Zionist Terror in Gaza

I personally don't give a spit in the wind about (or for) the heathen muzzies. While I can appreciate some of their morality (e.g. - anti sodomite laws, etc.), they need to keep themselves in that big litterbox of the Middle East & keep OUT of the (sadly former) White man's land. Unfortunately, the corrupt, co-opt'd puppets allow these untermenschen onto our soil. That's akin to racial treason in my book.

remember that in france they voted massively for the left, knowing that they would legalise gay marriage
and then when whites protested against gay marriage they didn't say anything
In Europe you had your diversity cherry popped by black Muslims and that is practically the extent of it. We here in the US have had diversity of all types for a long time and a lot more of them. We realize that black Baptist are just as bad if not worse than Muslims. I can understand your ignorance on the subject since you haven't quite had all the joy of diversity that we have had in the US. There is nobody here at CF that is "friendly" with them. I don't know why you keep repeating that. Please stop.

in france we probably had black slaves before the US existed
i know that even though the people in guadeloupe, guyane and martinique are christians and have french names, they have france's highest crime rates, because they are blacks
they need to keep themselves in that big litterbox of the Middle East & keep OUT of the (sadly former) White man's land.

They have been trying to conquer the White man's land for over 1000 years, and have no intention of stopping. They've come very close a couple of times, and the West no longer has any idea of the threat.
Everybody on this thread needs to take a deep breath and realize that the Western media is mind-****ing you into hating Muslims and supporting the endless military actions in Africa and the Middle East. If you still believe in the Bin Laden fairy tale, then you will certainly fall for ISIS, Baghdadi, the black guys who are supposed to be kidnapping young girls and boys, and any other bogeyman the CIA can create. As for me, I don't believe one goddamn word on the news, period. I don't believe any ****ing video they show me, including the fake plane disappearing into the WTC2, and this bull**** live beheading. Ask yourself this: who controls the media, and why do you believe what they are selling?

I believe that Mohammed is the most common boy's name in Britain now. What could possibly go wrong? Islam has been trying to conquer and subjugate Europe for over 1000 years. If every Jew in the world suddenly disappeared, that doesn't change, we would just be better able from a cultural and political stance to defend ourselves. They keep going, and it looks like they are going to succeed in the near future.

White countries are being overrun with these things, and that's not Jewish propaganda, that is REALLY happening. As for the Western media, they are the foremost supporters and distributors of the multicultural poison.
I believe that Mohammed is the most common boy's name in Britain now. What could possibly go wrong? Islam has been trying to conquer and subjugate Europe for over 1000 years. If every Jew in the world suddenly disappeared, that doesn't change, we would just be better able from a cultural and political stance to defend ourselves. They keep going, and it looks like they are going to succeed in the near future.

White countries are being overrun with these things, and that's not Jewish propaganda, that is REALLY happening. As for the Western media, they are the foremost supporters and distributors of the multicultural poison.

Jews - Talmudists - engineered the non-white immigration invasion of all the white western nations, as well as the force breeding of non-whites through welfare programs, as well as the destruction of western civilization through integration and "celebrating diversity" and promoting sex perversion etc., as well as all the wars without end for the benefit of Isra-Hell and Wall Street while leaving our own borders wide open. Moslems didn't engineer this. They had zero political influence and zero media control. Negroes didn't engineer this. They are too stupid to engineer anything more advanced than looting the neighborhood store.

They don't call them "the world parasite" for nothing. They have an innate compulsion to destroy the cohesion of the host population so that it does not present a threat to their power as it once did in Germany. They are crazed with hate for the white goyim, and especially Christians, nor do they even care that the Moslems and Negroes that they are promoting will eventually turn upon them.

"The Jewish Role In Immigration" - David Duke

in france we probably had black slaves before the US existed
i know that even though the people in guadeloupe, guyane and martinique are christians and have french names, they have france's highest crime rates, because they are blacks

And yet your demographics don't remotely compare to the "melting pot" that is currently America. Even blacks are just 4% of your population. My original point still stands. Instead of preaching to us you should ask us for advice.
And yet your demographics don't remotely compare to the "melting pot" that is currently America. Even blacks are just 4% of your population. My original point still stands. Instead of preaching to us you should ask us for advice.

