Zionist Terror in Gaza

You just can't really feel sorry for Hamas, they could stop this war anytime they want by stop firing rockets.

They use their people as human shields, they hide their rockets in schools. They are scum. Let Israel kill them.

Would you be honest enough to admit that the Israelis are "scum" as well? Or are you a supporter of the evil bastards? Lets just get it out there in the open.
I've been accused of being a "white supremacist" because I root for white athletes.

Here's a real white supremacist:

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Would you be honest enough to admit that the Israelis are "scum" as well? Or are you a supporter of the evil bastards? Lets just get it out there in the open.

I support Israel in the same way Jews support muslim immigration.

As a useful tool to destroy muslims.
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There are one and a half billion MOslems (that's an O not a U - we're talking about Moslems not Black Muslims) in the world.

The reason Islam has so many followers is because these desert Wanderers would ruthlessly go into other countries in asia like india And give them the option of death or conversion. Forced conversion Is the reason there are so many damn followers.

Christians flee Mosul amid threats to convert or die

Earlier this month, Muslim extremists who had captured the city of Mosul ordered all Christians to convert to Islam, pay a tax or face execution. They later revoked the tax as an option.
Richard Dawkins: Islam is one of the great evils in the world

Richard Dawkins says it outright. One wonders why so few other atheists are speaking out in the same way. Note that he does not hasten to qualify his comment by saying, "Islamic extremism" or "radical Islam."
Richard Dawkins constantly bashes Christianity too.

For some reason, he finds Judaism acceptable though, even the parts in the Talmud about goyim being no better than insects.
Richard Dawkins constantly bashes Christianity too.

For some reason, he finds Judaism acceptable though, even the parts in the Talmud about goyim being no better than insects.

Exactly! Dick Dawkins is constantly bashing Christians. At least half of everything that self righteous hypocrite writes, or says is nothing more than anti Christian hate. Just like you said though, he has NOTHING negative to say about the special ones. I wonder why that is?
Exactly! Dick Dawkins is constantly bashing Christians. At least half of everything that self righteous hypocrite writes, or says is nothing more than anti Christian hate. Just like you said though, he has NOTHING negative to say about the special ones. I wonder why that is?
He'd be ostracized and never be allowed on TV again.

If he said "Judaism is one of the great evils in the world" the anti-defamation league would be on his back.

He'd be vilified in the media by the likes of Wolf Blitzer, Jon Stewart, and Howard Stern.
Richard Dawkins constantly bashes Christianity too.

For some reason, he finds Judaism acceptable though, even the parts in the Talmud about goyim being no better than insects.

Goyim, non-Jews, means cattle. The satanic Talmud cult considers all non-jews to be animals put on earth for their pleasure. They deem it a mitzvah - a blessing, a good deed - to kill them.
Apostasy in Islam (Wikipedia)


In March 2006, an Afghan citizen Abdul Rahman was charged with apostasy and could have faced the death penalty for converting to Christianity. His case attracted much international attention with Western countries condemning Afghanistan for persecuting a convert. Charges


A 2010 Pew Research Center poll showed that 84% of Egyptian Muslims believe those who leave Islam should be punished by death.


15 Ex-Muslim Christians were incarcerated on 15 May 2008 under charges of apostasy. They may face the death penalty if convicted. A new penal code is being proposed in Iran that would require the death penalty in cases of Apostasy on the Internet.

Saudia Arabia

According to the "Online Saudi-arabian Curriculum taught at schools, we read under the title "Judgements on Apostates the following:[SUP]

"An Apostate will be suppressed three days in prison in order that he may repent ..... otherwise, he should be killed, because he has changed his true religion.


Article 126.2 of the Penal Code of Sudan (1991) reads,

"Whoever is guilty of apostasy is invited to repent over a period to be determined by the tribunal. If he persists in his apostasy and was not recently converted to Islam, he will be put to death."

Meriam Ibrahim, a 27-year-old Christian Sudanese woman was sentenced to death for apostasy in May 2014, but allowed to leave the country in July after an international outcry.
Now do you think Richard Dawkins is lying when he says Islam is evil?

It just stares straight ahead and ignores everything and chants its jewish hate-propaganda.

Why is it obsessed with this place? Surely no one would pay one of the many zionist internet trolls to work a backwater board like this, and why does a Sayanim volunteer even bother? I guess people just get obsessed with little corners of the internet, especially after they get banned.
Shut up about the Jews you retard and address the issue of Islam killing people who leave it.
Shut up about the Jews you retard and address the issue of Islam killing people who leave it.

Oh wow, it actually responded. I feel so honored!

