2007 Redskins

Not only that Don, but Colt Brennan has absolutely shined this preseason while Zorn has already said that Campbell is his starter, no matter what.
After Campbell's ridiculous performance tonight (1-4, 3 yards, 1 int), all Al Michaels could say was "it was nothing to write home about."

As Don said, the double standard couldn't be more obvious.
Looks like they will have 13 whites (punter & kicker included) with 4 starting (3 offense & 1 defense). Jansen was demoted to back up status. They only have 1 white guy on defense period! Caste positions only: QB, O-line, punter, kicker & 1 saftey! Zorn is keeping up the tradition. Pitiful...
You were right - 4 white starters for the Blackskins.

Last year, they started 7 whites for the playoff game with Seattle.

Looks like Zorn is a typical white Uncle Tom. Collins and Jansen should be starting at least. Maybe Yoder too at fullback.
The Giants started their usual 7 whites on offense and all-black defense. But I"m glad they beat Washington.
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