Amnesty = disaster!


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Sam Dickson speaks of a provision of the Amnesty Bill called-Family Unification-which would mushroom the government figure of 12 million illegals into 60 million within 5 years! He begins speaking of this at the 9:15 mark. In order to play , I had to depress theCTRLon my keyboard because of pop-up stoppers.and simultaneously hit the song button at the site. Remember, all these people will be eligible for government programs and set asides!

Other interviews: by: Bart
Why is the US government so eager to enact this program?Even European governments are beginning to understand the dire consequences of mass immigration of unskilled workers on not only employment but social cohesion within their society's.Is this a deliberate attempt by the men behind this to totally destroy the US as a viable first world nation for whatever reason and if it is,then its damn blatant.If their being moved in for cheap labour by greedy capitalist exploiters then surely they must understand that short term it may create profit but you can bet your bottom dollar that their children wont want to clean toilets or pick fields or whatever it is their parents did.Hence an even bigger underclass of non white youth and even more immigration do to the jobs these Americans wont do.Longterm,this policy of cheap third world labour means more poverty,urban blight and dysfunction.Something has to be done,but what. The problem being is that these men have such overwhelming wealth and power, they can effectively ignore the wishes of normal everyday people who dont live in the ivory towers,who's own community's will be ruined because of this.
Those neo cons and Jews can call me quaint and old fashion but I'd rather pay an extra dollar or few cents more for fruits and vegatables at the grocery store knowing those big rich corporations were paying American citizens an honest wage to pick them rather than paying illegals a few cents breaking labor laws etc. Hell if need be let the dam grapes rot on the vine- either way we as tax payers would be getting off cheaper in the long run rather than saving a few cents at the store and inevitably paying millions through out future decades for illegal aliens' medical care, education of their children, welfare/food stamps/WIC/AFDC, incarcerations and such. To me it makes sense math wise with dollars and cents to protect the integrity of our borders. We don't need illegals to do work here- we can't afford it in the long run.Edited by: Sean Carlisle
who does the cheap labor in areas where there still arent many hispanics? White people the same people who have always done low paying jobs in this country. The minimum wage should be raised significantly as whites can't come close to making ends meet with minimum wage jobs today.
What are the areas where there aren't many Mexicans? Anywhere here,
Michigan, where there is agriculture or construction, there are lots and
Amnesty will be a moot point as the North American Union plan takes shape.The elites want to merge the U.S. with Mexico and Canada so the illegals will be citizens,and the flow of more mexicans will follow,Whites are to be replaced,in their own homeland!
Maybe our own homeland will be our inevitable future but will the rest of the world alienate us. I think our founding fathers implicitley intended the US to be a European populus. Anything other was so unimaginable to them that they did not even feel a need to specify such things as Caucasian only limitations on immigration etc. Our founding fathers were extremely insightful and future thinking but their omission on this issue has ultimately come back to haunt us and future white generations in America. The world wide political back lash caused by Hitler's antics did a lot of harm to our cause too.
A lot of people are clueless about all this too. Sometimes it amazes me, but they just don't see where illegal immigration and amnesty will take this country.
Sean Carlisle said:
Maybe our own homeland will be our inevitable future but will the rest of the world alienate us. I think our founding fathers implicitley intended the US to be a European populus. Anything other was so unimaginable to them that they did not even feel a need to specify such things as Caucasian only limitations on immigration etc. Our founding fathers were extremely insightful and future thinking but their omission on this issue has ultimately come back to haunt us and future white generations in America. The world wide political back lash caused by Hitler's antics did a lot of harm to our cause too.

It wouldn't matter now, either, if they had put such a 'Caucasian only' clause in the Constitution. Every other right in it has already been dismantled to some degree, starting with the 10th Amendment, which exclusively provides for state's rights.