"Shut up about the Jews, stupid goyim. Just talk about how much you hate our enemies and and vant to kill them!"


ha Muslims are running over western countries and terrorizing the societies there. you can blame the jews for that if you want, but it doesnt take away from the fact its the muslims committing those actions and you guys would rather do nothing about it and instead portray them as innocent peace loving people
ha Muslims are running over western countries and terrorizing the societies there. you can blame the jews for that if you want, but it doesnt take away from the fact its the muslims committing those actions and you guys would rather do nothing about it and instead portray them as innocent peace loving people

And who do you think was the back stabbing fifth columnists who snuck out to open up the castle gates so that the third world could come flooding in to all the white nations? Three guesses, bozo.

By that logic. We are not allowed to talk about Gays, Women, Liberals and Minorities because the Jews are also responsible for those groups.

The real reason you don't want to talk about Muslims is because of Political Correctness.

Its a weird form of Political Correctness that only Antisemites get. The root cause might be irrational hatred of Jews and Israel. False belief that Jews did 9/11, control Al Qaeda and terrorist attacks are false flags.
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By that logic. We are not allowed to talk about Gays, Women, Liberals and Minorities because the Jews are also responsible for those groups.

True but if someone continually bashed just gays ad nauseam or just blacks ad nauseam etc. and applauded their genocide they would find their way out the door. We've had plenty of anti-arab or anti-muslim threads in the past that didn't go overboard and they survived with very little opposition or controversy. Accusing the posters of this site of generally being pro-Muslim is laughable to say the least. Maybe they are not as rabidly anti-Muslim as you and maybe you should be OK with that and let it go.

As for the Jews, you will not find a lot posters that will believe that they (as a group - not all individuals) have white people's best interest at heart. Unfortunately, they do undeniable have a lot more influence and power than Muslims. Thus, whether you believe they are behind every evil thing or not they will still get the lion's share of blame for the destruction of our society. That's just the way it is and it ain't changing anytime soon. If you don't think Jews are the most evil thing in the world I'm OK with that as long as you support white athletes and accept that others don't believe all of your views on Muslims. If you can't accept that then your little Heine will likely get banned. I'd rather have you stick around so tone it down a bit.
It is obvious to any decent person with half a brain what's going on here. They are on the one hand engaged in outright mass murder, genocide, a real holocaust, and on the other they are going all out to work the media, including all the internet forums, with their hate and kill all the moslems propaganda.
The Muslims are in the same class as Jews and Communists. They are trying overthrow human civilization.

If you pay attention to World News. You'll see dozens, if not hundreds of Terrorist groups around the world trying to overthrow Governments.

They're also blowing up Christians and trying to convert them by force using death threats or extortion (jizya tax).
If you study the Jew Community, you will notice they support the same things as the Mainstream Media.

Heres a poll on how American Jews feel about guns, gay marriage and abortion.



88 percent of American Jews agree that there should be a nationwide ban on assault weapons (1997 AJC exit poll via National Jewish Democratic Council)


A Public Religion Research Institute poll showed 81 percent of Jews support gay marriage. (New York Jewish Week)

Nathan Guttman came to the same number (81 percent support gay marriage) in his article for the Jewish Daily Forward.

Ron Kampeas of the Jewish Telgraphic Agency estimates Jewish support of gay marriage to be around 75 percent. (Jewish Exponent)

The Los Angeles Times reported that 78 percent of Jews opposed California's Proposition 8 to ban gay marriage.


This Survey of American Jewish Opinion 2000 report found that 88 percent of Jews support abortion.

This 2012 article from The Jewish Daily Forward by Nathan Guttman puts Jewish support for abortion at 92 percent.

Now lets compare that to Israel

Overview of gun laws by nation
Israel - A firearms license is required to own firearms and air pistols and rifles.

Same-sex marriage
cannot legally be performed in Israel.

Abortion in Israel is legal under certain circumstances, with the approval of a committee for pregnancy termination.
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YT, I've said it many a'times here...let the heathen muhammadans & judeos scrap it out amongst themselves, & leave U.S. troops & taxpayer (fiat) dollars out of it. I'd prefer our Republic as it was founded...a White, Christian nation. It'd be optimal if our land was free of both muzzies & yids, as neither (truly) belongs here (nor do many other untermenschen usurpers).

Sadly, this is now a total pipe dream at this point & time. <:-(
Video of Gaza mosque filled with weapons and used to hide tunnel entrance

Hamas breaks cease fire to kidnap israeli soldiers

The Obama administration on Friday condemned violations of the internationally-brokered Gaza cease-fire by Hamas and said the apparent abduction of an Israeli soldier would be a "barbaric" action.

Secretary of State John Kerry denounced as "outrageous" a militant attack that killed two Israeli soldiers and led to the alleged abduction. Saying it was an affront to assurances to respect the cease-fire given to the United States and United Nations, which brokered the truce.
[video=youtube;BLhePIeLDbY]https://www.youtube.com/watch?list=PL9FD193ED1DDA4E6D&amp;feature=player_detai lpage&amp;v=BLhePIeLDbY[/video]