Zionist Terror in Gaza

Here is more evidence that Antisemitism conditions people not to think negative thoughts about muslims.

Stormfront poster says ISIS is run by jews

Mr Punch: "That forum is crawling with Jews spreading their propaganda. They want to hide the facts that Jews control ISIS through the CIA, and through their control of America, and the fact that Jews are so immoral - going back to their religion."



jews and muslims are both semites
so antisemites are against both
instead of "antisemitism" you should have said "antizionism"
"Moslems, Christians, and Jews lived together in peace in the holy land before the Ashcan-nazis invaded from Europe."

that's why anti-zionism (=/= antisemitism) is suported by the leftists
according to them europeans disrupted the peace of the middle-east :icon_confused:
but jews are not europeans


no, israel has nothing to do with nazism
and just to make it clear, islam has nothing to do with nazism either


the very anti-white front de gauche (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Front_(France) ) and parti de gauche ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Left_Party_(France) ) show their support to the oppressed brown people of palestine
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For whatever reason Jews took to calling Central Europe after him and the name stuck. Nazi is also the way German pronounce the first syllable of the world National. Yiddish probably pronounces it similarly seeing as how it's a Germanic language.

The National Socialists did not call themselves "Nazis". *

The Ashkenazi (that I spelled "Ashcan-Nazi") Jews, who are not even Semitic despite their fondness for the appellation "Anti-Semite" which they use at every available opportunity, being possible descendents of Khazars or other Asia Minor, Turkic, Armenoid, or Iranian tribes, and subsequent shtetl inbreeding, and mixing with host populations, well, that's what they call themselves. Yes, interesting word play. I didn't invent it.

* Contrary to popular opinion, this was not an official National Socialist recruitment slogan:

"Don't be stupid, be a smarty, come and join the Nazi Party!"
Blond hair and blue-eyed? Of course they should go extinct. Finally the Jewish media has brainwashed even the Muslims to hate blond-haired blue eyed people. Their decades behind us Judeo-christian Americans but I believe they can catch up in a hurry.
Blond hair and blue-eyed? Of course they should go extinct. Finally the Jewish media has brainwashed even the Muslims to hate blond-haired blue eyed people. Their decades behind us Judeo-christian Americans but I believe they can catch up in a hurry.

Another conditioned response from Kaptain.

He is too quick to defend Muslims that he forgot Jews do not control the Media in Muslim countries.
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Ah yah, but the media that tells us that muslims are out to get us evil blonde haired bastards are 100% yid. We all know for fact that its the Jewish owned mass-media worldwide that denigrates the white race always has been and always will be. So YT, cry me a zioriver. Now go re-watch Schindler's list and have a good cry. :violin::violin:
Another conditioned response where the victim is too quick to defend Muslims that he forgot Jews do not control the Media in Muslim countries.

how could one hate the jews because of their semitic origin, and love islam (semitic religion), and the arabs, other semites?
what you are taliking about is anti-zionism, and it is a leftist, anti-racist thing
most of the anti-zionists are communists, anti-racists, and the only reason why they are against israel is because israel is a racist country
Ah yah, but the media that tells us that muslims are out to get us evil blonde haired bastards are 100% yid.

British slaves on the Barbary Coast


The Islamic colonists in Europe, so beloved by certain posters here, don't need the Jews Media to teach them how to hate the indigenous British, French, Dutch, Germans, etc. They see themselves as conquerors on our land. I believe a day will come when they will be given the same choice as the pied noirs of Algeria: La valise ou le cercueil.
The answer to these questions is simple, of course: Both John Crawford and Michael Brown were black.

We know the Tea Party isn't afraid to "patrol" dangerous areas. We know the NRA has money. One would think that the two groups would join forces and drive out to Ferguson with a few trucks full of guns, street soldiers, and good cheer. They could ensure that liberty was being maintained. This would be a great PR move - they could finally prove that when it's time to make a stand, they're willing to do it.
That is, if they cared about minorities, at all.
But the Tea Party, the NRA, and their ilk have been almost completely silent on the issue. Their sites instead are sending out the usual reports on illegal immigration and (white) citizens' rights to carry assault rifles in public. The Libertarians had nothing to say until August 14.
So, perhaps we should now be allowed to say out loud what we've known all along: That these organisations are not interested in liberty, but instead are focused on white supremacy at all costs. Perhaps in lieu of material support or a statement of solidarity, we can ask them to simply admit that they are uninterested in black and brown people.



"the oppressed stands with the oppressed
palestine stands with ferguson"

(the picture is from the article)
how could one hate the jews because of their semitic origin, and love islam (semitic religion), and the arabs, other semites?
what you are taliking about is anti-zionism, and it is a leftist, anti-racist thing
most of the anti-zionists are communists, anti-racists, and the only reason why they are against israel is because israel is a racist country

They are thought control victims, not anti-Zionist.

Antisemitism conditions them not to have negative thoughts about Muslims.
They are thought control victims, not anti-Zionist.

