Wladimir Klitschko vs David Haye July 2011

werewolf said:
white lightning said:
This is going to be the fight of the decade...

I doubt it. The preening chest-pounding chimp is a total hype job. He has never even beaten one single top heavyweight.
Haye is no better than fighter's Wladimir has already beat
Brock was an all-around fighters, and better than Haye in every way IMO..
GiovaniMarcon said:
If Haye is staring off into space and drooling all over himself, he's just getting into character for his future life as a vegetable after he gets his face punched off by Wlad.

Ha ha!
The Gaymaker will not finish the fight after absorbing an assortment of "boring, left hand right hands" as he puts it. I look for Gayvid to find a soft spot, get a towel tossed in, or quit on his stool well before Wlad gets a chance to knock him out.

What I want to see is an absolute beating in the manner that was delivered to Shannon one lung Briggs, however, the Gaymaker will not stay in the fight long enough for that scenario.
Here are some David Haye quotes about his July bout against Klitschko,just to make sure you are alllooking forward to this one.

"I believe Wladimir Klitschko is solely responsible for killing the heavyweight division,"
"He is manufactured and boring, that is why he needs to be eradicated."
<DIV ="videoInStoryC">
<DIV ="videoInStoryC">On not shaking Wlads hand, "Maybe I don't have respect or class: we are two animals, two dogs in a fight, I'm a dog you can't control. I am a prime fighting machine,"
<DIV ="videoInStoryC">
"He made some joke about my Twitter page... he's trying to come up with jokes and his personality is exactly how he fights - boring. That is exactly why he needs to be eradicated from the heavyweight division."

"Jab, jab, grab. Jab, jab, grab - that's all he does. On fight night his circuits will be blown.

"He's too slow, he's coming to a gun fight unarmed and he is going to get destroyed."

"I've seen his style and seen what he does in the ring and he's a fraud,"
"He wears big shoulderpads in his gown and picks guys who suit him perfectly, but I'm not fooled."

"The boxing gods have decided 2 July is the date I become unified champion".

"I looked into [Klitschko's] eyes for 20 minutes and visualised me destroying him, I looked into his eyes and saw him beaten and broken. He's never fought anyone with my attributes"
"I'm someone who's going to mess with him, inside and outside of the ring, inside his head - he's in for a fight."

"He'll do what he always does. I've fought these 'robots' before - I've never lost, at amateur or professional level, to an eastern European fighter and that's not going to change now.

"Wladimir Klitschko's not tough enough, mentally or physically, no way - unless he gets a chin transplant, and with eight weeks I don't think there's time enough for that to heal.

"As soon as I let my hands go, the fight's over"
"He's getting destroyed."

"I know what he's about. I was watching this guy even when I was a cruiserweight, I believed I could knock him out even then.

"For the first time he's fighting someone who's healthy, he normally picks people who are injured or coming off a long lay-off. I'm a prime athlete in my peak coming off a nice long streak of spectacular victories.

"And I'm used to winning titles abroad - I went to Paris and beat the undisputed cruiserweight champion in Jean Marc Mormeck, I went to Germany and beat a 7ft 2in giant in Nikolay Valuev, who Wladimir and his brother [WBC title-holder Vitali] have been avoding for years.
<DIV ="audioInStoryC">Edited by: devans
I wouldn't be surprised if:

(a) Haye suffers a spurious "injury" prior to the fight, thus forcing a postponement, e.g. he slips a disc while wiping his arse; or

(b) Haye keeps running away for a round (or two at most), all the while showboating at a safe distance in Clay-esque style. He then ostentatiously fakes an injury, claims that Klitschko's gloves are laced with kryptonite, that a racist in the crowd blinded him with a pea-shot crystal of rock salt, or manufactures any one of a number of other ridiculous excuses to avoid the inevitable humiliating thrashing...
What I want to see is an absolute beating in the manner that was delivered to Shannon one lung Briggs, however, the Gaymaker will not stay in the fight long enough for that scenario.

Right on! I don't want a great fight, I want a great performance. No "fight of the year," just total domination. Haye thinks Wlad is boring? I want him to see just how painful "boring" can be.
"As soon as I let my hands go, the fight's over"

Haye produced this this rediculously comical quote in reference to his (supposedly legitimate) "knocking out"Â￾ of the portly, 39-year old black nobody, Audley "Now!"Â￾ Harrison.

Haye also stated that he expects thousands of English fans to make the trip to Germany in order to watch their "native son"Â￾ defeat a white man first hand.

Judging by the perpetually-inebriated white fanboys littering every single English soccer stadium, well, for the first moment in his life, something uttered by Gavid Gaye might actually be based in reality.
"Haye also stated that he expects thousands of English fans to make the
trip to Germany in order to watch their "native son"Â￾ defeat a white man
first hand."

