Wladimir Klitschko vs David Haye July 2011

Post jail Tyson got a minimum of 10 million a fight and routinely got 20 million plus. He got about 30 million for Bruno, Holyfield II and maybe Lewis. I know Lewis got about 30 for the Tyson fight.
white is right said:
Post jail Tyson got a minimum of 10 million a fight and routinely got 20 million plus. He got about 30 million for Bruno, Holyfield II and maybe Lewis. I know Lewis got about 30 for the Tyson fight.

Thanks for that info, Whiteisright. The reason Tyson got so much is because the DWF's purchased the PPV bouts in record numbers. Tyson was a big attraction for the average DWF. Tyson has five of the top 10 ppv fights in boxing history. It's a shame the Klitschko's can't generate such a following, at least not in the US.
From what ive read Tyson made an astronimical amount of money after being released from prison,something like 200 million by the time he beat Bruno which was only 3 fights post prison.He was making in the region of 30 million a fight aswell as millions from the networks for the rights to show his fights.No other athlete has earned that much in such a short space of time and amazing that its almost 20 years since these figures.
Mighty Joe said:
From what ive read Tyson made an astronimical amount of money after being released from prison,something like 200 million by the time he beat Bruno which was only 3 fights post prison.He was making in the region of 30 million a fight aswell as millions from the networks for the rights to show his fights.No other athlete has earned that much in such a short space of time and amazing that its almost 20 years since these figures.

He made a ton of money in his first fight out of prison with Peter McNeely. That fight was one of the most hyped boxing matches in history. The promoters also knew that if they stick Tyson in there with a white guy the ppv sales would be even higher.

The Klitschko's won't be able to touch those numbers because of the hate they are exposed to from the media and average DWF.Edited by: whiteathlete33
whiteathlete33 said:
lost said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Spartan said:
I bet that David Haye won't even show up to fight again and claim an injury. This fool is a joke.

Welcome to the boards, Spartan. It's nice to have some people from Europe.

In regards to Haye, I was thinking the same thing. However, I just can't see him backing out again. He already pulled that several times now and he'll look even more foolish.
I don't think he'll backout this time, all the signs are there that Haye will go through with it. His white woman has left him and got a divorce attorney, the WBA will force Haye to fight Chagaev or Povetkin and he will be ko'd for a lot less money. David has milked his paper title for all he can get and its time to cash out now.

He'll get somewhere around twenty million for this fight, manager, promoter and trainer will get half, taxman will get about 30%, white "gold digging" wife gets half of whats left, two or three years worth of white "hoes", crack and cheap fortified wine and hes broke.

20 million? Is it really that much? I was thinking he'd get something in the ballpark of 10 million, maybe a little less.

Lost, help me out on this one? How much did Tyson make back in the day in his big heavyweight title fights? I could have sworn it was around 30 million for some fights? I think Gayweather also made 20 million in some of his recent fights.
Tyson got as I recall 20 million against Spinks, but you must remember that it was not until the champions became white that a 50/50 spilt started to be the PC way to go. Back then, It was common for a Champions to take 75% not the 50/50 that Haye is getting.
lost said:
whiteathlete33 said:
lost said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Spartan said:
I bet that David Haye won't even show up to fight again and claim an injury. This fool is a joke.

Welcome to the boards, Spartan. It's nice to have some people from Europe.

In regards to Haye, I was thinking the same thing. However, I just can't see him backing out again. He already pulled that several times now and he'll look even more foolish.
I don't think he'll backout this time, all the signs are there that Haye will go through with it. His white woman has left him and got a divorce attorney, the WBA will force Haye to fight Chagaev or Povetkin and he will be ko'd for a lot less money. David has milked his paper title for all he can get and its time to cash out now.

He'll get somewhere around twenty million for this fight, manager, promoter and trainer will get half, taxman will get about 30%, white "gold digging" wife gets half of whats left, two or three years worth of white "hoes", crack and cheap fortified wine and hes broke.

