Wladimir Klitschko vs. Jean-Marc Mormeck

Of course, ESPN had no mention of this fight (aside from their “bottom tickerâ€￾) during their various Sunday morning broadcasts.

Yes, its no secret that American media does not report on, does not want to report on, and ultimately engages in censorship of the success of white boxers. Particularly when many white boxers are beating, knocking out Negro opponents.

The reality of boxing today is that the best fighters, and majority of titleholders are European. But funny that watching American television does not reflect that reality.

What we have seen in boxing in the past 15 years has been revolutionary and caste-shattering, and the American media has literally tried to hide this. It is now the norm in boxing, in all weightclasses, for white fighters to dominate black fighters.

Furthermore, companies like HBO and Showtime are very direct about their noncoverage of white success. HBO has even literally stated that they were "out of the heavyweight division".
Although American Media largely ignores the success of white boxers. We have to approach this issue from a global perspective.

Several sources have reported that upwards of 500 Million people watched Wlad Klitschko beat halfNegro (but Full Negro for caste and propaganda purposes) David Haye in July 2011. There has been some criticism on the number of 500Million, and some people have said that it is probably a high estimate and in reality the number is lower.

In any case, YOU WOULD BE COMPLETELY CORRECT to say that Wladimir Klitschko beating Negro David Haye is the biggest fight in the history of boxing in the sense that it certainly had the highest viewership in history.

Quite honestly, even conservative estimates would say that as many people watched Klitschko W 12 Haye as did the FIFA World Cup Final.

In truth, Wladimir Klitschko is a mega-celebrity in Europe, and his fights attract 50,000+ (more than triple any Black American fighter) spectators plus millions upon millions viewing over TV.

Klitschko's star power is literally humongous and thats great news for us. What it means is that millions upon millions upon millions of people watch his fights.

Wlad Klitschko is much more of a draw than any American fighters, and probably attracts the most views of any boxer in the entire world. He is a mega-star and his fight with Haye is easily the most watched boxing match in history.

This is great news for us.
Yeah, Vlad is treated as if he is irrelevant in the U.S., but the irony is the U.S. is well on its way to becoming irrelevant itself. It may not even exist in a few years.

Those fleas better find another dog to jump on.
Quite honestly, even conservative estimates would say that as many people watched Klitschko W 12 Haye as did the FIFA World Cup Final.

no way
it wasn't even available on free TV in france
but it's true that in france, everybody knew about the fight
so his easy victory had a huge impact on how whites are viewed in boxing, and in sports in general
no way
it wasn't even available on free TV in france
but it's true that in france, everybody knew about the fight
so his easy victory had a huge impact on how whites are viewed in boxing, and in sports in general

The "official" number of people who watched on TV Wladimir beat Haye is 500Million. This number has been cited numerous times by numerous sources all over the internet, and Ive read from numerous sources that 500Million People watched the fight.

According to this article, 500 Million People watched Wladimir beat Negro Haye in July 2011, http://wnu-ukraine.com/news/sports/?id=454

According to this forum post, RTL (German Television Channel) cites that 500 Million People watched Wlad beat Haye

This article as well claims that 500 Million People constituted the total audience to see Wlad beat Haye

According to this article, 16 Million People just in Germany watched the fight (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/bo...nts-personal--runaway-David-Haye-deliver.html). That is remarkable and about 1 out of every 5 Germans watched the fight. This is a highly credible source as well. 16 Mill in Germany and you can figure another 16 Mill in the UK, plus 5Mill or so in North America. Then you've got the rest of Europe.

Personally, I would think the number of 500 Million People is somewhat exaggerated. Id say a good estimate would be 150Mill+ People in the World as a total audiecne. Which is still AMAZING and GREAT NEWS for us.

REALISTICALLY, Id say that Wlad beating Negro Haye is probably the most watched boxing fight of alltime. It was HUGE in Europe, and total viewership would probably be on par with other major sports events such as UEFA Champions League or so.

In any case. Wlad beating Negro Haye was a HUGE fight, arguably the biggest fight of alltime in terms of viewership. It was a HUGE WIN for a white athlete against a Negro on the absolute biggest stage.

Wladimir beating David Haye probably represents the biggest stage that a white athlete has ever beat a Negro on.

Wladimir is a mega celebirty and even his fight with Mormeck had more than 50,000 fans in attendance, plus probably a huge amount watching on TV as well.

The audience for Wlad/Mormeck is probably about half of what it was for Haye/Klitschko which is also great news.

Klitschko's fights receive amazing ratings in Europe and on a global level, and what that means is that many people are watching these European athletes dominate Negroes.

You can be sure that tens of millions of people watched all of Wlad's last few fights.
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I think the World Cup Final has the highest viewership of any sporting event in the world. Usually the figure is quoted at a billion people. I recall when Tyson fought Holyfield the second time Don King told a half truth about billions watching the event because he got Indian and Chinese television to show the fight. Reporters looked into the matter and they found out he gave the rights away for free so that he could state "billions" watched the event....:biggrin::thumbdown:
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