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    UFC 66: MMA going mainstream

    must be sheer heartbreak to see her badboy dismissed and knocked out by such a tough rugged White guy who many women would consider sexy himself these White beaus always take the defeat of their men that little bit harder when at the hands of a White man.Chris Byrd's White wife Tracy cried...
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    Black countries/societies

    This is probably gonna be the last time i will post anything on this.We'll just have to agree to disagree,i wont convince you and you certainly wont convince me.You mention the assault rates for European country's exceeding aq place like Jamaica.I doubt that as Jamaica,as already been posted is...
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    white women with no shame

    Another tangent that may dispel this notion that White chicks somehow chase everything Black,which the majority of Black dudes smuggishly believe is that their women particularly the more intelligent types that don't conform to the steoretypes,people like condoleza Rice for example are far more...
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    white women with no shame

    Nigeria succesful Why are they along with other Western African country's like Senegal,Ghana importing huge numbers of refugee's, asylam seekers into Europe,but not only Western Europe but even some of the poorer country's in Eastern Europe and the Arab world,all trying to get away from the...
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    white women with no shame

    And to this commonly perpetuated rhetoric, I shall respond with one query: What happens when the black person in question is not a thug? What happens if the two individuals, white and black, are both above average intellectually and both happen to be smart people with similar interests...
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    Calzaghe would beat Taylor based on what i've seen of him.a box/slugger like Calzaghe would prove a nightmare for Jermaine.i'll rather see Calzaghe take on Hopkins who he's been calling out for 2003 a massive summer showdown was on the cards between the 2 in Cardiff in which Hopkins...
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    white women with no shame

    The white female population is one who comes thru everything unscathed. Most people, including yourself think of white women as being incapable of creating the huge problem we're in. You'd rather blame blacks for coming on to them when in fact it's the other way around. You'd rather say it's...
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    Cruiserweight Champs

    the best cruiser in the world according to the rankings O'neil Bell, is only champ because of the outright robbery of Canadian box puncher Dale Brown in their match for the IBF title.really all frour titles should be in White hands.
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    white women with no shame

    Blitz,why do Black men persue White women so much?Its in no way an aggresive question,i was just wondering with the experience you have of living next too and knowing your neighbours whether you could add some extra insight. I have a female cousin,i hav'nt spoken too her for a couple of...
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    white women with no shame

    White women hang on as proud as can be to an ugly black man who statistics show will probably beat her and leave her pennyless with his low IQ half breed offspring to raise by herself. Thats precisely why intelligent goodlooking white women with options are less likely to date Black men.To...
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    Greatest athlete in the world

    Federer dominated the worlds best players including Nadal,Blake and Roddick to win the Masters,the biggest tournament in Tennis in terms of prize money.The only disapointment to his season was the French open final defeat to Nadal.If Federer wins the French next year,many would put him down as...
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    Corrie Sanders

    Sanders hits HARD.Michael Sprott who's a tough durable heavyweight testified after his 1 round knockout loss,that Sanders power is just something he's never experienced before,even his arm punches hurt, similar to how a cricket or baseball bat would impact if struck against your arm.Thats the...
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    Mayweather VS De La Hoya

    De la Hoya's one of my favourite fighters,great text book boxer.I've always seen De la hoya as white,he looks to be of wholly white spanish descent to me.Many of Mexico's great fighters like JC Chavez,Salvador Sanchez were the same.Being Mexican ,their not seen that way though and are lumped in...
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    Amnesty = disaster!

    Why is the US government so eager to enact this program?Even European governments are beginning to understand the dire consequences of mass immigration of unskilled workers on not only employment but social cohesion within their society's.Is this a deliberate attempt by the men behind this to...
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    Klitschko lines up Brock for IBF fight

    This fight was probably more important than last weeks.Like the Black domination of the 70's and 80's,not every belt holder is good or even average for that matter,in the eighties you had alot of poor Black champions but the light of the division in them days and the major bread winners was the...
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    I'm sorry about your friend,i understand the emotion behind your post.They say every dark cloud has a silver lining so hopefully your teammate comes out tougher and more racially aware because of this experience.
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    High Jump and Javelin Records

    Amen, nothing says committment to your race like leaving behind flyers!!! Way to go brother! Pissoff w**ker
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    I tried, but I just can’t do it

    I suspect that what's spoken about on this site and the issues raised is alittle abstract to many people,but once you put the jigsaw together it becomes alot clearer.One of my personal theory's as to what may drive this caste system which propels Black men over everyone else in not only sport...
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    Asian girls and Asian culture

    The only White men i ever see with Asian women tend to be of the variety you just know could'nt deal with beautiful opinionated,intelligent classy White women.They marry these Asian women for some preconcieved notion of her being at his every becking call .A domestic slave if you like.
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    Kessler and Beyer

    Kessler's brilliant.He destroyed Beyer a good opponent,fellow beltholder in 3 rounds.From what i saw of the knockout,his punches looked quick,accurate and hard.Alongside Mayweather,he's probably p4p the best in the world.He dos'nt appear in the Ring's official p4p rankings top ten though which...
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    European Domination

    The physical accomplisments are their for all to see in the world of sport which no doubt dispels certain myths but White men are cleaning up in the intellectual world aswell.White men from Europe and the US recently scooped all the Nobel prizes anually awarded to men who make groundbreaking...
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    Forgotten Heavyweight

    Welcome back Kissall,i see you've rejoined with renewed vigour,fresh impetous and even fresher more intellectually stimulating arguments.How was your brief spell away,recharged the batteries i hope.
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    White and Nerdy

    This reminds me of the Offspring's song'Pretty fly for a white guy'which was a big hit a couple years back.What i want to know and to an extent find puzzling is where this White boy/nerd/geek/weakling steareotype emanates from.When i'm out i just dont see it.Most White men i come across are...
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    Klitschko lines up Brock for IBF fight

    i would'nt say Wlad's chin is that bad.If you look over his three knock out defeats,two of them against Brewster and Purrity were due pretty much too exaustion after beating his opponents almost to death rather than his opponents punches.The third one was to white South African Corrie Sanders in...