I tried, but I just can’t do it



I figured I would try to see what this site was all about and really give it a hard look to see if maybe you guys had some kind of insight into things that noone else has, but my god, what a load of tripe.

The NFL is the one place where race doesn't matter at all. If Osama Bin Laden could rush for 2000 yards, someone would sign him and put him in uniform. It's all about success. The idea that some coach under IMMENSE pressure to succeed is going to cut some deserving white player just to let a black player take his place is so laughable it defies description.

NFL coaches and GM's are under such pressure to win they will do ANYTHING to win. They would play an all white lineup in a flash if they thought they could win. Simply put, the idea that any politics or whatnot enters into these decisions is just ludicrous.

This site is used for laughs by a couple sites I frequent. We sometimes quote the nonsensical rambling laughable crap that qualifies as a post here and just chuckle to ourselves that people actually believe this stuff. I mean people believe bigfoots are real, and believe that UFOs are actively abducting people, so why shouldn't people believe in some magical "caste system" that is just about as real as a bigfoot.
ChocolateCity, if it isn't political, then explain the integration of the 1962 Washington Redskins to us.
43 years ago, absolutely politics played a role. The money was FAR smaller, the audience far smaller, the pressure MUCH MUCH less, the society as a whole was still experiencing great upheaval.

To compare the NFL of today, the multi-billion dollar juggernaut, to the NFL of 1962 is just laughable, absolutely laughable, and proves further how out of date and foolish your thinking is.
ChocolateCity said:
We sometimes quote the nonsensical rambling laughable crap that qualifies as a post here and just chuckle to ourselves that people actually believe this stuff. I mean people believe bigfoots are real, and believe that UFOs are actively abducting people, so why shouldn't people believe in some magical "caste system" that is just about as real as a bigfoot.

We function at a higher level than the affirmative action ideologues. I would expect that white discrimination and the 14th Amendment would be hard to grasp for you people. People mock what they don't understand. Edited by: C Darwin
Yeah, it's all imaginary. How do you explain the treatment of Crouch,
Jones, 1000 yd. white receivers all of a sudden being ignored the next
season, Michael Vick having a spot on a team as a QB at all? Hell, Vick's
presence in the NFL is the best evidence that the deck is stacked. If things
were colorblind, the media uncontrolled, he'd be out of the league, or at
best a back-up in a position other than QB. Yeah, it's all fake, just like all
the white players, college and otherwise, left dangling while MLB stuffs
the sport with 'latinos'.

To compare anything of today with the truly free country that existed not
too long ago is silly. Think you're free? Go out and publicly fire off a few
truths about, oh, say black crime or jewish involvement in the US
Immigration debacle. Yeah, free. Ask yourself who you can't criticize, then
you know who's in charge.

If the site is such a joke, why bother to post? It's getting to you, that's
why. Did your PC Kommisars send you on a trolling tour?Edited by: Colonel Callan
Seems as though you like to laugh a lot of things off. Maybe you could actually respond to a question and explain how the best college receiver last year is not playing on Sundays, or how the 2001 Heisman Trophy winner was not given a shot at playing QB, or maybe why the best college running back in 2001 was not given a serious chance to play after one injury, or maybe why none of the many whites who have been the best at their position in college have been systematically looked over by NFL teams.
Still Another Troll!Why do major companies pass up very good White Men to hire blacks who can't get the job done.Why don't Kenya and Nigeria have the same standard of living as Sweden and Norway? Why do blacks need Affrimative Action when the Irish,Italians,Etc didn't need it?Why is Micheal Vick given such high praise when he is truthfully a bum?Why does Pignuts love to be around White Men?
I suspect that what's spoken about on this site and the issues raised is alittle abstract to many people,but once you put the jigsaw together it becomes alot clearer.One of my personal theory's as to what may drive this caste system which propels Black men over everyone else in not only sport but entertainment is a realisation amonst the liberal left elite that despite all the attempts at integration and heavy investment in Black education ,that this particular demographic are never per population going to assume leading positions within the intellectual world which is testamount to their underrepresentation in all proffesions of an academic nature.The poverty that disproportionally afflicts these community's is brought about because of an inability to create real sustainable wealth through mainstream economics,getting a good job etc unlike Asians.The powers that be have decided to implement this artificial system in sports and entertainment to give young Blacks an identity,a role model,a route in society rather than have 40 million people essentially disenfranchised from mainstream society and in danger of creating a perpectual underclass.The underclass still exists and always will,but this Black sports domination every weekend puts a gloss on it,papers over the cracks and creates the all important image of equality.

