Zionist Terror in Gaza

Muslims blow up Christian church in Egypt

Jews doing petty things like desecrating the bible and insulting Christianity does not compare to Muslims

killing Christians
blowing up Churches
beheading muslims who convert to Christianity
Jews doing petty things like desecrating the bible and insulting Christianity does not compare to Muslims

killing Christians
blowing up Churches
beheading muslims who convert to Christianity
Through the western media and entertainment industry, the Chosen Ones have done far more harm to Christianity than Muslims have or ever will.

The Christian influence in our day-to-day lives has been undemined over the past 60 years. We're not allowed to say the Lord's Prayer in schools anymore. There are more and more restrictions on celebrating Christmas. The sexual morality taught in the Bible has been eroded, various perversions such as sodomy are becoming mainstream.
Through the western media and entertainment industry, the Chosen Ones have done far more harm to Christianity than Muslims have or ever will.

I assume you mean to limit that statement to the last 60 years, and to the United States. Otherwise, that is really out there. Islam has been at war with the West and Christianity since it was founded. Most of the time it has had nothing to do with Jews.
I assume you mean to limit that statement to the last 60 years, and to the United States. Otherwise, that is really out there. Islam has been at war with the West and Christianity since it was founded. Most of the time it has had nothing to do with Jews.
The armies of Christian nations like Austria-Hungary, Poland and Russia were victorious, stopping the spread of Islam in Europe in battles such as Vienna and Tours.

But the Chosen One infiltrated our nations, took over the media and so controlled the politicians who rely on positive media coverage, and proceeded to work against Christianity. It actually started in the 19th century or even earlier, but only in the 20th century by undermining Christianity through radio, movies and TV have they been able to have a powerful destructive effect.

The Chosen Ones have a new movie in the works portraying Jesus as a homosexual.
Did you know Muslims like to promote False Flag conspiracies?

Trojan Horse Muslims Promoted Lee Rigby "Fakery" Conspiracy by Daily Stormer

This youtube comment is from the Church bombing video:

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Did you know Muslims like promote False Flag conspiracies?

Yeah, right, Moish - I mean Iconoclast - I mean Mister Jones, it's really "Muslims" who've been giving you swell fellers a bad name for the last few thousand years and getting you kicked out of just about every country you've ever infested; It's really Muslims Holocausting themselves in Gaza right now; it was really muslims flying the planes that attacked the USS Liberty; it was muslims that warned the 4,000 Israelis to stay home on 911, and Lucky Larry Silverstein was really a muslim; and it was really muslims who wrote all the new immigration laws to allow the white countries to be trashed; and it's really muslims who own the anti-white anti-christian mass media in all those countries; and it's really muslims who turned all those six million yids into bars of soap and lamp shades but then they came back to life to collect reparations; and it's really muslims who were the Bolsheviks in Russia and eastern Europe who ran the gulag death camps that slaughtered tens of millions of christians...

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"World stands disgraced": 20 killed in Israeli UN school shelling


Twenty people have been killed after a shell hit the UNRWA girls' school in Jabalia refugee camp, emergency services say. The UN condemned Israeli actions in the strongest possible terms, calling them a serious violation of international law.

The outer wall of the complex was damaged by shellfire, and in a targeted classroom people were picking body parts off the blood-soaked floor, according to the agency’s correspondent in the area.

More than one shell hit the school. The first in the courtyard and the second a section primarily used by female pupils, RT contributor Harry Fear reported from the scene.



What the Muslim Sharia Laws Will Do To You

by Banjo_Billy

So, what are these Sharia Laws of ancient Arabia under which non-Muslims must submit even in modern times? Here are a few of them:

● If the infidels live among the Muslims, in accordance with the conditions set out by the Prophet (mhrh) — then they must pay the Jizyah tax to the Islamic treasury.

