Mass Shooting in Vegas


Sandy Hook too.
First off, if you ever run into an "Age-Restricted..." YouTube video, you can use the following site to view it. Simply copy the restricted YouTube link and paste it into where it says "Search for a video..."

Anyway, here are some more very good vids. A lot of good stuff is coming out now:

Here's one that indicates another shooter at ground level, dressed up as one of the security guards. He gets into a shooting position and then you immediately start hearing the rapid gunfire and can see the muzzle flash. The sounds were localized, just several feet from the actual video footage...NOT several hundred feet coming from the "32nd floor of Mandalay Bay"!!! Other witnesses in other videos being interviewed said there was more than one of these types at the ground level and this confirms what the male and female Hispanics were telling the attendees 45 minutes before the shooting started. "They are all around you. You are all going to die." and were then escorted out by the security staff.

This man who runs the End Times News Report YouTube channel has some very good vids on this incident as well as other topics...some good investigative reporting. In this one, he shows how he is being sabotaged and targeted for either injury or death now. Apparently, he's been critical of "Zionists" and what they have been doing. He also mentions in this vid that a foreign country is offering him vast sums of cash if will just stop referring to them in his reporting...hmmm, I wonder which "foreign" country that could be. He shows part of the request near the end of the vid. (((Mainstream media))) is going after him now as well.

Here's another one of his vids were he shows someone else's footage of what happened at the Bellagio (yes, Bellagio, NOT Mandalay Bay) that night as well. He talks for about six minutes and then shows the video the woman took to document what was happening there because the mainstream media wasn't reporting it and the Sheriff said that "nothing happened" there. Apparently, it was happening at other casinos on the strip as well, but the MSM was quickly and only repeating "lone gunman" and "32nd floor, Mandalay Bay", over and over. This would support the theory that this event will be used to bring in security scanners to all hotels in Vegas, Nevada, and probably the rest of the country as well as in other venues.

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Even radio's Michael Savage is speaking about this:

"This guy was well-trained, something is wrong with the picture," Savage said after questioning why it took 72 minutes for the police to arrive and shoot 64-year-old Stephen Paddock.

He added, "There's more questions than answers. This is a new 9/11 in America and the questions will grow all week – very embarrassing and very difficult questions we are now back to where we were years and years ago. This guy was well-trained, something is wrong with the picture."

Savage: LV Shooter 'Well-Trained,' Something Wrong With This Picture

Yes indeed, something is wrong with the picture.
Las Vegas Was A Deliberate Anti-White Mass Shooting

America will never be the same. We're in a guerrilla war now.

  • las-vegas-shooting-2-750x375.jpg

    The dust has settled on Las Vegas, and yet many questions remain. But this post is not going to be about the discrepancies, of which, I will admit there are many. The cameras, the live streaming, the CIA connections of the girl, the wired money and the official response are all suspect and frankly bizarre.

    But one just to take one look at the victims to understand the most important part of what happened here.

    The media will trot out token minorities to try to prove that this attack was race-blind, and still find a way to blame White males. The cucks on the right may even say that this was a targeted attack on Republican-voters. Liars, the whole lot of them. Especially those that just shrug and attribute the attack to “just one of those things” or “he just snapped” or “valium” or “guns”.

    Investigators on Thursday were still piecing together the life of the gunman who killed 58 concertgoers in Las Vegas, and remained at a loss to explain what drove him to commit the massacre.

    Only the Alt-Right will tell you the truth.

    A multi-millionaire Boomer with no kids and an Asian girlfriend targeted a gathering of BadWhites.

    500+ White people were gunned down not just because they were White, but because they were the wrong kind of White people. They were gunned down by an anti-White, a race-traitor and a self-hating White.

    This is the greatest anti-White mass shooting of all time and the start of something new. It has been a soft Genocide of Whites until now. But we are undeniably moving into the guerrilla phase of the war. Isolated attacks on Whites are not uncommon and are not new. Whether it was the “polar bear hunting” phenomenon, or the Islamic terror attacks or the Mexican gang murders- Whites have been targeted for years now.

