Forgotten Heavyweight



Hey, aren't you guys forgetting about arguably the best white heavyweight boxer since the Rock? You know who I'm talking about. I'm talking about Scott LeDoux, that's who. Now, before you laugh, consider that that guy had guys ducking him all over the place. And LeDoux, he didn't duck nobody. He just decked guys. That's all. That's right.

So you can take your tall skinny brainiac guys, guys with no chin who oughta be playing chess in the park, and you can file them under "Easy Listening." Because LeDoux was like hard rock compared to those guys. And that's who he was like, like the original Rock. Fought just like him too. Only Scott fought better competition, hands down. I know he never made champ during his time, but for the longest time, all throughout the 80s, LeDoux was the best boxer the white race had to offer, at any weight class.

In the 1950s, LeDoux would have had no trouble being champion, and might have even beaten the Rock himself. Edited by: Sol_Rosenberg
Welcome back Kissall,i see you've rejoined with renewed vigour,fresh impetous and even fresher more intellectually stimulating arguments.How was your brief spell away,recharged the batteries i hope.
Kissoff, I have to admit, your Bobick bit was inspired. You got some laughs from me, and I still laugh when I see the topic on the board. But this is a very weak followup. The the sequel is never equal. Give it up. You had your day, but you were a one hit wonder.Edited by: Hockaday
Rosenberg your looking at this all wrong you gotta represent your peeps. The greatest heavyweight of alltime is Daniel, he only had a slingshot to defeat Valuev err Goliath....
I re-read the "Guest's" post, and I don't think it's Kissupp. I think it's a Kissupp wannabe. Kissupp was funnier than this guy, unless he's lost his inspiration.

Uh, WIR, it was David who ko'd Goliath. Daniel was the one who had to hang out with the lions.
Edited by: Hockaday
American Freedom News