Now, even our Supreme Court 'Justices' are looking to the rest of the world and international courts to 'interpret' the Constitution even further away from its underpinnings in the founding of our nation. It is a 'living document,' it's meaning changeable to whatever the current crop of judges and lawyers want it to mean.
Colonel_Reb said:
A lot of people are clueless about all this too. Sometimes it amazes me, but they just don't see where illegal immigration and amnesty will take this country.
Absolutely right, Reb, but they can tell you anything you want to know about American Idol, Survivor and Dancing with the Stars.
God help this country.
A time will come, maybe no time soon unfortunatley, when we will have a certain well numberred group of us that do actually take note and take action to protect our values, culture, personal safety and even our genetics and carve out a piece of this vast planet as our own.

Negroes have their own nations where they are favored in the eyes of the law as do Mongoloids, and even Jews in Isreal. It is only logical that we have our own homeland. Neo cons, liberals, Jews and of course other races and ethnic groups stand in the way of this of course but we will persevere. It may be a very long wait though.
The immigration bill is dead for now. Good job to everyone that called and faxed and phoned (I did). I really didn't think it was stoppable and it will probably comeback but it's a win for now anyway. Will be interesting to see what happens now.
That's two defeats for the bad guys. Shows that the NWO/multi-cult machine can be slowed down. Every grain of sand helps. Soon it will come to grinding halt. Keep it up guys--every e-mail, fax, phone call, poll, blog, comment, etc. you can spare.
Don't think they won't bring it back again and try to ram it through.

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<TD =story_date_label style="PADDING-TOP: 5px">Last Edited: Friday, 08 Jun 2007, 5:43 PM CDT</TD></TR>
<TD =story_date_label>Created: Friday, 08 Jun 2007, 11:13 AM CDT</TD></TR>
<TD style="PADDING-TOP: 5px"><!-- Had to use this funcky scriplet to have breaks where ever there is \n
bean:write does not differentiate "\n" new line characters.
Perhaps use of jstl <c:eek:ut value="${}"/> or just enabling jstl so that
we can just write ${} and jsp takes care of the new lines.
-->06/08/2007 --

The lawmakers who failed Thursday to win a key vote on the immigration reform bill before the Senate said on Friday that they will continue to push the bill forward and believed they could still find a compromise that would pass.

"We are not giving up. We are not giving in," Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., told reporters. He is the chief Democrat at the negotiating table for the immigration bill.

"When it is recognized by the American people that the Senate has not acted (on immigration), I believe there is going to be a wave of support for what we have been trying to do," said Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., who also is on the negotiating team.

The bill, which had been widely criticized, died on a procedural motion Thursday night. But Republican Sens. Specter, Jon Kyl, Lindsey Graham and Mel Martinez were all upbeat after a vote to end debate failed 45-50, failing to reach the 60-vote threshold to move toward final passage.

Despite the fact that it was primarily Republicans who voted against the maneuver, all the GOP lawmakers who spoke with FOX News were upbeat that the legislation could be revived soon â€â€￾ even within a matter of weeks, with one negotiator noting that last year's bill was first pulled from the floor by then-Majority Leader Bill Frist before it was brought back up again and passed.

Graham said he talked extensively with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and is confident the bill will return for senators to take another crack at developing a comprehensive plan to legalize millions of foreigners living unlawfully in the United States.

"I know where the votes are for final passage. ... We're going to get this done," Graham said, adding that the topic is not going to go away. "All I can say is, if you name a post office, you're going to be talking about immigration."....</TD></TR></T></TABLE>
Just read a headline that says Bush has asked Reid to reintroduce the bill.
I wonder if they could pull off passing something that 70% of the country disagrees with? Or would the people make thier opinion known?

He is also going to install those missile bases in Poland despite Putin's objections. How insane is it to ignore and insult Russia while we are bankrupt from Iraq and they are booming economically?

