Tiger Woods

As long as he doesn't win majors, that's what it's come down to between Tiger idolizers and those who don't like him and who despise the way the CM media worships him. The clock is ticking and every major that he doesn't win is a victory.

I only watched a few minutes of this minor tournament, but long enough to hear the shameless clown Nick Faldo doing his usual "Tiger can do no wrong" schtick. He declared early in the third round that all the competitors had already "wilted" because of the heat, except of course for Tiger and his other-worldly conditioning, blah blah blah, causing Jim Nantz to smartly respond, "They've all wilted this early in the round?" Faldo's gotta be as bad or worse as any of the media brown nosers when it comes to Woods.
Another race traitor. :tsk:

This is a typical case of female hypergamy in action, a common trait in today's modern Western woman. I follow alpine skiing as much as I can, and here's a quick background:

Lindsay Vonn married her now ex-husband Thomas Vonn about 6 years ago. Thomas Vonn was a member of the US skiing team, but not someone with any sort of pedigree. Lindsay was not rich and famous at the time, but then her career took off, his career ended, and he became her manager. In other words, she became the alpha in the relationship, and soon after, the marriage ran into trouble and they got divorced earlier this year. It's pretty obvious that Linsday resented being in that position, and started craving someone of higher status, and she appears to have found him.

It's too bad because she's without a doubt one of the greatest female alpine skiers of all-time and could serve as a role model for countless young people who follow this almost 100% White sport. Instead, she goes and hooks up with a slimeball like Woods, which is very unfortunate.
I question the sanity of any woman that isn't broke and on welfare or a minimum wage worker bedding down with this serial adulterer/whore monger. Your asking to get STD's at the bare minimum. Also once you marry him he won't wear a glove and then if he keeps up his philandering you could get Aids or the "normal" sexual transmitted diseases....:shocked:
This is a typical case of female hypergamy in action, a common trait in today's modern Western woman. I follow alpine skiing as much as I can, and here's a quick background:

Lindsay Vonn married her now ex-husband Thomas Vonn about 6 years ago. Thomas Vonn was a member of the US skiing team, but not someone with any sort of pedigree. Lindsay was not rich and famous at the time, but then her career took off, his career ended, and he became her manager. In other words, she became the alpha in the relationship, and soon after, the marriage ran into trouble and they got divorced earlier this year. It's pretty obvious that Linsday resented being in that position, and started craving someone of higher status, and she appears to have found him.

Despite her talent and accomplishments, Vonn has always annoyed me. I posted about her constant “injury drama” during the 2010 Winter Olympics, which mirrored that of many black NFL players…that is, to writhe in pain and scream for aid as though she was near death, only to be fine and compete minutes later. Her minor crashes during the Super-Combined and the Giant Slalom (and the immature spectacle she created) were quite irritating, and I was rooting for the women from Austria, Germany, Switzerland, and Italy over that certified attention-whore.

Vonn is attractive overall, but she’s super-flat-chested, has a fat pie-face, has very few womanly curves, gives inane interviews, has participated in countless “slutty photo shoots,” hasn’t aged well for 28 (only 1.5 years older than me, but she looks 35), and if she’s romantically involved with Woods, she’s also an anti-white, Cultural Marxist twit.

From an interview in 2010…

INTERVIEWER: So I hear you're a big Kanye West fan.

VONN: Yeah, I'm just a rap fan basically.


CAPTION: Vonn Sports Fresh Wrinkles Alongside Black Lover, TiGirl Woods

As Foobar75 mentioned, Vonn dumped her husband, Thomas, a few months back. This ectothermic move on Vonn’s part reminded me of what America’s mammary-challenged “sweetheart,” Danica Patrick, did to her non-famous husband…


CAPTION: Vonn Poses Ex-Husband, Thomas
This is subjective but Vonn looks like a cross between Taylor Swift and Tanya Harding. She has an inbred look to her. Just sayin'.....
Women like her either end up as single mudsharks or raped, killed and stuffed behind rocks like that blonde traitor Elin Krantz who starred in that Blanda Upp video
That picture of Vonn and Woods looks contrived. It's not a natural looking photo, more like an ad in a glossy magazine that a professional photographer takes.