Antisemitism conditions them not to have negative thoughts about Muslims.

if you are antisemite because you think that jews are not europeans and shouldn't be in europe, then how are you going to accept millions of muslims in europe?
those who accept that are anti-zionists (=anti-racists, leftists)
and lets not forget who is pushing for the "multi-culture" in Europe [video=youtube;MFE0qAiofMQ]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFE0qAiofMQ[/video]
Islamic Terrorist Group Demands Islamic State in Downtown Oslo

We do not want to be a part of Norwegian society. And we do not consider it necessary either to move away from Norway, because we were born and grew up here. And Allah’s earth belongs to everybody. But let Grønland become ours. Bar this city quarter and let us control it the way we wish to do it. This is the best for both parts. We do not wish to live together with dirty beasts like you...

Do not force us to do something that can be avoided. This is not a threat, only the words of truth. The words of justice. A warning that the consequences can be fatal. A warning about a 9/11 on Norwegian ground, or larger attacks than the one carried out on July 22nd. This is for your own good and in your own best interest.

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Lets read between the lines and translate this:

“We do not want to be a part of Norwegian society. And we do not consider it necessary either to move away from Norway"

We want your country but we want to remain separate from you.

because we were born and grew up here.

We have as much right to be here as you

And Allah’s earth belongs to everybody. But let Grønland become ours.
People should be able to live wherever they want...but...this part is ours.

Get out, we took this part of your country so its ours now. You can live wherever you want just as long as its not here.

Bar this city quarter and let us control it the way we wish to do it.

Again, give us part of your country and get out. We're not saying we'll stay put in our little enclave though so if, or rather when we expand we're going to demand you give us more territory.

This is the best for both parts. We do not wish to live together with dirty beasts like you.”

You disgust us but we're not leaving. You should leave, this is ours now.

“Do not force us to do something that can be avoided. This is not a threat, only the words of truth. The words of justice. A warning that the consequences can be fatal. A warning about a 9/11 on Norwegian ground, or larger attacks than the one carried out on July 22nd. This is for your own good and in your own best interest.”

We're not threatening you...hey remember all those people who died? Yeah people die when they dont do what we demand, you should probably do as we say...totally not threatening you though honest!

Ladies and gentlemen I give you the "religion of peace" and our bestest buddies in the whole wide world because at least they hate the jews. Dont worry though I'm sure as soon as we all give them lots of hugs and a million kisses and absolve them of all crimes against our race and nations they'll realize we have a common enemy and as soon as we defeat those jews together our buddies will give up their desire to turn Europe into another islamic empire and shuffle off back to the middle east.
if you are antisemite because you think that jews are not europeans and shouldn't be in europe, then how are you going to accept millions of muslims in europe?
those who accept that are anti-zionists (=anti-racists, leftists)

Just who are these mystery people on Caste Football that you say want Mulsims in Europe? Nobody here is pushing for that and they never have. You are inventing crap to deflect from the people pushing for more non-white immigration in Europe which by in large are Jewish groups. That's just a fact. Either that or I totally misunderstood your post and it (no offense) isn't particularly well written.


"the oppressed stands with the oppressed
palestine stands with ferguson"

(the picture is from the article)

A 90 year old holocaust survivor (amazing how many survived) was arrested in the Ferguson riots. Not a silly tweet but a person actually on the street fomenting anti-white violence. What side do you think Jewish groups are on?

A 90 year old holocaust survivor (amazing how many survived) was arrested in the Ferguson riots. Not a silly tweet but a person actually on the street fomenting anti-white violence. What side do you think Jewish groups are on?


Uh oh, another one turned up! Let me see, that makes six million 977 thousand 432 Hollowhoax survivors now! Not bad, considering that at the maximum extent of his empire Hitler had only 4 million Jews under his control, and half the NS leadership had Jewish background themselves, not to mention the tens of thousands of Jews who fought FOR Hitler in the military.

What side are Jewish groups on? Answer that question by asking who controls the USSA mass media that orchestrated this latest negro rioting out of nothing - because if the giant black gangsta had succeeded in murdering the white officer they wouldn't have printed or said one word about it. . Three guesses?
Just who are these mystery people on Caste Football that you say want Mulsims in Europe? Nobody here is pushing for that and they never have. You are inventing crap to deflect from the people pushing for more non-white immigration in Europe which by in large are Jewish groups. That's just a fact. Either that or I totally misunderstood your post and it (no offense) isn't particularly well written.

my post was an answer to this message:

"Antisemitism conditions them not to have negative thoughts about Muslims."

i was not saying who is antizionist and who is not here, i was just explaining that an antisemite can't love muslims, only an antizionist can
Arab media? Who cares? It reaches nobody in the U.S.. That's like warning us about a library book hidden in some country middle school that nobody checks out. What's the point? Seems like deflection to me.

they are very powerfull
the guys who own al jazeera also own some of the biggest european soccer clubs, and also own the rights to show some of the biggest leagues in europe and in the US ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BeIN_Sports , http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/06/23/france-qatar-fund-idUSL5N0EZ0BS20130623 )
jews are not the only semites to come from the middle-east