Zionist Terror in Gaza

ISIS Buries 500 Yazidis Alive, Orders Others to Convert to Islam or Die

Not every Yazidi resident in northern Iraq escaped before the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, captured towns in the region. The terrorist group told the people to convert to Islam or die, killed 500 of them, buried some alive, and took hundreds of girls as slaves.
You made a thread about ISIS.


Put your comments about ISIS in your thread, this one is about Israel/Gaza.
ISIS Declares War On Whites

Yes you can, but you are just a jew who hates muslims and wants whites like us to fight your battles for you.

Calling me a Jew is a Self Defense mechanism.
3 people (stevo, werewolf, carcharias) have called me that.

Its a Pavlov reflex Antisemites have because they are conditioned not to think negative thoughts about Muslims.

Its similar to how people get uncomfortable when talking about Jews.
I'm sick of trolls like Y T Jones.

Until Don bans the obvious Zionist shill "Y T Jones", I won't be posting here on castefootball any more.

Calling me a Jew is a Self Defense mechanism.
3 people (stevo, werewolf, carcharias) have called me that.

Its a Pavlov reflex Antisemites have because they are conditioned not to think negative thoughts about Muslims.

Its similar to how people get uncomfortable when talking about Jews.

Calling someone "antisemitic" with a capitol A is like calling someone one a Racist, Nazi, or a Poo Poo face. It reveals more about the person calling the name than the person being called the name.

Just because someone dosent hate Islam with murderous zeal dosent make them "Antisemites".
I find it surprising that supposedly intelligent posters will take their ball and go home just because someone on the site has an opinion that differs from their own. Why not simply state your case, refute/debate the person that doesn't agree with you? As long as they aren't violating the site guidelines they have every right to post as you do.

I frankly agree with DixieDestroyer that they should just fight it out among themselves in their own hell holes. Y T Jones is correct in that they, and their guiding tomes are both our enemies. However, the insidious nature of the Talmudists have proven to be far more destructive than the Alluha Akbar-chanting savages could ever be.
I find it surprising that supposedly intelligent posters will take their ball and go home just because someone on the site has an opinion that differs from their own. Why not simply state your case, refute/debate the person that doesn't agree with you? As long as they aren't violating the site guidelines they have every right to post as you do.

I frankly agree with DixieDestroyer that they should just fight it out among themselves in their own hell holes. Y T Jones is correct in that they, and their guiding tomes are both our enemies. However, the insidious nature of the Talmudists have proven to be far more destructive than the Alluha Akbar-chanting savages could ever be.
i dont think anyone should leave, but i think the pro zionist/anti muslim stuff should go on in its own threads, and leave this to anti zionists. If you want to debate something fine, but at this point its just one liners and poorly researched articles with little to no commentary. So yeah dont take your ball and go home but also i dont think others should get mad and throw their ball in another persons court because nobody wants to play with you. (i dunno if that wording makes any sense hah)
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Here is more evidence that Antisemitism conditions people not to think negative thoughts about muslims.

Stormfront poster says ISIS is run by jews

Mr Punch: "That forum is crawling with Jews spreading their propaganda. They want to hide the facts that Jews control ISIS through the CIA, and through their control of America, and the fact that Jews are so immoral - going back to their religion."


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Here is more evidence that Antisemitism conditions people not think negative thoughts about Muslims.

Mr Punch of Stormfront writes: "That forum is crawling with Jews spreading their propaganda. They want to hide the facts that Jews control ISIS through the CIA, and through their control of America, and the fact that Jews are so immoral - going back to their religion."



Does that not sound familiar to what your reading here? He even accuses people of being Jews.

maybe because there are dozens of reports saying the leader of ISIS is a JEW. Info from Snowden that he was trained by the mossad and had to be taught about islam, as well has info about isis being tied to the cia which is what the guy is talking about

doesnt mean not to think negative about muslims. Most wouldnt say that muslims are automatically good since jews are evil.

i dont know how ppl deal with absolutes on muslims but get upset when people lump jews into the same category

please show us more of what you speak of , on every forum you visit, you have an eye for it, its almost like you get paid to do it.
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Here is more evidence that Antisemitism conditions people not to think negative thoughts about muslims.

Carcharias threatens to leave if I am not banned

I'm sick of trolls like Y T Jones.

Until Don bans the obvious Zionist shill "Y T Jones", I won't be posting here on castefootball any more.

