French Riots


Apr 27, 2005
France, the utopia that American socialist constantly compare us to is in a serious crisis with a muslim uprising. There are a lot of lessons for us to learn from this event, particularly the effects of runaway immigration.,2933,174533,00.html

In the Parisian region, Muslim youths from northern and sub-Saharan Africa torched over 400 cars, several large stores and more than two dozen buses parked at a depot.

In Trappes, to the west of Paris, 27 city buses parked at a depot were incinerated. Their burned-out shells stood in blackened rows Friday morning as police inspected the scene.

In Neuilly-sur-Marne (search), east of Paris, youths fired buckshot at riot police vehicles. In Stains, to the north, a group of 30 to 40 Muslim youths harassed police near a synagogue and a school classroom was partially burned, said Jean-Francois Cordet (search), a regional official.

French newspapers reported that on Wednesday night in Sevran (search), northeast of Paris, a bus carrying about 50 passengers was forced to stop at a flaming barricade and subsequently attacked by teenagers wielding Molotov *******tails.

Beyond the capital region, Muslim youths streamed out of their high-rise housing projects intent on rebellion.

In the eastern city of Dijon (search), teens apparently angered by a police crackdown on drug trafficking in their neighborhood set fire to five cars, said Paul Ronciere, the region's top government official.

Another 11 cars were burned at a housing project in Salon-de-Provence, near the southern city of Marseille (search), France's second-largest city and home to hundreds of thousands of North African immigrants
Aug 5, 2005
North Carolina
This story has been "soft-shoed" by our jewsmedia, as would be expected.

Whites around the world are at the mercy of black savagery, and our media-bosses are loving every second of it.

This is example #10,743 of why I say THE GREAT RACE WAR IS ALREADY UNDERWAY!


Mar 8, 2005
United States
I have not seen this on our local news once. If it wasnt for the internet I wouldn't even know it happened. As Americans we're not being rightly informed. Why call it World News when all you show is Iraq or our own country.

p.s. we dont spell Iraq with a "g" do we. Thank God for the edit button.

Edited by: Bear-Arms

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
In case you decided not to check out the link, here is another tidbit:

A savage assault on a bus passenger highlighted the dangers of travel in the impoverished outlying neighborhoods, where authorities were struggling to regain control.

Attackers doused the woman, in her 50s and on crutches, with an inflammable liquid and set her afire as she tried to get off a bus in the suburb of Sevran (search) Wednesday, judicial officials said. The bus had been forced to stop because of burning objects in its path. She was rescued by the driver and hospitalized with severe burns.



Mar 8, 2005
United States
Well, I am surprised they used: Muslim youths from northern and sub-Saharan Africa instead of French youths, which I have been seeing in articles on the web.


Apr 13, 2005
I am hoping that this will be a wake up call for the Europeans. With Muslims killing natives like van Gogh who criticize them, you would have thought that they would have awakened to the danger among them long ago. The Euros behave like multiculturalist fools and jackasses but I hold out hope for them in spite of themselves. They may be fools, but I consider them my people.


I have always thought of the muslim blacks as more civilized, i was dead wrong. We have a GROWING population of both muslims and ghetto blacks were i live. I have noticed recently that both groups now interact as one. 15 years ago it was rare to see a black in my city. Now im a minority most places in town. I really fear for the future of this once great community I call home.
Oct 10, 2005
The Euros behave like multiculturalist fools and jackasses but I hold out hope for them in spite of themselves.

Believe it or not I think that Europeans are more on the ball then European-Americans are. Many European Nations already have Nationalist (anti- non-White immigrant) parties like the BNP, Front National, Vlaams Belang, etc., The USA currently has none. (I guess a case could be made for the Constitution Party though)


Aug 10, 2005
All of the news I've seen about this blames this on "discrimination". Anyone who believes that garbage for an excuse every time blacks and browns riot is a moron. I't's ridiculous. Every time coloreds do something wrong, it's still white people's fault. BS.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
The French have made the same stupid mistakes weare making. Multi-cult diversityinsurestheannihilationof the host white people.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
Multi-cult diversity insures the annihilation of the host white people.

