Wladimir Klitschko vs. Jean-Marc Mormeck

Fight starts kind of ugly, height disparity is creating a lot of holding.

Klitschko landing a lot of jabs, left hooks. Also timing that right hand.

I actually thought Mormeck was a bit shook up in that round.

Good start from Wlad

1-0 Wlad
Wlad being extra aggressive and absolutely dominating Mormeck.

Wlad looking to KO this guy with rights and left hooks.

Wlad looks amazing and Mormeck going down.

2-0 Wlad
4Punch Combination knocks Mormeck out. Very nice KO from Wlad!

This is right up there with the best Ive ever seen Wlad look. He looked nothing short of fantastic tonight.

Great Knockout as well.

Wlad PoundforPound #1, best boxer in the World!

Yes he beat an overmatched opponent, but he was an opponent who is a former undisputed champion.

This is a very impressive result from Wlad. He absolutely pummeled and annihilated this guy and looked great doing it.

Excellent result!

10/10 for Wlad's performance!
Mormeck was knocked out with his eyes open....:tongue: He was complaining to the referee about about a foul when the blow was completely clean. Wow it was like the Austin ko.....
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Great combination by Wlad to remove Jean's senses. I could tell Steward was getting frustrated and lit a fire into Wlad and it worked. Wlad really showed a sense of urgency. Congrats...............NEX!
Pure class performance from Wladimir, Mormeck initiating much of the holding, while Wladimir moving light on his feet, was throwing blazing jabs and combinations. Great stuff !
The "Frenchman", like Haye, was scared stiff. Mormeck was so scared he didn't even try to punch. Haye's legs turned to rubber.
The whole show was great, starting with the entrances, i had a friend over watching the fight and he was genuinely impressed by both the event and the way Wladimir handled Mormeck which he though would do well...

What happened to Mormeck is what happened to every contender claiming they would get inside and crack his chin. Suddenly, they get stunned by jabs from a giant moving as fast as them and realise they're in deep.
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Damn. I just got home and I missed the entire fight. If someone has hilites of the knockout, please post the video. Congrats to the best boxer on the planet with his brother being a close second. These guys are both incredible. I wonder what the dwf's and stupid media will say now. I love it!!!
Here's a video of the fight (russian broadcast): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnvZUJcMB1U

Thank you for the link.

That's as one-sided a bout as I've ever seen. The "Frenchman" was so out of his league that words can't describe it. At least the White "tomato cans" back in the heyday of American Negro heavyweight dominance tried to put up a fight.
What happened to Mormeck is what happened to every contender claiming they would get inside and crack his chin. Suddenly, they get stunned by jabs from a giant moving as fast as them and realise they're in deep.[/QUOTE]
Precisely! Every fighter or affelet thinks this. There was a time years ago, if they weathered the storm, and Wlad would get gassed, then their opportunity would come, like with Purrity and the 1st Brewester fights. Now that Wlad has solved his conditioning issue, I don't think anyone for the next 5 years will beat him. Dan Rafael has a good piece in ESPN Boxing. He advises to Wlad to surpass Joe Louis "bum of month" record.
Right near the end of the fight, Mormek tries a left hook that Vlad easily blocks. I think Vlad knew Mormek was going to throw it before Mormek did.

But really, this match-up was pathetic.

Tommy Morrison (if he's still alive) would have been more of a threat.
Thank you so much for posting the fight video. I enjoyed it like if I had watched it live. I was all pumped up. Wladimir has become such a dominant all around boxer. He really doesn't have any weakness anymore. In the beginning, he had a suspect chin and poor conditioning but he has solved both of those issues. What a true champion. He should be the hero of kids in America but he is almost unheard of. Gee, I wonder why that is? The same thing they did to Tommy Morrison when he won the belt by beating Gerorge Foreman. He is white so they ignore him in the U.S. Media. Then the fans are so stupid and brainwashed as well. Just like in politics. What a bunch of sheep being lead to the slaughter. Wake up America. The K2 Brothers are the type that comes around once in your life time. Watch greatness live while you can before they are only a memory. The two greatest heavyweights of all time!
I expected it to end in the fight. Other than a prime Vitali(8 years ago) I'd say Wladimir is the beast heavyweight of all time.
Great combination by Wlad to remove Jean's senses. I could tell Steward was getting frustrated and lit a fire into Wlad and it worked. Wlad really showed a sense of urgency. Congrats...............NEX!

Westside, Wladimir should be screaming "Who NEx!
What we are seeing here is a once in a lifetime sports phenomenon. The K brothers are the greatest heavyweights of all time. Not since Babe Ruth ruled baseball in the 1920's has any athlete so dominated their sport. Yet all you see on the dumb assed boxing forums are brainless little twerps trying their very best to disparage them.

As for Mormeck, keep in mind that he beat heavyweight contenders like Ibragamov and Oquendo - in fact Oquendo should have been one of the heavyweight champs, but he's been robbed so many times it isn't funny, vs. Byrd for instance, plus Mormeck was the cruiserweight champ, but vs. Wlad it was like it wasn't even a sparring match. No other heavyweight in history, aside from the K's, could ever perform anywhere remotely near to this, so totally dominant that they win every round and usually don't even get their hair mussed doing so.
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That’s 15 straight wins for Wladimir since that bizarre evening with Lamon Brewster in 2004.

Another heavyweight fight, another pummeled black fighter left lying at the feet of a victorious white man. Mormeck was utterly overwhelmed by his physicality, athleticism, prowess, and masculinity. I hope that German teenagers that have grown up during the “Klitschko Era” will be inspired to carry this white flame well into the future...


CAPTION: Steel Hammer to the Face

Of course, ESPN had no mention of this fight (aside from their “bottom ticker”) during their various Sunday morning broadcasts.

Thanks for the stream. Great fight by Wlad. That black fighter was horrible. He had nothing. Another chocolate pudding cup for him to stomp on. The modern black fighter is HORRIBLE against the Klitschkos.

The idea of black boxers having any natural advantage against white boxers is a joke. When faced with a superior White fighter they crumple up like an empty beer can.

I wish there were some black americans that weren't fat lazy welfare bums and were forced to so something like box so that the Klitschkos could clean thier clocks too. ---the AA players of the NFL and the bean poles of the NBA don''t count because if there wasn't a White power structure propping them up most wouldn't even be playing.
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