2007 Redskins

I would have liked to have seen a white player (especially a BYU graduate) scrape it off his helmet. That would have ruffled some feathers for sure, hehe
From the few clips I saw on television, it looks like the Sean Taylor funeral had the kind of pomp and circumstance usually reserved for the deaths of heads of state. I'm surprised they didn't have him lying in state in the Capitol Rotunda (they already diminished the meaning of that when Rosa Parks laid in state there). I'm surprised they didn't close the schools in the D.C. area. It was truly overkill on a grand scale, even factoring in the nature of Don King's America.

Forgotten is the fact that Taylor went to Thug U (Miami) and had well-known "issues" entering the draft. His problems with the law cannot be attributed to his upbringing, as his father was a Police Chief. I'd have even less respect for police than I do if I lived in a community where the police chief's son was a troublemaker. The family situation here is very similiar to what we see so often in the black community. I haven't followed the story closely enough to know that much about it, but I did hear some local jock-sniffer matter-of-factly stating that Taylor's mom had children from FOUR different fathers. Do any of you know a woman like that? I didn't think so.

I feel bad for anyone who dies young like that, but really the adulation being doled out to someone so troubled and pampered is disgusting. The biggest joke is how the media is now trying to sell the absurd story that Taylor was killed by people trying to burglarize his house, and/or (depending on the specific jock- sniffing source) "because they were jealous of his success." Huh? Sounds a lot like "terrorists" planning 9/11 because they "hate our freedom." I heard a few of them maintaining that Taylor died like a "hero" defending his family. Uh, okay....
"From the few clips I saw on television, it looks like the Sean Taylor funeral had the kind of pomp and circumstance usually reserved for the deaths of heads of state."

I know, dear God, you'd think one of the greatest and most influential people of our time had passed.

When I first found out about his death, I actually thought the media would be constantly mentioning this story every second for the next couple months...but it hasnt been too terribly annoying (when considering the caste NFL and totally biased american media). Though the candle-light vigils filled with white idiots, "21 Towels," etc., were sickening to watch, the fact that Washington ruined their playoffs chances by loosing to the Bills was good enough for me.
Jason Campbell may be out for the year because of an injury to one of his legs. He and Leftwich aren't conidered runners, but both havehad legbugaboos. McNabb, Culpepper, and Vickhave all lost considerable playing time for the same reason. McNair hasa history ofbeinginjury prone. How durable are these guys? I almost forgot Vince Young who is hobbling from gimpy ham strings and he's not even battle scarred yet.
Somone better alert the NAACP. Now that Todd Collins will start at QB the Skins will have 7 white starters. How can such racism go unpunished?
I read the headlines. Competent White Quarterback Collins delivered the touchdowns and the win. A White wide receiver wearing a number-87 Redskins jersey caught one of the touchdowns. Instant upgrade, instant touchdowns, instant wins with White players.
Stonewall said:
The 1991 Super Bowl championship team that went 14-2 featured white free safety Brad Edwards... 

Man that's a blast from teh past. Brad Edwards, #27 I believe. That guy was everywhere. I don't recall he lasted another year though. I might be wrong, but I seem to remember one day the following year wondering where Brad Edwards was. And then that was it. Off to the NFL wilderness for a white DB, who obviously could play. It'd be nice if one of these guys said something. Someone has got to come out and say the obvious. They will take arrows, certainly, but until they break the ice, our folks will continue to get abused. It's that simple.
I lost all respect for the Skins ever since Gibbs came back. I thought he might go old school but he hasn't. Just anotehr sheep, following the crowd and thus the Redskins are mediocre at best.

I do find it funny when Jason Campbell costs the Skins three games this year with last drive picks and then fumbling the ball all over the place vs. the Pats, noone says a thing. But if that were Mark Brunell, Todd Collins, even Mark Rypien, they'd call for his head.
Talked to a guy the other day and said how it was nice to see a Skins QB actually not lose a game for them. HIs exasperated response was that Collins did "complete some passes" but he's not nearly as atheltic as Campbell. And Campbell is the future. I literally wanted to strangle this guy. Why is everyone up the butt of Jason Campbell? I simply don't get it.
Seems like a nice guy, not a bad QB, but man, how much more times can people say "he's maturing" before they finally say, it's time to look elsewhere. It's insane.
It's amazing how much can change in just 10 years. On January 23, 1984 the Washington Redskins took the field to square off with the LA Raiders boasting seven white starters on defense. This included two white starting safeties. Fast forward to 1994. Quarterback Heath Shuler is drafted 3rd overall, has injury problems, and the Washington fans are calling for his head. In just 10 years the Redskins went from a championshipteam with a white superstar running back and majority white defense to abunch of also-rans who happened to not be white.
What's the scoop on Collins? Can he do something with the Skins or he just a flash in the pan? I'd sure like to see the Skins beat the Giants.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron said:
What's the scoop on Collins? .

I just read avery interesting article about him. He is quite intelligent. He may be too nice for his own good.

[url]http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/playoffs07/columns/story?colum nist=sando_mike&id=3180902[/url]


"One of his shortcomings might have been that he never rocked the boat more to get another shot," Henning said. "That is his nature. He is a very compatible guy to the team, he is easy to coach, I never heard a word of discord from him.

"He is perfect for Joe Gibbs, just perfect. That is exactly what Joe looks for and obviously he's right for that offensive coach, too."

Collins learned offensive coordinator Al Saunders' famously thick playbook when the two were together in Kansas City. Huard still marvels at his former teammate's total recall.

"Did you ever see the movie 'A Beautiful Mind?' This is literally Todd Collins," Huard said. "You could give this guy Al Saunders' 350 plays on a piece of paper and he would read that game plan over, take it home that night and the next day you could ask him about a play and he will give you the personnel, the shift, the movement and the formation for every one of them.

