This site has grown


Mar 8, 2005
United States
This site has really grown since I started posting here back in December. I think there wasn't even a hundred members, yet now there is 241 members of castefootball. The number might be less because of trolls, but the growth is still good news. Obviously, a lot of white guys have given up watching professional sports because of the very non-diverse NBA and NFL. I just wish that there was a white guy that would speakout like Joe Morgan did, but about the lack of white players. However, he would probably be ridculed and called a bigot. There really is a huge double standard. I think a lot of us get mad and make non-appropriate posts because of that. It don't help castefooball recruit members. I try to keep my cool, but it's almost impossible on some occasions. I think a lot of the members have different views, so new members don't leave just because of one guy. Okay, I'm done ranting for now.

This board's birthdate is October 15, 2004. We hit 100 registered board users in mid-April, six months later. It took a little overfive months to get the next 100. We've been averaging about 1 new user per day over the past six weeks.

We have34Caste Football"gurus" to date -- those who have at least 100 posts. 101 different users have made at least 10 posts, and 164 at least one post.
I think I was number 58 to register, and that was January 9. It has grown quite a bit, I know the financial need is still there, but it has been good for someone like me who thought he was almost alone in his views to see this site grow so much over the last 6 months. We are really starting to get a good information base here, and that really helps. It has become a clearinghouse of sorts for news on white athletes and the discrimination they face. Thanks again Don, for starting this site. Maybe soon, I will be able to actually join the site and help out a little more.
There was a great need for a site like Caste Football and I really enjoy reading the views ofthe many knowledgeable posters we have.

I hope we can eventually create enough public awareness of the Caste System toeliminate it.To change the tide of history in a positive direction is a goal worth fighting for.
I couldn't agree more and like C.Reb said,when I get a little better off financially,I will be sending some more money.This place is like a home away from home.It is so cool to see it grow into a popular site like it has.I am really excited to start seeing alot of the athletes we mention actually see the site.Keep up the good work Don,Jaxvid,etc.,too many to list.
just wish that there was a white guy that would speakout like Joe Morgan did, but about the lack of white players. However, he would probably be ridculed and called a bigot. There really is a huge double standard.

There is a thread over in the NFL section about how black QB Jeff Blake has stated that there needs to be more White players in positions like RB and CB Jeff Blake wants more white RBs, WRs, DBs (I think he also stated that he would like to see more blacks at QB, but that is something that is to expected from him and so I don't have a huge issue with it.) That is a positive development that someone of his journey-man stature has said something that really needs to be said.
Don W: I'm glad U made the effort to make the CasteFootball website free and public and integrated into the ANU web world. Looks to me like a big success. I was not a blog-hound and intimidated by "chat rooms", but after a few posts at CasteFootball I knew I was among friends.

Let's continue pushing the beast, I'm convinced it will soon penetrate into the mainstream sports world
There are 16 people on the site currently.
18 people on here a minute ago!
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