Zionist Terror in Gaza

A 90 year old holocaust survivor (amazing how many survived) was arrested in the Ferguson riots. Not a silly tweet but a person actually on the street fomenting anti-white violence. What side do you think Jewish groups are on?


here is another picture of that holocaust survivor:


she is a very well know anti-zionist activist
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I love how everyone on here ignores the article about Muslims wanting a separate country inside Norway

Which proves my point. Antisemitism conditions people not to have negative thoughts about Muslims.
Antisemitism conditions people

As long as you continue to repeat this you cant be taken seriously YT Jones. I been tryin to give you the benefit of the doubt, but your exposing your OWN conditioning by repeating this "Antisemitism" nonsense over and over.

That word is useless amongst men that can think. Its just a meaningless buzz word. Antisemitic is a word like racism, Klansman, Nazi, bigot, homophobic, sexist, or poo poo face.
[video=youtube;MFE0qAiofMQ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFE0qAiofMQ[/video] and it's evil jews like this "woman" that opened the doors to the muslims in the first place
As long as you continue to repeat this you cant be taken seriously YT Jones. I been tryin to give you the benefit of the doubt, but your exposing your OWN conditioning by repeating this "Antisemitism" nonsense over and over.

That word is useless amongst men that can think. Its just a meaningless buzz word. Antisemitic is a word like racism, Klansman, Nazi, bigot, homophobic, sexist, or poo poo face.

But Antisemitism is the CULPRIT in creating this political correctness attitude toward Muslims

Breaking free of it just allows you to see the truth about Muslims and not the PC version that Antisemitism creates.

It has no effect on how you see Jews. I am still aware of threat Jews pose to Whites.
and it's evil jews like this "woman" that opened the doors to the muslims in the first place

Why do you think people diagnosed with this conditioning always bring up Jews the second you mention muslims?

Its a way to get you to STOP talking about the subject because THEY are uncomfortable having politically incorrect thoughts about Muslims.

Its why no one brings up Jews that many times when talking about Blacks causing trouble in England.
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ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video

A masked militant claims the murder is in retaliation for American airstrikes against the Islamic State militants in Iraq. Missing since Nov. 22, 2012, Foley appears to be forced to read an anti-American statement before he is beheaded in the gruesome five minute clip.

Muslims prepare for takeover of Spain

Campaign features ISIS flag, message at popular landmarks

Jihadists inside Spain have begun prepping for a takeover of the nation by ISIS. There have developed more frequent and more strident statements regarding Spain being ruled once again by the violence of Islam.


ISIS message in front of Aljafería Palace in Zaragoza
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The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Some White Nationalists are just a little too eager to embrace their swarthy middle-eastern friends because "they hate Jews, too!" The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. This is a public service announcement:

Nice picture. All that's missing is the basketball.


Nice picture. All that's missing is a bucket of KFC, but that's a room-brightening smile emerging.


Nice picture. All that's missing is a watermelon, because he has upside.


Nice picture. We beez A-rabs an sheeit!


Catch my drift? The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. These are not friendlies, no matter how much they hate the Jews. If you think they are, then you and your new brown friends do not have my support. The homelands of my forefathers are being overrun with these ..... forum rules preclude me from choosing the words I would choose ..... so I will say half-orcs. The Jews are not a numerical threat. These things are. Neither are friendly to the survival of whites, and, by extension, civilization. Rant over. Please proceed with accusing me of being a Jew, etc... I will simply respond by wishing you and your ni..er friends well, ni...r-lover. The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Maybe somebody will take a stab at trying to show how these things pictured are light, bright, and damned near white! They are not. The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. Rant paused, other than to say The enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend.
If you guys lived in Europe you would be aware of the massive threat these people pose and you wouldnt be so friendly with them
If you guys lived in Europe you would be aware of the massive threat these people pose and you wouldnt be so friendly with them