Yeah, it got the "native" part right anyway. Did it actually say "defeat a white man", not that it would make much difference to his dumbed down drunken nominally white followers.

As for the gay boy doing some goofy showboat tactics to avoid an actual fight, that's what I've been expecting all along. Ideally the fight will actually take place and Wlad will actually catch up to the fleeing mulatto and decapitate it, just like on Zippy's t-shirt, only in reverse.

Edited by: werewolf
werewolf said:
"Haye also stated that he expects thousands of English fans to make the trip to Germany in order to watch their "native son"Â￾ defeat a white man first hand."

Yeah, it got the "native" part right anyway. Did it actually say "defeat a white man", not that it would make much difference to his dumbed down drunken nominally white followers.

As for the gay boy doing some goofy showboat tactics to avoid an actual fight, that's what I've been expecting all along. Ideally the fight will actually take place and Wlad will actually catch up to the fleeing monkey and decapitate it, just like on Zippy's t-shirt, only in reverse.
Speaking of t-shirts, wheres Haye's decapitated Klitschko head t-shirt?
Is he afraid to wear it now?
werewolf said:
"Haye also stated that he expects thousands of English fans to make the
trip to Germany in order to watch their "native son"Â￾ defeat a white man
first hand."Yeah, it got the "native" part right anyway.  Did it actually say "defeat a white man", not that it would make much difference to his dumbed down drunken nominally white followers.As for the gay boy doing some goofy showboat tactics to avoid an actual fight, that's what I've been expecting all along.  Ideally the fight will actually take place and Wlad will actually catch up to the fleeing monkey and decapitate it, just like on Zippy's t-shirt, only in reverse.

Hey man, I really enjoy your posts"¦but try to tone down your usage of terminology referencing "primates"Â￾ when discussing blacks. This type of language violates the CF posting guidelines pertaining to racial slurs.

I'm certainly not trying to lecture you, as your posts are always vastly more intelligent than mine regarding boxing.

And no, Haye did not say "to defeat a white man," it was merely implied (white fans have always choosen nation over race).Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen, not to be a hijaker of this thread, but why is ok to call George W. Bush "chimp in chief" a couple of years ago but WW can't call Haye a fleeing monkey? I thought CF did not support double standards here, like our twisted dumbed down society does.

Is it ok to refer to White men, no matter how flawed as primates, but unacceptable, when black men no matter how vile, being called a primates is not acceptable? Something is not right about that. Just my opinion.
Westside said:
Thrashen, not to be a hijaker of this thread, but why is ok to call George W. Bush "chimp in chief" a couple of years ago but WW can't call Haye a fleeing monkey? I thought CF did not support double standards here, like our twisted dumbed down society does.

Is it ok to refer to White men, no matter how flawed as primates, but unacceptable, when black men no matter how vile, being called a primates is not acceptable? Something is not right about that. Just my opinion.

Thrashen never said it was okay to call George W. Bush "chimp in chief" a couple of years ago.
Thrashen said:
Hey man, I really enjoy your posts"¦but try to tone down your usage of terminology referencing "primates"Â￾ when discussing blacks... .

Sorry about my bad language, Thrashen. Would it be OK if I change "fleeing monkey" to "fleeing mulatto"? I think it sounds funnier that way anyhow.

The interesting thing is if you'd call me a monkey I would just think it's funny, but if you call a Negro a monkey it's a federal case. I wonder why that is.

Reminds me of the time I was standing around the gorillas at the Bronx Zoo and there was a herd of "African Americans" and they were yelling to each other - "Ha ha, dat one dare look like yo Uncle Leroy!" "Dat one look like yo sister Lateesha!" "No, dat one ovuh dare look like yo mama!"

Edited by: werewolf
Thrashen said:
"As soon as I let my hands go, the fight's over"

Haye produced this this rediculously comical quote in reference to his (supposedly legitimate) "knocking out"Â￾ of the portly, 39-year old black nobody, Audley "Now!"Â￾ Harrison.

Haye also stated that he expects thousands of English fans to make the trip to Germany in order to watch their "native son"Â￾ defeat a white man first hand.

Judging by the perpetually-inebriated white fanboys littering every single English soccer stadium, well, for the first moment in his life, something uttered by Gavid Gaye might actually be based in reality.

Mr. Gaye still has some fans in Britain. Quite a few have left his "side" due to his stupidity and immaturity. I'd love to see the fight go exactly as Wladimir says, 12 rounds and then a knockout in the last round.
Edited by: whiteathlete33
Wladimir Klitschko has reportedly broken up with his girlfriend Hayden Panettiere.

They have mutually separated after 2 years together.

