Mass Shooting at Florida High School

The antifa picture and the actual suspect look to be two different people. As the facts come out - the kid was adopted as an infant, led a troubled life, was on meds - that is all you really need to know. It's the same profile that most of these other shooters suffered from. The white supremacist angle being thrown in now is clearly to link mass shootings to the "alt-right"/white people. This kid was in fact a mental midget with his wires crossed incorrectly living in a society where a pill is the answer for everything rather than institutionalizing these people and keeping them away from society. Just another marxist ploy to further lead our society into degeneracy.
Also for a supposed white supremacist it appears that all of the victims except one where white. That shouldn't make any sense to anyone with a logical mind.
Looks like the MSM scum will have to walk back their white supremacist ********. Pretty sure they're bummed.
Time magazine:

Accused Parkland Shooter Nikolas Cruz Was a Member of White Supremacist Group

Now why would a leader of what time magazine calls a "white nationalist militia", that nobody ever heard of, assuming it was real, which of course it isn't, want to immediately claim credit for that monster being a member? They dont give a ****. They just want to spin their neo bolshevik agitprop: white men are evil; make it illegal for honest people to own guns to defend themselves.
Looks like the MSM scum will have to walk back their white supremacist ********. Pretty sure they're bummed.

I'm pretty sure they'll never walk that narrative back. Why would they? They are in full metal jacket onslaught mode in their blitzkrieg against all things White.
Law enforcement agencies have found no connection between Cruz and Jordan Jerub's organization

I suspect Jordan Jerub has a connection to the ADL, though. And I wonder whether the "Republic of Florida Militia" even exists.

Sure it exists. It was founded yesterday and its headquarters are at Mr Jerub's desk down the hall from Time mag. editor in chief Edward Felsenthal. Closes early tomorrow, Friday afternoon, for Shabbat, in case you're planning to telephone.
Sure it exists. It was founded yesterday and its headquarters are at Mr Jerub's desk down the hall from Time mag. editor in chief Edward Felsenthal. Closes early tomorrow, Friday afternoon, for Shabbat, in case you're planning to telephone.

Cruz's blatant communist/antifa beliefs have now dutifully been dropped by Alex Jones' site, while Drudge's featured headline now says "Cruz the White Supremacist." Breitbart has a big story about Cruz belonging to some "white nationalist militia" in Florida that I've never heard of and I follow these things closely. Why is the communist/antifa angle and even the possible ISIS angle being dropped like this? How much difference is there between those conservative sites and CNN/NBC/Fox, etc.? Obviously not much.

I don't believe that the photo of Nicholas de Jesus Cruz wearing that "Communist Party" t-shirt and holding up the "AntiFa Fist" was authentic, which is why the NeoCons dropped that angle of the story. The person in the photo below looks similar, but has darker eyes, curlier hair, a larger nose, and a different shape to his lips...


At this point, his motive and political agenda are unclear. There probably was none.

Of the 17 victims, there was one Asian, but it was mostly whites, Hispanics, and white-looking Hispanics...

The leftists love to bash 1950s white America but mass murders such as this didn't happen in 1950s white America. They're sure happening today.
The leftists love to bash 1950s white America but mass murders such as this didn't happen in 1950s white America. They're sure happening today.

Exactly. And the Leftists/Talking Heads in the media literal mock and have disdain for the White middle class bushwa values of the 1950's yet from what my parents and others have told me it was the best and safest times of their lives. I am sure it was no Utopia for everyone, especially some minorities but it was surely a safer society overall.

There's no doubt a combination of factors involved around this era's mass murder and Cultural chaos including, but not limited to: the conscious/subconscious knowledge our nation has murdered over 60 million innocent unborn in the womb (people's conscience is dulled), the mass media degradation of every area of society, the exposure to violence in all forms of "entertainment" from tv, movies, gaming, et al, 24/7, and the agenda-driven secular and perverted indoctrination of students from Kindergarten thru Grad School and who knows how many of these poor souls are on drugs for man-made conditions.

