Mass Shooting at Florida High School

The gun control crowd will be all over this. They will exploit everything they can in order to disarm the populace.

If the normal - non sex pervert non-commy - teachers there were armed many lives could have been saved.

17 kids dead at a school in Parkland, Florida. At least 20 wounded. A former expelled student, 19 year-old Nikolas Cruz responsible. The punk was apprehended trying to blend in with fleeing students.

Folks, we got ourselves a country on a bee line to hell. Hollywood Jews have been jacking this nation with realistic onscreen violence now for years. Big Pharma has some seriously wacked SSI drugs out there. You can actually watch them reporting on crap like this and then run a commercial for such drugs the next minute. No lie.

I remember a time when such things were unheard of. Hell, we lived without locking the doors. Kids rode around on stingray bicycles and skateboards. Guys and girls went together and then got married. If you were a scumbag, people avoided you.

There is a picture of the killer on Stormfront. He appears to be an Antifa (i don't know how to copy images on Android).
Pictures from the scene. Compare the faces here with those at Sandy Hook (Sandy Hoax) where everyone was either laughing or trying not to laugh.

It will go down George Orwell's Memory Hole. In a way it's better if his name isn't emblazoned everywhere. That's what these type killers want.
When I watched CBS's nightly fake news they made sure to emphasize that the shooter was a White male. With the last name of Cruz he could easily be a mestizo but he looks to be European. Since the high school appears to be fairly "diverse" and since from all indications so far he's an anti-White commie, it will be interesting to know if there was an ethnic or racial pattern to his rampage, e.g., did he target Whites or did he shoot randomly.
When I watched CBS's nightly fake news they made sure to emphasize that the shooter was a White male. With the last name of Cruz he could easily be a mestizo but he looks to be European. Since the high school appears to be fairly "diverse" and since from all indications so far he's an anti-White commie, it will be interesting to know if there was an ethnic or racial pattern to his rampage, e.g., did he target Whites or did he shoot randomly.

The school was almost all white, and judging by the fact that he appears to be a pro muslim antifa commie scum, thats probably who his victims were. Yeah the Ziomedia will broadcast night and day that he was a white male, and probably find a way to spin him into a neo nazi Trump supporter, and of course Guns - gun control - disarm the honest people - the working class - the hated white goyim. Then the invasions and destructions can begin in earnest.
Here is the key!!!

"Kumbatovich said she believed Nikolas Cruz was on medication to deal with his emotional fragility."

That's an excerpt from the Miami Herald article. He was on school mandated hard drugs, like Ritalin. I think that every single school shooter has been. 10% of USA children are put on such drugs for imaginary made up diseases like ADD. Almost all are boys. That means that almost 20% of US school boys are government mandated extremely dangerous homicidal shooting up every single day drug addicts! They have also passed a law that makes it illegal to disclose the info!
Just for the sake of credibility, a relative of mine is friends with someone who’s daughter was shot and killed yesterday.

This is the real image of the shooter, Nicolas Cruz:
30DA2A08-4111-4028-967C-4EEE0D2860AB.jpeg 2E38CCA0-283A-4223-9C2B-708FE76C0DC1.jpeg
In reference to the double standards, White hispanics are considered White by the media when it’s something bad.

When it’s something good, they are considered Hispanic.

It never ends.
In reference to the double standards, White hispanics are considered White by the media when it’s something bad.

When it’s something good, they are considered Hispanic.

It never ends.

In reference to the double standards, White hispanics are considered White by the media when it’s something bad.

When it’s something good, they are considered Hispanic.

It never ends.

Not only the media. That's how the crooked FBI compiles its crime statistics. When "hispanics" commit a crime they are classified as white; when they are victims of a crime they are classified as non white.
I think that every single school shooter has been on school/government mandated narcos - daily shooting up with psychotic homicidal drugs like Ritalin for imaginary diseases that they just invented like "ADD". We know that this one was. They have put almost 20% of US school boys on it.

How many of the maniacal and violent Antifas are on it?
I personally don't agree with hoax/false flag theory around these shootings. I do 100% believe that all of these shooters were on drugs for mental issues - the sandy hook shooter, Vegas shooter and now this degenerate. Big pharma and the mental health industry are to blame much more than then NRA and 2nd amendment supporters.
I personally don't agree with hoax/false flag theory around these shootings. I do 100% believe that all of these shooters were on drugs for mental issues - the sandy hook shooter, Vegas shooter and now this degenerate. Big pharma and the mental health industry are to blame much more than then NRA and 2nd amendment supporters.
Yes, those drugs have harmful psychological "side effects".
I personally don't agree with hoax/false flag theory around these shootings. I do 100% believe that all of these shooters were on drugs for mental issues - the sandy hook shooter, Vegas shooter and now this degenerate. Big pharma and the mental health industry are to blame much more than then NRA and 2nd amendment supporters.

Sandy Hook was ********. Compare the faces of the real people here with Sandy Hook actors. The Sandy Hook people were all smiling and laughing or trying to hold back from laughing.

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Yeah, a "White Supremacist" that wears a Commie Antifa t-shirt and attends antifa rallies. I'm sure the "leader" of that "White Nationalist" group in Florida, as stated in that Rothschild-owned AP story, is a legit "White Nationalist" and not a Fed imposter/agent. o_O

Cruz's blatant communist/antifa beliefs have now dutifully been dropped by Alex Jones' site, while Drudge's featured headline now says "Cruz the White Supremacist." Breitbart has a big story about Cruz belonging to some "white nationalist militia" in Florida that I've never heard of and I follow these things closely. Why is the communist/antifa angle and even the possible ISIS angle being dropped like this? How much difference is there between those conservative sites and CNN/NBC/Fox, etc.? Obviously not much.
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