Chocolate city,this overrepresentation must be political,do you really think the athletes on display are that much superior that any argument that suggests otherwise warrents a laugh from the likes of you.I know,and i think you do to that an all White NFL team,would outthink,outplay,school and outclass an all Black NFL team.YOU KNOW THAT.Any other scenario just would'nt be possible would it.So with that being the case,how can it not be political,their obviously forsaking intelligence,talent,hardwork disipline,even good looks and marketability to achieve their objectives which is political.Ever heard of affirmative action and positive discrimination.
The most damning evidence that a caste system exists is to point out that it is impossible that there is not ONE white runningback or cornerback in the entire country who is not AT LEAST as good as the worst black running back or cornerback in the NFL. As many superb white football players as there that play college ball at those positions, it's ludicrous to assume that not even ONE of them can qualify to play in the NFL.

It's a ridiculous assertion to say that there aren't any whites qualified enough to play those positions. Ridiculous. Anyone who denies it simply isn't looking at the matter objectively. Edited by: White Shogun
What is risible and nonsensical is believing that if Emmitt Smith(all-time rushing leader) and Jerry Rice(all-time receiver), would, all else being equal, have spent 5 minutes in the NFL if they were white.

Will the GMs and owners that will do "ANYTHING" to win give David Ball a shot? He broke Rice's collegiate records and the all important measurables say he is more athletic. Sadly, Lou Holtz's snide comment is prophetic but for the very worst of reasons.
Guests said:
They would play an all white lineup in a flash if they thought they could win.

The "competitive pressure" argument misses the point entirely. Today's NFL coaches/ GM's/ owners would never believe that they could win with an all white lineup, regardless of how good the white players are. They assume that black players are better, and they don't give white players a fair shot at most positions based on that assumption. It has nothing to do with not wanting to win- quite the opposite actually. If they thought they could win with white running backs and cornerbacks, they would play them. But they assume that they're not good/ fast/ athletic/ agile enough because of the color of their skin.

If anything, that "competitive pressure" contributes to the Caste System. Coaches are so focused on winning that they ignore talented white players because evaluating them, signing them, paying them, and playing them are considered too risky, too time-consuming, and even potentially career-ending. (Imagine what would happen if a coach played a white running back for a couple seasons, and it turned out poorly. He'd be laughed out of the league.) Edited by: JD074
Further more "competitive pressure" seems to be taking a back seat to preserving the caste system at all cost -thereby keeping the lockerroom boys happy.

Was the benching and trading of Billy Volek due to "competitive pressure" a "desire to win at all cost"? How ridiculous a theory in today's NFL.

Want more:

How bout starting Isaac Bruce instead of Kevin Curtis?

How bout sticking with Michael Vick no matter what? Matt Schaub outplays him everytime he gets a chance.

8 year Kordell Stewart experiment?

Duante Culpepper?

Head Coach Art Shell?

Head Coach Herm Edwards?

Tony Banks still considered a starter?

How many teams have to sacrifice years to their ever developing but full of potential black QB? Doesn't sound like a very competitive thing to do.

Where is the "competitive pressure?"
And another obvious reason: If you have what the media terms "too many whites" then the league starts looking into your team and checking to see if you are a rascist organization and then to determine whether they need to levie sanctions or not.
Skipperron said:
And another obvious reason:  If you have what the media terms "too many whites" then the league starts looking into your team and checking to see if you are a rascist organization and then to determine whether they need to levie sanctions or not.

exactly why some teams have actually come close the crossing the 50% white roster line, but somehow magically never break that forbidden 50% barrier.
The slight advantage some players may have over others in pro sports isminimal in most cases. This gives coaches options to pick what players best "fit" into the system. This is what it all boils down to. Unfortunately we will not have many white players left to compare at this rate.

Furthermore,ive played at a high level of football, at a position only blacks are allowed to play, I know what goes on behind the scenes. I remember getting moved ahead of some black teamates on the depth-chart. Every black on the team was upset and it caused allot of turmoil for the team(I feared getting stabbed many times in the parking lot after practice). The coaches felt pressure to play the less talented blacks or basically have every black on the team quit on him. Long story short, coaches know this stuff goes on and they know the whites will play hard no matter what, but you gotta keep the blacks happy. So playing the most talented is not whats always best for a teams success.Team harmony goes a long ways. Thats why we are seeing allotofsmaller white schools beat bigger programs in college.They can play the best and not worry about racial harmony.
bigwhitehorse said:
The coaches felt pressure to play the less talented blacks or basically have every black on the team quit on him.