    But now, the last and most powerful member of the Anti-White coalition has decided to join the fight. The massive “GoodWhite” faction of self-hating Whites that have been radicalized by 60 years of media brainwashing, the schools and the hysteria surrounding Trump have finally started flexing their muscles.

    We saw them join the war against the White race during the election season, under the banner of Antifa. We see them rampaging on the streets now, tearing down monuments, attacking patriots and now, one of theirs has committed mass murder.

    In his mind perhaps, he was fighting Fascism. After all, if the media declares Trump to be literally Hitler, then his supporters must also be literally Hitler. Nevermind that most of those people probably didn’t think much about politics.

    They were there for the circus part of the panem et circenses social contract.

    This didn’t stop the shooter. Anti-Whites seem to have a special love for targeting concerts in particular. If they were smarter, they would leave the circuses alone…And I believe it will be their undoing.

    Perhaps in his mind, he even saw this as part of the greater good.

    In other words, shoot 500 to save thousands from gun-related deaths once his act paves the way for anti-gun legislation. That wouldn’t surprise me. Lefties are always for the greater good. Even though they hate their neighbors, their countrymen and their race, they subscribe to the belief that they love humanity – defined abstractly of course- and are do-gooders at heart.

    These GoodWhites are willing to kill for the cause, and if you ever doubted that, you have Las Vegas as a stark wake-up call.

    Yes, the game has changed once again. It’s been an eventful year, and we’re not even close to the finish line. There was a pre-Trump America, a pre-Charlottesville America and now a pre-Vegas America.

    All of them are behind us now.

    Sporadic attacks on BadWhites have become a staple of our brave new anti-White paradigm. Richard Spencer being punched was the direct precursor to what happened in Las Vegas. The same animus behind that attack was at work in Las Vegas.

    Las Vegas just raised the bar.

    And we all have targets on our backs. Because of the election, we learned that the media would cover for them if they attacked us with fists and clubs in the streets. Because of Charlottesville, we learned that 1st Amendment no longer exists in America. Now we know that the media will cover for them if they decide to gun us down as well.

    Meanwhile, the police are waffling on this one. And the longer they hold back on releasing the details, the more we can be sure that the details are damning. Call it a corollary to Coulter’s Law. The latest:

    Stephen Paddock didn’t just have 23 weapons in his Mandalay Bay hotel suite, which he turned into a sniper’s nest to kill 58 concertgoers in Las Vegas. He also had 50 pounds of explosives material and 1,600 rounds of ammunition in his car in the hotel parking lot, police said…

    But what motivated Paddock to kill dozens of strangers — and where he planned to strike next — remain a mystery.

    It’s not a mystery to us. It’s all quite clear, and becoming clearer by the day.

    Buckle-up, lads.

    We are one step closer to that fateful day when this whole thing goes hot. You know it, and I know it. There’s no way this ends peacefully.

Maybe elements of "Antifa" (the Alt-left) have formed an alliance with "ISIS" If that is so than the Las Vegas Massacre could be the new "Boston Massacre" at least in effect of becoming a rallying call for the American people against the "establishment" but the Mainstream media and the Deep State are trying to hide it. If we are dealing with an Alt-left/ISIS alliance the Mainstream media and the Deep State will try to protect them but many of the common people are seeing through their lies. A lot may be about to come to a head. If not stopped quickly an Alt-left/ISIS alliance will strike again very soon.
Las Vegas Was A Deliberate Anti-White Mass Shooting

America will never be the same. We're in a guerrilla war now.

  • las-vegas-shooting-2-750x375.jpg

    The dust has settled on Las Vegas, and yet many questions remain. But this post is not going to be about the discrepancies, of which, I will admit there are many. The cameras, the live streaming, the CIA connections of the girl, the wired money and the official response are all suspect and frankly bizarre.

    But one just to take one look at the victims to understand the most important part of what happened here.

    The media will trot out token minorities to try to prove that this attack was race-blind, and still find a way to blame White males. The cucks on the right may even say that this was a targeted attack on Republican-voters. Liars, the whole lot of them. Especially those that just shrug and attribute the attack to “just one of those things” or “he just snapped” or “valium” or “guns”.