I personally don't give a spit in the wind about (or for) the heathen muzzies. While I can appreciate some of their morality (e.g. - anti sodomite laws, etc.), they need to keep themselves in that big litterbox of the Middle East & keep OUT of the (sadly former) White man's land. Unfortunately, the corrupt, co-opt'd puppets allow these untermenschen onto our soil. That's akin to racial treason in my book.
If you guys lived in Europe you would be aware of the massive threat these people pose and you wouldnt be so friendly with them

In Europe you had your diversity cherry popped by black Muslims and that is practically the extent of it. We here in the US have had diversity of all types for a long time and a lot more of them. We realize that black Baptist are just as bad if not worse than Muslims. I can understand your ignorance on the subject since you haven't quite had all the joy of diversity that we have had in the US. There is nobody here at CF that is "friendly" with them. I don't know why you keep repeating that. Please stop.

ISIS militants appear to behead abducted American journalist James Wright Foley in graphic video

A masked militant claims the murder is in retaliation for American airstrikes against the Islamic State militants in Iraq. Missing since Nov. 22, 2012, Foley appears to be forced to read an anti-American statement before he is beheaded in the gruesome five minute clip.


Notice the accent on the maggot who executes this guy( This wasn't fake either I saw this on a pirate site). He has a proper English accent like an upstanding gentleman. Liberal douche bags spawned this zealous maggot. I have no idea if he his family were hardworking blue collar people or white collar business men or welfare leeches but I do know the British society didn't stop this from happening. Maggots like this spit at the limp wrister liberal crowd and hide behind liberal laws meant for true persecuted minorities. A bullet in the head would be too good for this maggot......:angry:
WIR, you can view this horrid video ( I refuse to now, but, If I was still in the military I would) at Live Leaks. com. They will show the entire gruesome killing.
too bad it wasn't soros, adelson, or some aipac member getting his/her head sawed off
WIR, you can view this horrid video ( I refuse to now, but, If I was still in the military I would) at Live Leaks. com. They will show the entire gruesome killing.
Sadly enough I saw still photos and it made my blood boil. Spoiled maggots like the punk who introduced the prisoner deserve to be drawn and quartered. Normally if this was a despot like Saddam or Ghadafi I wouldn't care one lick about a death like this, but somebody that was in this part of the world to help civilians is killed like those evil dictators by a maggot who was taken into a Western country as full rights citizen is disgusting.
Everybody on this thread needs to take a deep breath and realize that the Western media is mind-****ing you into hating Muslims and supporting the endless military actions in Africa and the Middle East. If you still believe in the Bin Laden fairy tale, then you will certainly fall for ISIS, Baghdadi, the black guys who are supposed to be kidnapping young girls and boys, and any other bogeyman the CIA can create. As for me, I don't believe one goddamn word on the news, period. I don't believe any ****ing video they show me, including the fake plane disappearing into the WTC2, and this bull**** live beheading. Ask yourself this: who controls the media, and why do you believe what they are selling?
Everybody on this thread needs to take a deep breath and realize that the Western media is mind-****ing you into hating Muslims and supporting the endless military actions in Africa and the Middle East. If you still believe in the Bin Laden fairy tale, then you will certainly fall for ISIS, Baghdadi, the black guys who are supposed to be kidnapping young girls and boys, and any other bogeyman the CIA can create. As for me, I don't believe one goddamn word on the news, period. I don't believe any ****ing video they show me, including the fake plane disappearing into the WTC2, and this bull**** live beheading. Ask yourself this: who controls the media, and why do you believe what they are selling?
Ok, I hear you icsept, but please explain to me why a White sitting governor of MO. would say the sh*t he said about prosecuting the White Officer who smoked the gentle giant from assaulting him? He is a lawyer and former state attorney. Did the jews forcing his hand? If so, f*ck him and the rest. What he did is unconscionable by proclaiming that the officer be prosecuted without the grand jury deciding if a trail should go forward. I suspect the Officer will be put on trail not because of the F'n governor but by the wussy ass White sheeple. I hope that I am wrong.
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