The Trump Era Begins

The ones harassing those girls are double-standard wussy pieces of brainwashed garbage. The White girls should have called them out for being supporters of murder of multitudes of Black babies for being Democrat pro-aborts and told them to repent or go to hell.
The ones harassing those girls are double-standard wussy pieces of brainwashed garbage. The White girls should have called them out for being supporters of murder of multitudes of Black babies for being Democrat pro-aborts and told them to repent or go to hell.

Can you imagine if a couple of blackboys went to some white campus with Barack Obama hats and white harassed them? Hell would freeze over. Why do we allow this? Why are whites so afraid of blacks these days that they have zero dignity left? Most whites on on the comment section were in support of the girls but a few drunk white liberals were as usual pandering and appeasing the blacks.
The White liberals you mentioned are a lost cause. A mass of wasted brain cells between their ears.
Whites have been trained like poodles on a leash to fear ONE word...

You guessed it!
The White liberals you mentioned are a lost cause. A mass of wasted brain cells between their ears.
Whites have been trained like poodles on a leash to fear ONE word...

You guessed it!

And that one word was invented by the communists in 1933 (re Websters Collegiate dictionary), specifically by the judeo-bolshevik Franz Boas anthropology crowd, which included the phony hustler Margaret Mead, who took over the American Museum of Natural History from the white men who formerly ran it. "Racist" translated into English means kill whitey and destroy western civilization and they are using that one single word to do just that!
Well, Trump's rally in Phoenix didn't produce the fighting and bloodshed that was predicted. In fact, the police acted intelligently afterwards, tear-gassing and pepper-spraying the unwashed, Soros-funded Leftist masses and arresting a handful of the paid agitators...




Aside from him bashing the Fake News Media and humorously referring to ABC's George Stephanopoulos as "Little George," Trump's speech was really lame, too...

He denounced Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and the KKK again and again last night. Why does he waste his breath? He's been branded a racist, Hitler-like Grand Dragon whose rhetoric has inspired other "racists" and no amount of Cuckservative hand-wringing or apologies or official White House Statements will ever change that. If I were him, I'd embrace it, because he'll never shed that label.
Short and sweet from Paul Craig Roberts

What We Learned From Charlottesville

Paul Craig Roberts

We learned, although we already knew it, that the US media has no integrity.

We learned that the liberal/progressive/left holds fast to myths that justify hate.

We learned that misrepresentation is the hallmark of American history.

We learned that some websites that we thought were brave are not.

We learned that Identity Politics has a firm hold and that the demonization of white people is now an ideology that rivals in strength the neoconservative ideology that Americans are the exceptional and indispensable people. Obviously, we cannot simultaneously be both deplorables and the best people on earth.

We learned that the liberal/progressive/left will cooperate with the military/security complex to bring down a president whose intent was to normalize relations with Russia and reduce the dangerously high tensions between the two major nuclear powers.

In brief, we learned that the US is on a firm course of both internal and external conflict.
Lonsman Gary Cohn adheres to his tribe's "protocols" by saying POTUS Trump needs to 'do more' than just condemn (mislabeled) "hate" groups. Ikeymo Cohn is insinuating the need for persecution of White patriots...just as his 'sacred elders' prescribed.

"Gary Cohn, Trump’s Adviser, Said to Have Drafted Resignation Letter After Charlottesville"

“Citizens standing up for equality and freedom can never be equated with white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and the K.K.K.,” Mr. Cohn said. “I believe this administration can and must do better in consistently and unequivocally condemning these groups and do everything we can to heal the deep divisions that exist in our communities.”

Mr. Cohn added, “As a Jewish American, I will not allow neo-Nazis ranting ‘Jews will not replace us’ to cause this Jew to leave his job.”

Nobody "ranted" "Jews will not replace us" except in the fevered talmudic imaginations of the zionews reporters.

"Mr. Trump said there were “very fine people on both sides,”

Yeah, the Antifa red terrorist attackers with their masks and flamethrowers and sticks with nails in them were "very fine people".

So the filthy backstabbing traitor drafted his resignation. Will Trump accept it? Find a replacement for another "top economic advisor" from the depths of the swamp, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, etc.?

Trump pardons Sheriff Joe Arpaio...

Rumor circulating that Trump is going to end DACA too
Today he also formally erased 0bama's pro-transgender military rules:

President Donald Trump has erased former President Barack Obama’s late-term imposition of the transgender ideology on the U.S. military.

The decision likely will boost military effectiveness and also help Americans defend their two-sex, male-and-female society from pro-transgender lawyers and judges.

“I am directing the Secretary of Defense, and the Secretary of Homeland Security with respect to the U.S. Coast Guard, to return to the longstanding policy and practice on military service by transgender individuals that was in place prior to June 2016,” Trump said in a Friday afternoon statement.

