Zionist Terror in Gaza

The Arabs I've known in my life have mostly been decent, polite, humble, kind, and fair.

However, most South Asians I've run into, whether they be Muslim Sikh or Hindu, I've repeatedly had bad experiences with. It seems they deeply resent white men.

The Jews I've known are mostly highly intelligent and generally friendly, but extremely ethnocentric and exceedingly proud of their heritage. Some have been very manipulative and exploitative con artists. Others have been resentful and self-righteous, and look down upon non-Jews as inferior people. Some however have been decent and fair people.
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Senate blocks aid to Israel!!

In the end, the Senate couldn’t even agree to deliver emergency aid to one of the United States’ closest allies.A last-ditch effort to deliver aid to Israel during its war with Hamas died on the Senate floor, as Republicans blocked the proposal over concerns that it would increase the debt.
Finish reporter admits on camera Hamas shooting missiles from Gaza hospital

Senate blocks aid to Israel!!

In the end, the Senate couldn’t even agree to deliver emergency aid to one of the United States’ closest allies.A last-ditch effort to deliver aid to Israel during its war with Hamas died on the Senate floor, as Republicans blocked the proposal over concerns that it would increase the debt.
Yea it's not like we don't give them billions a year...wait we do?

and that thing you are crying about went through but don't bother correcting mistakes if it favors Israel. You might not even know better because the sites you are reading are the same way.

395 to 8 in favor of aid to Israel


225 million. If this were truly just a dislike of Muslims, why defend Israel so much?

and White ppl eat it up, because they are told its wrong to dislike anyone different, but Muslims are okay!
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"Senate blocks aid to Israel!!"

No they didn't. They would never dare to defy their master's demands. It was all zio-schtick, just like Mister Jones here.

Senate approves funding for Israel’s Iron Dome

The Senate unanimously passed an additional $225 million in emergency funding for Israel’s Iron Dome defense system Friday, after refusing to do so just hours earlier out of concern that the money hadn’t been offset by spending cuts.

I got it from Stormfront. Its 3 pages long and not a single person corrected it.

Yea that's your problem right there, but it was corrected by someone on the 6th and 9th post on the first page...so much for 3 pages and not a single person correcting it.

so I'm guessing you stir up stuff on stormfront as well
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Zionist propaganda exposed here. Look at the dates.

The Israelis used this "human shields" photo to justify killing children.

And then we have the decent Jews, and this ongoing Holocaust in Gaza City makes them sick too. Gods bless them!

anti-zionist jews are the worst of all
what is wrong with a jew that dies to protect his land, like many jews since the beginning of this conflict? as long as white soldiers don't die for them in their wars (that's a very legit demand, but you don't need to imply that israel are evil to do that)

on the other hand you have anti-racist jews that live in white countries (sweden, UK, etc) and tell these jews that they can't defend their land because race doesn't exist, "racism" or even nationalsim is bad, etc
and you prefer these jews :crazy:

the only people that would prefer these jews to the zionist jews would be:

1) anti-racists, people that believe that there should be no bareers in the world, no race, etc
2) muslims

about the muslims, it's funny how all of a sudden they are really concerned about a genocide while they don't say anything about what is happening in other arab countries, don't you think?
for example: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islamic_State_of_Iraq_and_the_Levant
these guys kill many people but they wouldn't say anything about it, because it's djihad
they even support it
there are thousands of "french" people (arab immigrants) who go there to help them
i have a neighbour that died fighting there
Proof Muslims did 9/11

Vnnforum poster picks out Jew names from 9/11 victims list

U.S. State Department has published a list of 76 Jews that died on 9/11

Jews and 9/11: A Response to John Martinson Jr.

A Jewish 9/11 Debacle: The Odigo, Missing Jews and Related Claims
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ISIS has nothing to do with Palestine.

In Gaza, it's the Zionists who are killing children.

Muslims kill children. Just recently, Boko Haram kidnapped school girls and tried to sell them into slavery. Taliban tried to kill a girl in Pakistan for wanting to go to school. Uighur terrorists stabbed to death Chinese children with knives and Chechniyan terrorists killed 186 Russian children in Beslan.

ISIS has everything to do with Palestine and is the true face of Islam. They are putting into action what Quran, Hadith, Sunnah and Sharia Law teach.
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Muslims kill children. Just recently, Boko Haram kidnapped school girls and tried to sell them into slavery.
The "Christians" in the Central African Republic eat the Muslims' hearts and kill their children.

They don't do it because they are Christians, they do it because of their genetics: they are negroes.


Shocking photographs have emerged of a cannibal by the name of Mad Dog eating the flesh of a lynched Muslim man for the second time in as many weeks.

In one, 'Mad Dog' - real name Ouandja Magloire - cuts a portion of meat from the body of a murdered Muslim lying burning on a roundabout in the capital of the Central African Republic, with the body of another a few yards away.

Another photograph shows him licking a bloodied knife as he stands over a body, wearing the same T-shirt he was pictured in during the previous act of cannibalism.

You just lied. Only 1 percent of Palestinians are Christians.

Today, Christians make up just 1 percent of the mainly Muslim population of the Palestinian territories; in 1920, they were a tenth of the population of Palestine. link
You just lied. Only 1 percent of Palestinians are Christians.

Today, Christians make up just 1 percent of the mainly Muslim population of the Palestinian territories; in 1920, they were a tenth of the population of Palestine. link

No you lied. All Palestinians including the ones who fled out of the area due to the bloody Zionist made up about 11% of the Palestinian population. Today it is about 4%. 8% in the West Bank and 1% in Gaza. I guess if the Jews killed them all you could say that there is no such thing as Palestinian Christians.

BTW, there are more Palestinian Christians than Israeli Christians by percent. Christians were nearly 10% of the Israeli population when the Jews took over in 1947. There numbers not only went down percentage wise but also went down raw numbers wise - indicating a purging of Christians as well. Now Christians make up about 2% of the Israeli population and are totally hated by the progeny of Christ killers.

The photos didn't show for me. So are these Christians white? If not, then to take your line isn't it just "semites killing semites - who cares?"

Also, since when do we as a nation care about dead Iraqis? We killed over a million just a few years ago on a false pretense of war - most civilians. Why should we suddenly care now? I don't even know anymore which side we are funding anymore. Are now supposed to show some sort of emotion or caring for dead Iraqis? We sure don't show any sympathy for dead defenseless Palestinians.