Vonn strikes me as a feminist-type. Last year she tried to muscle her way into a men's competition claiming she was being discriminated against because she's not getting to compete against the best. What a joke. If she'd been competing against the men her entire career she would never have got rich and famous. Anyway, I think their relationship will end in tears.
Woods' new girlfriend hasn't hurt his golf game, as he won Arnold Palmer's tournament today and has climbed back to the number one world ranking. He's been on a major roll so far in 2013 and will be the overwhelming favorite to win The Masters next week. He hasn't won a major in five years and hasn't won The Masters since 2005.
As Foobar75 mentioned, Vonn dumped her husband, Thomas, a few months back. This ectothermic move on Vonn’s part reminded me of what America’s mammary-challenged “sweetheart,â€￾ Danica Patrick, did to her non-famous husband…

Don't you mean victory challenged?
Nationally syndicated sports writer Tim Dahlberg normally is a reliable spouter of the party line, but he takes Woods to task in this piece. What stuck out for me is where Jack Nicklaus says that he's never had a conversation with Woods "longer than a minute or two." They've been on the scene together at dozens of tournaments over the years -- The Masters, Jack's tournaments in Ohio and Florida that he sponsors, among others -- yet Woods has never said more than "hello" in all that time to his alleged "hero." This guy is more shallow and self-centered than anyone can imagine.

Woods spares golf a messy win

I just saw this on youtube and thought it was worth posting here. What are your thoughts?[video=youtube;B5SL57mef4E]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5SL57mef4E[/video]
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Good find, Reb. "The media is in the tank for him," the narrator concludes. That's the truth; Woods has been bending and breaking rules his entire career, with the active help of the media and PGA officials. It's surprising only when he gets called on it, like his bad drop at The Masters last month, and even then he wasn't disqualified as the rules call for, only penalized 2 strokes.
At the same tournament, the always charming Mr. Woods also was involved in a dispute with Sergio Garcia. The course marshals that Woods used to buttress his side of the story are calling him a liar:

Marshals: Tiger lied about how tiff with Garcia went down

Two course marshals are disputing an account from Tiger Woods over their involvement in a tiff between Woods and Sergio Garcia during this weekend's Players Championship.

Garcia blamed Woods for a bad shot by claiming Woods distracted him by pulling a club from his bag, drawing noise from the crowd. Woods, who went on to win the tournament, said he did not see Garcia and the course marshals gave him the OK.

Gary Anderson and John North, the marshals who were at the second hole where the controversial shot happened, say they said nothing to Woods one way or another.

"It's very simple," Garcia told NBC. "You have to pay attention to what's going on because the other guy is hitting. You do something when you're in the crowd and the crowd is going to respond."

For his part, Woods accused Garcia of playing sore loser.

"The marshals, they told me he already hit, so I pulled a club and was getting ready to play my shot," Woods said. "And then I hear [Garcia's] comments afterward, and it's not real surprising that he's complaining about something."

But the marshals dispute Woods's claims.

"He didn't ask us nothing," marshal Gary Anderson said. "We didn't say nothing. We're told not to talk to the players."

"Nothing was said to us and we certainly said nothing to him," chief marshal North said. "I was disappointed to hear him make those remarks. We're there to help the players and enhance the experience of the fans. He was saying what was good for him. It lacked character."

I think is clear beyond a shadow of a doubt that Woods is a dirtbag, an egomaniac and all around not nice guy. With the volumes of evidence that has accumulated over the last decade, the last 3 or 4 years especially, even the biggest Woods supporter would have to concede this point.

Being a Tiger fan can only be explained by wanting to support a "winner" (bandwagon support) or for racial reasons.
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Even at a very early age Tiger Woods had a penchant for trying to enhance his ball position. Watch him putting on the Mike Douglas Show. :lol: Most children grow out of this kind of stuff. Woods must be one of the most boorish people of all time.

At the European Tour’s annual dinner, Sergio Garcia made an innocent “fried chicken” comment regarding Tiger and subsequently pleaded for forgiveness in perhaps the most nauseating manner ever witnessed before. During his sickening “apology press conference,” Garcia, the professional choke artist turned groveling Marxist worm (an all-too familiar character assumed by an untold number of whites who’ve been “naughty”), said that he was “sick to his stomach and couldn’t sleep” because of his regret for his comments…


Below is the video of his profound apologies, if you can stomach it…

TiGirl, the Hall of Fame scum-of-the-earth and the planet’s premiere benefactor of Cultural Marxism when applied to athletics, had his writing staff dream up the following message for his Twitter account…

"The comment that was made wasn't silly. It was wrong, hurtful and clearly inappropriate. I'm confident that there is real regret that the remark was made. The Players ended nearly two weeks ago and it's long past time to move on and talk about golf."

