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    Colts vs Patriots on Sunday.

    Hey the season is only at the half-way point and it seems pretty sure that the Colts are going to be in the playoffs so there is still a chance that maybe Stokley may make a big contribution in the playoffs. If he gets thrown to less in the playoffs then I will start to get seriously upset (it...
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    French Riots

    I have a feeling that some third power has told the French Government not to respond. Perhaps the UN, The EU HQ in Brussels, the jews, or maybe even some Big Arabs have told the French that a violent attempt to restore French Law & Order may lead to an all-out Civil War, suicide bombings...
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    Guys--refocus your energy!!

    Bizzman your advice is appreciated, but I think maybe you might not know about the role that Sports have played throughout European (and European-American) History. Below is a quote I made in another post: It is important for Whites to watch sports. (and participate as well) It is a part...
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    I am a European-American

    That is an excellent idea and one I will use in the future. The term 'White' should mostly be used as slang IMO and when someone is in a serious situation (at work, school, talking about politics) I think the term that should be used is European-American. There is a neo-con talk show host...
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    Michael Vick

    Isn't 5 a little young to be watching professional sports??? Why force a kid at that age to watch something like that when they should be watching Transformers instead. I hope that this Mora kid doesn't get forced into stuff by his dad and turn out to be another Todd Marinovich. When it...
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    "Smallville" And Fighting Females

    Certainly it is! Maybe you are not familiar with the reputation of for putting up almost anything 'strange' (which I alluded to in my sentence: "For the record I am a big Jeff Rense fan, but I am well aware that sceptics consider him and many of his fan-base to be...
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    Terrell Owens suspended indefinitely(?)

    In the modern world, sadly, such chivalrous challenges to fight as Owens made will usually lead one to assault charges and a jail cell. No wonder no multi-millionare athlete took him up on the offer. (In a better world someone would have taken Owens up on the offer and he would have...
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    French Riots

    Believe it or not I think that Europeans are more on the ball then European-Americans are. Many European Nations already have Nationalist (anti- non-White immigrant) parties like the BNP, Front National, Vlaams Belang, etc., The USA currently has none. (I guess a case could be made for the...
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    "Smallville" And Fighting Females

    Heck I don't even remember the '60s and '70s (wasn't born yet!) and I can even tell a difference today. Back in the '80s and early '90s I could come home at night and watch Star Trek TNG followed by Night Court (they made fun of EVERYONE on that show) and then Cheers.Basicly all these shows...
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    Worst commercial ever.

    I am not sure that is a White Female in that Levi commerical though. The lighting is pretty dark in the entire commerical and I am of the opinion that it is some sort of medium skin-toned mulattress of the sort that are often seen in the BET rap videos. They almost never have the real dark...
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    White sports fans are pathetic!

    Exactly! I am totally Euro-centric and really only care to support and cheer White Players. I am White and therefore I am for the Whites. Pretty simple. When it comes to the other folks the most I can muster for them is a detatched respect. The only time I will watch a sport when...
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    Terrell Owens suspended indefinitely(?)

    Ironicly enough I actually agree with what Owens said, but in the middle of a season common sense and decorum dictates that one shouldn't say such things publicly (wait until the season is over and write a tell all book!) Hopefully this suspension will teach him a lesson not just about this...
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    "Smallville" And Fighting Females

    You are not alone and others have observed this as well. It seems that one of the 'Triggers' of this new wave of totally unrealistic Fem-fighters was the Charlies Angels movies a few years back. Having these Fem-fighters appeals to the demographic they are trying to target while at the same...
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    Worst commercial ever.

    There are so many of these offensive Tag Body spray comericals out there, but I have never once actually seen their product in a store! I wouldn't be surprised if this product just simply does not exist and is used as a cover to air miscegenation propaganda! (I generally buy Degree and very...
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    Marcus Vick SI article

    If one goes back and looks at some of the transcribed ADV broadcasts they will find that Pierce very often derided "Football Fans". I hope he knew that there were some of us out there cheering on the White Athletes though.
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    Colts vs Patriots on Sunday.

    This should be an awesome game! There are so many out there to root for! Manning, Stokley, Brady, even Tim Dwight! I think I want the Colts to win though just because they have been the underdogs, but this game could really go either way. It sure seems like this is how teams have been...
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    All the Brothas lost yesterday

    "Plenty of blacks have been forced to move away from QB to WR - Hines Ward, Randel El, Ronald Curry, that Browns kick return guy etc" Heck there have even been some Whites that have had to move from QB to reciever! Matt Jones, Drew Bennett, even an Oregon Ducks QB named Jason Fife had to...
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    Steve Nash

    Heck I would be more worried about how the Suns (and Nash) don't have Quentin Richardson or Joe Johnson (the shooting guard, I hope that is his name, he was traded to the Hawks). Anyhow Nash was a good player long before Amare Stoudamire was even in the NBA.
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    This site has grown

    There is a thread over in the NFL section about how black QB Jeff Blake has stated that there needs to be more White players in positions like RB and CB Jeff Blake wants more white RBs, WRs, DBs (I think he also stated that he would like to see more blacks at QB, but that is something that is to...
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    Slam Dunk question

    Eastern Washington went to the NCAA Tournament a couple of years back so they are some peoples Radar. Hopefully they might get in again and get some more exposure for Henry Bekkering!
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    Since some are pointing out that even when Culpepper comes back that he won't be able to play the same I would like to add that I just don't see him 'maturing' into a quasi-pocket passer like Steve McNair. This year has shown that he was never that good a passer in the first place and that...
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    Good performances today

    Hey these performance updates are greatly appreciated. I think that Philadelphia could probably be added to this list. Seattle P.I. Link I was a little disappointed that the Seahawks had their bye this week because I wanted to see Joe Jurevicius catch some more passes!
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    Open your homes

    I wonder how many other White victims of newly created Hurricane DIE-versity we never hear about.
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    Worst commercial ever.

    The funny thing about that commercial is that ironicly Fire-fighting is VASTLY pre-dominated by White Males.
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    Jake Plummer

    Maybe before the game he forgot to have some of that Campbells Soup! LOL!!!