Lew wants me banned, calls me a jew and says anti-muslim blogs are run by jews.

It is quite annoying that this lunatic is allowed to keep coming back

Anyway, Jews like to infiltrate sites like this

There's a reason why the most anti-Islam bloggers,commentators, and writers just happen to be Jewish.
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Lew;308528y said:
I'm no Islamic scholar but I'm pretty sure the verses in the Quran where all Muslims are commanded to kill all non-Muslims aren't very accurate and most likely taken way out of context :lol: Most of the barbaric acts you see committed by Muslims probably have more to do with the fact that those are third world people. The vast majority of the world's Christians live in the third world too, sub Saharan Africa is majority Christian. Does it make sense to blame Christianity for their savagery ? It doesn't really make sense to me when people say Islam is anti-White because it's an ideology that has nothing to do with race. There are millions of racially White Muslims. Believing in Muhammad instead of Jesus doesn't alter your DNA and rewire your brain so that you forget about those hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. The major religions just don't posses that type of pull over people. Most Muslims, just like most Christians, are casual followers of their religion. For them being Muslim/Christian is just about finding solace in death and knowing that one day you'll be reunited with the loved ones that you lost on earth.
Having studied the Quran and Hadith somewhat extensively, yes it does say to kill/convert all non-Muslims or at least have them subject to Jizya. However, like many milquetoast Christians, the vast majority of Muslims do not follow these commands, only a few (relatively) fringe players. And it IS NOT anti-white. It can be construed as such by people who are anti-white, but it's merely anti-non-Muslim, regardless of color or creed.
In spite of sheer numbers, the Quran and Muslims have very little influence on the plight of Westerners and whites in particular. The adherents of the Talmud (another book I've studied a bit) are who we should be concerned with. I doubt that anyone can legitimately argue otherwise.
Here is more evidence that Antisemitism conditions people not to think negative thoughts about muslims.


Dailystormer poster celebrates death of Lee Rigby


Daily Stormer poster thinks believing muslims killed Lee Rigby means you want to bomb Syria and Iran

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Don is the boss. Pressuring him publicly to ban someone is silly. So a Zionist post on this thread. They post on every public place but this is the one place you actually get to respond without getting your post deleted or getting banned. Take advantage. Bring your argument instead of taking your ball and going home.

Personally, I like a good argument. i'll agree that the numerous pro-zionist fly-by posts are getting to be a bit much. But still it is far less than what you will encounter on other sites. Here the Zionists are in minority. Their pro-zionists posts are usually well countered.

I will reiterate this one more time - Do not tell Don what to do! Make your arguments and defend yourself. If there are Zionist trolls on this site and you quit then they played the game perfectly and you lost. Sharpen you skills boys.
"Having studied the Quran and Hadith somewhat extensively, yes it does say to kill/convert all non-Muslims"

Bull****. What non-stop zio-bull**** they're spreading around now.

Personally I've got no use for the lot of em, all those narrow minded and cruel middle eastern monotheists, mohammedans, zhids, and christian fanatics too, but the most tolerant and peaceful of them has been the first. Zhids, Christians, and Moslems lived in peace for centuries in the middle east before the Zios invaded and turned the place from one of the most peaceful parts of the world into hell on earth.

The Moslems venerate Jesus and thus respect Christians. Iraq's ambassador to the UN, before Washington-Aviv trashed the nation, was a Christian. The only ones that hate Jesus and Christians are the Jews.

Iran has a loyal Jewish population that the Isra-hellis tried unsuccessfully to bribe to come to their ****ty little country.
Personally, I like a good argument. i'll agree that the numerous pro-zionist fly-by posts are getting to be a bit much. But still it is far less than what you will encounter on other sites. Here the Zionists are in minority. Their pro-zionists posts are usually well countered.

...If there are Zionist trolls on this site and you quit then they played the game perfectly and you lost. Sharpen you skills boys.

I agree. It's boring preaching to the choir, and shills move the threads along.
YT Jones you really have shown us your hand with your repeated use of the buzz word "Antisemetic". Always capitol A of course.
Here is more evidence that Antisemitism conditions people not to think negative thoughts about muslims.

Werewolf says FootballDad is wrong and that Islam is more peaceful than Christianity and Judaism.