20 million? Is it really that much? I was thinking he'd get something in the ballpark of 10 million, maybe a little less.

Lost, help me out on this one? How much did Tyson make back in the day in his big heavyweight title fights? I could have sworn it was around 30 million for some fights? I think Gayweather also made 20 million in some of his recent fights.
Tyson got as I recall 20 million against Spinks, but you must remember that it was not until the champions became white that a 50/50 spilt started to be the PC way to go. Back then, It was common for a Champions to take 75% not the 50/50 that Haye is getting.

We have to remember the fight with Spinks was over 20 years ago. It would be like making 30 million for the fight today. I know Spinks went up in weight just like Haye but at least he beat legit heavyweights like Holmes and Cooney before fighting Tyson.

If I were in Wladimir's shoes I would have never gave Haye a 50/50 split. He's unproven at heavyweight and is nothing more than a paper champion. The best I would have done is 60/40 considering Wladimir has two belts and Haye has one which he didn't really earn. It was given to him by the crooked Jews of boxing after the Valuev fight. I guess Haye and his mouth really got under Wlad's skin and he decided to let the 50/50 split be so that the fight happens.
whiteathlete33 said:
lost said:
whiteathlete33 said:
lost said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Spartan said:
I bet that David Haye won't even show up to fight again and claim an injury. This fool is a joke.

Welcome to the boards, Spartan. It's nice to have some people from Europe.

In regards to Haye, I was thinking the same thing. However, I just can't see him backing out again. He already pulled that several times now and he'll look even more foolish.
I don't think he'll backout this time, all the signs are there that Haye will go through with it. His white woman has left him and got a divorce attorney, the WBA will force Haye to fight Chagaev or Povetkin and he will be ko'd for a lot less money. David has milked his paper title for all he can get and its time to cash out now.

He'll get somewhere around twenty million for this fight, manager, promoter and trainer will get half, taxman will get about 30%, white "gold digging" wife gets half of whats left, two or three years worth of white "hoes", crack and cheap fortified wine and hes broke.

20 million? Is it really that much? I was thinking he'd get something in the ballpark of 10 million, maybe a little less.

Lost, help me out on this one? How much did Tyson make back in the day in his big heavyweight title fights? I could have sworn it was around 30 million for some fights? I think Gayweather also made 20 million in some of his recent fights.
Tyson got as I recall 20 million against Spinks, but you must remember that it was not until the champions became white that a 50/50 spilt started to be the PC way to go. Back then, It was common for a Champions to take 75% not the 50/50 that Haye is getting.

We have to remember the fight with Spinks was over 20 years ago. It would be like making 30 million for the fight today. I know Spinks went up in weight just like Haye but at least he beat legit heavyweights like Holmes and Cooney before fighting Tyson.

If I were in Wladimir's shoes I would have never gave Haye a 50/50 split. He's unproven at heavyweight and is nothing more than a paper champion. The best I would have done is 60/40 considering Wladimir has two belts and Haye has one which he didn't really earn. It was given to him by the crooked Jews of boxing after the Valuev fight. I guess Haye and his mouth really got under Wlad's skin and he decided to let the 50/50 split be so that the fight happens.
That's right, but also Tyson was not spliting with Spinks. This fight will gross far more than Tyson vs Spinks becauseboxing is more international now, but theres also more promoters involved not just Don king. and today we don't have the corporate extortion of a company like budweiser to supportboxing even if their losing money my doing so now.. Edited by: lost
If Haye backs out again, the more the fool he is. I still find it amazing how Tyson squandered his career fight earnings (approximately $400-500 million) into bankruptcy.
But to give the devil his due, Zippy and his big mouth has made a total mismatch into a big buck megafight.