It is time to impeach this man, before he does any further damage to this nation.
The immigration bill is back. Tony snow says they only need 2 days, others say it will be signed before the 4th of July. Time for more faxes and emails!! This is really unbelievable. The Sunday morning talk shows had all the Bush puppets promoting it, telling us how good it is going to be for us. They also are packaging it as a "national security" issue, that needs to be signed immediately.
Should this bill eventually pass it will demonstrate how trully powerless the people are against "real power." More and more the repeated attempts seems to be the strategy to passing bad legislation. Like a thief in the night, they are just waiting for us to fall asleep.
Skull & Bonesman/NWO lackey Bush is pushing for another massive scAmnesty push asap/again. This is all to pave the way for the North American Union (NAU)/SPP and do away with U.S. sovereignty and borders. It's indeed all by design folks!

Bush to Push Immigration Bill at Capitol

Jun 12 03:31 AM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush, wading deeper into an issue that bitterly divides his party, hopes a personal appeal can help persuade skeptical Republicans to resurrect and pass his immigration bill.
Over lunch Tuesday in the Capitol, Bush planned an effort to change enough minds among GOP senators to salvage one of his top domestic priorities. The measure, which legalizes up to 12 million unlawful immigrants and tightens border security, stalled last week in the face of broad Republican opposition.

Bush "will talk about the fact that immigration reform is too important to let this opportunity pass, and this is the best opportunity that we have had in decades to reform the broken immigration system," said Scott Stanzel, a White House spokesman.

It's the president's latest and most overt attempt to sell Congress on the immigration overhaul, which was shaped by his views and drafted by an unlikely liberal-to-conservative coalition in close consultation with two Cabinet secretaries.

"I'll see you at the bill signing," Bush predicted Monday.

The measure exposes deep divisions among both parties, but it was Republicans who stood in its way last week when all but seven of them blocked a Democratic effort to put it on a fast track to passage.

Senate Democratic leaders have written Bush saying it is up to him to lean on Republicans to back the measure.

"It will take stronger leadership by you to ensure the opponents of the bill do not block its path forward," the letter said. "Simply put, we need many more than seven Republicans" to support the bill.

Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said he will bring up the measure again if Democrats can be assured of more Republican backing.

It's unclear, though, how much influence Bush has among Republicans on immigration, given that it has sparked a backlash among some of the party's core supporters, who see it as amnesty for people who sneaked into the country.

Proponents of the bill gathered Monday evening to plot strategy for bringing it back. They were working to agree on a limited list of Republican-sought changes that could be considered before a final vote on the measure.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., the minority leader, has said such a deal could allow the bill to go forward.

"There are a substantial number of Republican senators who believe that this bill would be an improvement over the current situation, over the status quo," McConnell said.


The bill is S 1348.

***Reference article link...
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FYI, here's another informative article on the NeoCON's amnesty bill...

Bush's Amnesty to Pardon Illegal Alien Child Molesters, Gang Members and Tax Evaders

Steve Watson / Prison Planet | June 11, 2007

President Bush has announced that he is sure that the amnesty immigration bill is going to pass when he returns from a European tour despite the Senate having voted twice within nine hours last week not to move it towards a final vote.

"I'm going to work with those who are focused on getting an immigration bill done and start taking some steps forward again. I believe we can get it done. I'll see you at the bill signing." Bush insisted.

Bush intends to personally visit to the Capitol next week to revive the plan for legalizing millions of unlawful immigrants.

The White House insisted on Sunday that the bill is not dead, despite media reports suggesting the fate of the bill is in severe doubt. Fox News even ran a piece by Bill O'Reilly which categorically stated that the deal has "collapsed into chaos" and "gone down".

Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, who championed the legislation, insisted on CNN on Sunday however: "This bill is alive and well, and we are more determined than ever to get it through."

He then said two or three more days are needed to "wrap it up" with some commentators predicting the bill could pass before Independence Day on July 4.

One part of the bill that has also been overlooked is the fact that it not only provides total amnesty for those who have illegally entered the country and those who have employed them, but also it provides total tax amnesty for illegal aliens.

