Mass Shooting in Vegas

BFU - I'm afraid you were right, they killed real people. Horrible...

I am right about one thing though: they are lying about what happened.

Like many people including Beyond and others here at caste one does wonder with the old saying "what took so long" for the swat teams etc. to find the killer and neutralize him. If they were doing a drawn out time consuming bomb protocol then you have to question the decision to go that route when there were bullets flying from a fairly isolated position ( hotel room) no less, rather than amidst a crowd like say in a club where law officers risk shooting innocent people. Why jump to the conclusion ( if indeed they did) that a bomb would be involved which entails clearing out everyone from the hotel. And I just saw that an injured victim sued the hotel and why not. No one at the hotel keeping any sort of track of how many bags a guy "smuggles" up to his room?
Below is an article by Ann Coulter who asks some valid questions including how can someone get rich playing video poker?
A good "friend of a friend" of mine worked with someone that was killed and another injured by the gunfire, so people were killed and injured. However, the "official" story is still bogus. The Satanic Pedophile Elite and Deep State (some members one and the same) don't give two cents about us, so they don't care if people were killed or not to advance their agenda, as long as it's advanced.
BFU - I'm afraid you were right, they killed real people. Horrible...

I am right about one thing though: they are lying about what happened.


Looks very fake to me. Also, the trash dumped all over the ground is ridiculously disproportionate to any possible reality. Anything can be staged and faked. Bottom line, if you do not have personal, empirical evidence of dead bodies, you don't know. I choose to not believe any mass "psyop" event jammed in my face. I refuse to watch "news" because it has no value to me, real or fake. It is all used to deceive, manipulate, divide, frighten, anger, and overall drag everyone down and cause misery. There is no need to actually kill anyone in these events.
I was going to post this about my post right above showing the closeup of an entry chest wound allegedly on a LV shooting victim. It was sent to me last night by (well known website owner), allegedly a fatal wound on LV victim W. King, but I see the image is gone now. Anyway, on second thought, what coroner office or hospital or grieving family would release a close up photo of an entry chest wound (minus head shot to ID the victim) to the public internet? Has anyone tried a reverse google search on that photo to find out where it really came from, like from a combat surgeons textbook maybe.

The ISIS-antifag-lesbo-communists are openly planning the violent overthrow of the USA and also mass murder, and our "leaders", including the Trump administration, don't seem to be doing anything, and the enemy controlled mass media and many local politicians actually run cover for them.
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FBI "wipes" the phones, devices and laptops of all "Route 91" workers/vendors...all videos and messages (read: potential evidence) deleted.
FBI "wipes" the phones, devices and laptops of all "Route 91" workers/vendors...all videos and messages (read: potential evidence) deleted.

All the eyewitnesses report multiple shooters. The FBI and media are not even bothering to be subtle anymore.
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A good "friend of a friend" of mine worked with someone that was killed and another injured by the gunfire, so people were killed and injured. However, the "official" story is still bogus. The Satanic Pedophile Elite and Deep State (some members one and the same) don't give two cents about us, so they don't care if people were killed or not to advance their agenda, as long as it's advanced.

Real people definitely died. My first cousin was very good friends with Bill Wolfe (who was an engineer and youth wrestling coach from Shippensburg, PA), one of the poor souls killed in the shooting...

Who actually murdered him and 57 other innocent people? Probably not Stephen Paddock.
Paul Craig Roberts is likely right when he writes that we'll never know exactly what happened, as is the case with all the mass casualty events that arouse suspicion. This one may have been a combination of real fatalities and injuries combined with crisis actors and media propaganda declaring the number of dead and injured to be higher than what it actually was. This one is also unusual in that the alleged mass murderer's motives remain unknown, though as in all other such cases the alleged perp or perps died at the scene (other than the surviving Boston Marathon suspect, who we're told couldn't speak after being shot in the throat). Timothy McVeigh is also curious in that though he could have spoken, he chose not to.

One thing I find interesting is that the death toll hasn't climbed despite over 500 people being injured. In mass casualty events, whether human or nature caused, the number of fatalities rises for a while as some of the seriously injured succumb to their wounds.

At any rate, here's one of today's twists:

Real people definitely died. My first cousin was very good friends with Bill Wolfe (who was an engineer and youth wrestling coach from Shippensburg, PA), one of the poor souls killed in the shooting...

Who actually murdered him and 57 other innocent people? Probably not Stephen Paddock.
A co-worker of mine was there. He observed a guy with 1/4 of his skull shot out and obviously dead. He had spoken to him 15 mins earlier.
A personal friend of my cousin was on stage during the concert. He says that a drill was staged after the concert, and nobody died and nobody was shot.

...I just made that up, but seriously, everybody wants to claim some emotional, personal connection with these “mass tragedies.” Such accounts are unverifiable hearsay. None of us knows anything unless we were personally, physically affected during the event.

At any rate, here's one of today's twists:


From above link:

"Police initially said Campos approached his room as the shooting was underway, which prompted him to fire at him through the door."

Nothing in their ever changing story line makes sense. Why would a minimum wage unarmed - or even if he was armed - security guard approach a room from which the sound of machine gun fire was emanating all by himself?
A personal friend of my cousin was on stage during the concert. He says that a drill was staged after the concert, and nobody died and nobody was shot.

...I just made that up, but seriously, everybody wants to claim some emotional, personal connection with these “mass tragedies.” Such accounts are unverifiable hearsay. None of us knows anything unless we were personally, physically affected during the event.
I doubt Westside and another poster or two on here are lying or being lied to. Go get yourself some help.
A personal friend of my cousin was on stage during the concert. He says that a drill was staged after the concert, and nobody died and nobody was shot.

...I just made that up, but seriously, everybody wants to claim some emotional, personal connection with these “mass tragedies.” Such accounts are unverifiable hearsay. None of us knows anything unless we were personally, physically affected during the event.

The victim I mentioned (Bill Wolfe) in my post was a real person who really died. The victim's wife was with him at the concert, but she survived. I saw my cousin this past Saturday and he told me the details. His funeral was held today...

If you don't believe me, that's fine and I understand that after hundreds of false flags, a person can become skeptical of absolutely everything. As I said, I don't believe the "official story" about the alleged shooter, the fact that there was only one shooter, or the guns used by the shooter. But I haven't seen any evidence to suggest that these 58 people weren't real or didn't actually die. Unfortunately, that portion of this situation seems to be the only truth.
Sheriff "visibly shaken" and "choking up" at today's press conference, obviously scared sh*tless.

That FBI agent (John Podesta's son-in-law) is once again to the Sheriff's side, staring him down, not saying a word, making sure the Sheriff follows script...or else.

Sheriff "visibly shaken" and "choking up" at today's press conference, obviously scared sh*tless.

That FBI agent (John Podesta's son-in-law) is once again to the Sheriff's side, staring him down, not saying a word, making sure the Sheriff follows script...or else.

Never looks at the crowd. His eyes are fastened on the police chief:

"One wrong word and you and your family are dead!"
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American Freedom News