"Having studied the Quran and Hadith somewhat extensively, yes it does say to kill/convert all non-Muslims"

Bull****. What non-stop zio-bull**** they're spreading around now.

mohammedans, zhids, and christian fanatics... but the most tolerant and peaceful of them has been the first.

The Moslems venerate Jesus and thus respect Christians.
Here is more evidence that Antisemitism conditions people not to think negative thoughts about muslims.

Werewolf says FootballDad is wrong and that Islam is more peaceful than Christianity and Judaism.

Of course you get shills like this one here who just stares straight ahead and ignores everything and chants his litany...and what does that snippet of what I said above have to do with anything? Moslems, Christians, and Jews lived together in peace in the holy land before the Ashcan-nazis invaded from Europe. Now the zhids won't even let the Christians celebrate Christmas in Bethlehem, and they regularly engage in the fun Jewish activity of mass murdering their goy neighbors with American donated weapons.

Iraq was the most rapidly advancing and modernizing Arab country before the zio-americans made their "Shock and awe" sneak attack. Now look what they have done to it. "Mission accomplished", yeah right. Mission accomplished for Isra-hell. Iraq's modernization scared the ****ty little country, and that's why they had the colony destroy it for them.
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Also, imho, there's not much point in devoting much effort to this particular place. There are few people here and many of them come from widely different outlooks and backgrounds. But you can fight with people and make new enemies all over the world. That's what's great about the internet.

Here is more evidence that Antisemitism conditions people not to think negative thoughts about muslims.

Werewolf compares Jews to Nazis and says Palestinians are White

Moslems, Christians, and Jews lived together in peace in the holy land before the Ashcan-nazis invaded from Europe.
link link
Semites are a branch of the white race.




All Palestinians.
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Here is more evidence that Antisemitism conditions people not to think negative thoughts about muslims.

Werewolf compares Jews to Nazis and says Palestinians are White

Your cut and pastes snippets make no sense at all. And suppose you show me where I compared Jews to Nazis. "Nazis", including many righteous Jews, fought long and heroically against this same ancient evil that brought us Bolshevism and Zionism...and now the USSA. Anyway, your random cut and pastes and chantings make no sense at all. I don't even think you're sane.
I went back and added links

Don't act dumb. You did a world play on the word Ashkenazi and seperated Ashcan and Nazi part.
There's a reason why the most anti-Islam bloggers,commentators, and writers just happen to be Jewish. Same reason why Hollywood has spent the last 60 years vilifying and villainizing Arabs. You willl never see the mainstream media talk about another minority group the way they talk about Muslims. The reason for all of this is Israel. Anti-Muslim sentiment directly leads to Pro Israel/Jewish sentiment, even if that means people who used to hate Israel just start to become neutral on Israel because they've now also been conditioned to hate Muslims too. So there isn't a moral response anymore to witnessing Israel's brutality. Score one for the Jews. I've even seen liberals who used to support Palestine become pro Israel because they started to hate Islam.

I'm no Islamic scholar but I'm pretty sure the verses in the Quran where all Muslims are commanded to kill all non-Muslims aren't very accurate and most likely taken way out of context :lol: Most of the barbaric acts you see committed by Muslims probably have more to do with the fact that those are third world people. The vast majority of the world's Christians live in the third world too, sub Saharan Africa is majority Christian. Does it make sense to blame Christianity for their savagery ? It doesn't really make sense to me when people say Islam is anti-White because it's an ideology that has nothing to do with race. There are millions of racially White Muslims. Believing in Muhammad instead of Jesus doesn't alter your DNA and rewire your brain so that you forget about those hundreds of thousands of years of evolution. The major religions just don't posses that type of pull over people. Most Muslims, just like most Christians, are casual followers of their religion. For them being Muslim/Christian is just about finding solace in death and knowing that one day you'll be reunited with the loved ones that you lost on earth.

if you attack islam because it is a threat to "occidental" "civilisation", like for example: oh islam is racist, islam is fascism, islam is sexist
then you are doing the same as the jews
if you attack islam because it is a threat to racially-aware whites then you're doing the oposite of what the jews do
here is an example of criticism of islam from a white point of view: http://www.castefootball.us/forums/showthread.php/16565-race-mixing-in-islam
believe me no jew is going to agree with that

islam is 100% against racially aware people (nobody should take pride in their heritage according to them) but it is relatively tolerant regarding christianism and judaism, that's why jews don't fear being surrounded by them (they call them people of the book http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_of_the_Book )
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