Edited by: werewolf
WA 33, Gaye was able to leverage huge PPV numbers that England's DWFs will bring to the table as well as hordes invading Germany for the fight. This is why he was able to negoiate getting 50/50 with Wlad. Also, I think Wlad wanted the fight so bad he offered these terms to Gaye. My guess is that Wlad will walk away with 40 million and Gaye slightly less when all PPVs are counted.
Also, Tyson is a degenerate. I just saw Hangova for the 5 time. Even in the movie, one could tell Tyson is a loser scumbag. Slurring his words, fat, around 280 lbs, slobbering, just an all around mess. There is a scene in the movie where Tyson is in bed with a blonde skank, how appropriate.

Yeah, blowing through 300 to 400 million! TBN is the culprit, but at the end of the day its Don King or Mr. Whitey's fault. I last heard he lives in a comfortable 2500 sq ft home in Vegas over looking the strip. He maintains a cash flow by visiting countries where their versions DWFs lavish him with appearence fees. Incredible. I would rather spend a day at the zoo than see or get an autograph by this miscreant.
Westside said:
Also, Tyson is a degenerate. I just saw Hangova for the 5 time. Even in the movie, one could tell Tyson is a loser scumbag. Slurring his words, fat, around 280 lbs, slobbering, just an all around mess. There is a scene in the movie where Tyson is in bed with a blonde skank, how appropriate.

Yeah, blowing through 300 to 400 million! TBN is the culprit, but at the end of the day its Don King or Mr. Whitey's fault. I last heard he lives in a comfortable 2500 sq ft home in Vegas over looking the strip. He maintains a cash flow by visiting countries where their versions DWFs lavish him with appearence fees. Incredible. I would rather spend a day at the zoo than see or get an autograph by this miscreant.
Tyson is doing ok right now because he's not far removed from his last fight. Give hima few yearsand he'll be in a flop house drinking from a brown paper bag..
I think Tyson made enough of a name for himself (with some help) that he'll always be able to maintain a cash flow with some cheesy gig somewhere in the world. Wrestling, celebrity hot dog eating contest, whatever. Somebody willing to pay for his name tacked onto an event. By the time his name is faded he'll probably be long dead.
The Hock said:
I think Tyson made enough of a name for himself (with some help) that he'll always be able to maintain a cash flow with some cheesy gig somewhere in the world. Wrestling, celebrity hot dog eating contest, whatever. Somebody willing to pay for his name tacked onto an event. By the time his name is faded he'll probably be long dead.

US heavyweight champs have always been able to capitialize on their name after their fighting days were over. Especailly if they were controversial, and Tyson with his erratic lifestyle, criminal convictions, and bizzarre voice, was very controversial. He will be long remembered and it's not like people ADMIRE what he was, more like they were amused at what he was. Sure the DWF's remember him fondly but to most people he is a freak and that is what gets him jobs nowadays.
I think Tyson has a numbered bank account in an offshore haven. I have seen his new rented house in Arizona it doesn't look like he is hurting financially. I suspect the US government is letting him keep a fairly decent allowance. Virtually every Black heavyweight champion has ended up penniless and quite a few White ones have too.
The only recent American Heavyweight I can think of who invested and managed his money with great sucsess was Larry Holmes. The press hated him during his prime. I guess they did not like him putting a beat down on an "old" 35 year Ali. The times have changed haven't they.
Westside said:
Also, Tyson is a degenerate...

...He maintains a cash flow by visiting countries where their versions DWFs lavish him with appearence fees. Incredible. I would rather spend a day at the zoo than see or get an autograph by this miscreant.

Imagine the "celebrity earning power" of a White ex-boxer who had donetime for rape, bitten a hunk of anopponent's ear clean off, abused his wife, committed adultery, et cetera, et cetera. Yet Tyson is still venerated byenormous swathes of the unwashed masses...

The squeaky-voiced freak turned up in Peterborough last year and greeted the London Road crowd at half-time during Peterborough United's pre-season match against West Ham. Here he is, sullying a Posh shirt:


I guess that all of the local mothers now have a genuine bogeyman with which to scare children into eating theirbroccoli. One look at that ghastly, tattooed excrescence of a face would make the average kid shovel in the greens by the pot-full - although the kidmay later have trouble getting to sleep...