Trump’s restoration of the pre-Obama policies also bars funds from being used for sex-related cosmetic surgery.
Good on both counts stated above: Pardoning Sheriff Joe, and to dismantle a policy making me pay for insane perverts to have themselves castrated. They, like all males have the xy chromosome. They are "men" even after castration and surgery. Each of them will also stand before God as a man. God calls on everyone to repent! That includes confused people who belong in insane asylums.
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President Trump does the right thing and pardons a true American patriot and hero who was railroaded by a shi#lib, cult-marxist, rodent judge. What a great FU to the traitorous, alt-American left.

This is the best thing Trump has EVER done! Sheriff Joe is the best around!
Some keen observations in this article:

The New Trump Presidency Provides The Alt-Right With An Opportunity

Trump. We haven’t talked about him in almost a week. That’s impressive considering how much of a rollercoaster ride his presidency has been.

To summarize:

  • Bannon out
  • Gorka out
  • Miller soon out
  • White House under firm neocon/democrat/liberal hands
  • Stalled tax reform
  • Stalled immigration reform
  • No Bannon style big infrastructure spending
  • No wall
  • Stalled healthcare
  • Approval rating in the 30’s percent range
  • 2018 is looming for midterms
  • Few friends in congress
  • Impeachment looming
  • Surge in Afghanistan
  • Bizarre brinksmanship with North Korea
Long story short, Trump’s in trouble. At least it seems readily apparent to me. I recognize though that there are probably many still out there who think that this is all somehow still going according to plan…

She, two distinct camps have formed on the Right since Trump’s election. There are the MAGA die-hards who support the person of Trump, regardless of what the man does it seems. And then there’s the camp that actually expects the man to deliver on what he promised, and plans to hold him accountable. While the latter camp has been harsh on Trump at times, the former camp has been far too kind and understanding.

From the perspective of a someone closer to the accountability camp, it seems to me that Trump’s hands are tied, and all he seems capable of doing is pursuing questionable foreign policy.

When in doubt, I reach for Pat Buchanan. He has been cautiously optimistic and increasingly more and more disillusioned with the Trump presidency, mostly because of the foreign policy blunders:

Yet the country did not vote for confrontation or war.

America voted for Trump’s promise to improve ties with Russia, to make Europe shoulder more of the cost of its defense, to annihilate ISIS and extricate us from Mideast wars, to stay out of future wars.

America voted for economic nationalism and an end to the mammoth trade deficits with the NAFTA nations, EU, Japan and China.

America voted to halt the invasion across our Southern border and to reduce legal immigration to ease the downward pressure on American wages and the competition for working-class jobs.

Yet today we hear talk of upping and extending the U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, of confronting Iran, of sending anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons to Ukraine to battle pro-Russia rebels in the east.

Can the new custodians of Trump’s populist-nationalist and America First agenda, the generals and the Goldman Sachs alumni association, be entrusted to carry it out?

Queen Ann was more blunt. [go to original article to see video]

She said that we (the Trump Base) have to watch the man like a hawk and not give him our carte blanche support if he fails to deliver.

With the departure of Sebastian Gorka, we have to wonder if Trump will deliver on what he promised us or what he promised the Neocons. There has been a whole slew of scalps collected by the enemy, and Trump seems unable to retaliate in kind. I’ll be blunt too: Trump looks weak and beleaguered.

Where does that leave the Alt-Right though?

Because we are not involved in the daily back and forth, we can take a larger picture view of the situation. In short, it looks bleak for the status quo and ripe for change, one way or another. Respectable civil society everywhere has revealed itself and its institutions to be hypocritical, spineless, and incapable of keeping the peace. Charlottesville showed this, but so did the subsequent mobs of Antifa all over the country, the lynching of statues and the deafening silence from everyone who wasn’t explicitly Alt-Right in condemning it.

Free speech was thrown under the bus by the Left, the Center and the Center-Right. 9/11 and Iraq didn’t do it. Daily Stormer’s satirical article about the dead Antifa woman did. Who could have predicted the Cyberpunk-esque shut down that followed? As of my writing, Stormfront has also been taken down.

We’re on borrowed time here with the Trump presidency.

While we can we have to organize as quickly and competently IRL.

We have to quickly start replacing the key internet infrastructure that we need.

And we need to do it fast.

Meanwhile, outside of our control, the situation continues to spiral out of control in a splendid spiral of escalating mob insanity and state stupor. Barring a total crackdown by the state and the dreaded FEMA camps (which I should be clear, I don’t see happening) people will look to the group that offers stability and order. A clear vision for what needs to be done and existing organization to reassure doubts about competency.