France, like the other European countries, had absolutely no negro or other non-white population prior to WW2 . They were 100% white.

It says on Wikipedia that in 2010 over 16% of babies born in France had at least one parent who was foreign born. Of course that doesn't include non-white parents who were born in France, nor probably overseas blacks that they don't consider "foreign", like former French colonies.

Jean Raspail saw it coming.

What they have done to Dublin Ireland in a mere ten years:


Theres that meaningless attack word again. Of course always capitalized which is very telling. Like how I always capitalize the word White when talking about race.

Antisemitism is defined as "an irrational hatred, or discrimination against Jews based on ethnicity, or religion." However thats not the real definition.

The real definition is this.. "not hating Muslims with a murderous passion. Denying that Jews are the chosen people of God. Believing that any Jew has ever done anything wrong. Believing that you have a right to not be ruled by Jews. Questioning the 6 million myth. Belief that Jews do not face massive, undeserved discrimination by all the goyim. Believing that your worthless goy life is worth as much as a Jews fingernail clipping."

So you see, as long as you refuse to take that silly word out of your vocabulary you cant be taken seriously. Antisemetism is not the cause of anything, because there is no such thing as real antisemitism. Its just a buzz word like racism, or sexism.
And yet your demographics don't remotely compare to the "melting pot" that is currently America. Even blacks are just 4% of your population. My original point still stands. Instead of preaching to us you should ask us for advice.

Given that the French state bans racial and religious demographic information I'd like to know where you are getting your numbers from? The number of children born in France who are susceptible to sickle cell disease is certainly higher than 4%:

What they have done to Dublin Ireland in a mere ten years:


If by "they" you mean just Jews you are sorely mistaken. Alan Shatter had influence but not THAT much influence.

The Irish have been worshipping the black man (and occasionally Australian Aborigines and American Indians) for a couple of generations now.

- In the 1960s the Northern Ireland Civli Rights Association was based on the black movement in the US - usually marching singing the same song too (We Shall Overcome).

- Throughout the years Catholic Belfast has been the site of many wall murals dedicated to everyone from Frederick Douglas to Nelson Mandela. (The image below is typical).

- Irish pop singers have led the anti-racism movement in the British Isles. U2 started the Artists United Against Apartheid (with Steve Van Zandt), were the first to boycott Arizona over MLK Day, and their biggest hit, Pride (In the Name of Love), is about MLK. There were many more including Sinead O'Connor who sang:

England's not the mythical land of Madame George and roses
It's the home of police who kill blacks boys on mopeds

- When Irish Americans in Boston protested against forced integration of schools it was Irish activists like the IRA's Bernadette Devlin who were first on their moral high horses condemning them.

- It was the Irish who to this day take great pride in their claim to have suffered with blacks because (supposedly) English pubs and hotels used to have signs saying "No Dogs, Blacks, or Irish allowed". You see, they were victims of racism and colonialism just like the Africans and Aborigines so solidarity with the Mandelas, Mugabes, and MLKs of the world gives them moral superiority over all other whites, especially Anglo-Saxons.

Now that they've got a large Nigerian population I think they are going to learn a few things in the years ahead.

If by "they" you mean just Jews you are sorely mistaken. Alan Shatter had influence but not THAT much influence.

The Irish have been worshipping the black man (and occasionally Australian Aborigines and American Indians) for a couple of generations now.

- In the 1960s the Northern Ireland Civli Rights Association was based on the black movement in the US - usually marching singing the same song too (We Shall Overcome).

- Throughout the years Catholic Belfast has been the site of many wall murals dedicated to everyone from Frederick Douglas to Nelson Mandela. (The image below is typical).

- Irish pop singers have led the anti-racism movement in the British Isles. U2 started the Artists United Against Apartheid (with Steve Van Zandt), were the first to boycott Arizona over MLK Day, and their biggest hit, Pride (In the Name of Love), is about MLK. There were many more including Sinead O'Connor who sang:

England's not the mythical land of Madame George and roses
It's the home of police who kill blacks boys on mopeds

- When Irish Americans in Boston protested against forced integration of schools it was Irish activists like the IRA's Bernadette Devlin who were first on their moral high horses condemning them.