I can only fathom the “outrage” expressed by the Marxist Mudd Queen, “Lindsey Vonn Afrika,” over Garcia’s comments. Then again, after it was recently revealed that she was visiting Bernd Pansold, a German doctor notorious for injecting thousands of athletes with hardcore anabolic steroids since the 1970’s, she might have a controversy of her own brewing. In the end, I can imagine that Vonn Afrika has been “cheating” as much as her corn-toothed black lover…

At the European Tour’s annual dinner, Sergio Garcia made an innocent “fried chicken†comment regarding Tiger and subsequently pleaded for forgiveness in perhaps the most nauseating manner ever witnessed before. During his sickening “apology press conference,†Garcia, the professional choke artist turned groveling Marxist worm (an all-too familiar character assumed by an untold number of whites who’ve been “naughtyâ€), said that he was “sick to his stomach and couldn’t sleep†because of his regret for his comments…


This stupidly minor controversy was the subject of lots of media attention on my local squawk sports radio, unfortunately for them there was nothing much for the DWF's to say other then it was perhaps the worst crime committed in the past half century. The white hive mind has been so thoroughly conditioned to consider this kind of sily insult on a par with mass genocide that there is nothing more to add and nobody, but nobody, will offer any argument in opposition.

This would have been a good chance for Garcia to make the point that he was just referencing the Fuzzy Zoeller remark, and pass it off as an inside joke between men, that kind of thing. But there are no men in the classic sense anymore at that level of fame. And Garcia certainly isn't much of a man anyway. So instead of staying true to his cowardly nature and avoiding the barest hint of racial insensitivity he plunged ahead, made the remark and the only thing left to a spineless wimp like him is to grovel and beg and be shown as a weak fool for all to see.

The orchestrated gut wrenching sickening apologies that follow these kind of timid outburts almost seems to be planned, as if these guys are told to make the remark and then to prostrate themselves in some sort of contrition for their guilt.

Well this one is done. On the the next hate whitey moment sure to pop up in a few days.
But there are no men in the classic sense anymore at that level of fame.

This is a brutally honest, and totally correct statement. Once a White man gets famous enough to be in the public eye on a regular basis that white man is absolutely required to become less than a man. NO actual masculine behavior will be tolerated. This goes for EVERY profession where your in the public eye at all. Its sad to admit that, but even athletes that I like, and root for are not "real men" in the classic sense. if they were they wouldnt be able to keep quite about the ridiculousness surrounding their profession. They wouldnt be able to talk to the media without putting them in their place. THey would be so disgusted by whats going on around them that they would constantly be speaking out against it.
The Sergio Garcia Fried Chicken Crisis has escalated:

The Ulsterman, who has led the Tour for eight years and is one of the game’s most influential officials, appeared on Sky Sports to defend his Tour’s stance in not punishing Sergio García for directing a racist jibe at Tiger Woods. Instead, the controversy escalated several notches when O’Grady said “most of Sergio’s friends happen to be coloured athletes in the United Statesâ€.

With social media abuzz about the comment, O’Grady was obliged to emulate García and say sorry. “I deeply regret using an inappropriate word in a live interview for Sky Sports, for which I unreservedly apologise,†he said.

...O’Grady is 64 and, as Kearns indicated, was brought up in age in which the term ‘coloured’ as was an accepted part of the vernacular. Yet it seems incredible that an official of O’Grady’s standing should remain so ignorant about such an sensitive issue.


These ignorant whites are making things worse for all of us. The "anti-racists" are not upset by this stuff - they absolutely LOVE it. It allows them the opportunity to propagandize ("we still have so much further to go") and when the Sergio Garcias (or James Watsons) inevitably back down they empower the Cultural Marxist Left and demoralise everybody else. I wonder if the European PGA will now have to "make good" by giving money to a minority outreach programme.

Memo to those whites who make controversial statements about race or who crack jokes about it: If you are not willing to stand by what you said don't open your big mouth in the first place.

Garcia is particularly loathsome. Remember the Spanish Olympic teams who all had their pictures taken making their eyes slanted at the Beijing games in 2008? They just said this stuff isn't sensitive in Spain and since no harm was intended we'll just put it down to a cultural misunderstanding. Garcia could've said something like that.

He even could've claimed that he was a victim of American cultural imperialism. Example: You are forcing me to adhere to an American cultural context that is alien to my Spanish experience. Yet when Americans offend us - eg salutes to your military, which still occupies my home continent, during golf tournaments - we are expected to just ignore it.
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