A tax to the Muslims? What is this? You Infidels have never heard of the Jizyah tax? Well, under Sharia Law, that is a special tax that only non-Muslims must pay. The Jizyah tax equals one-fourth of everything you own, paid to the Muslims every year or they will chop your head off. Now, if you add this one-fourth of your property to the 30% or more in taxes that you pay to the treasonous politicians who have allowed these filthy, thieving Muslims into our countries, you will see that under Sharia Law, you won’t have anything left but to sell yourself into slavery. Oh, yes, by-the-way, the Muslims also forgot to tell you that under Sharia Law, slavery is legal.

The only countries in the world where slavery is still allowed, are Muslim countries. The slaves are always non-Muslims. In the Sudan today, the primary reason someone is enslaved is because they are Christian.

● Under Sharia Law, in addition to the Jizyah Tax, non-Muslims are required to feed for three days any Muslim who passes by their homes. Moreover, if you refuse to feed any Muslim who knocks on your door, then the Muslim community has every right under Sharia Law to beat or kill you or burn down your house while you are asleep. You have insulted Islam and failed to do your duty to a Muslim, so you must be punished.

● Of course, these free meals cannot also include beer or wine because it is forbidden for either Muslims or non-Muslims to drink alcoholic beverages under Sharia Law. So, all bars, liquor stores, breweries and distilleries are forbidden. Under Sharia Law, there would be no criminal subculture of the Roaring Twenties America with bootlegged alcohol and gangsters because not only the gangsters but their customers who drank alcohol would have their heads chopped off or perhaps their tongues cut out after being given a thousand lashes with a leather whip. “Allah is Merciful”, is one of the Muslim lies because there is no mercy in the Sharia Laws.

● Under Sharia Law, only Muslims are allowed to own swords, guns or other weapons. The non-Muslims under Sharia Law must be completely disarmed and defenseless. To break this law and be caught with a firearm, knife or other weapon, means a thousand lashes and having your head cut off as an enemy of Islam.

● Perhaps you think that you can evade these laws by dressing like a Muslim and pretending to be a Muslim. It is against Sharia Law to imitate Muslims in dress and speech. Furthermore, all non-Muslims must shave their hair off in front in order to make us easily identifiable.

● Oh, but you are a Christian, are you, who believes what the lying Mohammad (mhrh) says about how much Muslims must respect the “People of the Bible”? Well, that was merely Mohammad’s taqiyya that doesn’t mean a thing. Besides paying the Jizyah tax to the Muslim treasury, shaving off your hair in front, wearing non-Muslim clothes with wide belts for easy targeting as Infidels, Christians must not attempt to ease the burden of our second class status by wearing Muslim clothing, caps, turbans, sandals, hairstyles, or imitating their speech, nicknames and title names, or to collect weapons of any kind or to carry these weapons. To do so, means that we can be beaten, tortured or killed by any Muslim or by roving gangs of Muslims at any time. Christians must tiptoe around and show ourselves to be humbled and subdued by Islam. And how else do Christians show ourselves to be subdued by Islam?

● Under Sharia Law, Christians are not allowed to erect a cross on church buildings, to parade them in public, or to display Bibles in public.

● Under Sharia Law, Christians are forbidden to ring church bells even once a week on Sundays. But the Muslims have the right to shout their gibberish into loud-speakers five times a day in their call to prayer.

● Under Sharia Law, Christians are forbidden to raise our voices during prayer or to recite from the Bibles inside our own churches in the presence of Muslims.

● Under Sharia Law, Christians are forbidden to renovate a church or a monastery or to rebuild ones that were destroyed. So, once the Muslims riot and burn down a church, it is not allowed to be rebuilt.

● Under Sharia Law, Christians are forbidden to strike a Muslim. If they do, they may be killed by any Muslim who wishes to kill them for such an insult to Islam.

● Under Sharia Law, Christians are forbidden to prevent anyone from becoming a Muslim, but any Muslim who wants to become a Christian will be murdered. Christians who attempt to convert Muslims to Christianity may be beaten and killed under the laws of Sharia. Hundreds of Christians are killed every year in Muslim countries for nothing more than preaching the Gospel. What else can Islam be other than a false religion for lying devils?