- It was the Irish who to this day take great pride in their claim to have suffered with blacks because (supposedly) English pubs and hotels 9used to have signs saying "No Dogs, Blacks, or Irish allowed". You see, they were victims of racism and colonialism just like the Africans and Aborigines so solidarity with the Mandelas, Mugabes, and MLKs of the world gives them moral superiority over all other whites, especially Anglo-Saxons.

Now that they've got a large Nigerian population I think they are going to learn a few things in the years ahead.


Thanks for that gloomy breakdown just the way I like to start mY mornings..
If by "they" you mean just Jews you are sorely mistaken. Alan Shatter had influence but not THAT much influence.

The Irish have been worshipping the black man (and occasionally Australian Aborigines and American Indians) for a couple of generations now.


Yes, I know from personal experience that that what you are saying is the truth. They softened them up mentally long before the invasion. But I would assume that Jews have weaseled their way into the ownership of the Irish media, and other organs of brain-washing, in Ireland just the same as they did in the US and UK and the rest of Europe.
I think this fighting over Jew vs Muslim is silly. The declaration that some poster here are "pro-muslim" just because they don't want to invade and bomb every corner of the Arab world is simply absurd. I can't think of 1 pro-muslim poster on CF, but I can think of a few who are pro-Israel.

There is no one here supporting muslim immigration to Europe, the US or any other White countries. At the same time that doesn't mean we want to see trouble stirred up in the Middle East. We also don't want to support Israel with money, weapons or troops. We don't support ISIS but see that it was created by the Mossad. Some Muslim are bloodthirsty savages and can easily be whipped into a fervor especially with some clever Jews pulling the strings. I don't condone their behavior but who do you think angers me more? Ron Paul was right that our (White people's) presence as occupiers in Arab lands gives the radicals a great recruiting tool.

My solution. Remove all troops from Middle East. End any and all aid to Israel and Arab nations too. Use the newly returned troops to round up illegals and protect borders. End legal immigration from non-White nations. Return "refugees" to 3rd world. Europe can follow the same model.

White people face many threats around the world, all which need to be dealt with at some point. If you had an infestation of hornets in your backyard and came to realize that your neighbor was the one throwing the hornets' nests over the fence, who would you be more concerned with? The hornets or the neighbor? While the hornets are the ones causing you the physical harm and annoyance, any efforts made against them will be futile until their enabler, the neighbor, is dealt with.
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I am a White Muslim and I've been clear and honest about that since I joined this site 3 or 4 years ago. I am both pro-White and pro-Muslim.

My thoughts on this thread:

- No one who is pro-white should support Israel or Zionism under any circumstances. They contradict. These are the same people who are literally working against whites in every single facet of life. Zionists carry alarming levels of power within the governments and media in North America and Europe. Feminism and the breakdown of the family, gay and transgendered rights, and nonwhite immigration and acceptance are all rooted in Jewish supremacist influence in the West. The end result of this is that Zionists are perverting, distorting and will eventually destroy the white man's society. It's a cultural genocide.

- There are some obvious pro-Israel users on this site who are probably Jews under cover and seem to think that Jewish people have some sort of God-given right to live in Israel. If they are not Jews, then they are hardcore Christian Evangelicals or liberals whose aim is to disrupt dialogue. These users are here to troll and their opinions are not pro-white.

- Arab Muslims have very legitimate reasons for attacking Jews. It's important to understand that Jews were the initial aggressors on this situation. Because the land was stolen from Arabs forcibly and also because currently, they are treated like second class citizens in their own homeland by an invading population of Jews.

- Amerikkkan media and government is so full of crap when it tries to imply that Muslims are the violent aggressors and the Jews are simply defending themselves. Wrong. Jews are the aggressors because they started things in motion by stealing the land and proceeding to kill Arabs who resisted.

- Thankfully, Amerikkka won't always be there to back Israel. Times are changing, Amerikkkans have less money and theireconomy is nosediving. Things will get interesting when China or India is the top dog.