OK im sure ill prolly catch some flack for this but im just saying what I think...
I am white...have been and always will be...am proud of it to a fault at times...when the Klitschko's won their belts it was one of the best feelings I ever had in my life...and I get the same way when Brady Quinn or Dirk Nowitski has a good game...I could go on and on, but I just wanted to make sure no one thought I was a "self-hating white" because I love my people and culture more than any other...
THAT BEING SAID: If I had to pickagroup that I feel a connection to...it would have to be the people and culture of eastern asia... I have always admired the way they treat people,the way they treat me, and there values and traditions as well. I grew up as a little kid watching Godzilla movies with my younger brother...playing Nintendo games, and watching alot of anime...along with reading comics, watching hockey and playing football and alot of other stuff...so at an early age I was already a fan of asian culture and didnt even know it (I had no idea Nintendo and Anime was japanese until I got older). Another thing I admired about them was martial arts. Self- defense, dicpline, courage, and self control were the core values of martial arts, as well as the exciting fighting aspect of it. I also watched Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan films. Along with the Asian entertainment and Martial arts, I also admired something else...the Kamakaze...let me explain...as a child I was somewhat of a war buff espiecially for my age...and I noticed the unbeleavable sacrafice of those men to there country, there families, and there ideals...and I realize that we were fighting against them, and they attacked us in a cowardly way (had more to do with japanese government than the people) but I couldnt help but admire people who would give up their lives so quickly for there country and there people...and they were so proud to do it. The way they fought...along with the way that they rarely if ever surrendered unless they were high ranking generals or such, they would often fight battles against impossible odds until the last man was gone...I honestly can't see anyone that wasnt white or asian making such a brave sacrafice such as the japanese, russian, and german soldiers defended there land...I have the strong opinion that whites and asians are the only races that often are willing to make such a brave stand and not back down, even if it meant dying.
In addition to all of that, I have also found the surgence of asian athletes is very refreshing espiecally Yao Ming in the NBA, and Ichiro in Major League Baseball, Ichiro is my favorite baseball player... and Yao Ming is my second favorite basketball player behind only Dirk Nowitski...along with Ichiro and Yao...I am a big fan of Hideki Matsui...and I challenge anyone at CF to find any of these athletes shouting, cursing, dancing in celebration, showboating, or any other bafoonery...that is the main reason I enjoy watching our athletes and well as asians.
And at last...I have come to my dilemma...the Asian Woman...
I dont know what to think...
I want white children...I want our people to stay they way they are...so I seriously doubt I would have a half asian child...but to say that im not extremely tempted to settle down with an asian girl would be a lie.
I love them... I dont know what to say...their beatiful, loyal, classy, sweet, respectful, AND THEY DONT LIKE BLACKS!!! (not that ive ever seen) which is my main reason for concidering not staying white only. Yeah I know 90-95% of white women will date white men instead of black...but how do we know that they havent done it before??? how do I know that she wouldnt do it in the future??? You never really know...but I will still try to find one that hasnt gone that route....
In conclusion...let me ask that you post a comment because im interested to see what people at this site think of my point of view... I love our people and want the best for us...but I really do see most asians as brothers, or at least our cousins...because they go through alot of discremination just like we do...but they dont pitch a bitch over minut stuff such as blacks, and jews do...
I am going to post 2 videos at the bottom...please watch to get an idea of were I am coming from...
Kamikaze: http://youtube.com/watch?v=O5slCTLrFHI
Asian girl:http://youtube.com/watch?v=tlneJJwUzzs
Yao Ming:http://youtube.com/watch?v=-It0c6HKra0
Bruce Lee:http://youtube.com/watch?v=OZkKlIwmSXY
Please read, watch, and comment.
I am white...have been and always will be...am proud of it to a fault at times...when the Klitschko's won their belts it was one of the best feelings I ever had in my life...and I get the same way when Brady Quinn or Dirk Nowitski has a good game...I could go on and on, but I just wanted to make sure no one thought I was a "self-hating white" because I love my people and culture more than any other...
THAT BEING SAID: If I had to pickagroup that I feel a connection to...it would have to be the people and culture of eastern asia... I have always admired the way they treat people,the way they treat me, and there values and traditions as well. I grew up as a little kid watching Godzilla movies with my younger brother...playing Nintendo games, and watching alot of anime...along with reading comics, watching hockey and playing football and alot of other stuff...so at an early age I was already a fan of asian culture and didnt even know it (I had no idea Nintendo and Anime was japanese until I got older). Another thing I admired about them was martial arts. Self- defense, dicpline, courage, and self control were the core values of martial arts, as well as the exciting fighting aspect of it. I also watched Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan films. Along with the Asian entertainment and Martial arts, I also admired something else...the Kamakaze...let me explain...as a child I was somewhat of a war buff espiecially for my age...and I noticed the unbeleavable sacrafice of those men to there country, there families, and there ideals...and I realize that we were fighting against them, and they attacked us in a cowardly way (had more to do with japanese government than the people) but I couldnt help but admire people who would give up their lives so quickly for there country and there people...and they were so proud to do it. The way they fought...along with the way that they rarely if ever surrendered unless they were high ranking generals or such, they would often fight battles against impossible odds until the last man was gone...I honestly can't see anyone that wasnt white or asian making such a brave sacrafice such as the japanese, russian, and german soldiers defended there land...I have the strong opinion that whites and asians are the only races that often are willing to make such a brave stand and not back down, even if it meant dying.
In addition to all of that, I have also found the surgence of asian athletes is very refreshing espiecally Yao Ming in the NBA, and Ichiro in Major League Baseball, Ichiro is my favorite baseball player... and Yao Ming is my second favorite basketball player behind only Dirk Nowitski...along with Ichiro and Yao...I am a big fan of Hideki Matsui...and I challenge anyone at CF to find any of these athletes shouting, cursing, dancing in celebration, showboating, or any other bafoonery...that is the main reason I enjoy watching our athletes and well as asians.
And at last...I have come to my dilemma...the Asian Woman...
I dont know what to think...

I want white children...I want our people to stay they way they are...so I seriously doubt I would have a half asian child...but to say that im not extremely tempted to settle down with an asian girl would be a lie.
I love them... I dont know what to say...their beatiful, loyal, classy, sweet, respectful, AND THEY DONT LIKE BLACKS!!! (not that ive ever seen) which is my main reason for concidering not staying white only. Yeah I know 90-95% of white women will date white men instead of black...but how do we know that they havent done it before??? how do I know that she wouldnt do it in the future??? You never really know...but I will still try to find one that hasnt gone that route....
In conclusion...let me ask that you post a comment because im interested to see what people at this site think of my point of view... I love our people and want the best for us...but I really do see most asians as brothers, or at least our cousins...because they go through alot of discremination just like we do...but they dont pitch a bitch over minut stuff such as blacks, and jews do...
I am going to post 2 videos at the bottom...please watch to get an idea of were I am coming from...
Kamikaze: http://youtube.com/watch?v=O5slCTLrFHI
Asian girl:http://youtube.com/watch?v=tlneJJwUzzs
Yao Ming:http://youtube.com/watch?v=-It0c6HKra0
Bruce Lee:http://youtube.com/watch?v=OZkKlIwmSXY
Please read, watch, and comment.