These drugs from big pharma were NOT part of previous generations, and now they saturate our society at every economic strata yet never seem to be taking the hit or even questioned in a substantial way. Turn a blind eye...don't rock the boat. We are not even allowed to legally know what mass murderers were on when they commit such henous crimes for Pete's sake.

Even the networks can't blame them because at every commercial break their sponsor/overlords are pushing the legal versions of street heroin for the kiddos.

Cruz's blatant communist/antifa beliefs have now dutifully been dropped by Alex Jones' site, while Drudge's featured headline now says "Cruz the White Supremacist." Breitbart has a big story about Cruz belonging to some "white nationalist militia" in Florida that I've never heard of and I follow these things closely. Why is the communist/antifa angle and even the possible ISIS angle being dropped like this? How much difference is there between those conservative sites and CNN/NBC/Fox, etc.? Obviously not much.
Drudge is awful at this point. Completely sold out. Only links to fake news MSM sites now. The "Deep State" must of given him an offer he couldn't refuse.

Jones' actually covers quite a bit of the anti-White propaganda today. He's flipped quite a bit from just 5-10 years ago when he covered a lot more "Area 51" and "Alien" type stuff. Nothing wrong with covering that as I believe there's quite a bit of legitimacy to it. I enjoyed listening to it and it should be covered because of the shroud of secrecy and oddities surrounding it (as deep as the "Deep State" goes, really). However, he would only dance around the anti-White stuff back then, and it would frustrate me; but now he covers it almost every day. Of course, he'll never cover the JQ, so he's compromised to some degree, but he may be savvy enough to understand that would be his undoing. Lies by omission 10-20 percent of the time is certainly better than the fake news' 100% of the time.

The one who's impressed me the most over the past 1-2 years has been Rush Limbaugh. He's having none of it and his audience is growing pretty rapidly. I didn't care for him at all during the Bu$h years when he was cheerleading on that neocon, death-cult, regime; but he's adapted quite a bit since then and has become much more paleocon than neocon. If juxtaposed against Fox "News", it would highlight just how milquetoast the "conservatives" are there, outside of a small handful of them.
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Law enforcement agencies have found no connection between Cruz and Jordan Jerub's organization

I suspect Jordan Jerub has a connection to the ADL, though. And I wonder whether the "Republic of Florida Militia" even exists.
I agree. He's playing the part all too well, as yesterday he posted that "Elvis Prestley" (yes, with a "t") was a member of his Florida "White Nationalist" militia back in the day. It's almost impossible to be more ludicrous than that. Number one, I think he intentionally put the "t" in there to mock the intelligence of southern (read: "red neck", ignorant and can't spell) "White Nationalists" and, number two, 45-55 years ago, when this would've happened (Elvis died in Summer of '77) Florida was probably 90% White and the thought of a need for an "ethno state" (or even using that phrase) back then wasn't even in the conscious minds of anyone, because Florida, along with the rest of the United States, essentially was an "ethno state", being that it was 90% White at the time.
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I agree. He's playing the part all too well, as yesterday he posted that "Elvis Prestley" (yes, with a "t") was a member of his Florida "White Nationalist" militia back in the day. It's almost impossible to be more ludicrous than that. Number one, I think he intentionally put the "t" in there to mock the intelligence of southern (read: "red neck", ignorant and can't spell) "White Nationalists" and, number two, 45-55 years ago, when this would've happened (Elvis died in Summer of '77) Florida was probably 90% White and the thought of a need for an "ethno state" (or even using that phrase) back then wasn't even in the conscious minds of anyone, because Florida, along with the rest of the United States, essentially was an "ethno state", being that it was 90% White at the time.

And we can pretty much presume that Jordan Jerub isn't even that bozo's real name. That intentional misspell was a sure sign he's probably a plant of sorts. This narrative they are trying to pull is beyond absurd. This non-stop agenda of trying to convince everyone that "White people are inherently evil" is like something from 1984, except we are living through it.