This looks legit, and has been reported over the LA times as well as several other news agencies.

Hopefully this doesnt affect Wlad's performance. He is a professional so I doubt it will.
Thrashen said:
Hey man, I really enjoy your posts"¦but try to tone down your usage of terminology referencing "primates"Â￾ when discussing blacks... .

There's actually a good reason why it is acceptably to call a white man an ape but to never call a negro that.

Calling a white man an "ape" is like calling a man who is 6'4" "short". It is absolutely meaningless, since we do not resemble apes.

But full-blooded negroes DO have a certain resemblance to apes. Their jaws protrude. The front part of their heads is usually smaller. Their eyes are different. Their arms are longer, on average. The inside of their hands are light, while the backs of their hands are dark, just like bonobo chimpanzees. They are more promiscious, like chimpanzees. They have longer fingers.

But no, negroes are NOT apes, they are homo sapiens. They can talk, they can read, they can use a computer. But I do think they are a more primitive, less-evolved form of humans. This is of course more evident in a full-blooded negro like Sam Peter than someone who is mulatto like Barack Obama, who obviously has some of his mother's intelligence.

Have you ever read about the black chimpanzees of the Congo known as bonobos? They are extremely promiscious.

That's like watching negro porn Parody!
We used to have a real good poster around here (who no longer posts) that objected to refering to blacks as gorilla's because he pointed out there is probably no animal on earth that is more peaceful, intelligent, and noble then the gorilla. He felt it was a grave diservice to compare african humans to those gentle and classy giants. I would have to agree.
jaxvid said:
We used to have a real good poster around here (who no longer posts) that objected to refering to blacks as gorilla's because he pointed out there is probably no animal on earth that is more peaceful, intelligent, and noble then the gorilla. He felt it was a grave diservice to compare african humans to those gentle and classy giants. I would have to agree.

Hate to tell ya, boss, but that would have been yours truly, moi. Gorillas, unlike humans, are nice people.

Also, on the misnomer of calling Negroes Africans. Africa is a continent not a race. It is a continent consisting of four major races and many sub races. Until relatively recent historical times the Negro was confined to sub-Saharan west central Africa. The Negro has expanded its territory - largely because of the negro slavery export racket - more than any other race. You wouldn't think that these sub-humans adapted for a life in the humid jungle would not be adaptable to cold climates in places such as Detroit and Montreal, but unfortunately they are.

Edited by: werewolf
I bet that David Haye won't even show up to fight again and claim an injury. This fool is a joke.
Spartan said:
I bet that David Haye won't even show up to fight again and claim an injury. This fool is a joke.

Welcome to the boards, Spartan. It's nice to have some people from Europe.

In regards to Haye, I was thinking the same thing. However, I just can't see him backing out again. He already pulled that several times now and he'll look even more foolish.
whiteathlete33 said:
Spartan said:
I bet that David Haye won't even show up to fight again and claim an injury. This fool is a joke.

Welcome to the boards, Spartan. It's nice to have some people from Europe.

In regards to Haye, I was thinking the same thing. However, I just can't see him backing out again. He already pulled that several times now and he'll look even more foolish.
I don't think he'll backout this time, all the signs are there that Haye will go through with it. His white woman has left him and got a divorce attorney, the WBA will force Haye to fight Chagaev or Povetkin and he will be ko'd for a lot less money. David has milked his paper title for all he can get and its time to cash out now.

He'll get somewhere around twenty million for this fight, manager, promoter and trainer will get half, taxman will get about 30%, white "gold digging" wife gets half of whats left, two or three years worth of white "hoes", crack and cheap fortified wine and hes broke.
lost said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Spartan said:
I bet that David Haye won't even show up to fight again and claim an injury. This fool is a joke.

Welcome to the boards, Spartan. It's nice to have some people from Europe.

In regards to Haye, I was thinking the same thing. However, I just can't see him backing out again. He already pulled that several times now and he'll look even more foolish.
I don't think he'll backout this time, all the signs are there that Haye will go through with it. His white woman has left him and got a divorce attorney, the WBA will force Haye to fight Chagaev or Povetkin and he will be ko'd for a lot less money. David has milked his paper title for all he can get and its time to cash out now.

He'll get somewhere around twenty million for this fight, manager, promoter and trainer will get half, taxman will get about 30%, white "gold digging" wife gets half of whats left, two or three years worth of white "hoes", crack and cheap fortified wine and hes broke.

20 million? Is it really that much? I was thinking he'd get something in the ballpark of 10 million, maybe a little less.

Lost, help me out on this one? How much did Tyson make back in the day in his big heavyweight title fights? I could have sworn it was around 30 million for some fights? I think Gayweather also made 20 million in some of his recent fights.
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