The other day, I noticed a frighteningly-repulsive TV commercial for an upcoming scripted “reality†show on the ABC (anti-) Family Channel entitled: “Becoming Us.†The program centers around teenagers who both have parents that are actively undergoing a sex change operation [sounds of retching]. In the clip, a white teenage boy is seen weeping and saying “it’s like I’m losing my dad†while his paramecium-level “father†is wearing lipstick, a pair of earrings, growing out his hair, and parading around in dresses. The show debuts in June 2015 with the ultimate goal being to “inspire†more men and woman to undergo countless hours of expensive surgery and embarrassment from peers in order to become the person they were “always meant to beâ€...
Like all the “Kardashian†predetermined reality shows depicting endless interracial couples and rampant dysfunctionality on the detestable “E! Network,†this show about transsexual parents ruining their children’s lives and humiliating themselves (on national television, no less) is being produced by the metro/bi/homo/asexual waif and Marxist Midget, Ryan Seacrest. The little beady-eyed urchin is allegedly producing an upcoming series chronicles “Bruce Gender†and his impending sex change, too. Nice portfolio!
In the past, the conception and airing of such a show would anger me. Now, I think of it as boring, passé, and not shocking in the least. It’s just another grain of sand in the cultural desert of America. Hopefully, such a grotesque, totalitarian proliferation of LGBT- themed grime will end up helping our cause in the end...
CAPTION: Son with Dad/Mom
CAPTION: "Oh My God, I Finally Fit Into a Size Seven!"
Bunch'a sicko, vile, deviants belong in the nut house...& the verminous scourge who push/enable/"normalize" them belong on the 'business end' of a long hemp rope & sturdy oak tree!
I agree DD, however, it's probably too late for this kind.
"And even as they did not like retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not proper.
Romans 1:28.
As if any WN needed another reason to detest the film “American Sniper.†Thanks for sharing that disgracefully anti-white clip, as I’ve never seen the movie. It reminds me of that inane scene from “Full Metal Jacket†in which the American soldiers are soliciting Vietnamese prostitutes and the black soldier is not permitted to fornicate because he is believed to be too “well endowed.†This laughable stereotype is perhaps the acme of Hollywood’s “Big Lies†concerning the black race…
As another poster mentioned, “American Sniper†was directed by the Marxist wretch, Clint Eastwood. I was never quite sure why white guys viewed Eastwood in a “masculine†light. Sure, he pretended to be a “tough guy†in movies from decades ago, but in real life he was/is an evil person. Some of his “relationship highlightsâ€â€¦
1) He got married and cheated on his first wife (Maggie Johnson), producing a secret bastard child with Roxanne Tunis.
2) He then reconciled with Johnson years later, they had 2 kids that he never saw (he wasn’t even present during their births) or cared about.
3) He cheated on Johnson AGAIN and they got a divorce. This time, the woman that Eastwood was cheating with (Sondra Locke) was married, too…to an open homosexual man. Eastwood befriended the *** and bought a mansion for him and his male lover. Guess what? While he was with Locke, he had multiple affairs and produced two secret bastard children with Jacelyn Reeves. Eastwood was not present during their births and has no involvement with them whatsoever.
4) He then cheated on Reeves with Frances Fisher and had a bastard child.
5) He then cheated on Fisher with a non-white woman (Dina Ruiz) who was 35 years younger than him. He actually married her and actually fathered a non-bastard child.
6) Eastwood and Ruiz got a divorce and he began dating a woman (Erica Tomlinson) 40+ years younger than him. How long until their first bastard child is born?
Eastwood also supports gay marriage, donates to anti-white civil rights groups that support minorities, he supports gun control, and stated that he “loves the fact that Obama is multi-racial.†Eastwood is the perfect NeoCon: Zionist Christian, serial adulterer, racially-comatose, anti-white, ***-enabler, gun-grabber, and all-around Marxist. It really bothers me that this villain with no morals, liberal politics, a sordid history of wild sexual promiscuity, and the self-control of a lowliest Negro is viewed as some “ultra-macho icon.†At age 84, he can’t possibly have too many years left to pollute the planet with his ignoble presence...
I'm a long time lurker (almost 3 years) and decided to finally join to comment on this particular thread because I find it extremely disappointing to see this sort of "white-on- white" crime, especially on a forum like this. It's bad enough that there's a war on white people underway in this country, in particular white males, I would think the last place where we would pile on further would be here. And I've seen this before, athletes such as NFL QBs, college/pro football and basketball players, actors, politicians, businessmen called wiggers and race-traitors all because they participated in some cheer with their black teammates, had a few rap songs in their iPods, or donated money to some African charity.
Some folks here have this impossible to meet standard/image of whiteness that borders on perfection and anyone even slightly deviating from that is apparently a "racially-comatose ***-enabler".
It's sad to see an American icon like Clint Eastwood bashed and trashed in this manner. He is far from perfect, and yet has starred in and directed some of the best movies in cinema history, portraying the kind of rugged, masculine characters that are fast becoming a thing of the past in today's feminized, sissified society. He's no different in real life, has worked hard and earned everything he has, and as an alpha male, has done well to spread his seed by having 8 different white children by 5 different white women. I do not condone cheating and adultery, but what Eastwood has done is no different than what many, many men of fame, money, and power have done throughout human history. That's just the way it is and will be.