    Investigators on Thursday were still piecing together the life of the gunman who killed 58 concertgoers in Las Vegas, and remained at a loss to explain what drove him to commit the massacre.

    Only the Alt-Right will tell you the truth.

    A multi-millionaire Boomer with no kids and an Asian girlfriend targeted a gathering of BadWhites.

    500+ White people were gunned down not just because they were White, but because they were the wrong kind of White people. They were gunned down by an anti-White, a race-traitor and a self-hating White.

    This is the greatest anti-White mass shooting of all time and the start of something new. It has been a soft Genocide of Whites until now. But we are undeniably moving into the guerrilla phase of the war. Isolated attacks on Whites are not uncommon and are not new. Whether it was the “polar bear hunting” phenomenon, or the Islamic terror attacks or the Mexican gang murders- Whites have been targeted for years now.

    But now, the last and most powerful member of the Anti-White coalition has decided to join the fight. The massive “GoodWhite” faction of self-hating Whites that have been radicalized by 60 years of media brainwashing, the schools and the hysteria surrounding Trump have finally started flexing their muscles.

    We saw them join the war against the White race during the election season, under the banner of Antifa. We see them rampaging on the streets now, tearing down monuments, attacking patriots and now, one of theirs has committed mass murder.

    In his mind perhaps, he was fighting Fascism. After all, if the media declares Trump to be literally Hitler, then his supporters must also be literally Hitler. Nevermind that most of those people probably didn’t think much about politics.

    They were there for the circus part of the panem et circenses social contract.

    This didn’t stop the shooter. Anti-Whites seem to have a special love for targeting concerts in particular. If they were smarter, they would leave the circuses alone…And I believe it will be their undoing.

    Perhaps in his mind, he even saw this as part of the greater good.

    In other words, shoot 500 to save thousands from gun-related deaths once his act paves the way for anti-gun legislation. That wouldn’t surprise me. Lefties are always for the greater good. Even though they hate their neighbors, their countrymen and their race, they subscribe to the belief that they love humanity – defined abstractly of course- and are do-gooders at heart.

    These GoodWhites are willing to kill for the cause, and if you ever doubted that, you have Las Vegas as a stark wake-up call.

    Yes, the game has changed once again. It’s been an eventful year, and we’re not even close to the finish line. There was a pre-Trump America, a pre-Charlottesville America and now a pre-Vegas America.

    All of them are behind us now.

    Sporadic attacks on BadWhites have become a staple of our brave new anti-White paradigm. Richard Spencer being punched was the direct precursor to what happened in Las Vegas. The same animus behind that attack was at work in Las Vegas.

    Las Vegas just raised the bar.

    And we all have targets on our backs. Because of the election, we learned that the media would cover for them if they attacked us with fists and clubs in the streets. Because of Charlottesville, we learned that 1st Amendment no longer exists in America. Now we know that the media will cover for them if they decide to gun us down as well.

    Meanwhile, the police are waffling on this one. And the longer they hold back on releasing the details, the more we can be sure that the details are damning. Call it a corollary to Coulter’s Law. The latest:

    Stephen Paddock didn’t just have 23 weapons in his Mandalay Bay hotel suite, which he turned into a sniper’s nest to kill 58 concertgoers in Las Vegas. He also had 50 pounds of explosives material and 1,600 rounds of ammunition in his car in the hotel parking lot, police said…

    But what motivated Paddock to kill dozens of strangers — and where he planned to strike next — remain a mystery.

    It’s not a mystery to us. It’s all quite clear, and becoming clearer by the day.

    Buckle-up, lads.

    We are one step closer to that fateful day when this whole thing goes hot. You know it, and I know it. There’s no way this ends peacefully.

I am ready. In Ca. I am "strapped" albiet with a small compact Ruger in my car.. But at home a different story. Loaded ready to take on all comers. Just waiting to see if they dare.
I am ready. In Ca. I am "strapped" albiet with a small compact Ruger in my car.. But at home a different story. Loaded ready to take on all comers. Just waiting to see if they dare.