● After promising to follow all the Sharia Laws that the Muslims decree for subjugating Christians and Jews, these subjugated Christians are required to claim that such laws are, quote, “the conditions that we set against ourselves and followers of our religion in return for safety and protection. If we break any of these promises that we set for your benefit against ourselves, then the Muslim promise of protection is broken and you Muslims are allowed to do with us what you are allowed of people of defiance and rebellion.” In other words, the subjugated Christians and Jews agree that the Muslims can enslave, torture, rape, steal from and murder them, if they break any of the Sharia Laws. In modern times, this is called the Protection Racket and it is felony in every country. But the Protection Racket of Islam is legal for the swinish Muslims under Sharia Law.

● Under Sharia Law, Muslims who convert to any other religion are to be murdered. Like joining a criminal gang, once one becomes a Muslim the only way out is through death. Islam grows by limitless sex with wives and concubines and by accepting new converts; but once in, no one is allowed to leave Islam alive.

● Under Sharia Law, criticism of Islam or criticism of the Muslims is a death sentence for the Infidel who dares to speak his mind or to offer his opinion about this demon cult of primitive camel jockeys. Muslims must be respected or they will kill you. It’s as simple as that. Any Muslim who kills you for breaking any of the Sharia Laws or for insulting Islam or for criticizing Muslims, will have a place of honor among the other Muslims. This “honor” among these primitive Bedouin moon worshippers is a matter of big egos residing in tiny little insect minds.

Under Sharia Law, Christians and Jews are very lucky because Allah in his mercy gives them three choices – conversion to Islam, subjugation with the Jizya taxes or death by decapitation and other means of murder. However, for atheists and pagans or poly-theists such as Hindus, there are only two choices – conversion to Islam or death.

● Under Sharia Law, you will never have a fair trial in a Muslim court because Islamic legislation does not recognize the validity of the oath of a non-Muslim against that of a Muslim.
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Syria crisis: ISIS imposes rules on Christians in Raqqa

A jihadist group in Syria has demanded that Christians in the northern city of Raqqa pay a levy in gold and accept curbs on their faith, or face death.

Correspondents say ISIS is trying to implement an extreme interpretation of Islamic law in areas it controls.

The directive from ISIS, citing the Islamic concept of "dhimma", requires Christians in the city to pay tax of around half an ounce (14g) of pure gold in exchange for their safety.

It says Christians must not make renovations to churches, display crosses or other religious symbols outside churches, ring church bells or pray in public.

Christians must not carry arms, and must follow other rules imposed by ISIS (also known as ISIL) on their daily lives.

The statement said the group had met Christian representatives and offered them three choices - they could convert to Islam, accept ISIS' conditions, or reject their control and risk being killed.

"If they reject, they are subject to being legitimate targets, and nothing will remain between them and ISIS other than the sword," the statement said.
Christians flee Mosul amid threats to convert or die

A little more than a decade ago, Mosul was home to 60,000 Christians who practiced their religion in the midst of their Muslim neighbors in Iraq's second-largest city.

No more. Earlier this month, Muslim extremists who had captured the city ordered all Christians to convert to Islam, pay a tax or face execution. They later revoked the tax as an option.

The result has been a mass exodus of Christians to the semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan and laments that only Muslims are tolerated in the city today.
Yeah screw those Moslems! Only slight sarcasm. Under Wisconsin law I can own a shotgun for home defense :)
Obviously Muslims are an extreme threat to first world civilization. You would have to be dense to deny that. However its also obvious (or SHOULD be) that "jews" are a MUCH MUCH bigger threat.
Dagestan 1999. Chechen Mujahideen lead by Salautdin Temirbulatov entered Dagestan with up to 500 fully armed soldiers. There were only 13 lightly armed Russian conscripts in the
village of Dagestan when the attack took place. Heavily outnumbered by Chechen terrorists, 7 of the Russian conscripts run away from the village. The remaining 6 soldiers stood up to the oppressors but quickly ran out of ammo and surrendered after being promised POW status.