The new Civil War is on, and has been going on for quite some time, maybe 50+ years of slow boil, but (((they))) are really brazen and open now. I sure hope Whites en masse wake up and get a clue.
This is on a Christian Zionist site that worships everything Jewish, and the author believes the ludicrous official version of the Sandy Hook obvious drill-gone-live, but he does raise the pertinent question that the "mainstream" media won't. Big Pharma appears to be another super-profitable scam industry, much like Monsanto and its many evil tentacles, that can't be criticized or seriously scrutinized:

Media ignoring 1 crucial factor in Florida school shooting
I agree. He's playing the part all too well, as yesterday he posted that "Elvis Prestley" (yes, with a "t") was a member of his Florida "White Nationalist" militia back in the day. It's almost impossible to be more ludicrous than that. Number one, I think he intentionally put the "t" in there to mock the intelligence of southern (read: "red neck", ignorant and can't spell) "White Nationalists" and, number two, 45-55 years ago, when this would've happened (Elvis died in Summer of '77) Florida was probably 90% White and the thought of a need for an "ethno state" (or even using that phrase) back then wasn't even in the conscious minds of anyone, because Florida, along with the rest of the United States, essentially was an "ethno state", being that it was 90% White at the time.

Oh no, even Elvis was a member of that horrible militia too!? Even a nice Jewish boy like Elvis!? I'm sure Hitler and Donald Trump were members too!

Yes, Elvis was Jewish.

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This is on a Christian Zionist site that worships everything Jewish, and the author believes the ludicrous official version of the Sandy Hook obvious drill-gone-live, but he does raise the pertinent question that the "mainstream" media won't. Big Pharma appears to be another super-profitable scam industry, much like Monsanto and its many evil tentacles, that can't be criticized or seriously scrutinized:

Media ignoring 1 crucial factor in Florida school shooting

I agree with everything in your post. Its not only the big pharma that benefits from the ssri/add/adhd narco rackets, it's also the phony psychiatrist bunch, a phony branch of medicine made up largely of drooling maniacs with md degrees, and the teachers too, who will deem a boy who is bored and fidgeting or goofing around, that is acting like a boy, or disbelieving in the pc bullcrap that she's ramming down their throats, especially a highly intelligent and imaginitive white boy that annoys her, so she'll send him to the school psychiatrist and they'll label him ADD or some other bullcrap "disease" they made up and turn him into a daily drug using hard core homicidal addict.
I agree with everything in your post. Its not only the big pharma that benefits from the ssri/add/adhd narco rackets, it's also the phony psychiatrist bunch, a phony branch of medicine made up largely of drooling maniacs with md degrees, and the teachers too, who will deem a boy who is bored and fidgeting or goofing around, that is acting like a boy, or disbelieving in the pc bullcrap that she's ramming down their throats, especially a highly intelligent and imaginitive white boy that annoys her, so she'll send him to the school psychiatrist and they'll label him ADD or some other bullcrap "disease" they made up and turn him into a daily drug using hard core homicidal addict.

The psych world is a total racket!
These fools offer no wisdom unless it's by accident, like a broken clock being right twice a day. These Leftist kooks have done infinite damage to people, the nation, the world...
Good one from InfoWars. Also love the new self-promo montage after the main story ends.

Poor ol' Alex can't help but discredit himself on a regular basis. I wonder if he's paid to do so or how his strings are pulled and by whom.
Poor ol' Alex can't help but discredit himself on a regular basis. I wonder if he's paid to do so or how his strings are pulled and by whom.
The reporter interviewing her is a sports reporter of a local Houston affiliate TV station and not associated with InfoWars or Alex Jones. The video and interview is from his own Twitter account and wasn't aired live by InfoWars.

What's weird to me is that her name is, allegedly, Alexia Jones. Is that her real name or is she a really just a troll, trolling a mass shooting event? I don't think she's a Russian bot...looks human to me. Is what she saying legit? Can it be corroborated? In any case, I'm sure the "real" news, like CNN, NBC, ABC, NYT, WaPost, or whomever the parent company is of the local TV affiliate the reporter works for will all over it and will let us know for sure, in due time.
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