I remember reading a story about Eastwood speaking at some banquet where among others, the uber scumbag Michael Moore was present. At one point in his speech, Eastwood looked at Moore, dead serious, and told him he would kill him if he ever came to his house. That was in reference to Moore stalking the great Charlton Heston while making his movie Bowling Over Columbine. Heston, another paragon of class and manliness, was an old and frail man at the time, so Moore's actions were despicable to say the least. Maybe we can bash Heston now? Surely he must have done something in his life to be labeled as just another wigger?
Anyway, it's not my intention to come here and pick a fight with veteran posters with my first post, but as I mentioned at the beginning, I've seen this type of stuff during my time lurking here, and finally had to say something.
Respectfully yours, I'm out.
True story. About 3 yrs ago, me and co worker were eating at a great Italian restaurant near the cross streets of Muholland Hwy and Beverly Glen Blvd.The area is infested with uber rich and top tier celebraties. Me and a friend were eating outside under the patio. Clint and manager walk out from the inside. Clint recognizes my friend from a job he he did on "Changling" a great movie Clint directed with actress Jolie 3 years prior. He says hi to my friend and conversation develops with the 4 of us. Clint asks us if he could join us for coffee. Of course we said sure. We talked of politics and what I thought were his greatest movies. I told him that I thought "The Good, Bad and Ugly", "Dirty Harry" and "Heartbreak Ridge" were some of his best. I then told him I thought his bit on Obama being an empty chair at the RNC was quite funny. He laughed out loud and said he came up with it minutes before going out. Clint, "sometimes you gotta just let him go" was a great line about Obama failure as president. At the end, Clint got my friends number and said he would send his entire movie catalog to his ailing father, who was a huge fan.
Anyways, I think highly of Mr Eastwood. I agree some of our respected veteran posters were kinda of hard on him. No White man is perfect. He surely has been a credit to Whites so much more than his flaws.
CrazyFinn said:I'm a long time lurker (almost 3 years) and decided to finally join to comment on this particular thread because I find it extremely disappointing to see this sort of "white-on- white" crime, especially on a forum like this. It's bad enough that there's a war on white people underway in this country, in particular white males, I would think the last place where we would pile on further would be here. And I've seen this before, athletes such as NFL QBs, college/pro football and basketball players, actors, politicians, businessmen called wiggers and race-traitors all because they participated in some cheer with their black teammates, had a few rap songs in their iPods, or donated money to some African charity.
Some folks here have this impossible to meet standard/image of whiteness that borders on perfection and anyone even slightly deviating from that is apparently a "racially-comatose ***-enabler".
It's sad to see an American icon like Clint Eastwood bashed and trashed in this manner. He is far from perfect, and yet has starred in and directed some of the best movies in cinema history, portraying the kind of rugged, masculine characters that are fast becoming a thing of the past in today's feminized, sissified society. He's no different in real life, has worked hard and earned everything he has, and as an alpha male, has done well to spread his seed by having 8 different white children by 5 different white women. I do not condone cheating and adultery, but what Eastwood has done is no different than what many, many men of fame, money, and power have done throughout human history. That's just the way it is and will be.
Anyway, it's not my intention to come here and pick a fight with veteran posters with my first post, but as I mentioned at the beginning, I've seen this type of stuff during my time lurking here, and finally had to say something.
Respectfully yours, I'm out.
Instructor #2: D, what are you still doing in my line trying to make this team? Everybody knows black guys don*t swim!
'D': It's alright Sir, I'm not black!
Instructor #2: No?
'D': No I'm the new black. We run slow, we jump low, we swim good, and we shop at Gap. And I make the white folk proud, and I hose down their ladies. I dick 'em down!
The screen legend, who is father to seven children by five different women, has been through many public romances and breakups through the decades.
Hollywood legend Clint Eastwood has taken his well-publicized support of same-sex marriage one step further, calling upon the U.S. Supreme Court to drop Prop 8.
As Breitbart's Mike Flynn reports, the Oscar-winning actor and director joined more than 100 Republicans in signing a Supreme Court-bound brief in favor of allowing lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) couples the right to legally wed in California.
Flynn describes Eastwood as a "long-time Republican with strong libertarian leanings," and says that signing the Supreme Court briefs implies that he "is going to stay active in the political landscape."
One of Eastwood’s representatives and a spokesman for the American Foundation for Equal Rights, the group spearheading opposition to California’s law banning same-sex marriage, confirmed the news to NBC.
Former Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman and GOP strategist Steve Schmidt are among the other high-profile names to sign the brief, CBS News reports.
The 82-year-old Eastwood discussed his generally pro-same-sex marriage stance in a September 2012 appearance on Ellen DeGeneres' talk show. "The condition of society right now, with the high unemployment rates and the tremendous debt we're increasing and the government spending, we'd think there'd be [many more worthy issues] to think about [rather] that worrying about gay marriage," he told DeGeneres.
In 2011, Eastwood similarly told GQ magazine, "I don’t give a f**k about who wants to get married to anybody else! Why not?! We’re making a big deal out of things we shouldn’t be making a deal out of ... Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want."
Eastwood contributed to groups supporting the Equal Rights Amendment for women, which failed to receive ratification in 1982.
A longtime liberal on civil rights, Eastwood has stated that he has always been pro-choice on abortion.