That has to be us. And that has to be our message. We will deliver on MAGA. We will end the instability. We will provide a clear vision for the future. Keep the chaos coming, Antifa.
Some keen observations in this article:

The New Trump Presidency Provides The Alt-Right With An Opportunity

Trump. We haven’t talked about him in almost a week. That’s impressive considering how much of a rollercoaster ride his presidency has been.

To summarize:

  • Bannon out
  • Gorka out
  • Miller soon out
  • White House under firm neocon/democrat/liberal hands
  • Stalled tax reform
  • Stalled immigration reform
  • No Bannon style big infrastructure spending
  • No wall
  • Stalled healthcare
  • Approval rating in the 30’s percent range
  • 2018 is looming for midterms
  • Few friends in congress
  • Impeachment looming
  • Surge in Afghanistan
  • Bizarre brinksmanship with North Korea
Long story short, Trump’s in trouble. At least it seems readily apparent to me. I recognize though that there are probably many still out there who think that this is all somehow still going according to plan…

She, two distinct camps have formed on the Right since Trump’s election. There are the MAGA die-hards who support the person of Trump, regardless of what the man does it seems. And then there’s the camp that actually expects the man to deliver on what he promised, and plans to hold him accountable. While the latter camp has been harsh on Trump at times, the former camp has been far too kind and understanding.

From the perspective of a someone closer to the accountability camp, it seems to me that Trump’s hands are tied, and all he seems capable of doing is pursuing questionable foreign policy.

When in doubt, I reach for Pat Buchanan. He has been cautiously optimistic and increasingly more and more disillusioned with the Trump presidency, mostly because of the foreign policy blunders:

Yet the country did not vote for confrontation or war.

America voted for Trump’s promise to improve ties with Russia, to make Europe shoulder more of the cost of its defense, to annihilate ISIS and extricate us from Mideast wars, to stay out of future wars.

America voted for economic nationalism and an end to the mammoth trade deficits with the NAFTA nations, EU, Japan and China.

America voted to halt the invasion across our Southern border and to reduce legal immigration to ease the downward pressure on American wages and the competition for working-class jobs.

Yet today we hear talk of upping and extending the U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria, of confronting Iran, of sending anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons to Ukraine to battle pro-Russia rebels in the east.

Can the new custodians of Trump’s populist-nationalist and America First agenda, the generals and the Goldman Sachs alumni association, be entrusted to carry it out?

Queen Ann was more blunt. [go to original article to see video]

She said that we (the Trump Base) have to watch the man like a hawk and not give him our carte blanche support if he fails to deliver.

With the departure of Sebastian Gorka, we have to wonder if Trump will deliver on what he promised us or what he promised the Neocons. There has been a whole slew of scalps collected by the enemy, and Trump seems unable to retaliate in kind. I’ll be blunt too: Trump looks weak and beleaguered.

Where does that leave the Alt-Right though?

Because we are not involved in the daily back and forth, we can take a larger picture view of the situation. In short, it looks bleak for the status quo and ripe for change, one way or another. Respectable civil society everywhere has revealed itself and its institutions to be hypocritical, spineless, and incapable of keeping the peace. Charlottesville showed this, but so did the subsequent mobs of Antifa all over the country, the lynching of statues and the deafening silence from everyone who wasn’t explicitly Alt-Right in condemning it.

Free speech was thrown under the bus by the Left, the Center and the Center-Right. 9/11 and Iraq didn’t do it. Daily Stormer’s satirical article about the dead Antifa woman did. Who could have predicted the Cyberpunk-esque shut down that followed? As of my writing, Stormfront has also been taken down.

We’re on borrowed time here with the Trump presidency.

While we can we have to organize as quickly and competently IRL.

We have to quickly start replacing the key internet infrastructure that we need.

And we need to do it fast.

Meanwhile, outside of our control, the situation continues to spiral out of control in a splendid spiral of escalating mob insanity and state stupor. Barring a total crackdown by the state and the dreaded FEMA camps (which I should be clear, I don’t see happening) people will look to the group that offers stability and order. A clear vision for what needs to be done and existing organization to reassure doubts about competency.

That has to be us. And that has to be our message. We will deliver on MAGA. We will end the instability. We will provide a clear vision for the future. Keep the chaos coming, Antifa.

Great article - and wow i just noticed that they have indeed also taken down the giant Stormfront forum!
Here's a current headline from Breitbart News, founded by the late (((Andrew Breitbart))). Some mistakenly think Steve Bannon supports the alt-right. It's a legitimate question whether he and Breibart even support the "alt-light."

Steve Bannon to Speak at Zionist Organization of America Dinner: ‘No Better Friend’ to ‘the Jewish State of Israel’
American Freedom News