Only because we allow it. White people as a whole suffer from the sin of solipsism, in thinking that others are as they are. That others share the same values and ideals, and will treat you in kind as you treat them.

White people still have this attitude that they are the benevolent caretaker of brown people. This attitude is apparent in the national policies of Western nations and in their universities. If only we give them a hand up, they will be like us and we will all live in peace and harmony, tra la la la, when in reality, they will destroy their "caretaker" as parasites on a host, through malice and apathy alike.

There is the insistence of brown peoples to remake white lands in the image of their homelands, places where they were apparently unhappy and unable to make a decent living for themselves in the first place, hence their desire to immigrate. The illogic of going to a better place and deconstructing that place into a poor copy of their former nations escapes them.

Why do the Turks march in Germany, singing the Turkish national anthem and seeking more recognition for Turkey within the European community? If Turkey is such a great place to live, why are they all living in Germany? How many Germans immigrate to Turkey every year?

And better still, how many German immigrants in Turkey protest in Ankara, demanding that the Turks be more like the Germans?



Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
What the heck is happening in France? The leaders have imported non-whites for decades, then allow them to wreak havoc on the citizens.Why don't they use deadly force? What's preventing them from employing all the weapons at their disposal? I hate the leadership of our wussified countries. What do the rioters have to do to cross the line ... serve red wine with fish?


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
Seeing this happen in France and here and elsewhere makes it seem like we are on a sinking ship and only a few of us realize it or even care.


Nov 25, 2004
I heard this question asked on more than one news show tonight: "So why doesn't America have these problems with minorities?"
Believe it or not they acted like we never have minority riots???. Apparently they just forgot Toledo and the looting/lawlessness after Katrina.
The reason for the riots most so-called "experts" gave was that the black have felt disenfrancised because of their low economic standing. The same PC BS that thinks the answer to the solution is to give them even more hand-outs than the already have.
The real reason they riot is because we (white society)have allowed it. That's it - nothing more.
I think that within the next ten years nearly ever major and most minor cities in the US will have racial rioting. I can see it happening in my town of rocheseter, minnesota already. Maybe this is what it will take to wake people up.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Some of the car burning has already spread to Belgium and Germany. Katrina showed well the seething hatred many U.S. blacks have toward whites. It wouldn't be surprising if the sheer scale of what's taking place in France emboldensour minority citizens of "low economic standing" to be much quicker to riot than they already are.


Apr 13, 2005
As I posted above, I am interested in seeing how this violence shakes out in the future.

How these attacks have managed to rage for days and days and days is amazing. I have seen reports that the police have detained some of the young rioters for a few hours and then turned them loose to go at it again! I have also read that some people suggested forming militias to defend themselves. Suggest? Hell, DO IT! Even a bunch of whiney white California liberals formed up into groups and blocked the streets into their sections of the city during the LA Riots! What the French need are a few men armed with guts and some mini M-14 ranch rifles, ah but those are banned aren't they. Tisk, tisk I guess Big Brother won't be protecting you after all!

Only a government that has little concern for its own people and NO concern for property rights would allow this to stretch out for so long.

Why does France need to go to Iraq when it has Iraq in its own backyard?
Oct 10, 2005
How these attacks have managed to rage for days and days and days is amazing.

I have a feeling that some third power has told the French Government not to respond.

Perhaps the UN, The EU HQ in Brussels, the jews, or maybe even some Big Arabs have told the French that a violent attempt to restore French Law & Order may lead to an all-out Civil War, suicide bombings, or even attacks on French National Treasures (like the Louvre or however you spell it!).

Also it is important to compare the (non)response to the French riots to Russias reaction against the hostage incident at the school in Beslan. The Russians didn't mess around for long and got extremely violent at the end sending in soldiers armed with flame-throwers.

Mother Russia may be our last and possibly only Hope.


Mar 8, 2005
United States
So I guess Paris stop being the most romantic city in the world.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Excerpts from a Fred Reed column found at ANU in the Current Events and Newslinks forum.

Incomprehensibly, permitting their entry has been a deliberate decision. Europe could have kept these swarming newcomers out by simply not letting them in. No visa, no work permit, instant deportation. It didn't. Now France and Holland are on the edge. Amsterdam could be the next Paris. England, once a delightful land of safety and civility, becomes in parts a North African slum. I have no sympathy. They made the choice. But why did they do it?

