Since it's already being hailed as one of the greatest NCAA finals games ever, I'm sure it'll be replayed and spoke about for years and years. Very beneficial to our cause. This tourney also boosted the NBA stock for Scheyer, Singler and Hayward. There could even be an outside shot for Zoubek to get a look. Butler will return all of its key players and should be a top 5 team to start next season. Duke will also have a great core with Singler, the Plumlees, Smith and maybe an emerging Ryan Kelly.

As Riddlewire mentioned, Digger Phelps said what every analyst with any sense was thinking but was too cowardly to say. I commend him for that. Maybe the caste system is cracking in hoops like it appears to be cracking in football as well....
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