2007 Redskins

Bart said:
Good post.  I heard the old reliable tag line today that is always used in describing these incidents.  "Taylor was beginning to turn his life around and was really a good guy."Based on what I'd like to know?   Oh, he was now a daddy, someone said on a talk show.  Wow, how weird this world has become when knocking up girls and producing bastard children is considered a positive sign in evaluating character development. 

It was sickening, one article I read mentioned it about 5 times. They also called him smart and humble, what BS! Thank god there is a spot of sanity in the sports world here at CF or I'd probably go nuts.
It is ridiculous for anyone to claim that Taylor had "turned his life around." This clown was the son of a police chief. He was not raised in "the hood." There was no environmental reason to explain his criminal, thuggish behavior. He caused his own death through his irrational attachment to ghetto "culture" and the simple failure to activate his expensive home security system. If any of you doubted what kind of character Saint Joe Gibbs really possesses, listen to his demented claims that Taylor was "one of our leaders," was "a good guy," etc. I understand the tragedy here; it's certainly a terrible thing for someone so young to die at such an early age. However, it's not like he was an innocent man out walking the streets, struck down by a random act of violence. He was clearly connected in some way to the person who shot him, and I'm sure that connection was tainted by drugs or some other unsundry thing. I have even heard talking heads comparing his death to the assassination of JFK and 9-11! Completely ridiculous.
now reports are stating that a few days earlier, someone broke into his home and placed a knife on his bed.

i know little about gang life 'in da hood' but this certainly would seem to be connected to the break-in a couple of days later and the fatal shooting.

why isn't this seemingly obvious red flag being followed up on by the media?
He was a typical thug U. (University of Miami) pillar of the community. While I hate to gloat over someones death, I'm hoping that it raises a red flag to white coaches to stop recruiting and drafting thugs to fill out their rosters
"his blond trophy wife will miss him"

Um, I don't think she's white (her name is Jacquiline Garcia - hispanic). She's not blonde (she has dark hair). And she's not his wife (his fiance).

Did you guys see that "candle-light vigil" at Redskins park?!? There were like 10,000 moronic white fans in attendance. I guess they had nothing better to do than mourn a millionare-thug who played with fire one too many times.

Look, Taylor didnt deserve to die, but he certainly doesnt deserve the endless praise I'm sure he'll get season after season (while an actual hero and better football player like Pat Tillman falls by the wayside)....
During the endless reports about this on ESPN, I heard that Taylor's father spoke to the team earlier today, and urged them to win their last five games in a row "for Sean." Kind of an updated, ghettoized version of "win one for the Gipper." With Saint Joe Gibbs' history of winning so many games he had no business winning, I can't help but picture a new script perhaps being written....
"With Saint Joe Gibbs' history of winning so many games he had no business winning, I can't help but picture a new script perhaps being written...."

Isnt it funny that if this website existed in the 1980's we'd all be loving Gibbs' coaching style? Now he's just as caste-happy as Del Rio, Denny Green, Billick, Jimmie Johnson, Nick Saban, etc.

You're right Bigunreal, the media will run with this idiotic story into the ground until everyone in america knows who this thug-millionare was (a tough player who was really 'growing up').

Personally, I think it's a shame that he's dead...but how could anyone possibly twist this story to fit the standard "tragedy" mold?? How could anyone feel bad for a millionare athlete (who's father was a police officer and was from the FL sub-urbs) who was so greedy and/or foolish that he couldnt even stay away from the typical a$$holes you'd find on the streets of america?

I say "no thanks" when it comes to pitying this kind of person. There are actual tragedies in the world happening every day...
how is it a 'shame' that this thug is dead?

aside from the bastard child he left behind who will be yet another sad 'legacy' left behind by black semen, how is his passing from the earth a bad thing? he shunned everything his own father stood for as a police officere, and rejected the lifestyle and sense of responsibility his father exposed him to when they moved out of the ghetto. even with his millions of dollars, he still lived a ghetto thug lifestyle.

you reap what you sow.
Thrashen said:
Um, I don't think she's white (her name is Jacquiline Garcia - hispanic). She's not blonde (she has dark hair). And she's not his wife (his fiance).

If you consider Tony Romo, Jeff Garcia, and Tony Gonzalez to be white, then Taylor's girlfriend is white, too.

If you think Romo, et al, are not white, then Taylor's girlfriend isn't either.

We gotta be consistent here at Caste Football, whether we like it or not.
"how is it a 'shame' that this thug is dead?"

Hey, I'm not defending his actions when he was alive. I'm just saying that although what he did (criminally speaking) was moronic, childish, selfish, and typical of someone of his race and social standing....I still don't "take pleasure" in him being dead. On the other hand, it doesnt make me sad in any way. He didnt deserve to die, just to be thrown out of the NFL long ago.

However, seeing the death of other NFL players who have actually killed people (i.e. Leonard Little) would make me VERY happy and satified. Look, we all know Sean Taylor was a real live d*ckhead, but were his various run-ins with the law 1/100th as horrible as what Leonard Little did?!? You guys DO realize that Little actually killed a woman while driving drunk (after several previously DUI's). THEN, the heartless a**hole GOT ANOTHER DUI some time after killing the woman and getting away with it!!

All that I would "take pleasure" in is watching the NFL and/or other sports with the players that actually deserve to be playing!
i see what you're saying, Thrashen. i'm not saddened by his death either, but there are worse guys in the league for sure.

Ray Lewis, who stabbed two men to death in front of over 60 eyewitnesses yet didn't do time and is somehow "God's Linebacker" according to Sports Illustrated would be at the top of my list.
Apparently the police suspect Taylor was the victim of a random burglar. I'm not convinced. From what I gather from news reports, his girlfriend claimed that a gunman or gunmenbroke into the locked bedroom and shot him. Nothing was stolen. Doesn't seem like a run of the mill burglary.