"He can go back in time and remember everything about a conversation, where we were and what we were doing. He's just brilliant."

check this little pearl from rotworld.com out:

"LaRon Landry is expected to move to free safety in 2008.

Landry may not get as many tackles playing off the line of scrimmage, but his big play ability will keep him a valuable IDP. Pierson Prioleau and Reed Doughty will battle at strong safety, with Prioleau winning in an ideal world."

ideal world? WTF is that suppose to mean? ideal must mean filled with mediocre black players where whites get demoted no matter what they do...

oh and this is sportingnews.com article they based this snippet on:

"PERSONNEL ANALYSIS: Reed Doughty improved each week and gave solid performances to solidify his standing with the team. It took a week or so for the coaching staff to realize that Doughty is better at strong safety than free safety. He is an aggressive tackler, with enough quickness to get around blocks and good understanding of his assignments. Doughty might get beat at times, but he rarely makes mental mistakes. In an ideal world, he would be the Redskins' backup at free and strong safety, probably assuming the role now occupied by Pierson Prioleau. With the team having a number of positions to address for next season, though, Doughty might get a long look as the starter at strong safety. ... "Edited by: backrow
I do not believe the nonsense about these thick NFL play books. Sorry, but I can't picture Jason Campbell, Santana Moss and Antwan Randle El memorizing 350 different plays. I don't there are 350 different plays total from all the teams in the league. Where are all these plays? Funny, but most all football games involve a handful of basic offensive plays. Even if a team had a roster full of rocket scientists, and not functionally illiterate thugs who can't speak a grammatically correct sentence, I would have a hard time believing they could memorize these allegedly complex offensive systems.

The NFL used to wildly exaggerate the size of its players. This was done, I think, in order to make these heroic figures all that much bigger, and thus different from the common riff raff in the stands and on their sofas at home. Now that the league has become smitten with blubbery black sumo linemen, they may not have to exaggerate their weight, at least, any longer. They do, however, clearly lie about how "athletic" their players are (just look at the out-of-shape, mostly black players that are on the field at any given time), and also lie about how the NFL is now a "year round occupation." Yeah, I'd love to see what these "athletes" look like in the off-season, if the jiggling bodies we see during games represent the pinnacle of their conditioning.

I look at the mantra about these "complicated" offenses and "huge" play books as merely another form of similar propaganda, designed to make the fans think these basically ignorant millionaires are earning their ridiculous salaries by studying their massive play books and absorbing all that intricate information.
Skins signed Stu Schweigert, he is expected to be a top backup behind Doughty and Landry
Schweigert is a FS so if Landry gets injured im hoping Stu can play his natural position. He was a ballhawk in college but in Oakland he played SS and was the scapegoat for the failed Michael Huff pick. I would love to see a Doughty/Schweigert tandem
Recall that Landry was originally SS; I could see Schweigert taking over the FS spot a few games into the season. I like Doughty a lot, but I think Schweigert is a better athlete, not to mention more experienced, and I think he'd be a better starter.

I hate that Landry is actually talented enough that barring injury, only Reed or Stu will be starting.
Schweigert seems poised to take over at FS, but he won't get to play with Reed, who will be benched.
Schweigert was released by Redskins after he failed to record a tackle in the first preseason game and apparently (i haven't seen it) was burned for a long TD reception.

talk about a SHORT leash...Edited by: backrow
Following in the great tradition of fairness toward white players in the nation's capitol -- John Standeford released without ever playing in an exhibition game, Brock Forsey and Jesse Lumsden both cut after getting a combined one carry in the pre-season.
As much as I want Brennon to win, I hope the Redskins loose big. Maybe some day they will conclude that ya just can't build a winning team with only 10 whites playing.
Redskins head coach Jim Zorn "scolds" rookie WRs Devin Thomas and Malcolm Kelly for their lack of conditioning. Both are already injured.

What better example could someone wantof how the NFL's racial spoils system has resulted in a decline in the quality of play and of players. Here are two guys, both drafted high by a team with a lousy receiving corps (like so many NFL teams have)who can come in and contribute right away, yet are too poorly conditioned at age 21 or 22 to do so. Can you imagine Jordy Nelson or any drafted white receiver showing up out of shape? It isthe veryrare white player at any position who shows up at training camppoorly conditioned. Yet Thomas and Kelly know they will get literally years of opportunity after opportunity no matter how big of screw-ups they are, while a record-setting wide receiver like John Standeford never got even the briefest of chances with the same team before being waived.

My bet is that the league's small white minority is in measurably better shape on average than the blacks at every position-- other than tailback and cornerback, which whites are barred in perpetuity from playing. Evensome of the blackquarterbacks (Leftwich, Culpepper, Russell) are unable to keep themselves from becoming obese.

http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/08 /05/AR2008080503035.htmlEdited by: Don Wassall
Jason Campbell has a total of 67 yards passing the past two exhibition games as Washington's offense has been terrible.In other words he has been worse than Matt Leinart and far worse than Alex Smith, two other first round picks who have been mercilessly criticized nationally based on what they've done or not done in exhibition games. Smith has played pretty well, but the team has decided to go with unproven ultra-journeyman J. T. O'Sullivan. Leinart is continually portrayed as the second coming of Bluto from Animal House, all based from what I can tell on a single off-season party from which pictures made it onto the Internet. Big deal.

Leinart and Smith have lost their starting jobs, but there is complete silence about any quarterback controversy when it comes to the Redskins, at least outside of the D.C. metro area. No calls for Todd Collins, the QB who played much better than Campbell last year after Campbell was injured and led the team into the playoffs and a first round win.The double standard couldn't be more obvious.
American Freedom News