Chechen Mujahideen took the captives on the field and mercilessly executed each of them by

A few months later, the entire gang of Salautdin Temirbulatov terrorists
was confronted by forces of Sulim Yamadayev and the Spetsnaz and most of them was either killed, or captured. None of the culprits from the video got away. Salautdin Temirbulatov himself was arrested exactly on March 20, 2000.

EDIT: Iconoclast/Jones: don't post any more gruesome videos. This is a sports site, not Faces of Death.

Your latest incarnation here is just about over. Your here not to support white athletes but solely to spread your anti-Muslim bile.
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Jews, like "Mister Jones" here, are always trying to stir up hatreds and start wars and kill and destroy. War and destruction is very profitable for them.

There are one and a half billion MOslems (that's an O not a U - we're talking about Moslems not Black Muslims) in the world. It is the world's fastest growing religion. Most of them are very nice people who only want to live their lives in peace like everyone else and not have their land stolen from them and their children murdered and their houses leveled. We have at least one Moslem fellow posting on the boxing board, and he seems to be a very nice person.

And then we have the decent Jews, and this ongoing Holocaust in Gaza City makes them sick too. Gods bless them!

Jewish Voice For Peace

Obviously Muslims are an extreme threat to first world civilization. You would have to be dense to deny that. However its also obvious (or SHOULD be) that "jews" are a MUCH MUCH bigger threat.
I think a few decades ago, we could easily hold the Muslims in check. They were no match for Europeans, in fact many of them were colonies of France or Britain.

They are a serious threat nowadays however, because of the mass immigration into the US, mainland Europe, the UK, Australia and Canada. This influx of the past 30 years was partly orchestrated by Jewish Supremacists, motivated by their hatred for white gentiles.

There was a time when Jews outnumbered Muslims in the UK, France, Canada and elsewhere, but not now. In Canada in 1980 there were more Jews than Muslims, but now Muslims outnumber Jews by more than 3 to 1.

This will come back to haunt the Chosen Ones, who enjoy a high quality of life in white-majority countries. The Chosen have never prospered in places like Pakistan and Sudan while they have flourished in white-majority countries like the UK and France. They have been much safer in civilized countries than they will be in the future, when whites become a minority.

One of the most ironic situations for the Chosen happened in Algeria and more recently in Zimbabwe. They worked against the French in stirring up a revolt in Algeria, but once the Muslims took over, the Chosen were no longer safe and had to leave. A similar situation occurred in Rhodesia, where they undermined the British colonists and used their media influence to turn the world against them, but were threatened and forced to leave (some were killed) when the Negroes took over.
So the UN is helping Palestinians smuggle weapons? That must be why they have such advanced weaponry. LOL That is quite a doozy of conspiracy theory. I would think the last place in Gaza to hide weapons would be a school, mosque, or UN building simply because it seems these are the first places the Jews target. If you dig a hole in the ground to protect yourself from bombings because you are not allowed to have cement does that mean you are building a tunnel to Israel? I wonder why these "terrorist tunnels" to Israel never work? Every supposed terrorist attempt apparently is caught by these super sharp and accurate Jews who accidentally hit children in the crossfire. The UN, the Pope, the media, and whole world is against those poor Jews! :violin:
You just can't really feel sorry for Hamas, they could stop this war anytime they want by stop firing rockets.

They use their people as human shields, they hide their rockets in schools. They are scum. Let Israel kill them.
Three IDF soldiers killed at booby-trapped UNRWA health clinic

Three IDF soldiers were killed on Wednesday in Gaza in an explosion at a booby-trapped United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) health clinic that housed the opening of a tunnel.

For second time, rockets found at UN school in Gaza

For the second time in less than a week, rockets have been found in a school in Gaza operated by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency.
Your source is Jihad Watch? There a lot of lies there I see.

It's just propaganda to justify the killing of children.

The UN said yesterday there were NO rockets found in the UN schools that the Israelis have targeted.