The Boston Globe reported that the Bush administration insisted on the removal of a provision in the initial version of the bill, proposed by Kennedy (D-Mass.), requiring payment of back taxes and any related fines to the Internal Revenue Service as part of the road to citizenship.

"It is important that the reformed immigration system is workable and cost efficient," spokesman Scott Stanzel said. "Determining the past tax liability would have been very difficult and costly and extremely time consuming."

Illegals applying for a green card to become a legal U.S. resident would have to pay a $5,000 fine, noted Stenzel, but it had nothing to do with taxes owed.

According to Kennedy's office, Homeland Security Chief Michael Chertoff had also called for the tax provision to be removed, saying it would be "too challenging to accurately determine the amount of an applicant's back taxes" because many do not receive paychecks, making an accurate audit difficult.

The Proud US citizens and New Hampshire residents Ed and Elaine Brown, who have refused to pay unlawful incomes taxes, currently have federal SWAT teams hiding in the woods around their property with armored vehicles and helicopters ready to conduct a military style raid on them, 12 million illegal aliens who have already violated the law are set to be given a total tax amnesty.

If US citizens do not pay taxes, which are unlawful anyway, an amnesty might enable them to avoid penalties and interest. However, they still have to pay any amount due in back taxes. By contrast, the immigration reform bill rewards each and every illegal alien with permanent US residence and totally erases any back payments.

The Feds can use guns, tanks, planes and drones against a peaceful, self-sustaining elderly couple who simply want to be left alone but they can't manage to protect the borders and are getting ready to grant tax amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.

***Reference article/link...
Buchanan's latest article reveals the ultimate game plan of the immigration hucksters and reminds us of the disaster called NAFTA.

What is that agenda?

They have a vision of a world where not only capital and goods but people move freely across borders. Indeed, borders disappear. It is a vision of a "deep integration" of the United States, Canada and Mexico in a North American Union, modeled on the European Union and tied together by superhighways and railroads, where crossing from Mexico into the United States would be as easy as crossing from Virginia into Maryland. It is about the merger of nations into larger transnational entitles and, ultimately, global governance.

This immigration bill is but a piece of a great global project already far advanced. In 1993, a majority of Americans opposed the NAFTA trade deal with Mexico because they did not believe the propaganda and feared that, as Henry Kissinger said, it represented the architecture of a new world order.

More than a dozen years have elapsed. And the results? Contrary to the promises, our trade surplus with Mexico did not grow. It vanished. In 13 years, we have run $500 billion in trade deficits with Mexico. Last year's $60 billion was the largest ever. Mexico now exports more cars, trucks and auto parts to the United States than we export to the world.

What NAFTA did was enable U.S. companies to close their plants here, fire their American workers and move their factories and jobs to Mexico, while Mexico continued to export its poor to the United States

What is the hidden agenda of the global companies, which evolved out of what were once great American companies?

They want a limitless supply of low-wage immigrant labor and an end to penalties for hiring illegals. They want the freedom to shut factories here and move them to nations where wages are low, benefits nonexistent and regulations lax. They want to be able to move products back to the United States free of charge. They want to be rid of their American workers, but keep their American consumers.

They want to be able to go out to Asia and hire bright kids and bring them to the United States to replace middle-age U.S. workers who cost too much. They want to be able to outsource their white-collar jobs to India at a fraction of the wages they pay Americans.
Have a look at the re-intro attempts of the amnesty bill. Also, checkout (Globalist pawn) Trent Lott's comments about controlled talk radio. The Globalist's Crapitol sHill puppets (like Lott) will first go after talk radio then come after sites like this!
It's all about limiting our 1st Amendment rights & enacting further goverment/Big Brother controls on the U.S. populace!!!

"Senate Leaders Agree to Revive Immigration Bill"

Published: June 15, 2007

WASHINGTON, June 14 â€â€￾ Senate Democratic and Republican leaders announced on Thursday that they had agreed on a way to revive a comprehensive immigration bill that was pulled off the Senate floor seven days ago.

