Corrie Sanders


Dec 28, 2004
Corrie Sanders is making a comeback,he Ko'd Wlad in 2 rounds and has a 40-3 record.He is 6'4 230-BUT is 40 years old.I think had Sanders taken things more serious he could have been a really good fighter.He is from South Africa and has a fight this friday night against Colin Wilson.While I don't think Sanders will be Champion he has as much right to comeback as Holyfield,Briggs or Oliver McCall.There is a New Zealander named Shane Cameron 6'2 230 with a big punch who may be worth watching-he would like to fight David Tua soon.
Sanders is one of the biggest punchers in boxing. You are correct. If he was more serious in the mid-90s he could have been champ. But he waited too long between fights and only had big fights when he was in his mid-to-late 30's. Moreover, he relied on his big punches to get guys out early and often came in to fights out of shape. He almost had Rahman out in 2000 but Hasim survived the onslaught and Sanders got tired. Same thing against Vitali in 2004.
Sanders got knocked out early in his career, then built a nice winning streak. He was starting to get some build-up in the early nineties. I saw a clip of him fighting, and the handspeed was impressive. Then he got knocked out again by some journeyman. After disappearing for a while, he put together another string till he lost to Rahman.

I remember when Bobby Czyz, "Mr. Mensa," got the brilliant idea that a fight with Sanders would launch a move into the heavyweights. Wrong. Out in two, with Czyz marvelling at Sander's quickness.

I'll call Sanders the hardest hitting left hander in heavy history. He should have done a lot more. Edited by: Hockaday
Yeah, I remember following Sanders when he first started coming up. He always looked paunchy. In one magazine it said his favorite thing to do was play golf, that was the sport he really wanted to be a pro in. But oh man, talk about natural talent, he's way up near the top on the lost potential list.

The wasted potential list, that would be a good thread. I'm still disappointed about Andrew Golota. Golota would also be on top of the "threw away most opportunities" list.
Sanders hits HARD.Michael Sprott who's a tough durable heavyweight testified after his 1 round knockout loss,that Sanders power is just something he's never experienced before,even his arm punches hurt, similar to how a cricket or baseball bat would impact if struck against your arm.Thats the comparison he made.In his fight with Vitali,he landed a lightning quick right hand that would ko'ed any other fighter.The punch had Vitali staggering back across the ring and if not for his iron chin would most certainly of been knocked out.For all the vicious right hands and uppercuts Lewis landed on Klitscko that night,none of them punches had anywhere near the same impact as that one Sanders right hand.His weakness is durability and probably the biggest contributing factor to the reason he's been somewhat an underachiever.
Sanders also didn't fight enough in the states. I always stated to buddies that if he fought out of the US he would have gotten some big fights in the mid 90's. Think about it he ko'd Bert Cooper when Cooper was still thought of as a tough trialhorse, then did nothing until about 98? He had a nice run when he was all but shot at 37-38, but by then he was clearly past his prime. He lost ten good years where he could have been a recognized world champion or a top flight challenger who would have made millions.
Sanders is a naturally gifted athlete. Larry Merchant remarked how Sanders ran under 11sec in the 100 meter as a boy.
Corrie Sanders was the most talented heavyweight ive ever seen.He was quicker on his feet then Ali.He was blacklisted from fighting in the Olympics years ago.Don King made sure of that.He was also Blacklisted in the U.S. by Don King and the anti-white media.
Corrie Sanders defeated Daniel Bispo today. It was a unanimous decision, 100-91 on all three scorecards.
moose said:
corrie sanders is my favorite african fighter
Hahah. I know when Peter challenges Maskaev and the media all but crowns Peter, they will make a big deal about him being potenially the first African champion. Actually there have been 3(Coetzee, Botha and Sanders).Edited by: white is right
Yea check out Gerrie Coetzee v Leon Spinks on youtube. It's in America but everyone seems to be supporting Gerrie. Leon trys to go in for the kill in the first round but Gerrie kicks the crap outa Spinks. Afrikaaners are big people and always have been. They've always had the biggest forward packs in world rugby. A lot of them come from farming backgrounds so they grow up being pretty damn strong. Should be some new South African heaveyweight boxers coming through but I don't think there's any funding and they all play rugby instead.
Corrie Sanders fights this Sat Feb 2 in South Africa against SA's top negro heavyweight, Osbourne Machimana.

Go Corrie!

Edited by: JD1986
whiteathlete33 said:
Jd, you are the expert on this. Any way this fight can be watched on sopcast or somewhere?

I don't know, if I find one I will post it here.

Andy Lee's fight tomorrow will be streamed for certain, the link to that one is on the other thread.
I do not know much about Sander's opponent other than he is the national champion of South Africa and he's approximately the same size as Sanders. To those that may not know Sanders is very proud and very proud of white South Africa. It seems reasonable to assume that he will be very motivated to win and to win big: he does not want to lose to a black african in front of his own people. Everyone knows Sanders is a southpaw and a hard hitter and likes to finish his fights early; few boxers in the world can survive many of Sander's straight lefts.
Corrie Sanders, who came to the fight overweight, was knocked out in round one by the much younger negro.

He will likely never fight again.
Corrie Sanders last hurrah was when he KO'd Wlad in a major upset. He thought he could do the same against his brother, but lighting did not strike twice. He should have called it a career then. But I guess he wanted a another payday and being knocked on his ass. I hope we have seen the last on him. Early in his career say 12 years ago he could have had a shot of beating Lewis but he always had discpline problems with his wieght and partying, a wasted opportunity.
I understand Corrie has a game ranch. Hope he can hang on to it, with things going downhill in SA nowadays. His boxing career was pretty much a waste of talent.
Hockaday it does not surprise me that South Africa has gone into the s..tter. Once that country was handed over to the natives it was just a matter of time. And its par for the course that we don't hear anything about it from the world media let along ours.

Regarding Sanders, I remember when he was giving a prime Rahman a ass wimping until he got tired and the table was turned on him. This, I believe was due to him not being properly conditioned. He could never sacrafice and come into a fight in outstanding shape. He will regret this latter in life.
I agree Kukulcan. Sanders was the classic talented but lazy athlete. The way things are going in SA, winning may not have been good for his health. It's possible there may have been some sort of understanding, a passing of the SA heavyweight baton, so to speak.
Sanders was mis-manged too. When I think about all of the big bouts that Botha fought in the 90's and Sanders was fiddling in South Africa, it saddens me. Did anybody see copy of this fight on the net? I have been looking to see how Sanders looked. His opponent look physically fit and huge(especially for a Black South African).
The loss should certainly spell the end to Sanders' career. He could have been a juggernaught like a Vitali Klitschko had he trained harder and persued a series of televised bouts in the U.S. or Europe. Oh well, not worth lamenting over as now we a hundred more to take his place.
CS could have been the best of them all - but ya gotta do them ab exercises! He could still come back - he still has the punch - but he'd have to be willing to work to get himself into the shape he was against Wlad.

Kukulcan said:
Hockaday it does not surprise me that South Africa has gone into the s..tter. Once that country was handed over to the natives it was just a matter of time. And its par for the course that we don't hear anything about it from the world media let along ours.

South Africa has gone down the toilet just like Zimbabwe did. Here are some good blogs that talk about it.
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