[url]http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=AgNjalZxrJg2KAgFu66NOo Y5nYcB?slug=ap-redskins-taylorslain&prov=ap&type=lgn s[/url]
Clearly one of two things happened.

A.) Someone was sent to shoot him to send a message, hence being shot in the leg instead of somewhere potentially more lethal, but he got the artery and killed him through dumb luck.

B.) It was a really amateur criminal that panicked and ran leaving behind not only a live victim, but live witnesses.

I vote for A, as it seems to fit the pattern of a guy who lived his life in the manner of Taylor.

Redskins | Rolle says S. Taylor had many enemies in Miami
Wed, 28 Nov 2007 20:16:25 -0800

The Associated Press reports Arizona Cardinals CB Antrel Rolle said he believes the killing of Washington Redskins S Sean Taylor was not part of a burglary, and that Taylor had many enemies on the streets of Miami. Rolle said, "This was not the first incident. They've been targeting him for three years now." Rolle said many former "friends" had it in for Taylor. "He really didn't say too much, but I know he lived his life pretty much scared every day of his life when he was down in Miami because those people were targeting him. At least, he's got peace now."
reclaimsocal said:
Clearly one of two things happened.

A.) Someone was sent to shoot him to send a message, hence being shot in the leg instead of somewhere potentially more lethal, but he got the artery and killed him through dumb luck.

B.) It was a really amateur criminal that panicked and ran leaving behind not only a live victim, but live witnesses.

I vote for A, as it seems to fit the pattern of a guy who lived his life in the manner of Taylor.
I agree he was murdered by some criminal element. Also it's not likely it's a Cuban/Latino drug gang as they would have killed his girlfriend and maybe even the baby. One thing these guys don't learn is your either a criminal or a citizen you can't be citizen during the work week and a criminal on your off days...
The Redskins started 6 whites today against Buffalo. That's the most in the Gibbs II era.
Liverlips said:
The Redskins started 6 whites today against Buffalo. That's the most in the Gibbs II era.

Not nearly enough. I caught the final score and I'm pleased as punch that the Skins have lost again. The Daniel Snyder regime is as Caste as they come, but with a morbid twist: Dan Snyder is bound and determined to put the WORST possible nearly-all-black team on the field, in a cynical contest to see how much he can torture the cluesless White Washington Redskin fan base.

It's like a little game. I'm Dan Snyder, Mr. Snyder to you, you mindless little White surburbanite. I've got you by your TV set short-hairs. I will taunt you and tease you with the rottenest, dreariest football team imaginable, all constructed by my good Igor, the intrepid Vinny Cerrato. We know nothing about football but everything about "social justice," and by Gosh you will receive a team of the most incompetent, criminal Blacks that we can possibly assemble.

The reason? Because I am of the God's Chosen Race, and you are Goyim maggots. So enjoy your losing team, and your boot-licking Christian Zionist coach, because he will do only exactly as I tell him [How great to get rid of that Goose-stepper Marty Schottenheimer! He was a threat].

So the Skins will stink forever, Dapper Dan with his billiion$ will fly to Redskins park in his private helicopter, and Joe Gibbs will salute smartly and say "Danny knows best."Edited by: Realgeorge
Realgeorge said:
It's like a little game. I'm Dan Snyder, Mr. Snyder to you, you mindless little White surburbanite.

Mindless is the right word. Oh, we lost thefinesthuman being andbest football player to walk the planet.

The Redskins played the first defensive down with only 10 men on the field in honor of Sean Taylor. The Bills ran the ball for 22 yards. Why didn't the Bills honor Sean Taylor by not running a play?

It's been nauseating this week listening to the sportsidiots and talking heads tell us how great a human being was Sean Taylor. No wonder are society is in shambles. Our standards for greatness are way, way too low.
and funnily enough, this act of f**kknowswhat costed Reed Doughty a start.
White Shogun said:
The Redskins played the first defensive down with only 10 men on the field in honor of Sean Taylor. The Bills ran the ball for 22 yards.

I can't believe that. Did they really ? They deserved to lose.
its really sickening how much praise this guy has gotten. These white morons holding candle light vigils and honoring this piece of human trash are the biggest lowlifes on the planet. Its no wonder this country is in the damn shape that its in. These white sheep make me want to puke!
"its really sickening how much praise this guy has gotten. These white morons holding candle light vigils and honoring this piece of human trash are the biggest lowlifes on the planet. Its no wonder this country is in the damn shape that its in. These white sheep make me want to puke!"

Totally agree, man. It was so amazingly awesome to see those thousands of white loser fans get their "hearts" broken yet again with yet another terrible Redskins performance. It's too ironic that the only good offensive player on the team is white TE Chris Cooley (who the fans actually do like, strangely). In all honesty, Santana Moss would be a great WR, but the great black hope is at QB, haha.

I got a good laugh when they lost to the suddenly caste-looking Bills. Reed Doughty will be just as good a player as the criminal who's position he'll be taking. I'm sure he'll have a happy career in Washington...constantly getting compared to a true "martyr." The NFL is truely a joke.
i have a a question regarding the NFL's official show of support for the "tragedy"...

what would have happened if an NFL player chose not to wear the #21 decal honoring the dead thug on his helmet? does anyone know if any players chose not to do so?
Jimmy Chitwood said:
i have a a question regarding the NFL's official show of support for the "tragedy"...

what would have happened if an NFL player chose not to wear the #21 decal honoring the dead thug on his helmet? does anyone know if any players chose not to do so?

There was no choice, it was mandatory. The teams put the decal on the helmet, not the individual players. A player would have had to scrape the decal off his helmet.
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