Yeah, I have my CC permit in VA, it may be time to start actually carrying since the insane leftists now seem to be going off the cliff with their open calls to kill white people and Trump supporters, and now actually doing it in Las Vegas. And they are calling for violence on Columbus Day, and the big one now seems to be their call for widespread violence on November 4th, the 100th anniversary of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. Looks like these idiots are intent on starting a fight they can't finish. Two-thirds of the military and 80% of police officers supported Trump in the election. Veterans, former police officers, NRA members, Gun Owners of America, gun owners in general, hunters, and militia members all overwhelmingly hate the antifag, BLM, Islamist, anti-American vermin. If this fight goes hot its going to end really badly for the NWO, but they are acting like cornered rats, so it seems that's where its headed.

President Trump says, in a room full of top military brass, after Vegas massacre, that this is the "calm before the storm".

"The revisionist powers that threaten our interests all around the world"

What does that mean? What's a "revisionist power"?

And who is Iran attacking? Or North Korea for that matter. But of course Israel wants Iran to be Iraqued and Libyated, and N Korea supplies weapons to Iran, so likewise.

And the "revisionist powers"...?

Meanwhile the communists are openly planning to violently overthrow the government next month but not a word about that, and the FBI and Homeland Security and all the other billion dollar government police agencies are nowhere to be seen and they are freely allowed to organize on all the Zuckerbergbooks etc.

President Trump says, in a room full of top military brass, after Vegas massacre, that this is the "calm before the storm".

"The revisionist powers that threaten our interests all around the world"

What does that mean? What's a "revisionist power"?

And who is Iran attacking? Or North Korea for that matter. But of course Israel wants Iran to be Iraqued and Libyated, and N Korea supplies weapons to Iran, so likewise.

And the "revisionist powers"...?

Meanwhile the communists are openly planning to violently overthrow the government next month but not a word about that, and the FBI and Homeland Security and all the other billion dollar government police agencies are nowhere to be seen and they are freely allowed to organize on all the Zuckerbergbooks etc.

At the end of the video, when he's making the "calm before the storm" statement, who are all the women he's posing with? He's posing with like, 85 percent women. Who are they? They are not the "Top Military Brass" being previously spoken of, are they?? Please say they're not. Please. Please!
The communists openly planning to violently overthrow the government in November so where are all the US government police agencies, Homeland Security, FBI, etc? Why aren't their leaders being arrested?

They have the backing of the powers that be, the Deep State, the mainstream media, etc. One day they won't be able to hide their crimes but until that day comes they can literally get away with murder.

No he wasn't "a random lunatic" who did this all alone.

He was a pilot. His plane's registry gets traced to the Obama administration:

Las Vegas Plot Thickens: Stephen Paddock’s Plane Was Owned By Obama Administration Intelligence Contractor | Political Vel Craft

Feller with ---- connections sent me this on Facebook. Says that Paddock was an undercover FBI agent supplying weapons to ISIS (yes the FBI has been a corrupt agency for a very long time - Eliot Ness doesn't work there anymore) and Las Vegas was a sting operation gone bad. I don't know how to post the link here but if you are on Zuckerbergbook - I mean Facebook - go to Teamsters For Trump and you will find it there.
At the end of the video, when he's making the "calm before the storm" statement, who are all the women he's posing with? He's posing with like, 85 percent women. Who are they? They are not the "Top Military Brass" being previously spoken of, are they?? Please say they're not. Please. Please!

The military brass brought their wives to that affair. That's who all the women are.

In his speech Pres. Trump refers to "The revisionist powers that threaten our interests all around the world"

What does that mean? What's a "revisionist power"? Maybe Jared wrote the speech and put in "revisionist" because that's the word they like to use to describe anyone who dares to ask a question about their most holy of holies, and Iran once hosted a Holocaust Truth conference, a "revisionist" conference.

And who is Iran attacking? Or North Korea for that matter. But of course Israel wants Iran to be Iraqued and Libyated, and N Korea supplies weapons to Iran, so likewise.

And the "revisionist powers"...?

Meanwhile the communists are openly planning to violently overthrow the government next month but not a word about that, and the FBI and Homeland Security and all the other billion dollar government police agencies are nowhere to be seen and they are freely allowed to organize on all the Zuckerbergbooks etc.