<H1>Mike Tyson pitches up in Peterborough to show his softer side</H1>


A couple of choice quotes from the above article:

" 'Mike' produced a riveting evening for more than 1,000 punters who had paid £50 to listen to his musings, almost all of which spoke against rather than for his own boxing career, and £50 more for a photograph with him. "

""I still like exciting fights. The Klitschkos are dominating but are not exciting. Exciting is what the fans want from heavyweights "Â￾

The audience roared in approval, as two Jumbotron screens fittingly showed Tyson wrecking opponents, including Frank Bruno. A punter yelled out: "You could have taken both Klitschkos in one night."Â￾ "
I wonder how many bridges they managed to sell that night?
Rebajlo said:
Westside said:
Also, Tyson is a degenerate...

...He maintains a cash flow by visiting countries where their versions DWFs lavish him with appearence fees. Incredible. I would rather spend a day at the zoo than see or get an autograph by this miscreant.

Imagine the "celebrity earning power" of a White ex-boxer who had donetime for rape, bitten a hunk of anopponent's ear clean off, abused his wife, committed adultery, et cetera, et cetera. Yet Tyson is still venerated byenormous swathes of the unwashed masses...

The squeaky-voiced freak turned up in Peterborough last year and greeted the London Road crowd at half-time during Peterborough United's pre-season match against West Ham. Here he is, sullying a Posh shirt:


I guess that all of the local mothers now have a genuine bogeyman with which to scare children into eating theirbroccoli. One look at that ghastly, tattooed excrescence of a face would make the average kid shovel in the greens by the pot-full - although the kidmay later have trouble getting to sleep...

<H1>Mike Tyson pitches up in Peterborough to show his softer side</H1>


A couple of choice quotes from the above article:

" 'Mike' produced a riveting evening for more than 1,000 punters who had paid £50 to listen to his musings, almost all of which spoke against rather than for his own boxing career, and £50 more for a photograph with him. "

""I still like exciting fights. The Klitschkos are dominating but are not exciting. Exciting is what the fans want from heavyweights "Â￾

The audience roared in approval, as two Jumbotron screens fittingly showed Tyson wrecking opponents, including Frank Bruno. A punter yelled out: "You could have taken both Klitschkos in one night."Â￾ "
I wonder how many bridges they managed to sell that night?

Tyson isn't as stupid as he looks and sounds. He knows how to make money off his names the DWF's buy into it. He's a well known racisti yet he "supported" Ricky Hatton in the Mayweather fight. The guy is seriously mentally ill.
whiteathlete33 said:
He's a well known racist yet he "supported" Ricky Hatton in the Mayweather fight.  The guy is seriously mentally ill.</div>

Tyson was also a close personal friend of Sultan Ibragimov. Tyson enthusiastically supported him from the crowd against many black opponents.
Thrashen said:
whiteathlete33 said:
He's a well known racist yet he "supported" Ricky Hatton in the Mayweather fight. The guy is seriously mentally ill.

Tyson was also a close personal friend of Sultan Ibragimov. Tyson enthusiastically supported him from the crowd against many black opponents.

I wasn't aware of that Thrashen. Earlier in his career he called a reporter a white b-tch.
Haye has respect for MMA, but I still despise him. I hope Klitschko KO's him. A lot of White Brits will root for the savage even against a White man because they claim the savage is British.
WA 33, I said and believe Tyson is a degenerate, however, he does have "some" redeming qualities. He is a boxing historian, He onced owned a vast collection of fight films left to him by his former manager who died(forget his name at the moment). He later sold thme to the former "Classic Sports Network" bought by ESPN.

And yes he has supported White fighters and was a big fan of Kosta Zou(spelling?) But deep down a racist(thats ok with me)I could be called the same thing. I remember in a press conference with Lennox Lewis, he called Lewis a F'ing scared White boy.LOL After biting Lewis on his leg.
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