For that matter, if Washington wanted to end the illegal immigration of Latinos, it could do so in a paragraph: Establish a fine of five thousand dollars a day for employing illegals or renting them accommodations, half of it to go to the person turning the offender in; require proof of citizenship for welfare in any form, or use of the schools; allow police to demand a green card at their discretion; put the army along the border with orders to shoot. It won't happen, of course. I don't care, but let's not be surprised at the consequences.

What the French need to do, but won't, is to send the army into the Islamic slums, round up the whole lot, and put them ashore on the beaches of North Africa with a box lunch and a coupon for three free Dunkin Donuts. It isn't a pretty answer. It's a lot prettier than what seems to be coming down the pike.

Ah, but there is the little matter that the enlisted ranks of the French army are heavily Moslem. Again, the more you let in, the less you can do about them. For France, I'd guess that the war is over, though the fighting just begins.


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
This is sure to fix the problems in France.

Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin, tacitly acknowledging that France has failed to live up to its egalitarian ideals, reached out to the heavily immigrant suburbs where the rioting began. He said France must make a priority of working against the discrimination that feeds the frustration of youths made to feel that they do not belong in France.

"We must be lucid: The Republic is at a moment of truth," Villepin told parliament. "The effectiveness of our integration model is in question." He called the riots "a warning" and "an appeal."


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
jaxvid said:
This is sure to fix the problems in France.

Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin.... said France must make a priority of working against the discrimination that feeds the frustration of youths made to feel that they do not belong in France.

I don't understand these comments. Aren't the French portrayed as having their collective noses high in the air when it comes to relations with other white Europeans who aren't as culturally refined or sophisticated?The French language is considered by many to be the most beautiful and poetic, their artists and painters are admired the world over and the cuisine is recognized as perhaps the ultimate in dining pleasure. As a whole they are arrogant and condescending towards the lesser Brits, Germans and Americans but they are expected by the Prime Minister toembraceand welcome the uncivilized Muslim Africans and their stone-age barbaric customs?! What a bizarre viewpoint.


Aug 10, 2005
I think we are a little quick to condemn the French. The Front National is the most successfull far right party in the Western world. Le Pen received 17% of the vote in the 2002 prime minister election. He came in second behind that joke they have now ,but if 17% of the French are pro white, that's probably better than what we are doing in the U.S. I for one, hope that this uprising propells the Front National into power. Then let's hope the BNP gets in in Britain. If they were both to get in, they could possibly resist bombing raids similar to what we gave the Serbs when they tried to expell the Albanians.

White Shogun

Hall of Famer
Mar 2, 2005
The French model of integration is different than that followed in the UK, or USA. The French model dictates that would-be immigrants become as the French. That they must speak French, learn French culture, and assimilate. The UK/US model is to allow immigrants to retain their culture and language. Diversity, not unity, is the idea in that model.

So, in the end, the French are still arrogant, and still perceive themselves to be better than everyone else. They're upset now because the FRENCH model of integration isn't working. It makes them appear less urbane and sophisticated than the rest of Europe and the USA.

And they can't have that.


Hall of Famer
Feb 6, 2005
Vive Le Pen!

French far-right leader Jean-Marie Le Pen claimed Wednesday his National Front party has been "submerged" with prospective members and supportive e-mail since rioting erupted in heavily immigrant communities near Paris.

In an interview with The Associated Press, Le Pen described the recent violence as "just the start" of conflicts caused by "massive immigration from countries of the Third World that is threatening not just France but the whole continent."

Le Pen said people with immigrant backgrounds who commit crimes should be stripped of their French nationality and sent "back to their country of origin."


Apr 13, 2005
Imagine, if you will, that it was right-wing white people of the kind that support Le Pen rioting in the streets of France because they felt alienated from a nation that had sold their birthright out to a bunch of knuckle dragging Africanos. They would be shot down in the streets and their organizations suppressed.

There is an impulse on the left to try to understand the drives of the alien in order to explain his condition (or, better yet, provide excuses for his savagery). But when it comes to the native, his drives and desires are dismissed out of hand as bigoted, fascist backwardness.