I agree and think this is the biggest reason for the caste system, mix it with a little white guilt and shazaam.
Few white people seem to understand how much racial solidarity blacks have and how they view everything from the perspective of how it affects their race. There are exceptions but very few.
Basically the white and jewish liberals believe what the old plantation owner believed in the excellent movie "In the Heat of the Night" when he compared blacks to the plant that required the most attention. Personally that is fine let them do what they wish and play god or whatever, but if they hurt our's and our children's future then these same white and jewish liberals are implacable enemies who must be destroyed down to salting the earth they stand on.
Very interesting points, guys. So do you think that coaches know that white players are good enough, but don't play them anyway because they don't want to upset the blacks on the team? I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, so I can't validate this personally. And I doubt if there are any articles about it. I've always thought that coaches assumed that they can't win with white players, but if you guys are right and they do think they can win with them... well, I don't know what to say. It's just horrible.

Also, do you think that the Titans' ownership/ front office wanted to play Young because they thought that he would be a big draw ($$$) in the short term, or because they genuinely believe he's going to be great?
Vince Young is playing for several reasons...

1) They do not have a capable quarterback. Collins has been terrrible. Billy Voleck could have been the Titans quaterback of the future but they got rid of him before the season started.

2) The Titans have given up on the season. Why not give the kid some experience. It is better for the team in the long run.

3) Try him out. If Vince Young is no good. And he isn't. Then use yet anouther top pick on a quarterback. Of course it is quite difficult to demote a black quarterback without offending the media.

4) To legitimize useing a top pick on him.

5) To spark fan interest.

My personal oppinion on this is that you should not start a rookie quarterback. No matter what. I also believe that a team shouldnt ever give up on a season. While Kerry Collins is very bad he is still better then Vince Young as of right now. So put your best of the field.
JD074 said:
Very interesting points, guys. So do you think that coaches know that white players are good enough, but don't play them anyway because they don't want to upset the blacks on the team? I don't know what goes on behind the scenes, so I can't validate this personally. And I doubt if there are any articles about it. I've always thought that coaches assumed that they can't win with white players, but if you guys are right and they do think they can win with them... well, I don't know what to say. It's just horrible.

From my experience, JD you are correct, coaches believe that they can't win with white players (case in point, Fisher Deberry). They have bought into the black superiority mentality and will pick a black player over white given all other measureables are equal or not.
They're not being forced to start Young because they traded Volek - they got rid of Volek because they wanted to start Young. They had a capable quarterback but they got rid of him.

They're not starting Young now that the season is over; the season was over when they traded Volek, and they knew it. The problem is Wonderlic Wonderboy wasn't ready to play in the NFL so they had to bring in a guy like Collins to stand behind center while the offense was on the field.

The Titans chose Young because:

a) He was popular after having won the national championship;

b) He fit the new 'prototype' for NFL quarterbacks, like Mike Vick. The Titans wanted to get in on the action;

c) They thought Young would put butts in the seats like Vick does in Atlanta, win or lose. After seeing the wet-dream like love affair the NFL, media, and corporate sponsors have with Vick, the Titans wanted some lovin', too.

It is evident that the Titans frachise has hit rock bottom. First the debacle with Volek, and then the incident with the out of control Haynesworth. I hope they never win another game.

Edited by: White Shogun
And the media plays into this stereotype, pointing out with glee every time a "black" team beats a "white" team. Just think about how often the Texas Western-Kentucky thing is shoved down our throats. They focused on how black TCU beat white Air Force last year, but not a peep on how white BYU and white Utah kicked TCU's ass this year.

And let's face it: Places like Air Force and BYU don't get the top white players in the country, yet they're still competitive (whether DeBerry would like to admit it or not). Hardly any white DBs get a shot around the country, yet Air Force is competitive in Division I with an ALL WHITE secondary. They nearly beat Tennessee, one of the top teams in the country, with an ALL WHITE secondary. And again, Air Force doesn't come close to having the best white talent in Division I. Imagine if the big-time programs actually gave big-time white talent a chance.
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