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    NBA to implement dress code

    I am glad the jews are getting a taste of their own medicine! There was recently an incident where jewess Joan Rivers was called a racist (<a href="" target="_blank">Joan Rivers Unleashes Torrent of Abuse in Racism...
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    Libertarians and Racial Awareness

    What about Racial Consciousness or Racial Awareness? Anyhow I have been watching the Libertarians closely for a number of years (they have thrown a few elections to the demonrats up in Washington State). Some of their ideas could be compatible with Racial Beliefs, but I think they sometimes...
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    finneran: from 100 yards to 0 yards

    I have heard Jerry Rice and Tim Brown both described as possession recievers by announcers and pre-game commentators several times during the 2-3 years they both played for the Oakland Faders. (of course I was living in San Francisco at the time and had alot more exposure to that team then an...
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    Another Viking Disgrace

    Their record right now is what 1-4??? They are going to have to shop guys around to rebuild regardless of the massive PR hit they have taken. Not only is their behavior horrible, but the team is horrible as well! These guys could have kept their antics behind closed doors at a hotel, I...
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    Toledo Looting

    Southern Knight, don't worry I do not think you are in any way a raving lunatic and agree about 99% with your comments. National Socialism a lot better socio-political system then jewish bolshevism or liberal democracy, but I myself have a preference for fascism of the Italian or Spanish...
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    Some of this weeks performances

    One performance that I liked was by formerly waived Seahawk Jerheme Urban. This is a guy that got waived, I think from the practice squad, but got lucky and got resigned and got some playing time!! Sure his stats weren't that great, but for someone in his position to get a shot at playing...
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    Jerry Falwell

    Please allow me to make one mild observation about the judeo-Christians (Castefootball isn't really the kind of place for more radical expressions and I respect that, having been heavily influenced by Varg Vikernes I must say it is difficult to hold back both barrels though). Many claim...
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    Toledo Looting

    I have no doubt that they will both probably be sent out to do dairy reports in the upper Michigan Peninsula for the rest of their careers, but at the same time it is nice to get some actually accurate reporting. It is so rare in this day and age of almost total deception.
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    What’s Your Favorite Movie?

    1.) Pump Up the Volume (a flick that is basicly about Freedom of Speech and its underlying message of 'don't trust anyone over 30' has now been turned on its head since all the PC boomer hippies are old now. Made in 1990-1991 it is refreshingly devoid of so-called diversity which didn't really...
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    Toledo Looting

    White Shogun, you're right there was a hispanic newscaster (a female) and it WAS NOT Paige Hopkins. In total Paige Hopkins, the female hispanic newscaster, and also some male newscaster were the three main fox anchors during this incident (I caught about a half hour of their coverage and saw...
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    Commercials during the game

    Colonel Callan I have been thinking about posting 'A Racial Program for the Twentieth Century' but am glad to see you beat me to it!! Israel Cohens screed was made in 1912 and here is one source link: Protocols And Zionist Occupied Governments
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    Toledo Looting

    This would be a wise tactical move. Today is not 1930s Germany and even todays jews are not the same after leaving their ghettos and moving to the US to intermix with Gentiles in hopes of gaining more Aryan traits (blonde hair, blue eyes) to create what I call Uber-Mischlings (like Sara...
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    Notre Dame

    So far my take on things is that Tyrone Willingham is probably a great recruiter (the kids who are playing for Notre Dame right now were recruited by him), but is a horrible game-planner as a head coach. So when Weiss steps in he is able to FULLY utilize all the talent that is there. Clearly...
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    Should we boycott NFL/NBA/MLB/etc?

    But is that going to happen??? I have read several posts on this board about how this year so far all the starting black QBs are not doing so well this year (McNabb with the Eagles... team is at the bottom of their division, Vick, injured right now and probably is a black clone of Chris...
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    Should we boycott NFL/NBA/MLB/etc?

    With most of the sports that are the 'worst' there are considerable signs of improvement. In the NBA there are alot of European players coming into the league and I enjoy watching them. In Baseball (which is one sport I do not watch) it seems pretty clear after the whole Toronto "White...
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    Sailing Off Course

    My main issue with Sailer (and I have read alot of his stuff from The American Conservative ), which I pick up at the news-stand occasionally) is that I don't get what his basic underlying socio-political philosophy is. He just seems to go around and around in a circle saying some things that...
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    Harriet Miers

    I am sure at some point that Harriet Miers will shape shift into Justice Souter. Right now there is only one good justice on the Court, and that is Scalia. A Court filled with Scalias would probably make the country alot more livable.
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    Another Viking Disgrace

    I vaguely remember that book, it came out right around the time when lots of Dallas Cowboys were way out of control. Anyhow this is some deeply disturbing stuff. I wonder if an atmosphere like this is what led Chris Hovan to go over to the Bucanneers?? (Gruden didn't take any gruff from...
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    Romo admits steroid use...

    Someone on the Faders (er... Raiders) used steriods?? NOO! There is just something about the Raiders I don't like, some thuggish group dynamic about them I can't quite put my finger on but many of the individual players they have had on their teams I have liked and seemed like OK guys...
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    It’s okay to put down white people

    All of these attacks on White Males are part of what is known as 'Critical Theory' which was developed by a group of jewish Marxists working within an organization known as the Frankfurt School. An author named William S. Lind has done quite a bit of writing about this topic...
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    Michael Vick

    I just want to weigh in on this: those mid 1990s black Falcons uniforms (aka Raiders rip-offs) are probably my #2 favorite all time. (#1 being old style Seattle Seahawks) Not only that but they are from the era when the Falcons actually once had some good teams like the one year (1991?) they...
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    Worst commercial ever.

    Yes that is a pretty bad commercial. In reality the worlds weakest man is probably some small Asian or maybe even those short mestizo border hoppers that Presidente Boosh keeps letting in. (some of these adult mestizos aren't even fully 5 feet tall!! They are nothing like what is shown on...
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    Jeff Foxworthy is a harmless comedian who is in no way mean-spirited in his act. (although I don't personally find him humorous) It doesn't surprise me in the least that some would find in him a brief respite from the constant barrage of racial abuse and miscegenation found in commercials...
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    NO PD Beatdown

    Always bear in mind that the New Orleans Police Department has the reputation of being the most corrupt in the US. It has had this reputation for years, and who knows how bad things are now after Katrina.
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    Keyshawn v Drew Bledsoe

    I heard on ESPN that what Drew Bledsoe said on the sidelines to Leon, oops I mean Keyshawn Johnson (I always got a good chuckle out of theose Leon commercials) was "Hold onto the ball". I think it is kind of humorous for a QB to tell a WR that, but also for Johnson to go off like that is...