The majority leader, Harry Reid, Democrat of Nevada, and the minority leader, Mitch McConnell, Republican of Kentucky, said they expected the bill to return to the floor before the Fourth of July recess.

In a joint statement, Mr. Reid and Mr. McConnell said: "We met this evening with several of the senators involved in the immigration bill negotiations. Based on that discussion, the immigration bill will return to the Senate floor after completion of the energy bill."

The immigration bill, ardently sought by President Bush, would make the biggest changes in immigration law and policy in more than 20 years.

It would increase border security, crack down on companies that employ illegal immigrants, establish a guest worker program and offer legal status to most of the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants.

The agreement does not guarantee that the bill will be approved by the Senate or become law.

Supporters of the bipartisan bill predict that some conservative Republicans will try to block a vote on final passage, because of concerns about the legalization program.

Predicting "procedural barriers," Senator Charles E. Schumer of New York, the third-ranking member of the Senate Democratic leadership team, said, "Three or four senators will try to block every amendment."

The House has held many hearings on immigration this year. House Democratic leaders, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi, have expressed concerns about major provisions of the Senate bill, including one that would give less weight to family ties in deciding who can immigrate to the United States.

A White House spokesman, Scott M. Stanzel, said, "We are encouraged by the announcement from Senate leaders that comprehensive immigration reform will be brought back up for consideration."

The bill stalled on June 7, when supporters garnered just 45 of the 60 votes needed to end debate. Republican senators said that they had not been allowed to offer enough amendments.

Under the agreement reached on Thursday, the Senate will consider about 22 amendments, half from Republicans and half from Democrats.

Earlier in the day, trying to start the bill moving again in the Senate, Mr. Bush called for an immediate burst of $4.4 billion in spending to show that the government was committed to "securing this border once and for all."

Senator Johnny Isakson, Republican of Georgia, described the call for $4.4 billion as "a good start." But Mr. Isakson said Mr. Bush needed to do more to secure the border and to show that he was serious about enforcing immigration laws.

Comments by Republican senators on Thursday suggested that they were feeling the heat from conservative critics of the bill, who object to provisions offering legal status. The Republican whip, Trent Lott of Mississippi, who supports the bill, said: "Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem."

At some point, Mr. Lott said, Senate Republican leaders may try to rein in "younger guys who are huffing and puffing against the bill."

Senator Jim DeMint, Republican of South Carolina, welcomed the president's support for more spending on border security, but said, "There's no reason why we should be forced to tie amnesty to it."

Mr. Bush said the $4.4 billion would "come from the fines and penalties that we collect from those who have come to our country illegally" and apply for legal status.

Representative Duncan Hunter of California, a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, scorned such linkage.

"The idea that we will have border security only if it's paid for by illegal immigrants is unacceptable," Mr. Hunter said.

Matthew A. Towery, a political analyst in Atlanta who was once a campaign chairman for Newt Gingrich and is now chief executive of a polling firm, Insider Advantage, said: "Having George W. Bush come out and speak in favor of the immigration bill does not do any good for Republican senators. He just irritates the conservative base of the Republican Party, which has abandoned him on this issue."

A new proposal floated on Thursday in an effort to deter the hiring of illegal immigrants would put biometric identifiers into Social Security cards. That change would make the cards more difficult to forge and counterfeit, Mr. Schumer said.

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DixieDestroyer said:
Comments by Republican senators on Thursday suggested that they were feeling the heat from conservative critics of the bill, who object to provisions offering legal status. The Republican whip, Trent Lott of Mississippi, who supports the bill, said: "Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem."

At some point, Mr. Lott said, Senate Republican leaders may try to rein in "younger guys who are huffing and puffing against the bill."

I think all forms of alternative media have contributed to awakening the American public, not just talk radio. So, Trent Lott wants to deal with the problem. How? Perhaps he and his cronies will propose legislation making it a hate crime to discuss the Mexican invasion.
American Freedom News