I'd like it if he used the military to wipe out our domestic enemies - the commie scum Antifags and the BLM crowd and the Mohamedan killer invaders - but starting a war with N. Korea would be a VERY bad idea with unknown consequences - very unknown - NK has been preparing for such an eventuality for 2/3 of a century - let alone sneak attacking both NK AND Iran.
The military brass brought their wives to that affair. That's who all the women are.

In his speech Pres. Trump refers to "The revisionist powers that threaten our interests all around the world"

What does that mean? What's a "revisionist power"? Maybe Jared wrote the speech and put in "revisionist" because that's the word they like to use to describe anyone who dares to ask a question about their most holy of holies, and Iran once hosted a Holocaust Truth conference, a "revisionist" conference.

And who is Iran attacking? Or North Korea for that matter. But of course Israel wants Iran to be Iraqued and Libyated, and N Korea supplies weapons to Iran, so likewise.

And the "revisionist powers"...?

Meanwhile the communists are openly planning to violently overthrow the government next month but not a word about that, and the FBI and Homeland Security and all the other billion dollar government police agencies are nowhere to be seen and they are freely allowed to organize on all the Zuckerbergbooks etc.

I'd like it if he used the military to wipe out our domestic enemies - the commie scum Antifags and the BLM crowd and the Mohamedan killer invaders - but starting a war with N. Korea would be a VERY bad idea with unknown consequences - very unknown - NK has been preparing for such an eventuality for 2/3 of a century - let alone sneak attacking both NK AND Iran.
Yes, that is a pretty odd choice of words. The only "revisionists" are the Communists that have infiltrated all of the West, including the USA, over the past 50 years; and, increasingly, almost everywhere else.
...that plastic puke is a a phony, studio created, pop ‘star’ & NOT a country & western singer!

I too hate what they call country western music now. I like the old stuff, when country was really country - Jimmy Rogers and Hank Williams and Maddox Brothers And Rose and Bill Boyd and his Cowboy Ramblers and The Skillet Lickers and ...what ever happened to yodeling cowboys anyway?

If you talk about Crisis Actors now they will try to say there is no such thing and you are a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, but they used to have a website and I remember it very well, but they took it down shortly after Sandy Hoax because too many people were making the connection. But it is still there on Internet Archive Wayback Machine. Just type in Here is one of their Crisis Actors, Michael Vasicek, in 2013. Paddock?

Vasicek is on Facebook. He's a degenerate LibCom but I don't think his more current photo looks like "Paddock". Same hairline though, and if they shaved his eyebrows...

Here is someone at a LV gambling table who does, though, and this was a few days after the shooting. Hard to believe that even a degenerate gambler Crisis Actor would be so stupid to go out in public at that point, or that they would let him.

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In this video you can clearly hear that there is more than one machine gun going off, one close and one far away. The gunfire coming from a distance could have been coming from the hotel which was 3 1/2 football fields away and one football field high, and the close up gunfire might possibly be coming from that man in the crowd that was visible in an earlier video I linked.

In this video you can clearly hear that there is more than one machine gun going off, one close and one far away. The gunfire coming from a distance could have been coming from the hotel which was 3 1/2 football fields away and one football field high, and the close up gunfire might possibly be coming from that man in the crowd that was visible in an earlier video I linked.

Acoustic experts from the FBI could easily verify all this, but they won't. What does that say?
Acoustic experts from the FBI could easily verify all this, but they won't. What does that say?

That one guy on the vid above says that Paddock was undercover FBI and LV was a sting operation on Mohamedan terrorists gone bad. The FBI has been a corrupt outfit for many years. Remember that Paddock was a pilot and the registration on his plane has been linked to intelligence operations in the Obama regime. You don't even need any acoustical expert. You can plainly hear that one machine gun is very very close and drowning out the screams. I've been around guns a lot I know what guns sound like.

They claim 3,000 shots were fired in LV. Show me the 3,000 spent shells in that hotel room. In the photo I saw it looked like only about 40 or 50 on the floor in the part of the floor visible by the dead body.
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